Showdown #17: Mooove over Centaurs



18 April 2014


Hello all and welcome back to another edition of Showdown where I pit my current standard build against those sent into me by you: the members of Tappedout. Last week I faced InconspicuousPotato in a Simic mirror-match, where I managed to come out ahead. This time around I have a sort of "special" edition of Showdown...It's tribal time!!

With Pheres-Band Warchief having been spoiled, I knew I wanted to at least attempt a centaur tribal build -- especially since my current Simic build already had a majority of all the centaurs worth playing, in my opinion. Of course, what would a tribal matchup be without the tribe of the hour, Minotaurs! I present to you Tabu34 and his minotaur tribal budget build:

deck-large: rakdos-minotaurs-botg

Now, as always, I have been doing a number of practice runs to see how the deck fare against each other and how best to sideboard. And already I can tell you this matchup is horrible for me. The reason why people question centaurs as a tribal deck right now is that they lack a sort of synergistic quality that Minotaurs do exhibit. Tabu's deck, for example, runs playsets of 3 different minotaur "lords" in addition to other minotaurs. This, combined with the ever-available removal package located in B/R has disallowed me to win even a SINGLE game against this deck prior to or after sideboarding.

What am I afraid of it this matchup? Everything. The centaur tribal deck just isn't in the same caliber is minotaur tribal, and it shows heavily. Most of these games seem to involve me getting 1 for 1'd by removal spells until he can get out a Ragemonger to fill up his board with cowmen that rip me to shreds in an instant. I will have to play carefully and get very lucky to come out ahead of the horde this time around. Let us begin.

Game 1

I win the flip and choose to be on the play. I choose to mulligan a one land hand, begrudgingly, and keep an okay hand of 2x Temple of Mystery, forest, Elvish Mystic, Boon Satyr, and Simic Charm. It's not fantastic but we can't afford to go down to five cards in this matchup.

Tabu keeps an opener of 2x mountain, swamp, Dreadbore, fellhide brawler, Deathbellow Raider, and Mogis, God of Slaughter. Sweet hand. We keep.

S1: Forest, Elvish Mystic. Pass.

T1: Draws Whip of Erebos. Mountain. Pass.

S2: Draws Swordwise Centaur. Well, that was beautiful right now. I play out the centaur and plays a tapped Temple of Mystery, which reveals a forest that I scry to a bottom. Pass.

T2: Draws fellhide brawler. He then plays a swamp and plays out his Deathbellow Raider and passes.

S3: Draws Elvish Mystic. I attack with the centaur for 3 and there are no blocks. Then I follow this up with another Temple of Mystery, this time revealing another forest, which is once again scry'd to the bottom. I pass. (s 20/17 t)

T3: Draws Rakdos Guildgate. He knows I could have either Simic Charm or Boon Satyr to make for a blocker, but that's a 1 for 1 he is willing to make. He attacks with the Deathbellow Raider and I choose not to block. He then follows this up with the guildgate and by playing out a fellhide brawler. At EoT I flash in Boon Satyr. (s 18/17 t)

S4: Draws Breeding Poolfoil. His brawler is proving to be quite annoying since all my creatures right now have 2 toughness or less. I guess we have to burn a charm then. I cast Simic Charm to return his brawler to his hand and then swing it for 8 damage with all my creatures. Lastly, I cast a second Elvish Mystic, play the breeding pool tapped and pass. (s 18/9 t)

T4: Draws Mizzium Mortars. My opponent plays a mountain and then swings for 2 with his Deathbellow Raider. To avoid a blowout by another Simic Charm, he then uses the mortars to blow up my Swordwise Centaur, and the Dreadbore to kill my Boon Satyr before passing. (s 16/9 t)

S5: Draws Cyclonic Rift. I wish I could have just one more mana to overload but sadly I do not. I attack with both my elves for 2 damage and then pass. (s 16/7 t)

T5: Draws Kragma Warcaller. He attacks with his raider for 2, and then plays out 2 copies of fellhide brawler, clearly noticing I'm not running Bile Blight. I'm assuming he would do this to keep up pressure as opposed to playing out the whip. Pass. (s 14/7 t)

S6: Draws Scavenging Ooze. Alright. I mean, it isn't going to win us the game but it will stop him from running us over for now I think. I play out the ooze and pass the turn.

