Bang for your Buck #6

Bang For Your Buck


17 June 2013


Bang for your Buck -- Episode 6


Welcome to another special edition of Bang for your Buck! Today we are following a suggestion by one of our fellow T/O users, planeswalkersollis - to look at current Magic products for sale, and determine if you are really getting a bang for your buck. In this edition, planeswalkersollis and I will look at one of the Event decks: “Rally and Rout,” a deck of the Boros Legion which focuses on pounding your enemies with fast and deadly spells and creatures that will make your opponent wish they brought more counterspells. Our analysis will include the deck list itself, playability, possible changes to make on a $50 budget, and most importantly, whether or not you are getting a good return on your investment - a true bang for your buck.

The Deck

Lands (23)

3x Boros Guildgate
1x Clifftop Retreat
8x Mountain
10x Plains
1x Slayers' Stronghold

**Creatures ** (24)

1x Ash Zealot
4x Boros Elite
1x Champion of the Parish
4x Doomed Traveler
2x Firefist Striker
2x Lightning Mauler
1x Silverblade Paladin
3x Skyknight Legionnaire
1x Spark Trooper
2x Sunhome Guildmage
1x Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
2x Truefire Paladin

Other Spells (13)

2x Boros Charmfoil
4x Gather the Townsfolk
4x Pillar of Flame
3x Searing Spear

Sideboard (15)

3x Bonds of Faith
3x Electrickery
2x Oblivion Ring
2x Skullcrack
2x Thunderous Wrath
3x War Priest of Thune


The creatures of this deck focus on the Battalion mechanic, which requires 2 or more creatures attack along with the creature that has battalion. We will focus on this mechanic when making changes to the deck. In addition, we see the presence of the Soulbond mechanic to help bolster our battalion. As many pre-constructed decks go, there are a lot of singletons and doubles of cards; we want to limit these numbers to game-winning cards.

Pre-Edit Thoughts

Compared to most decks, this Rally and Rout theme deck is very easy to play, and great for teaching new players. There is not much strategy involved - attack with a lot of creatures and burn some creatures when they get too scary.

Bang for your Buck
Theme decks are priced at $25. For this price, you get a playable theme deck with a decent sideboard that would cost about $40 if the cards were purchased individually. This would be a good investment considering the net return and playability of the deck.

We will now look at the deck and discuss changes to make it a little more competitive, while following a $50 budget.

Deck Specifics

Clearly our deck is creature-based, with support from burn spells. Below we will look at the specific cards, and determine if they make the cut for being included in this deck.

To start, our land base is pretty solid, having four dual-colored lands (one dual land and three Gates). The Clifftop Retreat is currently around $7 each. This level of mana fixing is not necessary in a two color deck, so you could easily trade this away for other cards.

Ash Zealot -- A decent body with a few bonuses. If we have room, we would like to move her to the sideboard and acquire a second one - she only runs about $2.27.

Boros Elite -- A necessity in any budget Boros aggro deck. I’m pleased that this card comes as a playset, as it provides the early game presence we need.

Champion of the Parish -- Another solid turn one play, and interacts with the rest of the deck. Hopefully the budget will allow for another one of him, since he costs about $3.60.

Doomed Traveler -- We will probably end up removing this guy, simply because he is not very aggressive.

Firefist Striker -- A great utility in battalion, he will probably be upped to a three of.

Lightning Mauler -- Although he gives another creature haste, I’m not sure that he’s necessary. Another battalion creature might suit us better.

Silverblade Paladin -- He can really put the hurt on when paired when almost any creature. At $3.75, we may have to trade him away for other, more necessary cards.

Skyknight Legionnaire -- It is aggressive and has flying, I think we will try to run four of her.

Spark Trooper -- He can certainly help, but this deck seems to focus more on applying constant pressure. This Trooper cannot apply pressure if he is dead. He will not trade for much at $0.50, but it is still something.

Sunhome Guildmage -- He has some useful abilities, but is slow for an aggro deck. He probably will not make the cut.

Thalia, Guardian of Thraben -- At least a sixth of the deck will be non-creature spells, so she might hurt more than help. She can probably be traded away at $3.15.

