Showdown #23: The Doom Challenge



21 August 2014



Hello all and welcome to Showdown, where I pit my current standard build against those submitted by you all, the members of TappedOut. Last time we were together I posed a challenge: Build a deck focusing on using the highly-damaging combo of scuttling doom engine = shrapnel blast. Additionally, I wanted to see how powerful Generator Servant would be both in general and in this build. I got soooo many submissions from you all. You're all freaking awesome. In fact, I got SO many that I simply couldn't choose just one. And so I chose them all. That's right: time to face the Horde. This Showdown will be between me and ALL of you!

In order to compensate for the fact that I needed to play and document nearly 40 games of magic in 2 nights, I decided to do 2 things differently. First, I have not done a turn-by-turn playback for every game. Doing so would not only cause me to have what scientists call a "brain-plosion", but would also mean somewhere between 15 and 20 thousand words to the article...that's way too much for us both. Additionally (and this is something I wish I hadn't needed to do), I didn't sideboard for any of the matchups. I know I stated that every deck needed a sideboard but adding in the time to change every deck for every match and trying to explain the choices each time simply would have had the same effect of it being too much for me to handle. I know some people like APPLE01DOJ specifically made boards for the match. I apologize for not using them. Feel free to test out things for yourself afterwards and post it in the comments below :)

The submitted decks all looked great upon first impressions. I want to thank you all sincerely for being a part of this and hopefully being as interested in the brew as I am. Scuttling Doom Engine is probably my favorite card from M15 and I cannot wait to use him in the future. So without further ado, let's get to the matchups!


Music for your head


Let the games begin!

CR vs. Generating Serious Doom by redsoxfanky

Fanky (yes, I know it's Fan KY me it's fanky) is off to a great game one with a T3 AND T4 Stormbreath Dragon. Even being on the play was not quick enough for me to lose that one before T5. I was able to decisively win Game 2 by top-decking Banishing Light to use on a kalonian kydra that had just been generated out with Generator Servant. Twas a close one. Game 3 and the match goes out to redsoxfanky! I had to banish another hydra, then attempted to banish a Scuttling Doom Engine but an instant-speed Shrapnel Blast blew him up before I could target him. Another blast blew up my Archangel of Thune and a Xenagos ultimate revealing 2 Stormbreath Dragon to blow up both my Elspeth, Sun's Champion and Garruk, Caller of Beasts left me dead on board. Well done! Great deck! 0-1 in favor of Scuttling Doom Engine decks.


CR vs. The Conclave's Conquerors by fulcrum

Game one was given to me due to me having 2x Archangel of Thune on the field by T5 with a Courser of Kruphix gaining me life every turn. Archangel makes things unfair haha. Game two was a victory for fulcrum as a Generator Servant into a Genesis Hydra revealed a Ghor-Clan Rampager, and then a BTE into Nykthos + Chord of Calling to tutor into play a Scuttling Doom Engine, spelled disaster even though I had an angel and courser on field. Ouch... Game 3 was unfortunately decided my mana screw as fulcrum's deck simply wouldn't cough up a colored land until a mull to 4. That's one match for me. Great deck regardless! We're now even at 1-1.


CR vs. Here comes the doom by RussischerZar

Game 1 was a real arms race, with both of us adding more and more to the board without a real way to break through with attacks. I managed to get an Archangel of Thune out but not before he had all three of his walkers (Xenagos, Nissa and Chandra) on the field and at 7 loyalty a piece. I did not come out alive. I won game 2 with a timely Setessan Tactics taking out 2 of his mana dorks and leaving him backpedaling until death. Game three went to me. While RissischerZar was able to get out plenty of early game mana accelerators, he could not find a threat before I had assembled the best pieces of my deck on the field. It's now 2-1 in my favor. Thanks for the deck RussischerZar! Sidenote: What's the origin of your name...and how do I pronounce it...? haha.


