The Current Standard #4

Current Standard


5 April 2013


Hello and welcome to The Current Standard #4. I’m Owlus and today Salazar968 and I will be breaking down UWR flash.

(This is our first week posting without KrazyCaley’s help, so bear with us.)


UWR flash comes in three main forms; the Geist of Saint Traft version, the Boros Reckoner version, and the midrange-y version. Originally, almost everyone played the Reckoner version, but recently many people have been choosing midrange over Reckoner. Today, we will be breaking down the midrange version, which is a bit more consistent and plays a lot better against decks like Naya Blitz. UWR flash is a really interesting deck, because instead of having win-cons, the whole deck works together to kill the opponent with card advantage. The point is that while your opponent is top-decking with 0 cards in hand, you’re sitting on a full 7 card hand with plenty of responses, and a Thundermaw Hellkite on the field beating in face. Now, lets take a look at the list.

The Current Flash


3x Clifftop Retreat

1x Desolate Lighthouse

4x Glacial Fortress

4x Hallowed Fountainfoil

2x Island

1x Plains

2x Sacred Foundryfoil

4x Steam Ventsfoil

4x Sulfur Falls


1x Mizzium Mortars

2x Pillar of Flame

2x Supreme Verdict


4x Azorius Charm

2x Dissipate

1x Essence Scatter

2x Rewind

3x Searing Spear

3x Sphinx's Revelation

3x Think Twice


4x Augur of Bolas

3x Restoration Angel

3x Snapcaster Mage

2x Thundermaw Hellkite


2x Assemble the Legion

2x Clone

1x Counterflux

1x Detention Sphere

1x Dispel

3x Geist of Saint Traft

2x Izzet Staticaster

2x Purify the Grave

1x Witchbane Orb

Card Selection

Matt here, let’s look at what makes our version unique from typical UWR decks.

2x Thundermaw Hellkite - Most UWR Decks these days are running Aurelia, the Warleader. Because of this, we’re running Thundermaw in ours. Thundermaw deals with Lingering Souls and can punch through just about anything for 5 damage. Also, he eats Aurelia and restos for breakfast.

1x Essence Scatter - With the recent dominance of Junk Rites, Naya Blitz is the optimal deck to stage a comeback. As such, we tossed in this one-of to try and stem the tides. Every Frontline Medic countered is one less medic stabbing itself to counter our game-winning Sphinx's Revelation.

2x Rewind - Turn 4-5 are often the key turns that decide the game with this deck. Against the aggressive decks, we want to be able to flash in a resto. Rewind let’s us counter their 4 drop as well as flashing in that vital resto. This often completely changes the game, in our favor. Instead of having to deal with awkward decisions like; “do I let Thragtusk resolve, and block their attacker with Resto, or do I counter Thragtusk and take the 5 damage.” We can use Rewind to get the best of both worlds.


2x Assemble the Legion - Beware control decks the sound of Lockstep across the open plain. For you neve- OMG IT’S A ZERGLING RUSH! Assemble the Legion sends droves of soldiers into our opponents while also allowing us ridiculous board wipe resiliency.

3x Geist of Saint Traft - Control deck slayer. 1UW for a “Wipe me” is a pretty good card. If they don’t wipe you, then you smack them for 6 every turn. Seems fair, in my opinion.

2x Clone - Stops Geist, Sigarda, Host of Herons, and Aurelia. Also, netting 5 life and a 3/3 beast for 3U is pretty good in my book. We get thragtusks too! SWAGDADDY FOREVER!

1x Detention Sphere - Our out to Assemble the Legion, stops walkers, reckoners, and every other troublesome permanent (Except Geist. But we have Clone for that.)


1x Dispel - Because we hate Sphinx’s Revelation THAT much.

2x Izzet Staticaster - T - Destroy target Champion of the Parish, Boros Elite, [[Mayor of Avabruck, Stromkirk Noble, Lingering Souls, Assemble the Legion, Experiment One, Firefist Striker, Strangleroot Geist (when not undead), Snapcaster Mage, Gravecrawler, Lotleth Troll, Avacyn's Pilgrim, Arbor Elf, Lightning Mauler, or pant pant Blood Artist. Staticaster does a lot of things for his 0/3 body, and the flash effect helps to bait lingering souls out of those annoying reanimator opponents. It’s also our only real out to Assemble the Legion excluding Detention Sphere.

