Bang for your Buck #5
Bang For Your Buck
10 June 2013
Bang for your Buck -- Episode 5
10 June 2013
Bang for your Buck -- Episode 5
And I’m back, with a traditional version of Bang for your Buck! This week I will take a look at a tribal Spirit deck that has long awaited a feature in this series. I’d just like to thank JokerWx13 for his patience - it is now being rewarded (I hope)! Now let’s get this going!
The Deck
As mentioned above, this week we’ll look at a Spirit Tribal deck by JokerWx13. Here is the deck link:
Mostly Ghostly
And for you lazy people, I’ll copy the deck list below:
Creatures (12)
4x Doomed Traveler 4x Drogskol Captain 4x Dungeon Geists
Instants (13)
4x Azorius Charm 2x Cyclonic Rift 4x Midnight Haunting 3x Tragic Slip
Sorcery (4)
Enchantment (8)
3x Favorable Winds 3x Intangible Virtue 2x Oblivion Ring
Land (23)
2x Azorius Guildgate 2x Dimir Guildgate 5x Island 2x Moorland Haunt 2x Orzhov Guildgate 6x Plains 2x Swamp 2x Vault of the Archangel
Deck Basics
Well, we’re already looking at a pretty solid build here. We have many of the staples for a Spirit tribal deck, and some good looking counts. I can’t say that I’ll have many suggestions for this deck, but we’ll see what we can do.
I have three concerns - maybe they work, but this is what stood out to me:
- It’s a Blue-White deck, but I don’t see a single counterspell. We have some removal, but no hard counterspells. I’ll be looking to add a few of those.
- The low count on the black mana sources - this isn’t too bad for Lingering Souls or Vault of the Archangel as they can still work without black mana, but it could seriously hinder the use of Tragic Slip. Following my suggestion above, I think we’ll be removing it for a counterspell.
- We seem to be lacking a game-ending bomb. This deck definitely has the potential to win, but I think it needs something that enters the battlefield and wins. I’m thinking Drogskol Reaver. Its high CMC could be a problem, but running only one or two shouldn’t affect the deck’s performance.
Proposed Changes
Before I begin, this is just what I think. Think of this article as a very, very long comment in the deck’s comments section. The real help comes from your comments below, so that JokerWx13 can make this deck even better.
Tragic Slip -- As I mentioned above, it could be a hassle to play with the low count on black mana sources. We’ll replace it with a counterspell. I’d remove all three.
Azorius Guildgate -- Our other Gates can provide the white and blue mana, and we currently have ten lands that either enter tapped or produce colorless mana. I think that’s a little too much, so I’d remove this Gate.
Oblivion Rings -- They aren’t bad mainboarded, but I think they’ll be better off in the sideboard as we can fill their place better with other spells.
Midnight Haunting -- We have eight token producing spells, one of which (Lingering Souls) can be used twice due to its flashback. I’ve decided to cut one of these for room. Also, my final suggested build was heavy on 3-CMC cards, so this seemed like a good cut.
There are a few cards I’m going to leave in, but may need to be removed after some playtesting. I hope these cards in particular will spark a debate below.
Cyclonic Rift -- I’ve gotten into this discussion before - without overload, it’s an Azorius Charm with less utility, but when overloaded it’s amazing. We are just going to have to see how frequently we can actually get the overload off, and determine if this card is well-suited for the deck.
With the changes above, we have eight (8) slots to fill. Here are my proposed additions:
Drogskol Reaver -- Few people will argue that it wins games once it hits the table. Give it +1/+1 and hexproof from its Captain, and you’ll have your opponents squirming in their seats. +2
Dissipate -- Here’s the counterspell I’ve been mentioning throughout the article. We need to be able to prevent big threats before they hit the table. +4
Island and Plains -- To replace the Gate removed. +1 of each
Other cards to consider
When building decks, you always run into more cards than you could possibly add to a deck. These are cards I considered, but deemed less useful than the cards I added:
Render Silent -- A mana intensive counterspell with an added bonus. My two concerns are if the budget has room for this, and if the cost would be too hard for a three-color deck to manage.
Geist-Honored Monk -- I don’t have any concerns with this card, but thought that the game-winning slot was better filled by Drogskol Reaver. I may be partial to the Reaver though, so let’s hear what you think!
Cloudshift -- The ability to flicker both the aforementioned Monk and Geists would be beneficial to the deck. Should the Monk be added, I’d definitely advise finding room for Cloudshift.
Proposed Build
Creatures (14)
4x Doomed Traveler 4x Drogskol Captain 2x Drogskol Reaver 4x Dungeon Geists
Instants (13)
4x Azorius Charm 2x Cyclonic Rift 4x Dissipate 3x Midnight Haunting
Sorcery (4)
Enchantment (6)
3x Favorable Winds 3x Intangible Virtue
Land (23)
2x Dimir Guildgate 6x Island 2x Moorland Haunt 2x Orzhov Guildgate 7x Plains 2x Swamp 2x Vault of the Archangel
Future Articles!
