March Magic Madness - Planeswalkers Bracket
21 March 2013
Round 1 almost done!
21 March 2013
Round 1 almost done!
If you haven't voted on the other brackets, click the link at the bottom of the article to do so.
(16) Sarkhan the Mad
(15) Vraska the Unseen
(4) Gideon Jura
(12) Tezzeret the Seeker
(6) Ajani Vengeant
(11) Sorin Markov
(7) Karn Liberated
(10) Liliana of the Veil
DeckBuilder345 says... #2
- Jace, the Mind Sculptor booo ... hiss... booo
- Elspeth, Knight-Errant strong
- Garruk Wildspeaker ramping yay
- Sorin, Lord of Innistrad from one of the best sets of all time and much nicer than that quasi beastie.. i mean everyone loves tokens... not everyone loves gideons
- Tezzeret the Seeker because artifacts
- Ajani Vengeant because land destruction
- Liliana of the Veil beccause regularly castable while karn not so much
- Tamiyo, the Moon Sage sick of cards named jayce.
March 21, 2013 1:37 p.m.
doinitwrong says... #4
- Jace 2.0
- Vraska
- Venser
- Gideon 1.0
- Bolas
- Ajani 2.0
- Liliana 2.0
- Tamiyo
March 21, 2013 1:49 p.m.
March 21, 2013 2:02 p.m.
Rhadamanthus says... #6
- Jace, the Mind Sculptor wins and saying that made me throw up a little bit
- Vraska the Unseen wins because I think she's really that good and she doesn't get enough credit/respect
- Garruk Wildspeaker wins because almost every time I play him people leave him alone for some reason... O_o
- Gideon Jura wins because he's The Greatest Bro
- Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker wins because he's the Death Star
- Sorin Markov wins because he's tougher and flashier
- Karn Liberated wins because he's the Death Star II
- Tamiyo, the Moon Sage wins because she's the closest I can get to Frost Titan right now and her Limit Break actually happens in games
March 21, 2013 2:07 p.m.
TheSeventhNinja says... #8
1) Jace, the Mind Sculptor 2) Elspeth, Knight-Errant 3) Venser, the Sojourner 4) Gideon Jura 5) Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker 6) Ajani Vengeant 7) Liliana of the Veil The only one I actually REALLY though about so far. 8) Tamiyo, the Moon Sage Close again.
March 21, 2013 3:17 p.m.
March 21, 2013 3:24 p.m.
Human_Rogue_21 says... #10
Jace, the Mind Sculptor because duh.
Elspeth, Knight-Errant because I enjoy indestructible things... And tokens.
Venser, the Sojourner because temporary banishment is cool and permanent banishment is down right dirty.
Sorin, Lord of Innistrad because creatures kill Gideon with his +2... It should say: "During target opponent's next turn, kill Gideon". Sorin however, wins games, while making baby vampires. Twilight got nothin' on Sorin.
Tezzeret the Seeker because if you search for or untap the right artifact's, then the game will be over before Bolas hits the field.
Sorin Markov because unlike his little brother, Sorin, Lord of Innistrad, he levels up quicker and can put the opponent at 10 life. Also, his -7 is Mindslaver for no mana.
Liliana of the Veil because the game will be over before Karn hits the field if you have any creatures at all. Her ultimate is just a finishing touch.
Tamiyo, the Moon Sage because her ultimate shuts down Jace and can tap your Invisible Stalker with Trepanation Blade for no mill. Take that Jace.
By the way, I think Sarkhan Vol, Jace Beleren, and Liliana Vess deserve to be in here more than: Jace, Memory Adept, Tamiyo, the Moon Sage, and Vraska the Unseen.
March 21, 2013 3:37 p.m.
PhageTheUnbeatable says... #11
March 21, 2013 3:47 p.m.
March 21, 2013 4:22 p.m.
March 21, 2013 4:41 p.m.
MindAblaze says... #16
- Jace, the Mind Sculptor He should really get a bye into the next round...not even fair for Sarkhan...
- Elspeth, Knight-Errant Tokens or pumps both for +1???
- Garruk Wildspeaker Ramp and tokens...nice.
- Sorin, Lord of Innistrad Sleeker and faster than his original version, and he made Avacyn...
- Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker could have killed Tezzeret...and now he's his b*tch.
- Ajani Vengeant If you've ever had your lands blown up by him you'll know why.