2x Purify the Grave - We use snaps, so Rest in Peacefoil would hurt us too. Standard GY Hate.

1x Witchbane Orb - Stops burn decks, Drownyard, and Rakdos Return. Seems like a good tradeoff for 4 mana. And if it gets sphered/o-ringed? Well, it ate a removal spell too.


Owlus here, lets look at The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.

The Good

Esper Control (augur-of-control)

Battle of the card advantage decks. Game 1 is really hard for us, because they have a way better late-game, and we can’t kill them fast enough to stop Nephalia Drownyard from killing us. However, our sideboard in games 2 and 3 change everything. Geist of Saint Traft, Assemble the Legion, Counterflux, Dispel, and Witchbane Orb all come in, giving us the upper hand. Geist applies early pressure, Assemble the Legion has to be answered right away, and our counterspells provide the much needed support we need to keep their hand empty. Post sideboard we can end the game before esper really has a chance to lock us out, making this a good matchup.


2x Assemble the Legion

1x Counterflux

1x Dispel

3x Geist of Saint Traft

1x Witchbane Orb


2x Supreme Verdict

2x Pillar of Flame

1x Essence Scatter

1x Mizzium Mortars

2x Rewind

Grixis Control (Bolas for a Better Tomorrow)

This is a lot like the Esper matchup. Game one we are slightly weak, but games 2 and 3 we have a ton of sideboard tech to deal with them. They have pretty much no answer to Assemble the Legion, and all our counterspells deal with the greatest magic card ever, Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker. Other than Bolas, we have to watch out for those nasty Slaughter Games, but other than that Grixis doesn’t present many threats to us.


2x Assemble the Legion

1x Counterflux

1x Dispel

3x Geist of Saint Traft

1x Witchbane Orb


2x Supreme Verdict

2x Pillar of Flame

1x Essence Scatter

1x Mizzium Mortars

2x Rewind

Naya Humans (The Current Humans)

Another deck that’s fairly easy to out-card. Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip and Mayor of Avabruck  Flip are the 2 things that we are scared of. If we let the werewolves get out of hand, we are going to have a bad time. But other than that we can answer anything they put down and soon enough the topdecks start failing them.


2x Izzet Statiscaster

1x Detention Sphere


2x Dissipate

1x Rewind

The Aristocrats (The Current Aristocrats)

This is probably the closest of the “Good” matchups. All the haste and resilience they have available makes it hard for us to lock them down. But Thundermaw Hellkite can eat anything they throw at us. Early game we have enough counterspells and disruption to gain an edge, then its just a matter of throwing down Thundermaw Hellkite, refilling our hand with Sphinx's Revelation and sitting back, relaxing and enjoying the show.


2x Izzet Statiscaster

1x Detention Sphere


1x Dissipate

2x Rewind

Wolf Run Bant (the-current-wolf-run)

More card advantage battles! Luckily, this one we win. Basically, we have more countermagic and answers then they do. Usually we can easily respond to Kessig Wolf Run with Searing Spear or Azorius Charm. Decks like Wolf Run Bant are made specifically to beat creature-based decks, leaving a huge weakness to decks like UWR Flash. Almost nothing is more satisfying than Azorius Charming a 15/4 Restoration Angel and swinging for lethal the next turn.


2x Assemble the Legion

1x Counterflux

1x Dispel

2x Clone


2x Augur of Bolas

2x Pillar of Flame

1x Supreme Verdict

1x Think Twice

Jund Midrange (The Current Jund)

Another midrange deck which Sphinx's Revelation beats. Our main problem is probably Liliana of the Veil, but we can either burn her or send Thundermaw Hellkite after her. Jund also has creatures we need to answer before they get out of hand, namely Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip and Olivia Voldaren. Usually, our burn can handle both of these pesky creatures, but they can sometimes get out of hand.


2x Assemble the Legion

2x Clone


2x Pillar of Flame

1x Augur of Bolas

1x Searing Spear

The Bad

Junk Rites (The Current Junk Rites)

The bully of standard. But they got nothin’ on our countermagic. Countering Angel of Serenity, Unburial Rites and Acidic Slime is huge. Junk Rites runs out of options way faster than us, so if we can survive the initial onslaught we stand a chance. However, to win, we have to see our answers, which is what makes this a bad matchup. Junk Rites will punish us for awkward draws, and Acidic Slime can completely lock us out of the game.