Next week, I will be writing alongside planeswalkersollis to analyze a pre-constructed event deck to determine its playability, explore possible changes we could make to the deck while keeping within a $50 budget, and determine if you really get a bang for your buck through purchasing this deck.
There is also the queue for having decks featured! Although I won’t be taking any more requests until I know how frequently I will be writing, here is what you can expect:
- thyhax’s Modified Budget Boros
- psychoza’s Might of the Wild
- PrivateCarly’s Bant Auras Budget
- robogeek45’s Izzet Lightning
- planeswalkersollis’s Sublimital Messages Ver. 2.0
- CaveShinobi’s WB Life-Stealing Control
- killroy726’s FNM deck on the cheap help please
- Xindlepete’s deck of our choosing
- Khashir’s The Marxist Disassembler
Budget Reanimator Follow-Up
Darkness1835 and I have decided to write a little paragraph to follow up changes we will make to the deck we created in last week’s article.
So far, we are going to replace Demonlord of Ashmouth with Centaur Healer, and are still exploring the addition of a singleton Craterhoof Behemoth in place of a Skarrg Goliath. Even though the Behemoth was on our expensive list, we have room in the budget for a singleton. We would also like to note that Angel of Serenity should be added to the list of cards that were too expensive to add.
Thank you for reading! Remember, the best help that we can give JokerWx13 is to have a thoughtful discussion about his deck. Please direct any unrelated comments to my wall, last week’s article, or wherever you feel is appropriate.
The counterspells are too slow to be a full 4, Drogskol Reaver is way to slow, especially considering this deck has zero ramp, 23 land, and only charms to cycle through the deck. I'd suggest probably maximizing on the anthems and maybe run mainboard Beckon Apparition as more cheap spirits (I say the apparition mainly because the deck could use more cheap creatures and it works well with all the anthems while having mainboard graveyard hate to fight reanimator, junk aristocrats, and Snapcaster Mage )
June 10, 2013 3:27 p.m.
Very nice deck, though I agree with Demarge on the card choices. You basically upped the curve, but I feel that a deck like this doesn't want to prolong a game.
If anything I would add Cackling Counterpart and Clone to maximize the effectiveness of Drogskol Captain and Dungeon Geists , with the bonus that the token copy benefits from both Intangible Virtue and Favorable Winds .
For a sideboard, I would go more with the "token-matters" theme, and put in Rootborn Defenses .
It may also be worth noting that very little of this deck is from M13 (only o-ring), so that when M14 hits the deck can easily slide in Doom Blade , which has been confirmed as coming back.
June 10, 2013 3:54 p.m.
Great article but I think the deck doesn't need a bomb, the point is to swing for lethal by swarming and pumping tokens. Demarge's explanation makes sense, and i'll consider the Beckon Apparition and how about Think Twice over the Dissipate ? What'll make me sad is that when the Innistrad block rotates out, so will most of the cards here :c
June 10, 2013 6:19 p.m.
notamardybum says... #6
Drogskol Captain s are definitely a must in any spirit intensive deck. I tend to prefer AEtherize over Cyclonic Rift and on the sideboard, to have room for Think Twice on the mainboard. Drogskol Reaver is always an awesome card to get out, but if it dies its a huge bummer because of its huge mana cost. If this deck wasn't so token intensive I'd say add in Heartless Summoning , but that would totally kill the spirits... literally
June 10, 2013 9:48 p.m.
ducttapedeckbox says... #7
I completely forgot that I haven't subscribed to my own article yet - woops... Anyways, the discussion seems to be revolving around the same things, so:
@ Demarge, Krayhaft, JokerWx13, and notamardybum --
I think I'm just partial towards the Reaver because I've had so much fun with it in the past. I definitely agree that it costs way too much for this deck - my prior opinion clouded my thoughts in this build. I'm just going to throw some of my ideas out there, and listen to what you have to say about them.
In place of the Reaver, I was considering Geist-Honored Monk . What are the thoughts on her? I was also considering Cloudshift with her, but wasn't sure if 8 creatures was worthy of the flicker.
I like the suggestion of Cackling Counterpart , I didn't even realize the synergy with Intangible Virtue .
I'm leaning more and more towards the removal of Cyclonic Rift - it's overload is just too much to be worth it.
Beckon Apparition is another great add, but what to remove?
June 10, 2013 11:36 p.m.
The monk is likely also too slow for the deck, though if the deck can aggressively build it's board more a single Lavinia of the Tenth could be a perfect card for a blowout swing, though a ton of anthems with vault should be good enough of a late game.
from your build - reavers - Dissipate s to fill up on anthems and apparition should be good. It would give the deck a more aggro feel.