T6: Draws Dreadbore. Not a bad draw for him. Knowing the ooze is trouble, he decides to fire off the bore at him before combat. I respond by exiling my two creatures in my grave to the ooze and gaining 2 life. He then attacks for 6 with his creatures. I do not block. Pass. (s 10/7 t)

S7: Draws Mistcutter Hydra. Interesting. He may have mana up for a burn spell but he doesn't have Doom Blade in yet. Putting everything into the hydra is absolutely risky but it's honestly our only out. I choose to completely tap out to make a 5/5 hydra, which then attacks. I pass, hoping my opponent cannot kill me on his turn. (s 10/2 t)

T7: Draws Lightning Strike. Aghhhh! He can get me to 1 but not kill me! I'm going to assume my opponent is incredibly insightful and realizes I am 1 land away from an overloaded rift, which would kill him. For this reason, he chooses to bolt one of my Elvish Mystic. He is forced to attack with the deathbellow raider and gets in for 2. (s 8/2 t)

S8: Draws Forest. Aww man we would've got there! If I attack with the hydra, I put myself in an incredibly risky position. I think I'll leave it back to block the raider or the brawlers. I play out my forest and pass.

T8: Draws Lightning Strike (and that's exactly why I didn't attack). One thing he could do here is to attack with all his creatures to either force me to block and lose my hydra to burn or to kill me with burn afterwards, but if he's assuming I have rift or charm, that kills him. He chooses to just attack with the raider. I can't afford to risk my hydra if he's only attacking with one creature, so I let it through, hoping he doesn't have double Lightning Strike. He does not, and second main he plays out Whip of Erebos, hoping to gain some life back from blocking and knowing he is dead to rift regardless. Pass. (s 6/2 t)

S9: Draws Forest. Perfect. I play out the forest, overload my Cyclonic Rift and swing for lethal.

Spooty wins game 1!

Sideboard tech with Spooty: That was a really close game on both ends. Near the end, there were a ton of play situations that were complete judgment calls and this is a perfect example of where it would be nice to be playing against a real person instead of with myself. I tried my best to do what was the most "correct" given the boardstate and with the supposed knowledge that we would each have each other's deck lists. Hopefully it doesn't appear to be biased -- I do my best to avoid that.

In my practice games against this deck, I have yet to have a good sideboarding plan. So, for this article I decided I'd do some "experimenting" by trying to race my opponent's deck with Experiment One. Also coming in is the last copy of Courser of Kruphix, a second copy of Scavenging Ooze, and a few Witchstalker to have a couple creatures immune to spot removal. Boon Satyr is horrible in this matchup, so he's out. Fated Intervention, Mistcutter Hydra a fourth copy of Pheres-Band Warchief come out as I consider them too slow for now.

Sideboard tech with Tabu: the way most of these matches go, it would seem, is that there is a lot of 1 for 1's going on until he gets a decent number of minotaur lords out. Doom Blade is coming in in place of Whip of Erebos and Mogis, God of Slaughter so as to streamline the aggression of the deck while giving access to more removal against the opposing aggro. It's worked well in the past.

Game 2

Tabu chooses to be on the play and keeps an opening hand of 2x mountain, swamp, 2x Lightning Strike, Magma Jet and Kragma Warcaller. The 5-drop is a little awkward, but we have good lands and hopefully the burn can allow us to get to the 5 mana necessary.

