Showdown #11: Risk of Rain



8 December 2013


Hello all and welcome back to another episode of Spootygetsmanascrewed (Trying out some reverse-psychology here) where I pit my current standard deck against other standard builds that have been sent in to me. This week we have a brilliant deck by Ral Zar-- er...I mean Araganor.

How I picture Araganor IRL

This is a deck I've been anxious to test out since I first saw it, and it's quickly shot up to be one of the most popular decks on the site! I love decks that ensue chaos. They exist simply to remind us that we're all playing a game. Sometimes winning is second to the experience of the game, itself. You know, journeys and destinations and all that jazz! Now let's have some fun! Here's the deck:

Burning Storm

Standard Araganor

SCORE: 418 | 442 COMMENTS | 71669 VIEWS | IN 307 FOLDERS

I'm so excited to try this out. I don't even care who wins. I just want madness! >:D The main point? Survive til Possibility Storm hits and then abuse the hell out of it while your opponent is tilting out over the fact that their Angel of Serenity just became a Soldier of the Pantheon. Love it.

As for my deck, I've made a couple changes. The biggest is the addition of Polukranos, World Eater and Elvish Mystic. We all know the legendary hydra is a good card -- no doubt there. I just want to see how well he can play in my deck. And now that I have so many ways to take advantage of him, Elvish Mystic was brought in. Let's do this!

Also, if you've never heard the soundtrack for risk of rain, listen to it. Nao. While reading this. Do eet.

Disclaimer: Both decks are piloted by me, Spootyone. I am not a magic pro. This testing series is just as much for me as it is for the viewers, so please remember I'm learning, too. I'm bound to make mistakes or "bad" judgment calls, so bare with me.

Game 1

Spooty wins the flip and is on the play. He keeps an opening hand of 2x forest, Temple Gardenfoil, 2x Sylvan Caryatid, Elvish Mystic, and Voice of Resurgence. Not many threats are in this hand at all, but we have mana and acceleration, so anything we draw into can be played asap. I like that much more than hoping to top deck land with a 6 card hand.

Araganor keeps an opening hand of island, mountain, 2x Guttersnipe, Young Pyromancer, Mercurial Chemister and Blast of Genius. I'm not going to pretend this hand is amazing, but we have an early good play, and if we draw into more lands we can get even more done. I don't want to risk a mulligan if I don't have to, you know?

S1: Forest, Elvish Mystic. Pass.

A1: Draws Young Pyromancer. Plays mountain. Pass.

S2: Draws forest. Plays Sylvan Caryatid using the mana from the elf and forest. Then plays Temple Gardenfoil tapped. Pass.

A2: Draws Lightning Strike. It's removal that we can play, which is nice. But we need lands starting next turn or this can and will get messy. Given the chance to keep this hand again, I'd probably not do so (just fyi). Plays island. Casts Young Pyromancer. Pass.

S3: Draws Mistcutter Hydra MANA SINNNNKK!! Lol this might get nasty. Plays forest. Casts second Sylvan Caryatid. Casts Voice of Resurgence. Swings with Elvish Mystic. No blocks (no reason to trade here) (s 20/19 a). pass.

A3: Draws Magma Jet. Ug. Well, on the bright side, this kills his mystic and gives us a chance to dig for lands. I'm going to play it now before he has a chance to tap it for mana. Casts Magma Jet to destroy Elvish Mystic and makes a 1/1 elemental token with the pyromancer. The scry reveals Izzet Charm and Possibility Storm. I actually don't mind izzet charm because we can use it to cycle away some of the dead cards in hand. [[possibility storm hits the bottom of the deck, though. Pass.

S4: Draws Fleecemane Lion. Plays forest. I need to put the pressure on before the opponent can come back from their land deficit. taps out with both caryatids to make a 5/5 Mistcutter Hydra. Swings with it and the Voice of Resurgence. The elemental token gets chewed up by the hydra and Aragnor takes two. (s 20/17 a). Pass.

A4: Draws Izzet Charm. I hope this draws us into lands 3 and 4. Casts Izzet Charm (elemental token enters battlefield due to the pyromancer) to draw 2x Mountain (Hell yeah!). Then discards 2x Guttersnipe. I think we need to try to win with burn, but Guttersnipe is arriving too late at this point to make any headway. I'd rather have the two big cards in hand to try to combo into some good stuff. Plays mountain. Pass.