CR vs. GR Artifacts?!?! by Nigeltastic

Nigel's deck had a bad start with a mulligan into a not so great hand. A Juggernaut was able to be generated out, but was quickly snuffed by my Banishing Light, allowing me to follow up with sticking an Ajani, Mentor of Heroes that I rode to victory. Nigel's deck continued to have mana problems in game two, facing the same issue of not getting a hand with colored mana until he was at 4 cards. While he did manage to get out both a Juggernaut and Scuttling Doom Engine, an Archangel of Thune was already winning the game for me. 3-1 in my favor. Thank you for the deck Nigeltastic! I think I'd suggest adding a couple more lands -- probably in place of a couple Life's Legacy.


CR vs. Scuttling Shrapnel by jedc22

Game one was INCREDIBLY CLOSE. I thought I was dead after both a Polukranos and an Archangel ate removal and I stared down both a Desecration Demon and Reaper of the Wilds. However, a lucky Elspeth and Advent of the Wurm allowed me to just barely stabilize. I almost lost later that game as a Goblin Kaboomist and Shrapnel Blast put me to 1... I mulled to 5 in game two, but ended up coming back incredibly strong. However, the Scuttling Doom Engine + Shrapnel Blast combo was more than enough to blow up the large amount of life I had left EVEN AFTER an Archangel of Thune attack for 6. Man... Game three saw me play out 2 Archangel of Thune that died to Doom Blade, 2 Banishing Light take out his threats, and then he stuck a Scuttling Doom Engine and burned me out with the combo again. DED. 3-2 for me now. That combo is sick nasty. One really has to play conservatively to play around it if they desire to. Great deck, jedc22!


CR vs. Dr. Doom and His Generous Servants by TheFanatic

I lost game one to the Scuttle-Blast combo again. I even tried playing around it and just couldn't manage. I can't believe how back-breaking it is to face down 17 potential damage in one turn. Game two was another episode of double-angel-courser bonanza. Unless the opponent can kill both angels, it's always game. It was game. Game three was a real good one, with the board ebbing and flowing like waves. I lost it to a Stormbreath Dragon monstrous combined with a Shrapnel Blast I simply couldn't play around. Damn. That makes is 3-3. Great deck, TheFanatic!


CR vs. N.P.H. Challenge by Scytec

I won game one fairly easily. Nothing special -- I just played creatures and then Ajani and the opposing deck floundered a tiny bit with Genesis Hydras. Game two saw a Chord of Calling into a Deadly Recluse to surprise block an Archangel of Thune, but in the end it was all about the planeswalkers. Ajani and Garruk gave me more than enough advantages to win the game and match. Sorry is wasn't closer, Scytec! I suggest removing a couple Genesis Hydra and adding a couple more threats. I also fear that Mending Touch wouldn't work as you intend for it to (You can't regen a creature that you're sacrificing, if you thought you could). I'm back ahead at 4-3.


CR vs Scuttling Myself to Victory by Casino647

A quickly-generated Scuttles showed up to the game this time, but a top-decked Banishing Light served me well. The Superfriends were assembled and completely took over the game. Game two was about to be much closer, but a Setessan Tactics served as a one-sided board wipe with an Archangel of Thune on field. This obviously ended the game very quickly. Great deck, though, Casino647! Thank you! I might recommend some black removal like Ultimate Price in place of something like Magma Spray. This puts me at 5-3. Look! I made day 2! :P


CR vs. GRRRRR Engine by golffore297

Game one involved my mulliganing away a 6 card hand of 4 lands, Voyaging Satyr and Life's Legacy -- a hand which I maybe should've kept -- and him never seeing another land again. Because this feels scummy on my part, I'll redo game one. The actual game 1 did result in me winning, but mostly on the heels of an Ajani, Mentor of Heroes. In game 2, golffore297 brought out his planeswalkers for some fun, and this followed up by Xenagos, God of Revels, Scuttling Doom Engine, and Soul of New Phyrexia spelled brutal death for me. Game 3 was a great curve out of Sylvan Caryatid into Polukranos into Archangel and with my opponent unable to do much with a hand full of Shrapnel Blast, I took the match. Thanks for the deck, golffore297! I might suggest replacing Yisan and/or Life's Legacy with either Stormbreath Dragon or Polukranos so that you have an earlier threat when needed. The record is now 6-3 -- I've just about clinched victory!


