Daily Dose 45 - Standard

Daily Dose of Standard


6 March 2013


vs. MMM222

My deck:

Bolas for a Better Tomorrow

Standard* KrazyCaley

SCORE: 107 | 506 COMMENTS | 23119 VIEWS | IN 42 FOLDERS

Game 1

Enemy wins the toss and plays first. He mulligans to six.

Caley keeps an opener of Drowned Catacomb, Sulfur Falls, Nephalia Drownyard, Dreadbore, Think Twice, Counterflux, and Chromatic Lantern.

Turn 1

E plays Watery Gravefoil tapped and passes.

C draws Mystic Retrieval, plays Drowned Catacomb, and passes.

Turn 2

E plays Breeding Poolfoil tapped and passes.

Probable BUG deck. BUG is popular with homebrewers these days, which gives it strength in competition - you never know what to expect out of one of these.

C draws Slaughter Games. He plays Nephalia Drownyard and passes.

With Sulfur Falls as the only other available land, I have to decide whether it's more important to play Think Twice right on turn 2 or Chromatic Lantern right on turn 3. I decide on Think Twice, which is definitely the riskier play, but if I draw a land that enters untapped, I'll have the best of both worlds.

Turn 3

E plays Overgrown Tombfoil tapped and passes. End step, C casts Think Twice, drawing Dragonskull Summit

C draws Swamp. He plays it and casts Chromatic Lantern, then passes.

It all worked out.

Turn 4

E plays Hinterland Harbor. Then he casts Vampire Nighthawk and passes.

This doesn't give me much information. Vampire Nighthawk is such a good creature that it fits right in basically anywhere.

C draws Barter in Blood. He plays Dragonskull Summit and passes.

I could cast Slaughter Games and remove all mystery, but I might not hit anything with it if I cast it now. Best to wait, sit on my counterspell, and see if he casts a second creature for my Barter in Blood.

Turn 5

E attacks with Vampire Nighthawk and hits. (E 22, C 18). Then he plays Woodland Cemetery and casts Vampire Nighthawk. He passes.

If I put a dollar into a jar every time I forgot to use Think Twice when I should, I'd have enough money for Blood Cryptfoils.

C draws Dreadbore. He plays Sulfur Falls and casts Barter in Blood, which resolves. C passes.

Turn 6

E plays Hinterland Harbor and taps out for Staff of Nin. He passes.

This makes it more likely to be a control deck. I have sometimes considered including Staff of Nin myself; it is a handy 1-toughness-creature pinger, and the card advantage is obvious, of course.

C draws Gilded Lotusfoil. He casts it. In response, E hits C with the Staff. (E 22, C 17). C passes.

Turn 7

E plays Swamp and casts Arbor Elf. Then he casts another Arbor Elf. Then he passes. End step, C flashes back Think Twice, drawing Drowned Catacomb.

His deck is still a bit of a puzzle. I can't get a read on him. Why did I wear all these rings?

C draws Gilded Lotusfoil. He casts it.


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So I have a few choices here. He only has one card left, but is winning due to his creatures and especially his Staff of Nin. My options are as follows:

a - Mystic Retrieval back the Barter in Blood to kill his Elves.

b - Dreadbore both the Elves and retain mana for a Counterflux.

c - Mystic Retrieval the Barter in Blood, but don't cast it to save for Counterflux.

d - Slaughter Games with a tough choice about what to name, with Counterflux still available.

e - Do nothing and sit on Counterflux and Nephalia Drownyard.

Tired of operating in the dark, I choose option D.

C casts Slaughter Games naming Syncopate.

BUG decks usually have a few counterspells, and Syncopate tends to be their favorite because it doesn't require double blue.

C finds one copy of Syncopate in the library and exiles it, none anywhere else. C sees a hand with Prime Speaker Zegana. The library contains 1x Arbor Elf, 2x Borderland Ranger, 1x Cyclonic Rift, 2x Disciple of Bolas, 1x Essence Scatter, 4x Farseek, 2x Simic Charm, 2x Snapcaster Mage, 2x Staff of Nin, 4x Thragtusk, 2x Ultimate Price, 2x Vampire Nighthawk, and 3x Victim of Night.

Well this is an interesting build. It's sort of a midrange-control hybrid that can push through some damage on the ground. Thragtusk is the real engine that will make it go.

C passes. End step, E hits C with Staff of Nin. (E 22, C 16).

Turn 8

E attacks with his creatures and hits. (E 22, C 14). He plays Overgrown Tombfoil and passes.