My first hand is super awkward. 5 lands (1 Mutavault) with a Scavenging Ooze and a Swordwise Centaur. Part of me wants to keep this hand since it's okay in terms of mana to spells, but my curve is totally off and I don't like scooze in my opening hand for this matchup. I think I'll mulligan and hope for the best. The kept hand contains Breeding Poolfoil, Elvish Mystic, Swordwise Centaur, Witchstalker and 2x Cyclonic Rift. Not horrible. I'll keep.

T1: Mountain. Pass.

S1: Draws forest, plays forest, and plays out Elvish Mystic. Pass.

T2: Draws mountain. THE ELF MUST DIE. My opponent plays out a swamp and then Magma Jets my elf. On the top he sees Doom Blade and Ragemonger. Yeah, those can stay for sure. Pass.

S2: Draws Swordwise Centaur. I shock myself with the Breeding Poolfoil to play out the centaur and pass.

T3: Draws Doom Blade. He plays out a mountain and passes the turn.

S3: Draws Nylea's Disciple. I attack with my centaur and it is met with a lightning strike. I choose to play out my second centaur and pass the turn.

T4: Draws Ragemonger. Rather than setting up his next turn and possibly getting screwed over by a bounce spell, he chooses to just play a mountain and pass with two potential kill spells up.

S4: Draws Breeding Poolfoil. I shock myself with the breeding pool and cast Witchstalker, and my opponent responds by using Doom Blade on my centaur. I pass. (s 16/20 t)

T5: Draws Mizzium Mortars. Tabu decides to play out Ragemonger since it's his only play here. He passes.

S5: Draws Experiment One. Yeah, I little late, bud. The only way I see myself coming back here is to screw up his tempo by bouncing his spells and making him "waste" mana. I'll just need some really good top decks. I attack with Witchstalker and he obviously doesn't block. I then bounce his Ragemonger back to his hand with Cyclonic Rift and play out that Experiment One before passing the turn. (s 16/17 t)

T6: Draws Mizzium Mortars. He is pretty much in the same position he already was in. and it doesn't seem super important to "waste" a mortars on the Experiment One right now. He replays the Ragemonger and then passes the turn.

S6: Draws Elvish Mystic. Alright, pretty much the same position here. We aren't likely going to get to overload these rifts this game so I might as well use them now to benefit myself early. I use Cyclonic Rift to once again bounce the Ragemonger to Tabu's hand. I then swing in with Witchstalker and Experiment One for 4 damage. lastly, I play out the elf and pass. (s 16/13 t)

T7: Draws Rakdos Guildgate. Not horrible but -- once again -- he's essentially in the same position. He plays out the guildgate and plays out the Ragemonger. Pass.

S7: Draws Nylea's Disciple. That's not horrible here. I play out the first disciple to gain 6 life and evolve the Experiment One. After this, I attack with the Witchstalker for 3 and pass. (s 22/10 t)

T8: Draws swamp. I think we all know the devastation I'm about to face... He plays out the swamp and overloads his Mizzium Mortars to wipe my board of creatures. After this, he attacks for 2 with his minotaur and passes. (s 20/10 t).

S8: Draws forest. I play out the forest and my final card in hand, Nylea's Disciple, gain2 life and pass. (s 22/10 t)

T9: Draws Doom Blade. He uses the doom blade to kill my disciple, and then follows that up by playing out his Kragma Warcaller. He attacks for 8 damage and passes the turn. (s 14/10 t)

S9: Draws Swordwise Centaur. I play it out and pass.

T10: Draws Rageblood Shaman. Nieeceeee. He plays out the Shaman and uses Lightning Strike to kill my centaur. Then he swings in with everything for 14, which is lethal.

Tabu wins game 2!

Sideboard tech with Spooty: Things sucked that game -- let's be honest. Hopefully being on the play and a good opening hand will get us this last game.

Sideboard tech with Tabu: Our deck did what we wanted it to and there's no need for changes.