S5: Draws Temple Gardenfoil. Casts Fleecemane Lion. Swings with the voice and hydra. Again, the token jumps in front of the hydra and Aragnor takes 2 (s 18/15 a). Spooty then activates the monstrous ability of the Fleecemane Lion, giving it a counter and making it indestructible and hexproof. I do this now since I know the opponent has nothing they can do about it. Pass.

A5: Draws Guttersnipe. That's...kind of hilarious. I think Aragnor's deck is trying to tell me something here. Plays mountain. Casts Young Pyromancer #2. Then plays Lightning Strike on the Spooty and makes two 1/1 elemental tokens. (s 15/15 a) Pass.

S6: Draws forest. Attacks with the voice, hydra and lion (oh my!). The elemental tokens chump the lion and hydra and Aragnor takes 2 (s 15/13 a). Pass.

A6: Draws Shock. Mkay. It's more damage I suppose. Casts Guttersnipe. Then plays Shock on Spooty and makes two 1/1 elemental tokens and deals an additional 2 through the Guttersnipe.
(s 11/13 a) Pass.

S7: Draws forest. Plays forest. Swings with everything once more. And once again the hydra and lion are chumped to tokens and the voice gets through for two. (s 11/11 a). Pass.

A7: Draws Magma Jet. Yes! :D More burn! Plays Magma Jet on Spooty and deals an additional two and makes two 1/1 elemental tokens. (s 7/11 a). Scrys Magma Jet and island off the top. This seems okay. They stay. Pass.

S8: Draws Loxodon Smiter Alright! More beats!. Casts loxodon smiter. Swings with the voice, lion, and hydra. Tokens chump the hydra and lion. Voice does damage. (s 7/9 a). Pass.

A8: Draws Magma Jet. Casts Magma Jet on Spooty, deals an additional 2, and makes two tokens. (s 3/9 a). pass.

S9: Draws Celestial Flare. Fairly useless right now. I wish we had our trample guys out here or I had gotten a Selesnya Charm or something. We have to hope the opponent has no more burn spells. Swings with voice, lion, hydra and the Loxodon Smiter. Elemental tokens chump the lion and hydra and Aragnor takes 6 damage (s 3/3 a) Pass.

A9: Draws Island. I'm starting to wish I'd shipped that to the bottom and possibly drawn into another burn spell here. All well. Plays island. Casts Mercurial Chemister. Pass.

S10: Draws Loxodon Smiter. Swings with the voice, hydra, lion and smiter. Pyromancers chump the hydra and lion. We have to block the smiter or else we die. And since we need the Guttersnipe to deal the final damage, we have the Mercurial Chemister chump the smiter. (s 3/1 a). Casts Loxodon Smiter. Pass.

A10: Draws Possibility Storm noooooooo. It's not burn. GGs.

Spooty wins game 1!!

Sideboard tech with Spooty: Alright so Game 1 proved to be a fairly close one that simply came down to the luck of the draw. Celestial Flare is god-awful against this matchup, so it'll be replaced by the playset of Last Breath which can hit Young Pyromancer, Guttersnipe, and Mercurial Chemister -- which just happen to be all the creatures we witnessed last game.

Sideboard tech with Araganor: Unfortunately we didn't get to see what this deck is supposed to be capable of last game. Shock doesn't hit very much in this matchup, so I'll be replacing it with the playset of Rapid Hybridization. That way we can remove threats or turn our elementals into 3/3s!

Game 2!

Araganor chooses to be on the play and keeps an opening hand of island, mountain, 2x Young Pyromancer, Magma Jet, Rapid Hybridization and Possibility Storm. While still a two-lander, this one looks much more feasible.

Spooty keeps an opening hand of 2x plains, forest, Voice of Resurgence, Selesnya Charm, Last Breath and Polukranos, World Eater. Looks like a really good hand! Hopefully we'll draw into that second green source sooner rather than later.

A1: Mountain. Pass.

S1: Draws Voice of Resurgence. Plains. Pass.

A2: Draws Explosive Impact. Plays island. Casts Young Pyromancer. Pass.

S2: Draws Mistcutter Hydra. Plays forest. Casts Voice of Resurgence. Pass.

A3: Draws island. Plays island. Casts Young Pyromancer. Pass.