C draws Desolate Lighthouse and plays it.

Just what I need to find Mr. B.

C casts Mystic Retrieval on Slaughter Games. Then he casts Slaughter Games again naming Thragtusk, removing four copies from the library and seeing a hand of Breeding Poolfoil and Prime Speaker Zegana.

I could have gone for Barter in Blood, but I felt it was more important to get rid of the dangerous Thragtusk first. He has an extra card because Staff of Nin draws, don't forget.

C Dreadbores one Arbor Elf. Then he passes. End step, E activates the Staff. (E 22, C 13).

I can now spend the Dreadbores profitably, having seen no Planeswalkers to worry about. This will slow down my bleeding a bit. Hopefully he will now cast Zegana so that Barter in Blood can be used for even greater security.

Turn 9

E plays Breeding Poolfoil. He attacks with Arbor Elf and hits. (E 22, C 12). He passes. End step, C uses Nephalia Drownyard, milling Nighthawk, Arbor, Land.

C draws Nephalia Drownyard. He Dreadbores Arbor Elf and passes. End step, E activates the Staff. (E 22, C 11).

Here I was hesitant. The field is clear except for lands, mana artifacts, and his Staff of Nin. I need to either play the Drownyard and start milling him, or else use the Drownyard as fuel for Desolate Lighthouse. I decided to Lighthouse it.

Turn 10

E plays Hinterland Harbor. He casts Farseek twice for lands and passes. End step, C activates Desolate Lighthouse, drawing Dragonskull Summit and discarding it.

He's not casting Prime Speaker Zegana because he has a win on the board.

C draws Watery Gravefoil. He plays Nephalia Drownyard. He activates Desolate Lighthouse, drawing Drowned Catacomb and discarding Watery Gravefoil. He passes.

Wow, I would be helpless without this Lighthouse. Also, he forgot to activate the Staff, which is excellent for me.

Turn 11

E plays Island and casts Prime Speaker Zegana. Then he passes. End step, C drownyards twice E for a total of six cards.

C draws Island. He flashes back Mystic Retrieval for Dreadbore and uses it to kill Prime Speaker Zegana.


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So here we are. I keep drawing lands, lands, and more lands, despite my Lighthouse. However, I do not continue to lighthouse here, because he has 22 cards left and I'd prefer to just run for the finish line using Nephalia Drownyard. So I save mana for that and Counterflux instead.

C passes. End Step, E hits C with the Staff. (E 22, C 10)

Turn 12

E casts Borderland Ranger, which runs into Counterflux. End step, C drownyards E once, milling Snapcaster, Disciple of Bolas, land.

I'm out of kill spells, which is why I countered this. Need to buy just a bit of time to mill him out.

C draws Watery Gravefoil. He passes. End step, E uses the Staff. (E 22, C 9). End step, E also casts Simic Charm to give exactly zero creatures hexproof.

Your guess is as good as mine about that play. This game would be completely one-sided in his favor without Nephalia Drownyard and Desolate Lighthouse, by the way.

Turn 13

E casts Staff of Nin and passes. End step, C drownyards away 6 cards. C also Desolate Lighthouses up a Counterflux, discarding Watery Gravefoil.

I have 9 life = 5 turns to live, he has 9 cards = 2 turns to live.

C draws Barter in Blood and passes. End Step, E flashes down Snapcaster Mage but it runs into Counterflux. E concedes.


Caley boards out 3x Mystic Retrieval and boards in 3x Dissipate.

Not sure about this. Mystic Retrieval is an important engine for the deck. Dissipate is effective against Thragtusk, of course, but I'm not sure that cutting Retrieval was correct.

Game 2

E plays first and mulls to 6.

C keeps an opener of Mountain, 2x Drowned Catacomb, Sulfur Falls, Chromatic Lantern, Think Twice, Counterflux

Turn 1

E plays Overgrown Tombfoil untapped for Arbor Elf and passes. (C 20, E 18).

Off to a fast start this time.

C draws Sulfur Falls and plays Drowned Catacomb, then passes.

Turn 2

E plays Watery Gravefoil untapped and then taps out, including Arbor Elf, for Wolfir Avenger. (C 20, E 16).

I don't care too much about the regeneration, but this is an awful lot of damage to be stacking up so early without a kill spell for me, and before my second land drop.

C draws Watery Gravefoil and plays Mountain. He passes.