CR vs. Fiery Constructs by Angel_Of_Deathx666

In game 1, Nylea showed up alongside Domri Rade to the battlefield after a Dreadbore took out angel #1, but Ajani, Mentor of Heroes was MVP once more. He pumped up my creatures and found me a replacement angel to guide me to victory. It took me quite a while to win game 2 of this match, and it's unfortunate, too, because the reason it was so easy to do so was because the opposing deck couldn't get a threat out and keep up. Something I'm really finding with these builds is that a lot of them need more threats. and possibly less ramp. Removing some or all of the Springleaf Drums in this deck and replacing them with something like Polukranos, World Eaters or Stormbreath Dragons would be highly valuable. Thanks for the submission, Angel_Of_Deathx666! I've now reached the threshold of being unable to lose overall. The record stands at 7-3 in my favor.


CR vs. Scuttles the Killer by DrLitebur

Game 1 was won on the back of Ajani, Mentor of Heroes...again. I'm starting to get the feeling that Ajani is very good for this matchup, as nearly every game that he hits the field I end up winning or coming very close. If you haven't had the chance to test him out I highly recommend it! Setessan Tactics alongside him has been a really powerful strategy I've been imparting in these games. Game 2 was not so good for me as a Burning-tree onslaught ended in a double-shrapnel blast to my face...ouch. I was beginning to forget how badly that felt. During game 3, I did one of the craziest things I've ever done with this deck. I'd gotten DrLitebur down to 4 and he managed to stabilize with a Shrapnel Blast followed by a Bow of Nylea both pumping his lonely defender and then gaining him life afterwards. All the while I had a Garruk, Caller of Beasts churning through my deck. I had 4 Courser of Kruphix on the field when DrLitebur's deck finally coughed up a Scuttling Doom Engine. with a Shrapnel Blast and 2 Lightning Strikes in hand, I was almost to lethal. But a Garruk ultimate to help me search for an angel followed by a land drop effectively turned into a Overrun with so many life triggers. I won the match after attacking for...a ton. Fantastic match there, DrLitebur. Great build! That makes it 8-3.


CR vs. Spootychallenge by APPLE01DOJ

Where'd you come up with such an awesome title, dude? Haha :P Game one went to me again. It simply came down to starting off with some early aggression using Fleecemane Lion and pulling ahead with a planeswalker (in this case Garruk, Caller of Beasts). Scuttling Doom Engine showed up on my opponent's side, but I had the Banishing Light to take care of it. Mulling to 5 in game 2 was bad for APPLE01DOJ, but the killer was losing his Stormbreath Dragon to a Setessan Tactics and then drawing a dead card: Life's Legacy. Polukranos + Ajani meant death in only 2 turns of attacks. I'm sorry man! I really like the deck though! I'm now 9-3 as of that victory.


Extra Round: Quick Test for The U/R Version

CR vs. The Art of Countering by DrLitebur

I managed to win game one with 3 Fleecemane Lions and aggression after using Banishing Light to take care of a pesky Ensoul Artifact. That card is gross. I also won game 2 thanks in part to banishing an Ensoul Artifact, but a second one on a Darksteel Citadel WITH a haunted plate mail attached nearly spelt defeat. Luckily, Garruk, Caller of Beasts was able to continually fill my board with chump blockers until I could overwhelm by sheer force. GG DrLitebur. Sorry it couldn't have gone better for you. I know from experience in testing on cockatrice that Ensoul Artifact decks are actually quite powerful.

After everything is said and done, I finish with a record of 10-3.