S3: Draws plains. Plays plains. Swings with Voice of Resurgence. (s 20/18 a). Casts Last Breath on opponent's Young Pyromancer. It is exiled. (s 20/22 a) Pass.

A4: Draws Mountain. Things are going well for our draws so far, I'd say. Plays mountain. Casts Magma Jet targeting Voice of Resurgence and gets a 1/1 elemental token. The voice dies and an elemental token is created for Spooty. Magma Jet and island are scry'd off the top. (again?). This time, however, the Magma Jet is put on the bottom while the island is left on top to allow for the storm next turn. Pass.

S4: Draws Selesnya Guildgate. Plays the guildgate. Casts Voice of Resurgence #2 and swings with the now 2/2 elemental token.. It is chumped by the 1/1 elemental token. Pass.

A5: Draws Island. Plays island. Let's have some fun. Plays Possibility Storm. Pass.

S5: Draws Sylvan Caryatid. Well...Possibility Storm is a thing, huh? Plays plains. I guess we should try to scum the hell out of it if we can. Casts Mistcutter Hydra for x=0. The storm activates. Mistcutter Hydra is transformed into the MIGHTY Sylvan Caryatid!!! Oh...nvm that's lame... Let's try again. Attempts to cast another Sylvan Caryatid. Storm activates. The caryatid is transformed into...Sylvan Caryatid. Seriously? I'm calling shenanigans on that one...Plays plains. Swings with the now 4/4 elemental token and the voice. (s 20/16 a) Pass.

A6: Draws island. Plays island. Casts Rapid Hybridization and gets a 1/1 token. The spell is transformed into Izzet Charm, which is used to draw into a mountain and island. Both are discarded. Pass.

S6: Draws forest. Plays forest. Attempts to cast Polukranos, World Eater. it is transformed into the all-powerful...Elvish Mystic. You've gotta be screwing around with me by this point lol. Attempts to cast selesnya charm to make a 2/2 knight. The spell is transformed into Last Breath, which targets the young pyromancer, exiling him. Now THAT is what I wanted to happen. (s 20/20 a). Swings with the now 5/5 token and the voice. The token is blocked by the opposing elemental token and the voice gets in for 2. (s 20/18 a) Pass.

A7: Draws Young Pyromancer. Casts it. It is transformed into...Worldspine Wurm. I am speechless. Pass.

S7: Draws forest. Plays forest. This is terrible news. Simply terrible. Pass.

A8: Draws island. Who cares? WE HAVE A 15/15 TRAMPLER. Swings with the big freaking wurm. The Voice of Resurgence blocks it and another elemental enters the field. (s 7/18 a). Attempts to cast Explosive Impact. The spell is transformed into Lightning Strike, which is just sent to Spooty's dome. (s 4/18 a) Pass.

S8: Draws plains. Fack. Swings with one of the 5/5 tokens. (s 4/13 a) Pass.

A9: Draws Blast of Genius. Swings with the wurm. All of Spooty's remaining creatures block, preventing 12 of the damage. They all die. (s 1/13 a). Casts Blast of Genius which is transformed into Blast of Genius. Possibility Storm, Mercurial Chemister and Magma Jet are drawn, and the storm is discarded for the victory.

Araganor wins game 2!!

Sideboard tech with Spooty: Crap! I was so close! Well, although the storm in that game felt very one-sided, I'm glad it was able to showcase just how ridiculous Araganor's deck can be. I mean, I thought I had that one til that freaking wurm hit the field. I see now I must become every bit more aggressive. 2x Mistcutter Hydra and 2x Scion of Vitu-Ghazi are coming out in place of 4x Experiment One. I'm ready.

Sideboard tech with Araganor: That was absolutely hilarious. Let's try to make it happen again.

Game 3

Spooty chooses to be on the play and keeps an opening hand of 2x plains, forest, 2x Advent of the Wurm, Selesnya Charm, and Loxodon Smiter. Assuming we get another green source, this could be a deadly curve.

Araganor mulls a one land hand. The kept hand contains 2x mountain, island, Young Pyromancer, Possibility Storm and Blast of Genius. It'll have to do.

S1: Plains. Pass.

A1: Draws island. Plays island. Pass.

S2: Draws Voice of Resurgence. Plays forest. Casts Voice of Resurgence. Pass.

A2: Draws Guttersnipe. Plays mountain. Casts Young Pyromancer. Pass.

S3: Draws plains. Plays plains. Swings with the voice. No blocks (s 20/18 a). Casts Loxodon Smiter. Pass.