June 10, 2013 11:46 p.m.
notamardybum says... #9
If anyone has anything remotely good enough to play against tokens (Electrickery , Curse of Death's Hold , or Illness in the Ranks ) then Geist-Honored Monk is a complete flop. Having Cackling Counterpart might be a wise decision. It can be very versatile in this deck copying either the captain or the geist. and Cloudshift would only be usefel to help your creature dodge targeting spells, but if you cloudshift the Dungeon Geists , you could choose a new target for his ability, which could come in handy.
Overall I dont think its worth having the monk, or cloudshift. Rootborn Defenses sounds much better, creatures are indestructible, plus you get to populate. With everything around to help out tokens, you might as well go all out.
June 11, 2013 12:45 a.m.
Sprrrrrites are pretty nice when tokenized. Add some vigilance and a smattering of pumps to really bring out the PAIN! Best served fast and early!
My suggested list (numbers are flexible):
3 Beckon Apparition
4 Lingering Souls
2 Midnight Haunting
4 Drogskol Captain
3 Dungeon Geists
4 Doomed Traveler
4 Intangible Virtue
3 Favorable Winds
2 Cackling Counterpart
3 Dissipate
4 Azorius Charm
1 Syncopate
23 lands.
I would also suggest looking into Mindshrieker , he could do very well in a deck like this.
June 11, 2013 1:44 a.m.
I know he's not really budget, but what about Sorin, Lord of Innistrad ? His emblem goes very well with the spirits, I think he could replace the Reaver, and he wouldn't damage your creature count because he can generate tokens that also benefit from the anthems.
June 11, 2013 6:01 a.m.
Beckon Apparition is a solid 1mana spirit + anti-undying/flashback. I'd cut all 3 favorable winds, add in another virtue and maybe throw in some Negate s. Moorland Haunt isn't good in low-creature decks, so i'd cut them also.
June 12, 2013 7:45 a.m.
ducttapedeckbox says... #13
@ wreckedd -- He's not bad at all - I didn't even consider him due to budget, but could fit nicely in the deck.
@ Goody -- I'm liking your suggested build, except for the singleton Syncopate and two Midnight Haunting s. I was thinking of dropping the count on Dungeon Geists but didn't because one can keep two creatures locked down, should another die.
@ KingSorin -- I'm not sure about dropping the Favorable Winds -- They buff the non-token creatures, making them even more deadly.
June 12, 2013 4:47 p.m.
I agree that Favorable Winds should have a place in the deck, almost all of the creatures in it have flying. In fact I would cut Intangible Virtue before winds, just because this deck will likely see more flying creatures on its board than token creatures.
Dungeon Geists acts as removal as well as pressure, so I wouldn't look to reduce the copies, especially if the deck ends up running Cackling Counterpart . Counterpart is really strong with Drogskol Captain and the Dungeon Geists .
He's a rough of the build I would likely do:
4x Drogskol Captain 4x Dungeon Geists 4x Doomed Traveler (12 creatures)
3x Midnight Haunting 4x Azorius Charm 2x Beckon Apparition 4x Cackling Counterpart (13 instants)
4x Lingering Souls (4 sorceries)
4x Favorable Winds 3x Intangible Virtue (8 enchantments)1x Oblivion Ring
23x land
June 12, 2013 6:29 p.m.
Okay, I guess so, but I still think virtue should not be cut if you're cutting buffs since the vigilance can be really helpful against aggro, and with 3 beckon apparitions, 4 souls, 4 travelers, and 3 midnight haunting s as well as a couple of moorland haunts, the vigilance can give buffs to quite a few creatures. I'd also cut a couple of colourless producing lands solely because you have lots of mana-specific cards in the deck. Doomed traveler, beckon apparition, Azorius charm, have NO colourless in their mana cost, and cards like cackling co trep art and drogskol captain have quite specific costs, meaning coloured mana is quite important if you don't want to get manascrewed. It's fairly slow, but you may also want to side in Runic Repetition , since it goes well with think twice and lingering souls. (You know you want to cast souls 16 times in one game, don't you?)
June 13, 2013 2:02 a.m.
Sorin's down to $10 nowadays, mostly because nothing's really playing him at the moment.
I built a B/W budget deck for under $50 and still had room to fit in two of him.
Drogskol Reaver is way out of place in this deck. Unless you're running at least Farseek , there's no point. You'll probably either be dead or have won by the time he comes out.
June 13, 2013 2:31 p.m.
ducttapedeckbox says... #17
@ Krayhaft -- I like your suggested build, although I would drop 2 Cackling Counterpart s for a Beckon Apparition and an O-ring.
@ KingSorin -- I think the first thing to go would be the Moorland Haunt s if I were to cut some lands. And, I think Runic Repetition would be too slow for this deck - we're trying to speed it up.
@ zandl -- I've realized the poor decision I made running Drogskol Reaver
in my suggested build. It is not something I'd recommend at all. Also, I'm pretty sure this build could accommodate at least one Sorin with a $50 budget, however we have not included in SB in that.
Sollisnexus says... #1
Just to note: 2 Drogskul Captains make a Hexproff loop and +2/+2
June 10, 2013 1 p.m.