Wow. That was a lot of work but a lot of fun. I thought after the first 6 games that things were going to be down to the wire all the way to the end. I'm not sure what I can say regarding the 7-game streak I had all the way to the end except that perhaps my deck is a little more consistent then these Scuttling Doom Engine brews. That's not even necessarily the fault of the brewers. It could just be that the archetype, itself, isn't much more than a glass cannon. There are a few things worth mentioning that may help those of you who wish to continue with this archetype in the future.

Firstly, there need to be more diverse threats than just Scuttles. I saw some of you went for Stormbreath Dragon, some for Polukranos, World Eater and others for more fringe threats life Soul of New Phyrexia or even Juggernaut. Very often I was left unable to do anything with a build simply because I wasn't drawing any gas. A couple of you decided to add helpful engines like Domri Rade and Xenagos, the Reveler to the mix, and I think that's very smart. I know that the matches where the opponent had access to walkers were the ones that felt most difficult from my standpoint.

Next, let's talk about Life's Legacy. Let's talk about how absolutely horrible the card is in this deck and possibly in general! EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. that I drew it...I immediately said to myself "well, that's terrible here." People are right: If you have a big threat on the board you don't want to kill it just to draw some cards. The real fault, which has been mentioned, is that it is not instant-speed. Shrapnel Blast is so good in these decks because it's so much more flexible and versatile due to the speed at which it can be played. I would honestly recommend every one of you to remove all copies of Life's Legacy form your decks and don't take another look at them until you are playing with Vedalken Orrery on the field. The card sucked.

You know what card IS good? Freaking Banishing Light. How many times did I top-deck that card to save myself from a terrible encounter with a Scuttling Doom Engine? More than I deserved. While it should be no surprise that good removal is good, Banishing Light shone so well in this matchup since it is one of the only ways to remove Scuttles without fearing the repercussions. If Scuttling Doom Engine shows up in the metagame post-rotation, you'd better have those cards in your white deck (even though you totes should anyway).

So, what of the Scuttle-Blast combo then? While it didn't happen nearly as often as I would've hoped (mostly due to the above removal spell), it was absolutely mind-numbingly back-breaking when it did go off. Seriously, people...have you ever taken 17 damage to the face in one turn from two cards in standard? Like...on turn 5 or 6? You can have an opinion on this when you do. It sometimes didn't even matter just how much board presence I had. If I had taken 3 damage from my lands then I was a goner at any point the combo decided to rear its ugly (beautiful) head.

The only other thing I'd like to mention before I finish up here is mana bases. Guys, I know cool lands are cool...but colorless mana is scary. It is very risky to run 4 or more colorless lands in a 2 color deck or more. I know that Darksteel Citadel goes great with Shrapnel Blast, but you have to be very careful when crafting your land base. Don't overdo it. Many of the opposing decks lost due to mana screw and bad mulligans. Don't let yours be one of them in the future.



That's it for me! I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I did, and I hope no one feels shafted by the results. Again, I encourage any and all to post their own results in the comments below. Remember, I don't make these to win all the time. I make them to learn and teach and provide valid information whenever I can. So if that means the results were accidentally biased for or against me due to piloting or by coincidence, I want to hear it!


If you'd like to be the next contender in Showdown, please leave your decks linked into the comments below! Be sure to use the "deck-large" option so I don't miss them! Apoptosis will be back next week to take on one of the submissions. I look forward to seeing you all again in 2 weeks to discuss SPOILERS.

Until next time, may you never get mana-screwed. And as always, thanks for reading!


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This article is a follow-up to Showdown #22: It Was a Rock Lobbssteerrr!! The next article in this series is Showdown #24: Come Fly with Me

Spootyone says... #1

It just occurred to me that I accidentally mixed up two of the builds. I meant to test out Engineering.IZ by 4649matt as the U/R matchup. I'm really sorry, dude! I do really like your build and I would say that Izzet Artifacts as a whole seem quite powerful if the metagame allows for it.

August 21, 2014 2:42 a.m.

blackmarker90 says... #2

Take my Rabble Red deck for a spin against your brew, and bt-dubs that huge scuttles pic is terrifying when you are on a mobile device and it takes up your whole screen.