A3: Draws island. Plays island. Casts guttersnipe. Pass.

S4: Draws forest. FINALLY! I think my deck is finally obeying me! :D Plays forest. Swings with the voice and smiter for 6, no blocks (s 20/12 a). Pass.

A4: Draws Mercurial Chemister. Plays mountain. Nothing to do here unfortunately... I know I don't want to block with these guys, but The opponent might have a flashy wurm token coming out, so I will not be attacking. Pass. EoT a magnificent, beautiful and majestic big-ass wurm is made using Spooty's Advent of the Wurm.

S5: Draws plains. Plays plains. Swings with the voice, smiter and wurm token. As Aragnor, I know the situation looks really bad. Guttersnipe attempts to chump the smiter. In response, Spooty gives the smiter 2/2 and trample with Selesnya Charm. Snipey dies. (s 20/1 a). Pass.

A5: Draws island. Meh...that's game. Concedes.

Spooty wins the match!


Game one was a bit of a derp-fest by both sides where my deck simply got luckier on the draws. Game 2 was where things really got interesting with Aragnor and his deck. As stated above, I'm so happy we all got to witness the two extremes Possibility Storm can offer, transforming 2/1s into 15/15 tramplers and 5/5s into 1/1 mana dorks. Game 3 was also good for my own sanity because fankly I've been on a terrible losing streak. Seeing a good old-fashioned I've-got-cheap-amazing-creatures-and-you-don't beatdown by my deck was a much needed boost to my morale.

Ultimately, this deck functions on a principal that cannot happen before turn 5 and sometimes will happen after that. It's for this reason things like game 3 can happen. And thus, I wouldn't suggest taking this thing anywhere near a real competitive environment like a GP or something. But for casual and FNM play, this deck is a sure to please favorite of mine.

Many thanks to Araganor for the awesome deck and thank you to everyone else who entered decks for the article. Keep 'em coming please!

The Question of the Week

One place where I've had many Battle of Wits with people is my one-drop slot. And the two main entries for that slot are Soldier of the Pantheon and Experiment One. Ultimately after testing, I have gone with the latter. Soldier of the Pantheon works as well as it does because it is a Savannah Lions that has "protection from RTR block", and many mono decks run multicolored hybrid creatures which the soldier can take advantage of. But he fails to block well things like Boros Reckoner and Nightveil Specter. Experiment One on the other hand is a 1/1 that has great potential to grow bigger as the game goes on. Especially in G/W deck which have access to low cost high p/t creatures, this is amazing. Add to that his regeneration ability and you've got yourself a threat. But in the top decking portion of the mid/late game, this guy can suck to draw into.

What do you all think? Which is the better creature for the current meta?

Magic Fun Facts

Did you know that early in the development of Magic, the mana cost of cards was going to be different than it is now? Let's take Possibility Storm. As stands, the card is a 5-drop which means it costs five total mana to play or in other words has a converted mana cost (CMC) of 5. That mana must contain 2 red sources but the rest can be any other color. This is represented by the colorless "3" at the top of the card. However, if things had gone as they almost did, that 3 would have actually been a "5".

Card costs would have contained a number that indicated the CMC of the card first, and then they would be followed by any specificities that the cards may or may not have. So, for example, instead of costing 3RR, possibility storm would have read that it cost 5RR. Weird huh? (Izzet pun).

If you've enjoyed this article, please let me know! I love feedback as long as it's constructive. And don't forget that if you want to be in the next Showdown, place your deck in the comments below!

Thanks for reading everyone!

hit counter
This article is a follow-up to Showdown #10: Splash!! The next article in this series is Showdown #12: Reset

Blizzicane says... #1

This has convinced me to make a Possibility Storm deck now. >:3

December 9, 2013 12:05 a.m.

Kage-no-Raito says... #2

Haha, that game 2!

December 9, 2013 12:11 a.m.

Blizzicane says... #3

Also thank you spooky for introducing me to Risk of Rain soundtrack its awesome! >:3

December 9, 2013 12:16 a.m.

Blizzicane says... #4

Bah I forgot to mention great Showdown it was really interesting. :3

December 9, 2013 12:16 a.m.

Spootyone says... #5

Edit: I've just learned you get two activations off of Young Pyromancer and Guttersnipe when using Possibility Storm . It didn't end up making a difference in those games, but I apologize for the incorrect play there.