2x Purify the Grave

1x Detention Sphere


1x Searing Spear

1x Think Twice

1x Augur of Bolas

Hyperaggro (The Current Naya Blitz, Madcap Rush and The Current Gruul)

Another deck that punishes us for awkward draws. The first 3 turns of this matchup always matter the most. Things like Essence Scatter help us survive till we can stabilize. The main problem is that our opening hand has to be insanely active, or our draws have to be perfect. Otherwise, we have no choice but to flip the table.


2x Izzet Statiscaster

1x Detention Sphere


2x Dissipate

1x Rewind

Humanimator (The Current Humanimator)

Honestly one of the most boring matchups we could ever have. Our counterspells are key, but if they combo out turn 4, theres almost nothing we can do about it. Cavern of Souls can flat-out win them the game if they are careful. The only advice I can give is to be smart with Purify the Grave and use your counterspells conservatively, they're your lifeline in this matchup.


2x Purify the Grave

1x Witchbane Orb


1x Think Twice

2x Pillar of Flame

Jund Zombies (The Current Jund Zombies)

Zombies, bane of removal. Lotleth Troll, Geralf's Messenger, Gravecrawler, and Falkenrath Aristocrat all laugh at most of our removal. This is one of the main reasons that we run mainboard Pillar of Flame. But zombies has one huge weakness, Sphinx's Revelation. Early in the game we have to trade Augur of Bolas, Snapcaster Mages and Restoration Angels and try and keep their board position in check. Then we can rev for 5 or more, putting zombies too far behind to come back. After we drop a Thundermaw Hellkite, we can relax, because this dragon is bigger than all of their creatures.


2x Izzet Staticaster

1x Detention Sphere


1x Mizzium Mortars

1x Rewind

1x Dissipate

B/R Zombies (The Current BR Zombies)

Another removal-resistant deck. Though this one has no Lotleth Troll or Dreg Mangler, making the matchup slightly better. R/B Zombies also runs a lot more burn over annoying creatures, making our counterspells more effective. However, this deck is still really fast, and we have to get pretty good draws to keep ourselves alive.


2x Izzet Staticaster

1x Detention Sphere


1x Dissipate

1x Rewind

1x Think Twice

Prime Speaker Bant (The Current Bant)

By far the hardest midrange to out-card. But luckily, they have no Cavern of Souls to stop our counterspells. Our removal is also as effective as ever, slowing them down and giving us an edge. However, Gavony Township makes all of their creatures threats, and Garruk, Primal Hunter is still hard to answer. [[Angel of Serenity is also a trouble card. In the end, it comes down to who can pull off their “Sphinx’s Revelations” more effectively, and if we can counter enough stuff to not get overrun.


1x Detention Sphere

1x Counterflux


1x Dissipate

1x Rewind

The Ugly

Junk Midrange (The Current Desecration Junk)

Unlike the other midranges, Junk runs Obzedat, Ghost Council. Ghost dad dodges pretty much all of our removal, and best case scenario hits us for 2 each turn. Junk also gains an insane amount of life over the course of a game, with Vault of the Archangel, Thragtusk, and Obzedat, Ghost Council. On top of that, Ultimate Price and Vampire Nighthawk can eat our Thundermaw Hellkites and Restoration Angels, leaving us with pretty much no wincon.


1x Detention Sphere

2x Assemble the Legion


2x Pillar of Flame

1x Augur of Bolas

Colonel Muster (The Current Colonel Muster)

Another Midrange with a twist. This time it’s the enchantment Assemble the Legion. We have no answer to non-creature spells. Basically, we have to counter Assemble the Legion or lose. But Muster counters aren’t their only threat. Angel of Serenity, Garruk, Primal Hunter and Aurelia, the Warleader will happily stomp us into the ground while we are worrying about Assemble the Legion hitting the field. We can’t answer everything, and this deck found the hole in our defenses.


1x Detention Sphere

2x Clone


1x Essence Scatter

2x Augur of Bolas

B/W Zombies (The Current BW Zombies)

Obzedat, Ghost Council strikes again. This time it’s backed by Geralf's Messenger, Restoration Angel and Thalia, Guardian of Thraben. B/W zombies is an ugly matchup because of it’s resilience to our removal. Cavern of Souls makes all our counterspells useless. Meanwhile, they will gladly refresh Geralf's Messenger to Azorius Charm, or make us waste a Searing Spear on Gravecrawler, or hit us for 10 with a Blood Artist after we wipe. In the other zombie matchups, we can keep the pain under control for the most part, but Obzedat, Ghost Council and Restoration Angel prove too much for us.