August 21, 2014 3:04 a.m.

-Fulcrum says... #3

I know from personal experience that I always love seeing Banishing Light when playing against Scuttles. It was a fun read.

I agree that Life's Legacy is a terrible card. In general. Not just in this deck. Another thing I will say is that UR Artifacts is much more consistent than RG Artifacts. Stronger card advantage and less difficult mana bases make for higher consistency.

As for my match-up.... double Archangel? Seriously? In the game that I won, it almost sounded like I combo-ed out. But I'm not playing a combo deck. Am I?

Abzan Endures Playtest

Standard Fulcrum


My submission for the next article. This will be the final deck I design that incorporates RTR-M14 cards.

August 21, 2014 3:08 a.m.

Spootyone says... #4

Fulcrum: I felt pretty terrible about Game 3 of your match since it was decided long before anyone played a spell. But I also felt it would be unfair to give free mulligans to some and not all. I gave it to golffore297 simply because I knew I had made a mistake getting greedy and didn't want that to be his downfall.

Anywho, that double-angel game was insane. I rarely get so far ahead so quickly but that was certainly one of those times. Lol nah it's not a combo deck. I just really had to make some shenanigans work out in order to get the knockout punch for that game 2. I also think I worded it a little too rambly haha.

August 21, 2014 3:40 a.m.

billmartin98 says... #5

Submitting my updated maze's end deck before it rotates out for good, great article as always.

silent end Playtest

Standard billmartin98


August 21, 2014 4 a.m.

RussischerZar says... #6

Hey Spootyone, my name just means russian czar (who could've guessed) and is pronounced approximately like this (if you click on the audio output button). :)

It has a bit of a longer backstory to it but it pretty much was (more or less incidentally) my first online screen name and I stuck to it. Also I'm neither russian nor a czar, just so you know :P

Also, I totally forgot about Domri Rade , should've totally added him to the deck in place of the Life's Legacy s.

August 21, 2014 4:57 a.m.

CubeProjects says... #7

pffft, Life's Legacy is totally playable... if you happen to be playing Phytotitan ... and it's a limited event...

August 21, 2014 6:24 a.m.

4649matt says... #8

@Spootyone - No worries, mate. You played an impressive number of matches and still managed a coherent and amusing article despite probable match fatigue! I appreciate the comment and I am eagerly watching the Khans of Tarkir spoilers for cards that will make Izzet artifacts a real force post rotation.
If you have a chance, I would appreciate feedback or constructive criticism as I plan to continue taking my list to FNM. Engineering.IZ

As a side note, the best non-Izzet Scuttling Doom Engine build I have seen (no bias, I swear) was a Green centric Nissa, Worldwaker shell that used Darksteel Citadel for her animate land ability and a Chord of Calling toolbox.

August 21, 2014 8:45 a.m.

DrLitebur says... #9

The reason I run 4 Darksteel Citadel s in my deck is I only have a double symbol in one casting cost, unless I side in my Genesis Hydra . The extra target for my Shrapnel Blast is worth it without losing a creature. I know it might ruin a potential nut hand of BTE, Generator Servant , two forests or mountains, a mana dork, and a copy of Scuttles, but that extra target helps me in the long game. I do see your point, and I might switch them out in the future. Thanks for the advice and for the games.

August 21, 2014 10:12 a.m.

TheFanatic says... #10

Another great read, Spootyone. Glad to see that I made it into an article! I like the idea of doing the occasional deck building challenge. Restricting what cards/archetypes we can use lets people see how several different variants of an archetype work out -- which cards pull their weight and which cards don't.

August 21, 2014 11:55 a.m.

Lord007 says... #11

One last time for me to submit this deck before rotation....

Did you really want to kill that? Playtest

Standard Lord007


August 21, 2014 11:59 a.m.

sewellius says... #12

Crazy big run of games right there! I can see how the scuttles combo can be deadly... for some reason it just doesn't seem like a style of deck I'd really enjoy playing though.. but's that's probably because I prefer lifegain, big beefies, and reanimation. Must be why I like Junk (now Abzan) colors so much.