December 9, 2013 12:17 a.m.

BeatAll says... #6

Match 1; A8 - You forgot to scry 2 with the 2nd Magma Jet xD

Another great read, love the card advantage pyromancer can provide, given the right build...

December 9, 2013 12:35 a.m.

Araganor says... #7

Absolutely awesome! Thanks so much for the feature, that game 2 was hilarious XD

No worries about the missed triggers, that game 3 was yours anyway. At any rate, I love crazy decks that do stuff no one expects more than I do winning, so your playtest was actually very educational for me. To be honest, I didn't think that the deck would be able to stand up to the beatdown long enough to even get out Possibility Storm , but it went much better than I had initially expected, mostly thanks to Young Pyromancer . The only thing I might have done differently is to side in a few Turn / Burn to deal with Voice of Resurgence and to chump your bigger guys, but ehh who cares. Thanks again for the feature, I really appreciate it!

December 9, 2013 12:38 a.m.

Spootyone says... #8

Lol I really did just completely black on that scry 2 didn't I? I guess that shows how concerned I was about getting that burn in there. I hope that wasn't the reason G1 was lost to Araganor. If so, I do apologize.

@Araganor: So glad you enjoyed! Yeah my hardest part of sideboarding was trying to prepare for Possibility Storm and that's why I didn't bring those in. And thank you for the awesome deck!

December 9, 2013 12:45 a.m.

Spootyone says... #9


December 9, 2013 12:45 a.m.

Spootyone says... #10

@Tainted_Light: I know right? That wurm will haunt me forever...

snowstorm: It's such a good soundtrack. I listened to it during the entire playtest hahaha.

December 9, 2013 12:47 a.m.

kyuuri117 says... #11

Question, on the last turn of game one, when you had the chemistry block instead of the guttersnipe...why not just have the guttersnipe block, and use the chemisters second ability to discard the blast of genius? Well, guess it must have slipped your mind

On the other hand, I can't believe I just found your posts after using the site for months, that was really a fun read, and I'm glad I found it. Though, I am a bit confused as to why you've stated that Soldier of the Pantheon is a bad blocker vs boros reckoner. He's an absolutely amazing blocker vs him. First strike or not, the reckoner cannot do damage to him, and so his reflect ability can't activate.

Lastly, I'd love to see how my own deck plays against this. It's also somewhat whacky (Esper aggro), and has received some decent attention on the site. Hope you'll give it a go. Here's the deck list: Tax Bear Aggro.

December 9, 2013 12:51 a.m.

nicktack15 says... #12

Great article and two really cool decks!!

December 9, 2013 12:51 a.m.

Araganor says... #13

Oh, and by the way that is exactly how I look in real life.


Well, maybe a bit taller.

December 9, 2013 12:54 a.m.

Spootyone says... #14

kyuuri117: If I'm understanding you correctly, I did not have any mana during that time in the game. But even if I did, the Mercurial Chemister had summoning sickness and therefore was not allowed to use tap abilities. I'm glad you like my articles! And I like your deck, btw. One of my first decks was an esper aggro/midrange deck using Vampire Nighthawk , Arctic Aven and Harbor Bandit as my main threats...ah, the good old days...

Well, personally, I dislike blocking Boros Reckoner with Soldier of the Pantheon because his ability still goes off from the 2 damage dealt by the soldier. Sure, it's better than taking 3, but I'd rather have a 3/3 or 4/4 Experiment One there to block and then regen if necessary.

Araganor: I knew it!!

December 9, 2013 1:18 a.m.

Blizzicane says... #15

@ Spootyone Curse that deck having the same name as me. Who knows how many threads I failed to comment back on because of it sharing the name. D:

Sucks that you have to use the old fashion way of user:snowstorm

December 9, 2013 1:32 a.m.

Spootyone says... #16

Lol I totally didn't even recognize that til now. I'll be sure to fix that in the future.

December 9, 2013 1:35 a.m.

kyuuri117 says... #17

Ahh, forgot about the summoning sickness, slipped my mind

December 9, 2013 2:08 a.m.

-Fulcrum says... #18

Fun read. Nice soundtrack, I'll have to listen to this more. You think Possibility Storm is fun in standard, try it in a 4 way EDH match. Seriously the most fun I've ever had, I play it in my Kaalia of the Vast deck.