1x Detention Sphere

1x Counterflux


1x Searing Spear

1x Think Twice

Dark Naya (The Current Dark Naya)

Naya turned dark. A combination of Loxodon Smiter, Thragtusk, and Falkenrath Aristocrat give them a different form of card advantage. Our bane here is Rakdos's Return, as they use it to shred our hand before surging ahead with Resto/Thrag, Angel of Serenity, and Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip. Watch out for Undying Evil, as nothing cripples us more than a responsive Undying Evil to our life-saving Supreme Verdict.


2x Clone

2x Assemble the Legion


1x Augur of Bolas

2x Pillar of Flame

1x Think Twice

Changing to Your Meta

Like all decklists, this list is made for a certain meta. Chances are, you have a different one wherever you play. In this section I hope to outline a few ways you can make this deck better in certain metas.

Control Heavy Meta

Are the only decks you face Esper, Wolf Run Bant, RUG Flash (Hehehe - Matt) and the mirror? If so, these changes are for you.

  1. Counterflux. This hand spell wins all counter-battles, which is insanely relevant against control. Countering their Sphinx's Revelations with a can't be countered spell can single handedly win the matchup. I would suggest pulling Pillar of Flame for Counterflux, because Pillar is pretty much useless in a control-heavy meta.

Other than that, our control matchups are pretty good. I wouldn’t pull Mizzium Mortars because it kills Restoration Angel, and Essence Scatter is good against Angel of Serenity.

Aggro Heavy Meta

Does every round end in under 25 minutes? If so these changes are for you.

  1. Add more removal. Whether it is Pillar of Flame or Mizzium Mortars depends on your meta. If your meta has a lot of zombies or reanimator in it, Pillar of Flame is better. If you have more Restoration Angel in your meta, use Mortars. Either way pull 1x Think Twice and 1x Snapcaster Mage.

Wrapping Up

Thats it for today! We don’t have a plan for next week, so we are going to ask you guys. Post on my(Owlus) wall saying which deck you want us to do next. We will do whatever deck is the most popular, or if there is a tie, whichever one we like more. Thanks for reading, be sure to tell us your thoughts by commenting! If you want us to do a specific matchup or meta that we missed, just tell us in the comments.

This article is a follow-up to The Current Standard #3 The next article in this series is The Current Standard #5

Owlus says... #1

Something went wrong in the process of putting this up, as I said this is our first time doing it alone. I just asked KrazyCaley if he could fix it. so look out for a version that doesn't look horrible.

April 5, 2013 4:44 p.m.

KrazyCaley says... #2

Lemme go check it out and see if I can't figure out the problem.

April 5, 2013 4:44 p.m.

KrazyCaley says... #3

Ok, that happened due to paragraph tabs that you probably copy-pasted from MS Word. For some reason, our text editor hates those. Solutions - Don't tab over for a new paragraph, just insert a double break. Also, you can avoid copy-pasting from MS Word by either writing the article in the text editor, or in notepad.

April 5, 2013 4:49 p.m.

Owlus says... #4

Right. Ill keep that in mind next time. Thanks!

April 5, 2013 4:50 p.m.

Behgz says... #5

Great job listing some of the current decks in standard and the appropriate sideboarding to correspond.

April 6, 2013 3:05 a.m.

BuLLZ3Y3 says... #6

This article is very well done, great job guys. I just took 4th place at my FNM with Junk Reanimator, and 1st was also a Reanimator deck. It's insanely good, and super resilient to hate. Looking forward to your review of that deck.

Keep 'em coming.


April 6, 2013 3:56 a.m.

bobacmogar says... #7

I ran super gay usa but the control version, running main board assemble, harvest, and physic spiral. It is alot of fun but really gets beat by some mean mid range decks, but my two cents on it is to run tomond cyrpt of what ever it is instead of purify the grave. gets rid of every thing in taget graveyard for a wopping 0. Udit sucks.

April 6, 2013 5:14 a.m.

Owlus says... #8

@ BuLLZ3Y3

Thanks _

Next week is ask the reader, so lets see what everybody wants to might just be junk rites!

  • Matt
April 6, 2013 9:53 a.m.

Salazar968 says... #9

@ Behgz

Thanks for reading, and thanks for the compliment!

  • Matt
April 6, 2013 9:57 a.m.