Game 3

I keep an opening hand of forest, Mutavault, Breeding Poolfoil, Experiment One, Courser of Kruphix, Temple of Mystery and Courser of Kruphix. I wish it had one more creature but other than that it's fine.

Tabu keeps an opener of 2x mountain, Rakdos Guildgate, Mizzium Mortars, Kragma Warcaller, Magma Jet, and Lightning Strike. Nice hand. Much keep.

S1: Forest, Experiment One, Pass.

T1: Draws Ragemonger. He plays out the guildgate and passes.

S2: Draws Experiment One...interesting. I play out my Temple of Mystery to scry an Elvish Mystic to the bottom of my deck, attack for 1 with the experiment, and then play the second one and pass. (s 20/19 t)

T2: Draws Felhide Brawler. He chooses to play out a mountain and then pass.

S3: Draws Witchstalker. Not bad, actually. I play my Mutavault and follow that up with the Witchstalker, evolving both my experiments. I attack for 2 and one of them is met with a Magma Jet. He scrys Doom Blade and Felhide Brawler. The brawler isn't great here so it goes to the bottom. I pass. (s 20/17 t)

T3: Draws Doom Blade. He plays a mountain and uses the Doom Blade on my remaining Experiment One to send it to the grave before passing the turn.

S4: Draws forest. I think aggression is very important right now. I activate my Mutavault and attack for 5 total. I play the forest and pass with mana for Cyclonic Rift up. (s 20/12 t)

T4: Draws Dreadbore. Well, that's pretty miserable right now. Much like last game, his only good play is to set up his next turn by bringing out his Ragemonger. At EoT, I bounce it back to his hand with my Cyclonic Rift.

S5: Draws Swordwise Centaur. Not bad, not bad. I activate my Mutavault and swing in for 5 again. I play my breeding pool tapped and then use the rest of my mana to cast the centaur before passing the turn. (s 20/7 t)

T5: Draws Rageblood Shaman. It looks like he's just mana-screwed now. All these draws without a single land is leaving him in a very rough position right now when making choices. Witchstalker is being surprisingly hazardous on this board state as there is simply no way in his hand that he can deal with it quickly. I'm honestly unsure what can be done at this point to fix this in his favor. He have to play out the Ragemonger and go to 1 and maybe get enough on board to stall things and not die. He does this and passes the turn.

S6: Draws Simic Charm. Yep. I play the charm and bounce the minotaur to his hand, activate the Mutavault and swing in for the victory.

Spooty wins the match!


That...did not go as I thought it would. In my many test matches before this write-up I never won a single game, but chose to do the write-up anyway as a sort of "proof" that tribal centaurs was not a way to go. I wanted to use the minotaur deck to juxtapose an example of a great tribe as opposed to a bad one. Soo...yeah, that didn't go as I had planned.

Now...why did I win? Game one was really weird. He didn't seem to get his pieces together to make a winning board position and things stalled out enough for me to get a sizable Mistcutter Hydra. A couple crucial draws later and I was able to overload my Cyclonic Rift and just barely make it out alive. Game two started out as I typically want them to, with a threat on the board and lots of tempo disruption. But an overloaded Mizzium Mortars completely devastated my board and within a couple attack phases I was absolutely demolished. Game three I had a decent opening hand and sort of curved out, but the real victors here were Witchstalker and Mutavault, who were both able to keep on the beats while evading removal.

Let's not beat around the bush, though. That last game involved a decent bit of mana screw for the minotaurs. Just one or two more lands may have been enough to stabilize and fill the board with his synergistic creatures, which would have surely spelt disaster for me. Moreover, my "centaur tribal" deck didn't even show off any tribal characteristics! Pheres-Band Warchief didn't even get onto the field. And to be honest...I'm glad. he wouldn't have helped at all this game. I truly do not think he has a place in this build.