Truefire Paladin -- Like the Guildmage, he might be a little too slow for this deck.

Boros Charmfoil -- Even at $1.40 a piece, we will find room for four in this deck

Gather the Townsfolk -- Another useful card, but seems too slow. We will probably cut this for some more creatures. Even though it can add to our battalion, we would be better off with other battalion creatures.

Pillar of Flame -- The question is this, or Mugging?

Searing Spear -- Great burn card, definitely staying in.

Other Cards to Consider

With the review above, I think we will be sticking with the battalion mechanic, and dropping the few soulbond creatures. Here are a few cards that were not included in the deck, but we should consider.

Bomber Corps -- Can easily kill of pesky mana dorks and other one-drop creatures, he might find his way into the deck.

Boros Mastiff -- A decent early-game life gain engine, but he is not great and we probably will not see him in the final build.

Daring Skyjek -- Skyknight Legionnaire should have us covered with the flying.

Firemane Avenger -- She Lightning Helixs almost every time she attacks, she should definitely find a way into the build.

Frontline Medic -- At about $3, he might be too pricey for the deck.

Legion Loyalist -- A great one-drop, but might be too pricey as well.

Nav Squad Commandos -- We can do much better than this for a late-game card.

Ordruun Veteran -- Not bad, but he might be too high for our curve, considering the other cards we might add.

Tajic, Blade of the Legion -- He can really put a dent in the opponent’s life, so he might find his way in.

Warmind Infantry -- It is a decent common, but we can find better than this.

Wojek Halberdiers -- Now this is a great common. He’s cheap and effective, perfect for a budget deck.

Recommended Build

Creatures (25)

4x Boros Elite
4x Champion of the Parish
3x Firefist Striker
4x Firemane Avenger
4x Skyknight Legionnaire
2x Tajic, Blade of the Legion
4x Wojek Halberdiers

Other Spells (13)

4x Boros Charmfoil
3x Searing Spear
3x Skullcrack
3x Mugging

Lands (22)

3x Boros Guildgate
10x Mountain
7x Plains
2x Slayers' Stronghold

Sideboard (15)

2x Ash Zealot
3x Bomber Corps
2x Electrickery
3x Oblivion Ring
2x Pithing Needle
3x War Priest of Thune

This build comes in at just under $48 according to TCG mid prices. The additional cards can be easily attained by trading some of the rares not included in the final build, and by throwing in a little additional money (maybe $10 max).

Future Articles!

Next week, I will be looking at another Boros deck by thyhax! Although I won’t be taking any more requests until I know how frequently I will be writing, here is what you can expect for deck features. Following the next deck feature, Darkness1835 and I will construct another budget deck in a pricey archetype - all I will say for now is that we have broken into Modern!

  1. thyhax’s Modified Budget Boros
  2. psychoza’s Might of the Wild
  3. PrivateCarly’s Bant Auras Budget
  4. robogeek45’s Izzet Lightning
  5. planeswalkersollis’s Sublimital Messages Ver. 2.0
  6. CaveShinobi’s WB Life-Stealing Control
  7. killroy726’s FNM deck on the cheap help please
  8. Xindlepete’s deck of our choosing
  9. Khashir’s The Marxist Disassembler

Thank you for reading! Please let us know what you think about this type of article, ideas for future articles, and what you think about the build above! Any feedback in greatly appreciated!

This article is a follow-up to Bang for your Buck #5 The next article in this series is Bang for your Buck #7

Sollisnexus says... #1

Amazed how there are no comments yet beside mine now XD

June 17, 2013 8:18 p.m.

theholy says... #2

why dont you use the Clifftop Retreat in the 50$ version?

June 17, 2013 9:34 p.m.

tempest says... #3

thats kinda demoralizing. spending the time to go over the article to have no one comment on it... poor us

June 17, 2013 9:47 p.m.

Goody says... #4

Very nice build, though I probably would have stuck with Pillar of Flame instead of Mugging , as it's more relevant in the meta.

June 17, 2013 10:59 p.m.

@ theholy -- Our budget can be allocated towards more useful cards, especially in a two color deck.