I'd like to submit my populate rat-brew deck while it is still standard as a challenge for ANY showdown that's willing to take it on.

Mad Rats MKIII Playtest

Standard sewellius


August 21, 2014 12:06 p.m.

Nigeltastic says... #13

Better deck construction definitely might have helped in those matches. I know my deck I built to be a silly glass cannon that doesn't always work, but when it does, things go crazy. I sadly agree that Life's Legacy doesn't work, I just want it to be good so hard... Nice write-up for a tricky decision. I submit for the next article the deck I've been playing for a while and will be taking to SCG:DC to this weekend:

Body Dump: Competitive Standard Dredge Playtest

Standard Nigeltastic

SCORE: 12 | 13 COMMENTS | 1377 VIEWS

August 21, 2014 12:41 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #14

Awesome article!

August 21, 2014 1:29 p.m.

nighthawk101 says... #15

(Abzan) House of Enchantments Playtest

Standard* williamgp99


August 21, 2014 1:46 p.m.

Dalektable says... #16

Nice Article spooty! I'm gonna go with my favorite build lately...

Mono Blue Devo...Flyers? Playtest

Standard* Dalektable


August 21, 2014 7:36 p.m.

Heyo! Who's up for some G/U stuff?

Thank You Based Kruphix - G/U Draw Ramp Playtest

Standard* MrBrightsideX11


August 21, 2014 8:06 p.m.

Spootyone says... #18


RussischerZar: Ah okay that makes a ton of sense, actually. Upon reading it to myself all I could think of is "that sounds Russian...and it sounds like 'Russian' in Russian.." haha.

CubeProjects: Ah you too can live in magical christmas land :P

4649matt: Glad you still enjoyed! Yeah, I was really feeling it by the end lol. Hopefully my writing didn't suffer too much from it. I'll see if I can offer any advice.

DrLitebur: Gvien that you run a playset of Ornithopter and no copies of Nissa, Worldwaker I think you could probably afford to go without them or just a singleton copy. In a build like yours with Burning-Tree Emissary and other high-devotion staples, I can't help but feeling like more copies of Nykthos would be better. I could be wrong, though. And to each their own as well.

TheFanatic: I really enjoyed this article as a whole and due to how well it was received by you all I can assure you something similar will be done in the future. I'm glad you enjoyed!

Nigeltastic: Me too :/ I remember being so hyped about it when it was spoiled saying to myself "WOTC just printed an OP card..." Oh how wrong we can be.

APPLE01DOJ: I'm glad you enjoyed!

Dalektable: Thank you!

To those submitting decks that will rotate soon. I'm sorry if not all of you are chosen before such happens. If I could do a Showdown for everyone and not go crazy in the process I would -- promise. But hopefully you can still enjoy the series if/when your deck rotates prior to being chosen.

Lastly, thank you to everyone for the positivity in these comments. I was a little worried this might not be well-received and seeing that you all liked it makes me feel awesome and want to keep this up!

  • Spooty
August 21, 2014 9:07 p.m.

tooTimid says... #19

Thanks, as always, for the article! Glad to be one of the lucky few who secured a W. I'm sure I'll be back with some other weird brew for your next showdown....

August 22, 2014 1:21 a.m.

sewellius says... #20

I just had a thought about Life's Legacy where it could be a good card... used in conjuction with EOT sac creatures like Ball Lightning or Spark Trooper .... Then I realized that most of those types of creatures aren't in standard, or won't be for long, so nevermind. ;p

August 22, 2014 11:52 a.m.

Casino647 says... #21

I've got another one of my newly created builds (man I make a lot)

One Man's Junk is Another Man's...Junk Playtest

Standard* Casino647


August 22, 2014 1:10 p.m.

Jaxis says... #22

This is awesome! I'm fairly new, but I hope I can contribute to the Showdown in the future. I'm always on the lookout for interesting deck building techniques.