- Liliana of the Veil umm...Steve Argyle is awesome?
- Tamiyo, the Moon Sage Jace already is represented once on this list, although I do appreciate a good miller...
March 21, 2013 4:50 p.m.
(1) Jace, the Mind Sculptor(2) Elspeth, Knight-Errant(3) Garruk Wildspeaker(4) Gideon Jura(13) Sorin, Lord of Innistrad(12) Tezzeret the Seeker(10) Liliana of the Veil(8) Jace, Memory Adept
March 21, 2013 4:57 p.m.
Dude... there's 36 planeswalkers:
Who here votes for a new bracket featuring all but 4 planeswalkers? I would like a larger bracket!!!
Ok, so heres the new list. Please vote for this bracket. (All rankings based on current gatherer ratings out of five stars, with the exception of Mind Sculptor, the obvious #1.)
Vote based on two factors: the most awesome, flavorful, exciting planeswalker, and additionally: the most in-game effective, logistical use of the walker in all scenarios/legal formats.
(1) Jace, the Mind Sculptor VS.
(32) Jace, Memory Adept
(2) Liliana of the Veil VS.
(31) Nissa Revane
(3) Elspeth, Knight-Errant VS.
(30) Sarkhan the Mad
(4) Liliana Vess VS.
(29) Jace, Architect of Thought
(5) Tezzeret the Seeker VS.
(28) Liliana of the Dark Realms
(6) Koth of the Hammer VS.
(7) Chandra, the Firebrand VS.
(8) Gideon Jura VS.
(25) Ajani Goldmane
(9) Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker VS.
(24) Vraska the Unseen
(10) Venser, the Sojourner VS.
(23) Karn Liberated
(11) Garruk Wildspeaker VS.
(22) Domri Rade
(12) Chandra Nalaar VS.
(13) Chandra Ablaze VS.
(14) Sorin Markov VS.
(19) Elspeth Tirel
(15) Jace Beleren VS.
(18) Sarkhan Vol
(16) Ajani, Caller of the Pride VS.
(17) Ajani Vengeant
March 21, 2013 5:33 p.m.
My voting:
Lily of the V.
Elspeth KE
Liliana Vess
Tezzie Seeker
Garruk PH
Sorin LOI
Gideeee J.
The Karnacle
Good ol Nalaar
New Tezzie
Sorin Markov
J. Biebs
AJ Caller
March 21, 2013 5:38 p.m.
1) Jace, the Mind Sculptor
2) Elspeth, Knight-Errant
3) Venser, the Sojourner
4) Sorin, Lord of Innistrad
5) Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker
6) Ajani Vengeant
7) Karn Liberated
8) Jace, Memory Adept
March 21, 2013 6:34 p.m.
BrotherHumble says... #24
- Jace - because he can just last longer and gives you an edge with his "brainstorm"
- Elspeth - She can come down sooner, put a defender sooner, pump up that defender sooner.
- Garrul - Land advantage is just too good and the chump blocker is nicely priced. Also far more verestile and useful in almost any green deck.
- Guideon - Really hard to kill and can give you plenty of time to play creatures.
- Tezzeret - Bolas is much more powerful but far too slow
- Sorin - His life gain/damage giving ability is good. Ajanis +1 is not that great.
- Liliana - Only because she comes in 4 turns sooner than Karn. Otherwise he wipes the floor with her.
- Jace - His '0' power puts a person in a 5 turn clock to defeat.
March 21, 2013 6:34 p.m.
Jace, The Mind Sculpter, because he is the only Planeswalker to be banned from Standard
Elspeth, cos I love making dudes
Venser, cos he can do some crazy EDH shinanegans
Sorin, Lord of Inistrad, cos more dudes
Bolas, I just love bolas he is amazing
Sorin, for the broken EDH shinanigans (turn six sorin there life is 10, turn 7 win with Sorin's vengeance)
Liliana, because I'm not a fan of Karn
Jace, Memory Adapt, because I love to mill and of the combo potential
March 21, 2013 6:37 p.m.
Jace, the Mind Sculptor as much I love sarkhan, broke jace is broke
Elspeth, Knight-Errant cause yes
Garruk Wildspeaker does what green does best, ramps, makes tokens and gives trample
Sorin, Lord of Innistrad stack that emblem
Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker cause cruel control is a thing
Sorin Markov can always use his + ability on something useful rather than looking at a field with ajani and going.... oh... sad panda
Liliana of the Veil cause karn is dumb
Tamiyo, the Moon Sage cause i would rather burn my decks than vote for another Jace
March 21, 2013 7:36 p.m.