@ Tempest -- This is the least amount of feedback I've received on an article :(

@ Goody -- I can definitely see where you're coming from with Mugging . I think it's reliant on the playgroup and meta; for me, the Mugging would be better. But then again I don't usually play against top-tier decks...

June 17, 2013 11:54 p.m.

miracleHat says... #6

interesting build, i like this form of bang for your buck. Good luck!

June 18, 2013 12:14 a.m.

DaShPrime says... #7

Definitely Pillar of Flame over Mugging , it allows you to throw that last bit of damage at your opponent's face if he happens to get a Guardian of the Gateless or keeps using Fog

Skullcrack might be good against decks like Orzhov extortion decks

June 18, 2013 5:39 a.m.

MagnaLynx21 says... #8

Playing Mugging over Pillar of Flame is just wrong, and it puts me off the article because it shows your skill level is lower than others. I understand you have a more casual playgroup, but not being able to recognise the two upsides of Pillar is...questionable.

As far as the deck goes, your running to many four drops, and not running Ash Zealot in the main deck is just a waste of a solid two drop.

June 18, 2013 10:26 a.m.

@ m12fox -- Thanks! What would you think about looking at things like MM, the Shards block foil boosters, and stuff like that? Do most stores still sell the foil boosters? My LGS has a ton of them... The soonest that another article of this sort would be written is in a month from now, so we have time to think about it.

@ DaShPrime -- I've recognized my mistake in running Mugging over Pillar of Flame . And the deck has 3x Skullcrack in the mainboard.

@ MagnaLynx21 -- As I've mentioned above, I recognize that I made a poor choice. Feel free to compose your own article though if you question my ability to construct decks and my knowledge of the game.

June 18, 2013 11:38 a.m.

miracleHat says... #10

Bah, modern masters for a budget deck, i don't know much of the set, but i do know that it isn't a budget set. you could try shards block and if you want to really reach out, lorywn, could also be fun. think about it.

June 18, 2013 11:53 a.m.

@ m12fox -- I wasn't necessarily thinking as a "budget," but more of do you get your moneys worth from buying a pack and/or box. Just tossing ideas out there for something different.

June 18, 2013 11:57 a.m.

miracleHat says... #12

interesting concept. i think that with MM, it is a bit risky when getting packs. my friend bought 2 for $20 and got nothing. i bought 2 for $20 and got 50$ back, it is just luck.

June 18, 2013 11:59 a.m.

@ m12fox -- True. Same with a DGM box my friends and I bought. We had a net return of about $200 from the $100 we spent (2x Ral Zarek 's, 4x Shocks, and stuff helped). Out of the four of us, two walked away with $70+ in cards, one was $40+, and I got about $20. Hah. I think I'd be getting more into statistics that I'd want to with that article. We'll see.

June 18, 2013 12:04 p.m.

miracleHat says... #14

to be honest, i think that you should stick with modifying decks, tappedout and event decks. that just seems a bit more like "bang for your buck". i think that that change would make it just too much like "statistics for your buck" or something.

June 18, 2013 12:46 p.m.

I certainly didn't agree with all your decisions... particularly as i was reading through the main text of what you were going to remove, but it became much more clear towards the end what you were going for. Especially since you were able to show that you were trading away those other higher priced cards in order to get other things to shore up the deck. That however was not immediately clear at the beginning of the article. I think this is a fine concept and would appreciate seeing something for each of the prepackaged boxes.

June 18, 2013 5:27 p.m.

My initial understanding of the article was that you had this preconstructed deck and then were going to give yourself $50.00 to spend to see how far you could push the power level with that amount of money. That however was not what this article was about. I still like the article for what it was... but it wasn't what the initial paragraph led me to believe. I liked your article a lot better after I found out what exactly it was you were doing as it is a cool concept. But in reading through the article i didn't understand the process you took and your vision for improving the deck until about 1/2 way through.

June 18, 2013 5:33 p.m.

theonyc says... #17

This is a good concept, and seems like it would be helpful if done correctly.

June 18, 2013 6 p.m.

smash10101 says... #18

I would have held onto the Clifftop Retreat if at all possible. I run a two color standard deck and for FNM a few weeks ago I borrowed a playset of duals that really helped the deck out. And I would drop the guildgates. I really don't think a boros agro deck wants taplands.