Turn 3

E plays Watery Gravefoil tapped and attacks with everything, then he passes. (E 16, C 16). End step, C casts Think Twice drawing Dreadbore.

C draws Barter in Blood.

Excellent. Now hold still for one turn.

C plays Sulfur Falls and casts Chromatic Lantern, then passes.

Turn 4

E plays Island, then taps everything including Arbor Elf for Thragtusk. He attacks with the Avenger and passes. (E 16, C 13).

The Chromatic Lantern was an obvious mistake, as should now be evident. With Barter in Blood online next turn regardless, I should be more worried about what's coming down than about ramping for one.

C draws Desolate Lighthouse. He plays Sulfur Falls and then Barter in Blood. E sacs Wolfir Avenger and Thragtusk. C passes.

I was curious to see this. He must be out of land to play.

Turn 5

E taps everything, including Arbor Elf, for another Thragtusk. He attacks with the beast token and hits. (E 16, C 10).

This does not look good.

C draws Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker. He plays Watery Gravefoil tapped, then Dreadbore on Thragtusk and passes.

Turn 6

E attacks with his beasts and hits. (E 16, C 4). He passes. End step, C flashes back Think Twice, drawing Counterflux.

Need Barter in Blood to survive.

C draws Dragonskull Summit and concedes.


C boards in 3x Cyclonic Rift and boards out 2x Gilded Lotusfoil and 1x Think Twice.

Impressed with that performance from his deck, I sacrifice some long-game performance for some more answers.

Game 3

C plays first. He keeps an opener of Swamp, Drowned Catacomb, Mountain, Think Twice, Devour Flesh, Counterflux, Cyclonic Rift.

E keeps their opener.

Turn 1

C plays Swamp and passes.

E plays Breeding Poolfoil untapped for Arbor Elf and passes. (C 20, E 18).

Turn 2

C draws Cyclonic Rift. He plays Drowned Catacomb and casts Devour Flesh to kill the Elf. (C 20, E 19).

Slow down there, buddy.

E plays Watery Gravefoil tapped and passes.

That's more like it.

Turn 3

C draws Dragonskull Summit. He plays it and passes.

I'm a little uncomfortable since I don't have another blue yet for Counterflux.

E plays Woodland Cemetery and passes. End step, C casts Think Twice drawing Drowned Catacomb.

Turn 4

C draws Dissipate. He plays Drowned Catacomb and passes. End step, E flashes down Wolfir Avenger, but C Counterfluxes it.

Much more comfortable now. Note that he can't cast Thragtusk next turn, or I probably would have let this through.

E plays Breeding Poolfoil tapped and passes.

Turn 5

C draws Counterflux, plays Mountain, and passes.


E plays Drowned Catacomb and casts Thragtusk. C Dissipates it.


Turn 6

C draws Desolate Lighthouse and plays it. He passes.

E casts Staff of Nin. C Counterfluxes it.


Turn 7

C draws Devour Flesh. He does nothing and passes.

E casts Vampire Nighthawk and passes. End step, C casts Devour Flesh, killing the Nighthawk, then flashes back Think Twice drawing Nephalia Drownyard.

This is going slightly better than last time.

Turn 8

C draws Murder. He plays Nephalia Drownyard and passes. End step, E flashes down Snapcaster Mage with nothing to target.

E attacks with Snapcaster Mage but C Murders it. Then E taps out for Staff of Nin. E passes. End step, C Drownyards 2 lands and Havengul Lich.

Good sideboard choice.

Turn 9

C draws Barter in Blood and passes. End step, E hits him with the Staff. (E 22, C 19).

E plays Overgrown Tombfoil tapped, then casts Thragtusk. He passes. End step, C drowns away Psychic Spira, Yeva, Nature's Herald, and a land.

Turn 10

C draws Drowned Catacomb and plays it. He passes. End step, E uses the Staff. (E 22, C 18).

E attacks with Thragtusk and hits. (E 22, C 13). Then he plays Hinterland Harbor and casts Prime Speaker Zegana. Then he passes. End step, C mills away Disciple of Bolas and two lands.

Turn 11

C draws Dragonskull Summit. Then he casts Barter in Blood, killing Thragtusk and Prime Speaker Zegana; Thragtusk makes a beast. He plays Dragonskull Summit and passes. E activates the Staff on the end step. (E 22, C 12).

E attacks with the token and hits. (E 22, C 9). He passes. End step, C mills away Farseek, Vampire Nighthawk, land.