Jace, the Mind Sculptor
Elspeth, Knight-Errant
Venser, the Sojourner
Gideon Jura
Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker
Ajani Vengeant
Karn Liberated
Tamiyo, the Moon Sage
March 21, 2013 7:37 p.m.
GureiSeion says... #28
- Jace, the Walletslayer - Hard to compete with a 4-ability 'walker.
- Elspeth, Knight-Errant - More cohesive abilities, better ultimate.
- Garruk Wildspeaker - Generic usefulness is handy.
- Gideon Jura - Controls boards by himself.
- Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker - Cannot oppose my lord so early on.
- Sorin Markov - Guaranteed to do some harm before going belly up, especially in EDH.
- Karn Liberated - Fits in more deck, and always disappears the threat you want gone.
- Tamiyo, the Moon Sage - Helps keep the board in check while doing her thing. Also, 'dat ultimate.
March 21, 2013 7:46 p.m.
Jace, the Mind Sculptor, nuff said.
Elspeth, Knight-Errant is all around more reliable.
Venser, the Sojourner, my first walker, awesome bro, and homie for flickerin and unblockablness. R.I.P. (He died saving Karn)
Gideon Jura, The Old one.
Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker, and part time land destroyer.
Ajani Vengeant is superspecialawesome!
Speakin of the devil... Karn Liberated wins because he fits in more decks and Venser would have died regardless... Karn was his last chance to help save mirrodin... a moment of silence..
Anyway, Tamiyo, the Moon Sage fits more decks.
March 21, 2013 8:14 p.m.
Zen_Toombs says... #30
(1) Jace, the Mind Sculptor, because while I hate Jace I hate Sarkhan the Mad more.
(2) Vraska the Unseen because I HATE Elspeth.
(3) Okay, this is actually hard because these are my two favorite 'Walkers. Venser, the Sojourner though, because he's more silly.
(4) Gideon Jura
(5) Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker is a bloody powerhouse.
(6) Sorin Markov eats players in Commander.
(7) Karn Liberated is a powerhouse.
(8) Tamiyo, the Moon Sage is nifty.
March 21, 2013 8:33 p.m.
TGPHermenthotip says... #31
(1) Jace, the Mind Sculptor(2) Elspeth, Knight-Errant(3) Venser, the Sojourner(4) Sorin, Lord of Innistrad(5) Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker(6) Ajani Vengeant(7) Liliana of the Veil(8) Tamiyo, the Moon Sage
March 21, 2013 9:52 p.m.
- Jace, the Mind Sculptor - I can't believe Sarkhan the Mad made the top 16, much as I think Jace is OP
- Elspeth, Knight-Errant - wonderfully painful. Plus Vraska is way too hard to use
- Venser, the Sojourner - so much more fun and useful.
- Gideon Jura - very tough fight, don't really fancy either but I think Gideon is marginally more useful in more decks.
- Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker - there's a reason why he's the first multicolored card in a core set. So fun to use if you get to cast him
- Ajani Vengeant - tough fight, Ajani is more castable than Sorin
- Liliana of the Veil - Liliana is exactly what a black deck needs, Karn is sort of whenever you can fit him somewhere. Plus he costs 7.
- Jace, Memory Adept - Mill!
March 21, 2013 9:56 p.m.
Here's my vote:
2) Jace, the Mind Sculptor - DId you guys see that Jace is in the first pair?
3) Jace, the Mind Sculptor - Seriously, he's like the most broken plansewalker ever.
4) Jace, the Mind Sculptor - Really, he's insane.
5) Jace, the Mind Sculptor - I remember playing with him in Standard...that was fun.
6) Jace, the Mind Sculptor - You guys think they'll ever make a planeswalker as good as Jace?
7 Jace, the Mind Sculptor - Jace. Jacey jace. Jacejacejace.
8) Jace, the Mind Sculptor - Oh yeah, Jace.
March 21, 2013 10:15 p.m.
March 21, 2013 10:37 p.m.
yousquiddinme says... #35
- Jace, the Mind Sculptor is a dumb, unfair magic card.
- Elspeth, Knight-Errant is my favorite white planeswalker, and one of the best ones overall.
- Venser, the Sojourner is super cool and fun.