June 18, 2013 9:15 p.m.

anewsome says... #19

I think removing the Doomed Traveler is a mistake. He's a human, so he boosts your Champion of the Parish (which, to be honest, is the real win-con here) and the spirit that comes out of him has enough evasion to fuel at least a couple of battalion strikes. I might also consider Thatcher Revolt as a viable option here, as well as maybe Rally the Peasants .

June 18, 2013 9:21 p.m.

@ m12fox -- Agreed

@ DeckBuilder345 -- I see where you're coming from - I was not entirely clear with the article's intentions. This is a first-timer for this variation of the article, so I'm realizing my mistakes as I go. I'm glad to hear that you like the concept though.

@ theonyc -- Is there a "correct" way to write my own articles? I agree that I've made a few mistakes in my articles, but then again I'm no veteran like Caley.

@ smash10101 -- I agree that dual lands help, but are not necessary in 2-color decks. The budget could have been allocated towards more useful cards. And the three Guildgates are there to provide any mana fixing the deck may need, but definitely won't help in the first few turns.

@ anewsome -- Other than the Angels, every creature in this deck is human. I'd prefer another card that can contribute to batallion and benefit from it than the Traveler. I didn't include Thatcher Revolt because it can help for one turn, but then the tokens are sacrificed. I'd much rather pay the three for a creature with batallion that can stay more than one turn.

June 18, 2013 9:30 p.m.

pumpkinsword says... #21

You said this would be a good investment. It's actually a pretty bad investment- almost all of these cards are rotating out, which will cause their prices to drop. The most expensive card is Clifftop Retreat , an Innistrad land that will drop to around 4 dollars (maybe eve less) after rotation. It may be great for teaching new players, but it isn't great for the long term player.

June 19, 2013 9:33 a.m.

tempest says... #22

oh my goodness. do you people ever stop criticizing? he already admitted this wasn't his best article. he's open to suggestions but i don't think he likes being criticized cause no one does. help him if you want to. otherwise don't talk

June 19, 2013 9:37 a.m.

pumpkinsword says... #23

I feel like a good budget deck in this Standard would be mono-colored, as slowing yourself down with gates or mana inconsistency can hurt- I know MBC is a thing, Weenie White, mono-red, and mono-green are all at least semi-competitive (not Tier 1 though).

June 19, 2013 9:41 a.m.

psychoza says... #24

Hey man I really liked the article through and through. Main points that I liked, Analysis on the purchased product / value of cards received from the box, analysis on how to convert a money card into more usable cards for the deck to make it better as a whole instead of having that one-of, and the thought process on deck construction.

I believe all of the above points help a diverse group of individuals. It could include the budget players, new players learning to build decks, higher level players who need a specific card and how to obtain that card and then cash in the rest for a profit, and others.

Even if certain cards not agreed upon (Mugging vs Pillar of Flame which you already addressed) and even if some cards may be rotating out (this wasn't written for M14 / Theros so that shouldn't even be an issue) I think the article as a whole was a success and you should definitely continue doing more of this type.

Great job and keep up the good work. I have always been a firm believer that our society as a whole tends to have more people who are apt to take the time to complain and write their complaint than people to take the time to say good job. A lot of people who read reviews on products before purchasing generally get a bad view on the item because people who have been happy with their product don't take the time to post a good review. Keep this in mind moving forward and try to take the bad comments and roll with it.

June 19, 2013 10:18 a.m.

frostrite says... #25

After about a 12 year hiatus from Magic, I got back into the game and built a similar deck to this one from the RTR cycle.

I splashed a little green for cards like Armed / Dangerous and Ghor-Clan Rampager which can really turn the tide if you reach the mid game.

Legion Loyalist is really neat, but make sure to play him after you build up a small army.

Azorius Arrester is a good card at any point in the game.

You might want to try adding a couple bloodrush creatures (Rubblebelt Maaka )

June 19, 2013 10:23 p.m.

Khashir says... #26

Damn, haters gonna hate... Anyway, I wouldn't spend much time answering to nonconstructive criticism--I find it's more important to think outside the (meta) box and change things up a bit, than it is to blindly follow the crowd (even if you later have to go fix stuff.)