August 22, 2014 6:43 p.m.

nighthawk101 says... #23

Hehe, over half the submissions are Junk/Abzan decks.

August 22, 2014 7:07 p.m.

caradhas says... #24

Great article. I'm curious to see how this deck does against yours so I humbly submit it for consideration.

This Place Is On Fire! Playtest

Standard caradhas


August 23, 2014 12:29 a.m.

-Fulcrum says... #25

Felt like sharing this: Ice Bucket of DOOM


August 23, 2014 12:37 a.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #26

How about a mirror match?

Lifted Research Group Playtest

Standard* APPLE01DOJ


August 23, 2014 2:53 a.m.

Jaxis says... #27

Blasting on a budget! And with zero soon-to-be-rotated cards. I know this isn't popular, but there's not a whole lot of RTR block in my collection, and the stuff I do have isn't particularly useful for the challenge. So...... here goes.

Mono Red Doom Engine Playtest

Standard* Jaxis


August 24, 2014 1:51 a.m.

2npii says... #28

I started putting one of these together using Aggressive Mining for draw and Deathrite Shaman to make use of the discarded lands (and Back to Nature in case the mine needed to go); AM seems pretty risky but it could help to keep your hand with threats (so long as you still have to mana to use them!).

August 25, 2014 2:25 p.m.

gnarlicide says... #29

RedSoxFanKy, your name reminds me of a story...

So my mother is a huge sox fan. And she had this camaro. My car died, and I needed to take hers.

She had a vanity plate that said "RDSXGRL". Now, this plate seems innocent, as I always read it as "Red Sox girl". Granted I am a dude, and I would rather not parade around Phoenix in a car that says I am a chick.

But alas, the embarrassment of the year took place that fateful day.

I was driving this bitchin American beast of a car down the freeway. And I noticed a BMW following me. I exit, and pull into a convenience store to get something to drink, and as I pull into the space, the Beemer pulls up next to me and rolls down the window. Some older dude, looks at me...

He looks shocked. I look confused. So I say, "can I help you, bro?"

The guy looks at me and says, "you're not the road sex girl, are you?"

That's when I realized the vanity plate totally made me look like a road whore. My face turned white, my jaw dropped and I drove back to the house.

I refuse to drive any car that my mom has from that day forward.

I still have no idea why your name reminded me of that story, but I figured I should share it.

August 26, 2014 11:26 p.m.

tooTimid says... #30

Huh, the more you know....

I guess you could call me a magic whore (I play around with ALLL the decks), but my name is definitely just a testament to my undying love for the Redsoxs.

Thanks for sharing! Hahahaha

August 26, 2014 11:35 p.m.

gnarlicide says... #31

No problem man.

Just don't make the mistake that my mother did.

August 27, 2014 6:14 p.m.

jedc22 says... #32

w00t, representing scuttles with the W, lol. the ironic thing is my friend said i should go grixis for ensoul artifact, but turn 3 doom engine is terrifying. not much you can do about anythng that really. 6 damage turn three, and another 6 and blow him up on turn 4? that was the main focus of my deck, being able to get him out as fast as humanly (and legally haha) possible, and you have to go green for that, lol.

September 2, 2014 6:22 p.m.

jedc22 says... #33

also, sorry for the double post, but i just finished uploading my post rotation deck featuring some of the amazing cards Khans is bringing us, i think you'll find it quite the challenge.

Aggro of the Mardu Horde! Playtest

Standard* jedc22


September 2, 2014 7 p.m.

jasonhuebner says... #34

w00t, representing scuttles with the W, lol. the ironic thing is my friend said i should go grixis for ensoul artifact, but turn 3 doom engine is terrifying. not much you can do about anythng that really. 6 damage turn three, and another 6 and blow him up on turn 4? that was the main focus of my deck, being able to get him out as fast as humanly (and legally haha) possible, and you have to go green for that, lol.

October 14, 2014 9:18 p.m.

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