Turn 12

C draws Watery Gravefoil. He overloads Cyclonic Rift. In response E uses the Staff. (E 22, C 8). C plays Watery Gravefoil tapped and passes. End step, E flashes down Snapcaster Mage targeting Psychic Spiral, then casts Psychic Spiral. Two Bolases and a Think Twice are milled away.

E plays Hinterland Harbor, then casts Triumph of Cruelty, Staff of Nin, and Arbor Elf. He attacks with Snapcaster Mage. (E 22, C 6). He passes.

Turn 13

C draws Slaughter Games. He flashes back a recently-milled Think Twice from the graveyard, drawing Chromatic Lantern. He casts Cyclonic Rift on Staff of Nin, then casts Slaughter Games naming Staff of Nin, exiling two from the hand and two from the library.

He also had a Simic Charm in hand, which wins for him unless he doesn't cast it.

E's upkeep, C has to discard Chromatic Lantern. E casts Simic Charm for +3/+3 on the Snapcaster, and C concedes. E wins the match 2-1.


  • Staff of Nin is a strong card; it nearly got him back into that bad game 1, and won him game 3 singlehandedly.

  • I get really manic when I go on long, long control runs.

This article is a follow-up to Daily Dose 44 - Standard The next article in this series is Daily Dose 46 - Standard

Cdawg44 says... #1

He never gained life from Thragtusk?? Not that it matters, but I just noticed he was never gaining 5 from it

March 6, 2013 12:50 a.m.

MagnorCriol says... #2

I effing LOVE Staff of Nin. I want to make a deck with it and Mimic Vat as the only cards. I'll still win just because of the amount of awesome contained therein.

These were pretty interesting battles. The opponent's deck was quite strange; I guess it was just GUB Good Stuff?

March 6, 2013 12:53 a.m.

zephyrkey says... #3

Glad to see Staff of Nin seeing play and doing work. I try to stick it in just about any deck I build, even if only in the sideboard. That card advantage is not to be trifled with, and the little bit of extra reach can be incredibly relevant.

March 6, 2013 1:06 a.m.

SpammyV says... #4

Interesting build he had, that Havengul Lich was a clever move against your mill/sacrifice effects.

One thing I am wondering now is: no Deathrite Shaman? I'll admit I've never been a big Standard follower but it seems like the Shaman would put a hurt on control decks like yours.

March 6, 2013 2:17 a.m.

GureiSeion says... #5

One of those matches where an enemy library count may have been more appropriate than a life total. Also, wow in regards to four Staffs in one deck.

March 6, 2013 4:07 a.m.

DarkHero says... #6

KrazyCaley might want to find some space for Staff of Nin in your deck. The extra card draw seems like it will speed up Bolas a lot.

March 6, 2013 8:44 a.m.

KrazyCaley says... #7

Staff of Nin is a great card, but I think it's a little redundant in Bolas, which already has plenty of card advantage effects, I think. Maybe instead of the Mystic Retrieval, but I do love my retrievals.

March 6, 2013 2:53 p.m.

Human_Rogue_21 says... #8

When the enemy played his Thragtusk's he never gained any life... Really enjoyed the read though!

March 6, 2013 3:37 p.m.

KrazyCaley says... #9

I always neglect to add the life for Thragtusk; forget it even DOES that because of my deck.

March 6, 2013 4:15 p.m.

True enough... Haha! I was in tournament and forgot to gain life after casting Thragtusk and it turned out that by forgetting to gain the life, it lost me the game. I was not happy. But we all make mistakes!

March 6, 2013 4:26 p.m.

miracleHat says... #11

i have always been surprised that you didn't add Staff of Nin, after seeing it perform, ARE you going to add it?

March 6, 2013 5:08 p.m.

GureiSeion says... #12

The main issue I see with adding a singleton Staff of Nin (even if just tossing out one Mystic Retrieval), is that it's a play that usually doesn't leave mana open for a kill/counterspell. That said, the card advantage is hard to argue against, and the pinging could prove helpful in a few late-game Barter in Blood casts.

March 6, 2013 6:20 p.m.

DarkHero says... #13

KrazyCaley your deck almost certainly revolves around Mystic Retrieval. But the extra card draw would make your deck ridiculous. Turns everything into a ticking time bomb. I would venture that maybe you should either go back to sideboarding Slaughter Games, as your not always going to get to see enough game one to cast it effectively anyways as was the case in this match up, or drop/sideboard 1 or 2 of one of the kill spells. If you have the extra draw your more apt to draw into what you need.

March 7, 2013 10:10 a.m.

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