Anyway, my only reaction was one that'll probably get me a lot of flak, but here goes (and it's meant to be constructive): I'm not a big fan of Boros Elite . Yes, he's a one-drop that can turn into a 3/3. Yay.

I tend to prefer the underappreciated Daring Skyjek --for an extra mana, you get :

  1. A creature that can trade for a Thragtusk (or any other scary X/3) defensively and offensively (without battalion), or bypass him with battalion (unless they fly, of course).
  2. A Boros Elite can swing for 3 on turn 3 if there are two other creatures in play--DS can swing for 3 on turn 3 regardless of how many other creatures are in play (so, a lone DS, with some board control, can deal some damage very easily).
  3. Haven't crunched any numbers, but battalion --> flying probably grants more survivability than battalion --> +2/+2.

June 19, 2013 11:07 p.m.

Khashir says... #27

Also, I really liked this article format: it's a good way to get players going cheaply and easily (since, as you pointed out, for $25 you get $40 worth of cards, so you can end up with a $65-valued deck for $50).

Not that more $$$ means better deck, but it definitely means more options (which could not contribute much, but hey, it's something).

June 19, 2013 11:10 p.m.

Wild_Card says... #28

Hello I have a Modern deck I would love for you to do a article on! It's here: Blind Ascension . I would consider it to be on a budget for the modern format. Anyways please let me know what ya think even if you don't want to do an article on it. Thx for your time.

June 20, 2013 5:09 a.m.

To anyone who has criticized this article, my knowledge of the game, or me in general: I find it rather disturbing that you would take the time to tell me that I wrote my article (well, alongside another T/O user) incorrectly, and to tell me that I have very limited skill with regard to deck construction. I ask that before posting on an article, or anywhere on the site for that matter, you take a second to think if you're going to simply criticize the author/creator. If you are, either compose your thoughts constructively or don't post at all - you'd be wasting your time. And honestly, compose your own article if you truly think mine is as bad as you make it out to be.

@ pumpkinsword -- I'm not sure when "most" got redefined, but the majority of the deck is from the RtR block. The cards that are rotating out can easily be replaced in the newer set. Also, I'm pretty sure that the long-term players aren't going to be buying an Event deck. I honestly think that if you get mana screwed with a two colored deck, you just suck at shuffling. Yes it'll happen, but it happens to $250 land bases too.

@ Tempest -- No good deed goes unpunished haha, I try to do something good for the T/O community and I just get this crap. I am not letting this discourage me from continuing to write though - it's someones own problem if they don't like my ideas and can't convey their thoughts in a decent manner.

@ psychoza -- Thank you for the support. I realize that some of the organization was poor, but don't think it's incomprehensible. It's true though - most sites might as well change their comments section to the "complaint" section.

@ frostrite -- Splashing red could be beneficial to the deck, but while two colors are easy to manage with basics and Gates, three colors get tricky - especially with an aggro deck.

@ Khashir -- Thank you for the suggestions. Once I finished putting the deck together, I realized that I didn't have Daring Skyjek in. I wanted to add him but wasn't sure what to drop. To appease those who have complained above not taking into account set rotation, you could easily replace Champion of the Parish with the Skyjek. I hope to write another article like this one in a month or so, and hopefully I will have hammered out a lot of the kinks by then.

June 20, 2013 7:49 p.m.

tempest says... #30

Hmm... Don't go too far. It's different when someone just apologizes and says they're going to do better next time and when that person turns around and disses the criticizer. It tells you a lot about their personality and composure. I mean, your writing these articles for the community so you should care about what the community thinks right? That's just my thoughts

June 20, 2013 8:01 p.m.

pumpkinsword says... #31

Sorry, should have been more specific. The value cards are rotating out: Clifftop Retreat , Champion of the Parish , Thalia, Guardian of Thraben , Silverblade Paladin . Yes, you'll still have most of the cards for a boros battalion deck, but they are pretty cheap and there is no reason to buy the event deck.