This centaur deck is not focused, nor effective, it would seem. Without access to multiple "lords" (like the minotaur tribe has), there just isn't enough synergy to warrant running lackluster creatures like Swordwise Centaur. Splashing for white to grant access to more centaurs also seems like an ineffective idea as all it does is replace good creatures with less good ones for only the reason that they have the word "centaur" on them.

Back in a previous Showdown, I battled against Matsi883's Sliver deck (and lost :( ). His sliver deck had just enough to work with in the tribe that things worked well for him. Centaurs do not have that yet. Minotaurs seem to have the ability to have it, and I'm sure they will have more with the release of JOU. (I have now seen the full spoiler and they have moar goodies)

I will not be running tribal centaurs any longer. And I honestly advise competitive people to avoid it as well -- it isn't Spike material.

With the coming of Journey into Nyx and the full spoiler now upon us. you had better believe I am hard at "work" brewing and trying to see how I feel about these new cards. I'm going to streamline my Simic aggro deck and probably be running that for the next showdown...but I have to say, GW Mid is looking really tasty to me again. With the arrival of our very first GW Planeswalker, Ajani, Mentor of Heroes, the problem of not being able to gain good card advantage midgame has been answered. As for not having removal, Banishing Light and the ridiculous card Deicide really take care of that. Nyx-Fleece Ram is even high on my radar for constructed-playable cards from the set

The GW Mid build I am currently testing will likely be my new deck in a couple weeks as I kind of feel that it sits a little better in both the metagame and my own play preferences over Simic Aggro. There will absolutely be a deck tech coming up for the build and that article will be one of the first to be at, where I am now doing the majority of my article postings.

I mentioned in the past that I may move Showdown as well...I'm not doing that anymore. Tappedout is where it belongs and it would honestly make me feel a bit ridiculous to move it when it has so many ties to this site. So keep sending in those submissions! These may not be coming out as often as they once did, but they will still be coming out -- don't you worry :)

I want to thank Tabu34 for his submission. I DO NOT think that what you have seen in this article is a fully accurate representation of what the deck is truly capable of in better circumstances. Like I have mentioned...I lost all of my games to it prior to this. Especially for those looking to run budget builds, I HIGHLY recommend this build and others like it.

If you would like a chance to be the next challenger to my sometimes-glorious-sometimes-janky builds, leave your deck in the comments below! YOU MAY BE THE NEXT okay yeah, I didn't like it either.


Last time, I asked you all what your favorite Simic cards were and got some answers that were quite surprising to me -- such as Crocanura and Bioshift. I guess Simic has all manner of crazy creatures to choose from!

With the release of the full JOU spoiler, I have a simple question this time: What card are you the absolute most excited to play with/against. What is your favorite card from the set? Mine would probably have to be a toss-up between Ajani, Mentor of Heroes and Riptide Chimera. Don't worry, Kiora..I want one too.

Thank you again for the submissions and don't forget to resubmit this week for your chance to fight me IRL! And as always, thanks for reading!


Keep up with all the showdown action and more!

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @Spootyone

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This article is a follow-up to Showdown #16: Simic Potato Casserole The next article in this series is Showdown #18: We're Back Baby!!

Matsi883 says... #1

So when did you decide when to play the real games? Did you choose the two of three you won or something else? :)

Anyway, great article. Be sure to link to your legitMTG profile so I can read you all the time!

April 18, 2014 8:38 p.m.

Spootyone says... #2

:P Oh, you know it!

To be honest, though, I did like 8-10 games really trying to win and lost horribly every time. I then got super frustrated and almost decided not to use my deck at all and switch again (you're favorite, I know :P ), but decided to use my losses as proof that the deck I made sucked...and then this happened...I'm still kind of shocked I won. I didn't deserve to lol.

April 18, 2014 8:42 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #3

Minotuars lost to Centaurs... you're right, that doesn't seem right, lol.