Owlus says... #10


The control version is a bit weaker against midrange decks than this one, mainly because it "wastes" slots on win-cons, whereas this one can run more countermagic and removal. Tormod's Crypt is good, but it can be removed when the ability is useless, countered, or rendered useless by Witchbane Orb . Purify the Grave is a bit harder to play around. I love you too Ian.

April 6, 2013 10 a.m.

Owlus says... #11

Oh and btw, we will decide a deck by sunday.

April 6, 2013 1:12 p.m.

papastanley says... #12

Thanks a lot for linking the deck examples as I asked last article - will really help me get up to speed and playtest some of my deck ideas - cheers :-)

April 7, 2013 7:40 p.m.

I love this series. I'm a casual player, so I don't spend that much time examining the meta. This is is like getting the cliffs notes for standard.

April 8, 2013 12:20 p.m.

Owlus says... #14


Thanks for reading and the continued support. It's a lot of fun writing this series and I'm glad its helping you.

Would you like to see any specific deck for #5? We have only got 2 requests so far and haven't started yet.

April 8, 2013 2:23 p.m.

baselock2010 says... #15

I wouldnt say that after sideboard, uwr is good vs esper. At SCG Indy, i went 5-0 vs similar UWR decks while playing esper

April 8, 2013 6:34 p.m.

Colonel Muster, in the 5th article, with the Isochron Scepter .

April 8, 2013 6:43 p.m.

Owlus says... #17


Maybe you faced versions where the sideboard wasnt as strong agaisnt esper, or maybe your list is better than mine(Augur of Control) at dealing with UWR. I agree, esper gets the late game. But Geist of Saint Traft and Assemble the Legion seem to give UWR a pretty good matchup. Thanks for reading though! Do you have any specific deck you would liek to see next week?


So far its a contest between Dark Naya, Colonel Muster, and Junk Rites. I like Colonel Muster, Matt likes Dark Naya(sorry junk rites, youre too good).

We will decide by tomorrow(I know I said Sunday earlier, sorry), so everyone else, we would love to hear a recomendation.

April 8, 2013 8:34 p.m.

baselock2010 says... #18


As an esper player, i obviously would love to see esper. Other options could include Turbo Fog or Delver as fun ones. I agree completely with Assemble the Legion as being awesome vs esper. I did not see one when I was there. I did see some Geists, and they are good too, but since I kept in at least a couple verdicts, and my list was playing close to 10 creatures, it wasnt a huge problem.

April 9, 2013 8:07 p.m.

Salazar968 says... #19

@ baselock2010

TCS #1 was on an Esper Superfriends build, if you are interested in looking at that.

Assemble the Legion is in the deck as a trump against control. Esper decks might run a Sphere or Two, but htat is usually it when it comes to "noncreature removal". If you happen to not draw one, 1 damage becoming 3 becoming 6 becoming 10 becoming 15 and so on starts to add up and hurt. A lot.

  • Matt
April 9, 2013 8:11 p.m.

bobacmogar says... #20

Do B/R/W control prove me you are pro

April 10, 2013 3:19 a.m.

capriom85 says... #21

So I run the Boros Reckoner Flash version, and I ran Harvest Pyre as a possible win con, but not one to be relied on. I love this build, but I am hesitant to give up my Reckoners. If I wanted to stick them in here, where would you reccomend putting them? I would like to include maybe 3, I know there isn't room for the full playset. The places that my deck skimped were in the Augurs (only ran 2) and I had no Thundermaws (no idea why, they are insanely good). So, to sum up...if you had to run Boros Reckoner as a 2 of or 3 of in this build where would you stick them?

PS: This is perfect for my meta...its a healthy mix of everything. This is the only build that I have been able to beat Esper with.

April 11, 2013 6:40 p.m.

capriom85 says... #22

Just so we are clear on my above comment...I am ok with not having the Harvest Pyre s in my deck, I just want 2-3 Reckoners.

April 11, 2013 6:41 p.m.

Owlus says... #23


In my opinion, this list doesnt run very well with Boros Reckoner and doesn't really need it. Maybe if you could give me a bit more background on why you are hesitant to give up Boros Reckoner and how good he is in your meta I could help more.