Anyway, new deck to submit, I'm not sure how well it'll perform, but that's why you write your articles isn't it? Not to mention it'll be interesting to see how well the power of forced discard works against something like Loxodon Smiter .


December 9, 2013 2:24 a.m.

Game 1 Mercurial Chemister would not have had summoning sickness. If you blocked with Guttersnipe then you would have started the turn with MC in play. You would have then been free to use either of his abilities.

December 9, 2013 2:48 a.m.

Spootyone says... #20

If kyuuri117 meant the situation you just mentioned, NobodyPicksBulbasaur, then yes that's definitely something I could have done. I must have misunderstood what he meant. If so, the reason I didn't do that is because I cannot target players with that second ability. Thus, I would not have been able to deal that final damage I needed to get the win. Had I been able to, I would've kept both alive to then use his first ability to help draw me into burn spells. Again, I wish I'd done that scry 2 correctly at the end of that game. It may have made all the difference.

December 9, 2013 3:11 a.m.

Matsi883 says... #21

Great article, and great decks from both of you. I like how in game 2, an "combo" deck beat a "fair" one. I'd play against one of the decks here, which are the highest rated decks on T/O from Standard.

December 9, 2013 7:27 a.m.

psychoza says... #22

My deck submission for the challenge.

deck chart Domri's Bloodrush Buddies

SCORE: 92 | 9 COMMENTS | 15762 VIEWS
Standard psychoza Playtest

December 9, 2013 9:35 a.m.

Casino647 says... #23

And this is my deck submission:


December 9, 2013 11:41 a.m.

firerunner36 says... #24

This madness...its so BEAUTIFUL!! xD If you want to try on some more madness try out my deck: Dork, Dork, Dork, Giant Face-Eating Monster, Dork. It attempts to abuse all the mana gen we have in standard along with some sillyly overpowered creatures that shouldn't be used in standard. Btw for your question I'm going to have to go with the pro-RTR dude myself, too often I've found that he'd be amazing to see in most games I end up playing, but that may just be my meta. Keep up the good work with these articles Spooty!

December 9, 2013 11:51 a.m.

MattTheNinja says... #25

I don't know if you've already chosen the next deck you're gonna dual, but just in case you haven't, I'd like to throw my deck into the list :p

Devotion to Rakdos -

December 9, 2013 12:58 p.m.

Khaotica says... #26

deck chart Destructive Heroes

Standard Khaotica Playtest

Here is my Orzhov standard deck. It focuses mostly on the Heroic mechanic and destruction to control the battlefield.

December 9, 2013 1:54 p.m.

Psykotic says... #27

I'd like to submit both of my decks. The first one is the main one I would love to see play tested thanks again for another great article Spootyone!

deck-large: dont-make-the-hulk-angry

deck chart Countershift

Standard Psykotic Playtest

December 9, 2013 2:03 p.m.

eleet5 says... #28

Some white weenie splash action :)

deck chart Boros Eleet

Standard eleet5 Playtest

December 9, 2013 2:15 p.m.

TheFanatic says... #29

I present to you again my Rakdos control deck: deck-large:the-stuff-of-nightmares-2 I think it would be a great matchup against your deck!

December 9, 2013 3:09 p.m.

Araganor says... #30

To answer your question: my vote goes to the Soldier of the Pantheon .

Why? Well, let's think about how we feel about seeing each one during the course of the game.

Opening hand: Happy to see both without a doubt here. Experiment One wins this contest though, because he is ideally placed down turn 1 so you can start evolving him along your curve. He would outperform the Soldier of the Pantheon here because Experiment One will most likely swing for 2 on turn 2 and 3 on turn 3, unlike soldier, who is always swinging for 2.

Early-Mid game: I would rather see a Soldier of the Pantheon on my 2nd, 3rd, or 4th draw, because I have already started putting creatures down, and if I waited a turn to put down Experiment One , then I lose some tempo. Soldier of the Pantheon will be admittedly less helpful against monocolored matchups (although most of them run splitcolored cards for devotion), but he is still very aggressively costed which makes up for it.

Late Game: Again, I would rather have to topdeck a Soldier of the Pantheon , who will be of more help instantly, rather than Experiment One which relies on playing something else to support him.