I cannot wait to break my opponent with Dictate of Kruphix in my Mono-blue control.. Dictate of Erebos looks to be sickening in my Tymaret, the Murder King EDH. And I'm just waiting for Giant Adephage to rotate so I can play Hydra Broodmaster

I love this set. :)

Blah blah blah, my deck is the best...

April 18, 2014 10:20 p.m.

Tabu34 says... #4

I think I got way more exited than I should have when I saw this on the front page!

This is a great write-up, as usual. It's just a shame that I lost! Ha.

In Game 1, I think you probably made the better call playing out the two Brawlers instead of the Whip, based on the board state. However, knowing me, I would have probably been more concerned about stabilizing. It certainly would have made the game run longer, but I don't know if the outcome would have been different. And yeah, I get that hindsight is 20-20.

Do you have any advice on the deck? I'm not sure how I feel about the Whip and Mogis.

April 18, 2014 11:10 p.m.

jwe94 says... #5

Great article I love your showdowns they're quite fun to read:)

If you'd like to shake things up a bit and get away from winning by damaging your opponent (how barbaric :P) my deck Hopefully You Weren't too Attached to Those might be a fun to see if mill can be a thing.

April 19, 2014 12:19 a.m.

Have you gotten any articles up yet at legitmtg? It's really cool you get to write articles on a more "legit" (see what I did there) website. The only problem I'm seeing with the Showdowns is that you know too much. Have you considered using cockatrice and having people volunteer to do the showdowns on cockatrice with you so it's more fair?

Anyways, this article was great as always. I kind of always had that feeling about centaurs, but... centaurs.

Also, i'm going to the dark side. Mono Black aggro keeps getting better and I'd like to know if this is worth continuing to develop.

Let all Share in the Pain I see Playtest

Standard* InconspicuousPotato


April 19, 2014 12:20 a.m.

DrLitebur says... #7

I always enjoy reading your stuff. The articles are fun, and sometimes one can get example was I had mullinganed down to 5, and still got 2 Madcap Skills , a Thunderous Might , and two Mountains, and got 0...yes, ZERO creatures in a Red Aggro deck for 7 turns. Needless to say I got beat, and I was quite upset about it. It happens.

Now for a deck for you to play against, I humbly submit my deck...

Counter THIS! Playtest

Standard DrLitebur


April 19, 2014 1:48 a.m.

Dalektable says... #8

Nice article, it was a nice change from the normal articles. I absolutely love tribal, so this was a fun change for me.

QOTD: I am most excited for either Athreos, God of Passage or Sigiled Starfish . One because wow it is just insane and because it fits perfectly into my current standard build, and the latter because STARFISH!

This week I'll submit two of my builds. I don't know if you can be featured twice, but I certainly wouldn't be opposed.

The Dark Ages Playtest

Standard* Dalektable

SCORE: 12 | 26 COMMENTS | 2044 VIEWS

Orzhov Humans utilizing Athreos, God of Passage and Xathrid Necromancer for a very powerful deck. Meant to be very competitive, this is my serious standard build for tournaments and stuff about now.


Standard* Dalektable

SCORE: 75 | 27 COMMENTS | 4960 VIEWS

Less serious, but a ton of fun. Basically a Maze's End turbofog deck with the addition of Sigiled Starfish as well as Chromanticore , hence the name. The deck runs surprisingly well, control decks have an incredibly hard time and aggro/midrange builds well...see all the fogs. I would love to have either of of these featured, but if not because I already have been in the past i understand :)

April 19, 2014 12:13 p.m.

SpaderAce says... #9

I humbly submit my deck:

Silence in the Library Playtest

Standard SpaderAce

SCORE: 49 | 48 COMMENTS | 6546 VIEWS

April 19, 2014 1:09 p.m.

BLEATH says... #10

Nice article! And I totally feel ya. Wish tribal centaurs were actually good...

Anyways, I submit my RUG 'walkers deck:

Cant walk on this rug Playtest

Standard* BLEATH


April 19, 2014 5:15 p.m.

