The Apprentice's Workshop - Episode 15
The Apprentice's Workshop
23 April 2013
23 April 2013
Today we're looking at
If Lazav were a commander...
Commander / EDH*
This is an EDH deck.
So we have a lot of rogues and we have a lot of mill. Rogues tend to be unblockable and do other tricky things, so they go pretty well with a mill deck. Still, we have to be careful. In a deck with both attacking creatures and milling effects, you don't want to spread yourself too thin across both those categories, otherwise you'll find that you've reduced your opponent to 15 life and 10 cards left in the library at the end of the game, when you might have won if you had focused more intensely on one or the other.
This deck is committed admirably to the mill side of the line, so we don't need too many heavy repairs. But there are some suspect cards.
Questionable cards
Deepchannel Mentor - Dude's ridiculously expensive given his effect, a lot of our stuff is already unblockable or can be made so, and a surprising number of our creatures are mono-black.
Duskmantle Guildmage - Too mana hungry to be any good.
Gravelgill Duo - Not a terrible card, but there are better choices than this.
Pestermite - We lack the combos that make this creature really good.
Distortion Strike - Again, a lot of our stuff is already very difficult to block. We don't need to spend cards to make the few things that are blockable unblockable.
Morsel Theft - A potentially cantripping drain life for 3 is not a worthwhile effect in what should primarily be a mill deck.
Aura Graft - Is an extra life for our Corrupted Conscience and Volition Reins, but otherwise will depend entirely on our opponents running auras.
Cancel - Never run Cancel. There is ALWAYS a better counterspell than Cancel.
That's 8 cards to cut. One of these should be a land; this deck is fairly mana heavy and 37 seems to be about the proper number for it. Nephalia Drownyard is excellent for this purpose.
This leaves us with 7 slots to ponder.
First, I note the absence of Lightning Greaves and other protective equipment. This is even more critical a need for this deck than other decks, since cipher cards on unblockable creatures very much demand protection from spot removal. So we'll add a Lightning Greaves, and also a copy of Swiftfoot Boots.
Five spots to go. We could spend these on powerful mill spells like Glimpse the Unthinkable and its ilk, but in EDH such cards lose efficiency given the huge deck sizes. We need recurring sources of mill. We need really good BOMBS, too; our deck lacks a really powerful late-game contingent.
Choice 1 - Keening Stone. Keening Stone is a win condition for any EDH mill deck. Even if you play it as early as turn 6, your opponent will likely be on a five turn (or so) clock. Play it later in the game, and your opponent might have no time at all to prevent the Stone from milling him out.
Choice 2 - Chancellor of the Spires. The game start ability is nice, but he's really here to be a good bomb, and that free instant/sorcery recast is very nice.
Choice 3 - Hedron Crab - Simple, cheap, effective.
Choice 4 - Lurking Informant - A rogue, helps us essentially fateseal our opponent while contributing slightly to the milling project.
Choice 5 - Wrexial, the Risen Deep - Another really nice bomb that our opponents will have to answer.
KrazyCaley's Recommended Changes:
KrazyCaley says... #2
Respectable choice, and it'd work. Need that extra oomph for EDH decks, though.
April 24, 2013 1:18 a.m.
Ohthenoises says... #3
Hedron Crab kinda sucks in EDH...
Yes it's some mill for playing lands so it's effectively free but it's such a small effect that it's nearly not worth it.
April 24, 2013 3:54 a.m.
I might suggest Diluvian Primordial over Chancellor of the Spires . The cost is a bit easier and you get a few more spells out of it in a typically multiplayer game.
April 24, 2013 1:09 p.m.
killroy726 says... #5
Thanks all for the suggestions! And thanks again to KrazyCaley for putting in the time to,look over my deck!
April 24, 2013 1:42 p.m.
NobodyPicksBulbasaur says... #6
Once it's released, Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker could be a good addition to your deck. He's a not-completely-worthless flying body with an efficient, repeatable mill effect.
He's a bit expensive, though, so it'll take some testing to see if he's worth it.
April 24, 2013 3:04 p.m.
http404error says... #7
I don't know if it's just me, but I really don't like Lurking Informant at all.
April 24, 2013 9:01 p.m.
NobodyPicksBulbasaur says... #8
Most of the time he's not very good. If you can bounce your opponent's general to the top of their deck, though, he becomes amazing.
April 25, 2013 12:48 a.m.
I would almost rather use Vedalken Entrancer over Lurking Informant , especially if mill is the point. His 1/4 body means they almost have to run straight destruct over damage, and he's a U (rather than 2) for 2 cards rather than one. If his 3U is to high a casting cost go for the Merfolk Mesmerist , same effect as the entrancer, but the same cmc and body of the informant.
DaShPrime says... #1
No Codex Shredder ?
April 24, 2013 12:17 a.m.