- Gideon Jura is one of the best walkers as well.
- Tezzeret the Seeker is seeing Vintage play and is a great EDH card as well. Nicol is..alright.
- Ajani Vengeant is freaking awesome.
- Liliana of the Veil is my favorite 'walker, and is probably the best behind Jace and maybe Elspeth.
- Tamiyo, the Moon Sage is sweet.
March 21, 2013 11:05 p.m.
- Jace, the Mind Sculptor is simply OP
- Vraska the Unseen has awesome removal and can instant win a game
- Venser, the Sojourner because Garruk Wildspeaker is an awful planeswalker
- Gideon Jura is one of the best planeswalkers out there
- Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker can win games by himself
- Sorin Markov. My favorite planeswalker (probably because he was the first one i have ever owned). Awesome card.
- Karn Liberated no contest
- Tamiyo, the Moon Sage is amazing. Very close contest because Jace, Memory Adept is still pretty awesome.
March 22, 2013 12:34 a.m.
Thedren_The_Inquisitor says... #37
Can some explain to me why exactly Elspeth, Knight-Errant is considered so good? I really do not see it and I am not a noob, i have been playing for six years, she just seems so, meh to me.
March 22, 2013 12:38 a.m.
1) Jace, the Mind Sculptor
2) Vraska the Unseen
3) Venser, the Sojourner
4) Sorin, Lord of Innistrad
5) Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker
6) Sorin Markov
7) Karn Liberated
8) Tamiyo, the Moon Sage
March 22, 2013 5:08 a.m.
4) Gideon Jura
March 22, 2013 5:31 a.m.
Rhadamanthus says... #41
@Thedren_The_Inquisitor: A 4-mana planeswalker who can protect herself, gives you creatures, and has a way to win the game. What's not to like?
March 22, 2013 9:09 a.m.
theemptyquiver says... #42
Is this necessary? Can we all just agree that Jace, the Mind Sculptor will just win because that card is ridiculously powerful?
Also, I was sad to see Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas left out. He's my favorite.
March 22, 2013 10:37 a.m.
Thedren_The_Inquisitor says... #43
well to be fully honest i am a little underwhelmed by a 1/1 solider token. Ajani Vengeant comes down and says lockdown your biggest threat or Lightning Helix. to me he comes out swinging harder than Elspeth, Knight-Errant
March 22, 2013 11:32 a.m.
March 22, 2013 12:10 p.m.
theemptyquiver says... #45
@Thedren_The_Inquisitor. The token may seen underwhelming, but her greatest strength is to protect herself along with whatever else you have while building towards her ultimate. (which is a pretty sweet emblem.)
I don't think anyone could argue against your logic that Ajani comes out swinging harder...but sometimes value is greater when looking at the bigger picture, not just a compartmentalized instance.
Think of it like the tortoise versus the hare story.
March 22, 2013 12:42 p.m.
March 22, 2013 1:14 p.m.
CharonSquared says... #47
1) Jace, the Mind Sculptor
2) Elspeth, Knight-Errant
3) Venser, the Sojourner
4) Gideon Jura
5) Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker
6) Ajani Vengeant
7) Liliana of the Veil
8) Tamiyo, the Moon Sage
March 22, 2013 2:23 p.m.
(1) Jace, the Mind Sculptor
(15) Vraska the Unseen
(14) Venser, the Sojourner
(13) Sorin, Lord of Innistrad
(5) Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker
(6) Ajani Vengeant
(7) Karn Liberated
(8) Jace, Memory Adept
The upsets are for flavor reasons
March 23, 2013 12:41 a.m.
Can't decide both are good 6.) Ajani Vengeant and 11.) Sorin Markov
10.) Liliana of the Veil
March 23, 2013 7:32 p.m.
entietz123 says... #50
jace, elspeth, garruk, gideon, nicol, ajani, lily, jace
March 25, 2013 3:08 p.m.
thrashtilldeath says... #51
Jace, Elspeth, Venser, Sorin, Nicol Bolas, Sorin, Karn, Tamiyo
March 25, 2013 3:31 p.m.
DudeCoasterMan says... #52
JTMS, Vraska, Garruk, Sorin, Bolas, Markov, Karn, Tamiyo
cartwheelnurd says... #1
2 Elspeth
3 Venser
4 Gideon
5 Bolas
6 Ajani
7 Karn
8 Tamiyo
March 21, 2013 1:27 p.m.