Bellock86 says... #11

Always a fan of your articles. I live how you explain the thought process behind your choices as you're the one who has to play both decks. I cant think of anything I would have done different in those matchups.

I humbly submit my janky Orzhov build for lolz if nothing else. It will be nice to see if it performs at all. I've had tons of fun with it.

Which Bitch is Witch 2.0 Playtest

Standard* Bellock86


Yeah it's a funny story on where that came from. Long story short I was trying to win a bet.

April 19, 2014 5:49 p.m.

-Fulcrum says... #12

You're going to have to link us all to your profile on LegitMTG so we can continue reading your articles. It's nice to see you're taking your writing somewhere.

For your next showdown, I have two different decks to submit. One is my super-fun-super-janky build that I've been submitting the past couple times.

Chromanticore is Awesome Playtest

Standard* thePESSIMIST


The other is a new, (hopefully) more competitive build that I'll be excited to test out.

Chernobyl Playtest

Standard* thePESSIMIST


As for your QOTW, I'm most excited to play Banishing Light . I loved Oblivion Ring when it was in Standard, and I'm looking forward to this new version of it. However, my favorite card in the set is Deicide . I love everything about it, from the flavor and flavor text to the artwork to the card's ability.

April 19, 2014 11:10 p.m.

Bromjunaar says... #13

What card can I not wait for? Temple of Malady . It will be so nice to finally be able to scry off the tap lands.

What card is my favorite? Hydra Broodmaster . Use ALL the ramp. Monstrosity for X = 5+, make 5+ 5+/5+ hydras. Smash opponents face in when they don't have an instant sweeper since you did that at their end step.

And the deck I shall submit is, once again,

GMC - What a Truck Playtest

Standard Bromjunaar


April 20, 2014 1:02 a.m.

Thrandir says... #14

For your QOTW, Keranos, God of Storms screams for a control player to love him and i may switch to mono green devotion to tool around with Hydra Broodmaster as well as seeing azorius aggro with Launch the Fleet and Battlefield Thaumaturge

I have only one deck i want to see you play, and that is my U/W/r control, gods style, which I have edited for JOU and would love feedback on it, and to see how someone else runs it

Raining Democracy 101 Playtest

Standard* Thrandir


April 20, 2014 2:47 a.m.

smash10101 says... #15

Here is my deck:

Heroes of the Legion Playtest

Standard smash10101


I may update it for JOU sometime soon, but feel free to play it before or after, it'll be a really small change.

April 20, 2014 3:15 a.m.

FergleMcMilky says... #16

Brilliant article, as always-The card I am most excited to play with has to be Hydra Broodmaster , for the sheer feeling of domination at the multiplayer table that I can already envision, when you flash that in a la Prophet of Kruphix and everyone else concedes...

April 20, 2014 11:26 a.m.

Khaotica says... #17

Another great Showdown Spooty. Sadly I have to agree with you on Centaur tribal being lackluster - perhaps with Huey block there'll be more and better support.

As for JOU cards, I'm very excited by Master of the Feast , Dictate of Erebos and all the new Minotaur goodies (my favourite tribe).

For the next challenge here are my decks:

Slaughter Games: The Movie Playtest

Standard Khaotica



Destructive Heroes Playtest

Standard Khaotica


April 20, 2014 11:52 a.m.

These are fun articles! And that outcome was... strange, to say the least. Heart of the cards, I suppose! It's unfortunate that centaurs didn't get the support that minotaurs did, but we can't all be part of R&D.

For the question, the card I've been looking forward to most is... Temple of Epiphany . Why they decided to split up the scrylands like they did I'll never know, but it was incredibly annoying for me. Keranos, God of Storms looks promising in a control shell, but has been getting a lot of (unwarranted) hate for being too slow. Yeah, he's slow, but he doesn't belong in an izzet blitz deck or something of the like. Also, Sigiled Starfish . We need Starfish tribal.