So, if we want to see an Experiment One in our opening hand, where it is best, we need to run 3-4 copies. But, then we risk topdecking it later in the game which is when it loses some appeal. Although the potential of Experiment One is very appealing, I would rather have the guaranteed 2 power and the always on protection of Soldier of the Pantheon . In an ideal world, I would say go for Experiment One , but we know how that works doesn't it?

Just my opinion. I don't really use $4 one drops though, so take my thoughts with a grain of salt.

December 9, 2013 3:37 p.m.

Khaotica says... #31

I gotta say I prefer Soldier of the Pantheon over Experiment One . Soldier is automatically of more use on turn one and topdecking him is far more useful than topdecking an Experiment.

If you play Soldier early on, you can rack up on healing quite a bit, and he's a lot harder to remove by a lot of the current spot removal in the meta. Combine him with Gods Willing and he's got protection from anything your opponent could throw for a turn.

Experiment can definitely build up to be quite strong, but this relies on properly curving out in your deck. And if you draw him later on in a game, the most he'll often be used for is chump blocking, which is usually not the kind of spot you want to be in. Plus coming down to it, a potentially 4/4 or 5/5 (potentially, being the keyword) is less versatile than a creature that has protection and heals you while you play your answers to other threats (such as a 4/4+ Experiment One).

So in my mind, the Soldier of the Pantheon wins.

December 9, 2013 4:25 p.m.

Matsi883 says... #32

I like Soldier of the Pantheon better for a few reasons.

1) It helps you in defensive situations. It is a goodish topdeck under pressure. You even get life off a Supreme Verdict .

2) It is better in the mid and late game. When you topdeck a 1-drop, do you want it to be a Soldier of the Pantheon or an Experiment One ?

December 9, 2013 4:29 p.m.

GhastlyAbra says... #33

Here's my Azorius aggro deck. It runs off the Heroic ability.


December 9, 2013 6:53 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #34

Another great article, dude. Will your mana ever fully cooperate? Apparently only time will tell. Both decks performed brilliantly though, props to Araganor for the awesome build.

I think Soldier of the Pantheon is the better aggressive creature. As you pointed out, it's basically protected from Return to Ravnica, and it's second ability isn't worthless. Experiment One gets big, but do you really have time to wait for him to get huge?

Here's something new and interesting. Creatureless Grixis Control, the likes of which haven't been seen since

deck chart Bolas for a Better Tomorrow

SCORE: 102 | 268 COMMENTS | 17212 VIEWS
Standard* KrazyCaley Playtest

. It's my newest project.

deck-large: Creatureless Grixis Control Is a Thing, Right?

December 9, 2013 9:12 p.m.

another great article, and that matchup was pretty awesome!! as for your question, I like Experiment One more. against a control deck, he can survive verdicts with his regen ability.he also has the potential to get huge. the other advantage he has is that he can be targeted by Selesnya Charm , whereas the soldier cannot. all that being said, here is my deck!

deck chart if you cant handle the heat...

Standard GKirt Playtest

December 10, 2013 2:42 a.m.

Dalektable says... #36


deck chart A Good Man Goes To War

SCORE: 86 | 13 COMMENTS | 8709 VIEWS
Standard Dalektable Playtest


December 10, 2013 2:36 p.m.

smash10101 says... #37

+1 for the soundtrack. Next time you should have an embedded player (and of course different music to keep things fresh). Also, I really loved that deck. Never thought Explosive Impact would have a place in standard.

December 10, 2013 9:44 p.m.

Spootyone says... #38

Lol I totally would if I knew how. But also, I'm not entirely sure I could do that without it being some form of copyright infringement or something. I'd rather not take any chances.

December 10, 2013 10:06 p.m.

Apoptosis says... #39

Great games. That game two was epic. I need to try that deck out. Looks like real fun.

I vote for the soldier. I'm note a fan of the ooze.

Spootyone, if I may make a request for the next matchup based on what other people submitted, please try out Tax Bear Aggro. It looks interesting and deserves the attention for the description alone. I read it some time ago and it still cracks me up every time. Plus I think it's a good deck that I'd like to see how it performs.

December 11, 2013 11:08 p.m.

kcajattack says... #40

I was thinking you've never tested your deck against a truly aggro deck so hear is my sugestion


December 12, 2013 6:53 p.m.

Khaotica says... #41

deck chart Karametra's Ocean

Standard Khaotica Playtest

Here is my MGD deck, thought it'd be interesting to try.

December 16, 2013 6:26 p.m.

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