Even though he's boss, he has very little value in this deck. He is a great blocker, and getting multiples out is insane, but he contributes less card advantage than almost anything else in the deck. All the creatures contribute more value, so I wouldn't pull any of them. Maybe an Essence Scatter and Searing Spear could be pulled, maybe 1 Rewind and 1 Think Twice , but again, i would like to know more about your meta and your reasoning before I pull something

April 11, 2013 7:18 p.m.

capriom85 says... #24

My reasoning is that I see quite a bit of Red Deck Wins in my meta and he really deters them from attacks and use of their brand of removal. Also, the other decks in my meta mostly spear and mortar threats away, also so it's nice to spit it back at them. What I am looking at doing is getting rid of the pillars be ause they don't do much against what I see outside of rakdos cacklers.

April 11, 2013 8:02 p.m.

Owlus says... #25


So your reasoning is solid, it makes sense you want Boros Reckoner now. Pulling the Pillar of Flame s for 2x Boros Reckoner is a good idea. However, you also want to keep your removal count up so you can deal with all the creature-based decks. I would recommend adding another Mizzium Mortars and pulling a Think Twice . Aggro in standard punishes hard and fast, so usually Think Twice is too slow to be of much use. Mizzium Mortars is just good removal.

April 11, 2013 8:15 p.m.

capriom85 says... #26

Excellent...thanks so much! I'll pull the Think Twice for another mortar. I am loving this American Flash build right now and want to take it as far as I can. Many kudos to your build!

April 11, 2013 8:18 p.m.

capriom85 says... #27

one other question, I'm sure it's not the best option, but is there any way or reason that including a 1 of Entreat the Angels would be a good idea here? I love the card, but I am pretty sure it cant benefit this build at all.

April 11, 2013 8:19 p.m.

Owlus says... #28


Entreat the Angels is weird. In the current standard, its really win-more, as in when you cast it you've probably already gained enough advantage. Also, because of the prevalence of aggro, control lists have to be really careful about including cards like these. It's not good right now, but maybe after Dragons maze midrange will take over and it will become better.

Thanks for reading, glad I could help. Look out for tomorrow's article!

April 11, 2013 8:31 p.m.

capriom85 says... #29

Thanks again, I'm hoping midrange comes back with a vengeance myself.

April 11, 2013 8:59 p.m.

Salazar968 says... #30

@ capriom85

Tune in tomorrow to see TCS #5. We'll be doing a midrange deck that does, in fact, run Entreat the Angels .

  • Matt
April 11, 2013 9:04 p.m.

capriom85 says... #31

I'm all over that; I hope it's not an ESPER build, though. I don't have the mana base to run that and have no budget to make that happen anytime soon. I;m pumped to read the article either way, though.!

April 11, 2013 9:47 p.m.

Salazar968 says... #32

April 11, 2013 10:28 p.m.

Owlus says... #33


we are running wayyyy behind on stuff this weekend, The Current Standard #5 wont be up until later tonight.

Sorry for the delay!

April 13, 2013 5:36 p.m.

capriom85 says... #34

How does this deck deal with Obzedat, Ghost Council if I miss the counter on him? If they keep blinking him Clone can't blow him up. Is there an easier way outside of double spear or send him back to the library and counter him the next time?

April 14, 2013 9:26 a.m.

Owlus says... #35

My tech for him is Smite the Monstrous in the sideboard. It depends how prevalent he is in your meta, but Smite the Monstrous hits tons of things outside of Obzedat, Ghost Council . Angel of Serenity , Thragtusk , Loxodon Smiter , etc.

If Ghost Dad is a HUGE problem, then definitely put 2 Smite the Monstrous in the sideboard.

April 14, 2013 9:30 a.m.

capriom85 says... #36

I have around 25-30 at my FNMs, and I have come up against ghost daddy in about 3 decks, however, he is a huge problemw hen he comes up. Just one in the side then?

April 14, 2013 9:44 a.m.

Salazar968 says... #37

@ Capriom

If Obzedat is as much of a problem as he sounds, I would recommend one of two things.

Urgent Exorcism is a way to deal with Ghost-Dad, Assemble the Legion, Detention Sphere, etc. and it is what I would personally use as a 1-of in the sb.

Smite the Monstrous is a better card if and only if you are losing a lot to Thragtusk, Thunedermaw, Angel of Serenity, Wolfir Silverheart, etc.

Preference is yours, I personally prefer the exorcism due to it's way of dealing with enchantments.

April 14, 2013 11:46 a.m.

capriom85 says... #38

I like that it deals with other things that are popular threats not. I think I'll be using that in my side. Thanks!!

April 14, 2013 1:43 p.m.

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