Well, I've never done this before, but it seems interesting, so here's my deck:

Izzet Really Control Without White? Playtest

Standard TheAshenKnight

SCORE: 42 | 26 COMMENTS | 15505 VIEWS

April 20, 2014 1:48 p.m.

TheFanatic says... #19

I will once again submit to you my Rakdos control deck that I've been playing for nearly 6 months now - I've 4-0'd my last two FNMs and I think it would be a worthy challenger.

From the Depths of Hell Playtest

Standard TheFanatic

SCORE: 104 | 9 COMMENTS | 15011 VIEWS

April 20, 2014 3:36 p.m.

Blizzicane says... #20

How you won against Minotaurs is beyond me... but good job winning with the almost un-winnable. :3

I guess I will make another attempted at submitting my deck, waits for spooty to pick a deck out of a box XP

Let all feel joy in pain Playtest

Standard* Snowstorm


April 20, 2014 4:12 p.m.

Dreno33 says... #21

That wasn't even a centaur deck . . . Spootyone, you fooled us with your title and all we saw were some elves, wolves, hydras, and a few oozes. :P haha

Great read, and minotaurs are just much stronger currently. they have 3 different lords and access to a lot of hate-control. it's a perfect combo.

April 21, 2014 10:43 a.m.

I really enjoyed your article. It really helps me get a feel of both types of decks you're running here. Since I am always on the fence with what to play articles like this are incredibly helpful.

I will submit something a little different I have been fooling around with. Its a Mono-Green Constellation deck. I have been testing with Proxies and having a lot of fun with it.

Nylean Constellation Playtest

Standard* LittleBlueHero


April 21, 2014 5:21 p.m.

Sloanan says... #23

Hey Spootyone, I've really enjoyed not working today and instead reading through these showdowns. This is a really cool and fun idea.

You know what also sounds fun? Squaring off against a Golgari deck. One such as my luv-a-ly dredge-esque deck, and my submission for the week:

Thith ith a Lotleth Fun for Opponentth Playtest

Standard* Sloanan


As far as the QOTW, though, I'm honestly most excited for Kruphix's Insight . Golgari seems to be heading towards self-mill enchantment creatures, so I'm excited to see something that can potentially net you 3 cards for 3 mana and then fuel your graveyard. It fits my deck perfectly, methinks. A very close second would be Keranos, God of Storms , as that could actually give my Grixis control deck a better wincon than Mogis-pings.

April 21, 2014 11:47 p.m.

harrydemon117 says... #24

As far as my favorite card from JOU, I would have to say Keranos, God of Storms as he looks REALLY good for Grixis and RUG both.

Instead of "the dragon" submitting my deck for me, maybe a BUG deck is more to your liking?

Does it BUG you when I scry? Playtest

Standard harrydemon117


April 22, 2014 11:57 a.m.

goblinking55 says... #25

Nice article. If you'd like, you can test against this deck. Trust me, it's a lot different than most decks out there, but surprisingly effective.

Death by Mind Control Playtest

Standard goblinking55


April 22, 2014 8:10 p.m.

Energycore says... #26

I have two favourite JOU cards, and they're kinda predictable.

As far as flavour goes, Keranos, God of Storms is so awesome I want American Control to be a thing again.

As far as power goes, Athreos, God of Passage in a well built B/W or B/W/R aggro would probably stir up the metagame a lot.

Ajani is also a card i'm excited about. Green White or Junk midrange seem like they're going to be very poweful. I always liked my selesnya aggro decks.

I've already set up an American Control deck that is more or less budget friendly, i'll add it here so you can check it out!

Epic Experiment Playtest

Standard* Energycore


April 24, 2014 12:17 a.m.

Caharin says... #27

As far as what I'm looking forward to in nyx is Athreos, God of Passage .

I know you just did a tribal deck but my gorgons are itching for some attention

Vraska's party

May 1, 2014 9:47 p.m.

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