Also, wasn't criticizing just to criticize, I honestly did not want people to go and buy the event deck, as they are usually a bad value (with a few past exceptions, like the one with 2 Inkmoth Nexus, or Thragtusk ones when he was 22). Trading and snatching things up on ebay/tcg at low is the way to go or going through a store's 5-cent pile even.

June 20, 2013 8:17 p.m.

@ tempest -- Yea, I may have taken that a little too far. It's just frustrating to receive all of this criticism for little things on the article. I wasn't trying to say that I don't care what the community thinks, but rather that I don't appreciate being told that I wrote it wrong, and would definitely appreciate constructive criticism, like I do on anything on this site.

@ pumpkinsword -- I apologize if I came across harsh in my previous post, I was just a little frustrated. That is true, I guess this is yet another thing I was unclear on in the article. I wrote this for people who either have the event deck, or plan on getting into MTG soon and to help them get started. We still have some time before the rotation, and I also believe that a newer player would buy the event deck over buying individual cards - but I may be wrong. What do you think?

One thing I forgot to mention in the article is that it is not meant to endorse nor criticize a Magic product, but just to give suggestions on modifying the deck should a player come across it. I think I'm walking a fine line on this (if there's even a line), and am open to suggestions to help distinguish what I am trying to do.

June 20, 2013 9:20 p.m.

I wanted to echo psychoza and say that this is a very informative article. It's always helpful to see the thought process of other players and why they make the decisions that they make when constructing a deck... Helps novice players like myself recognize their mistakes and move forward in constructing their own decks.

With regard to the inclusion of Mugging of Pillar of Flame , I would argue that this is entirely dependent on the match-up. If you are playing against someone running 4x Voice of Resurgence , then Pillar of Flame is absolutely the way to go. However, if you are playing against a deck with a bunch of fatties, I would assume that Mugging would be the way to go since it is a cheap way of getting a particularly nasty blocker out of the way. Would it be a good idea, then, to sideboard Mugging and swap it our with Pillar of Flame depending on the situation?

My question would be why you decided to sideboard Ash Zealot . If you could tell you me why you stuck her in the sideboard so I can understand the thought process, it would be greatly appreciated!

Keep writing these articles, I always look forward to reading them!

June 21, 2013 7:20 p.m.

@ mourningavenue -- Thank you for the support! I hope to have another article up this Monday featuring another Boros deck constructed by one of our fellow users. My reasoning for running Mugging is exactly as you've stated - the majority of decks that I play against run some sort of fatty that I'd like to lock down. They're also mostly budget or semi-budget, so Voice of Resurgence and those other crazy cards aren't problems.

Ash Zealot really could find a place in either the Mainboard or Sideboard. I'm going to assume your question is intended to ask why the SB and not the MB for her - it's mostly because she doesn't benefit from the Battalion mechanic, but has exceptional utility come particular games against decks that play out of their graveyard. She does have the low cost, body, and evasion to be worthy of the slot in the MB. Another reason she's not in the MB is due to price - ideally we'd run 3-4 of her if she was, but costs a little too much for that. She's still great utility as a 2-of in the SB though.

I hope this helped, and feel free to ask any other questions!

June 22, 2013 12:18 a.m.

Goody says... #35

I guess most people were thinking that as a haste 2-drop, zealot could enable a turn 2 batallion creature on turn 3, and even later as surprise batallion triggers. Her second ability is almost irrelevant most times.

June 22, 2013 12:23 a.m.

These articles are really helpful! This helped me build a Boros deck that was a month in the making.

June 22, 2013 12:28 a.m.

@ Goody -- That is very true... At the least, she could replace Champion of the Parish once he rotates out. If the player decides to build this deck though, there is absolutely nothing wrong with her in the MB. It may be me, but I have something against running only two of a card that doesn't act as a game-changer and with the budget, more than two wouldn't fit either. Is there something in particular you would remove for her?

June 22, 2013 12:29 a.m.

@ducttapedeckbox: It seems to me that you guys are running lots of 4-drops. If I were running this deck, I'd take out one Firemane Avenger and one Tajic, Blade of the Legion for two Ash Zealot s. Goody's argument is very true.

June 22, 2013 12:39 a.m.

Dylan says... #39

A take on this deck

budget boros deck 21212

June 22, 2013 3:06 p.m.

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