Legacy Weapon Vol. 4



25 August 2014


Legacy Weapon Vol. 4

Legacy Explorer Pod

This one is actually by request. While this not labeled Nic Fit, it does meet the criteria. Nic Fit is generally pigeonholed as Green Sun's Zenith control with Rock-ish elements thrown in to keep the board clear. It’s a grindy deck that usually relies on outclassing your opponent’s creatures and eventually going over the top of them. Without further adieu, reaching back to October of 2013, here’s David Gleicher’s Veteran Pod list that top eighted the Legacy Open.

Creatures and Spells
1 Acidic Slime
2 Pernicious Deed
1 Island
1 Sadistic Hypnotist
1 Bone Shredder
2 Recurring Nightmare
2 Bayou
1 Pernicious Deed
3 Deathrite Shaman
2 Abrupt Decay
4 Misty Rainforest
2 Golgari Charm
1 Eternal Witness
2 Brainstorm
1 Polluted Delta
3 Mindbreak Trap
1 Glen Elendra Archmage
4 Cabal Therapy
3 Tropical Island
3 Swan Song
1 Grave Titan
1 Green Sun's Zenith
1 Underground Sea
1 Umezawa's Jitte
1 Kitchen Finks
3 Birthing Pod 3 Verdant Catacombs
1 Notion Thief
1 Murderous Redcap
4 Baleful Strix 1 Phyrexian Tower
1 Phantasmal Image
3 Forest
1 Scavenging Ooze
1 Shriekmaw
1 Thragtusk
4 Veteran Explorer
1 Wood Elves

Why This Deck?

Frankly, it was requested. I was initially planning on getting a little diddy regarding Mono White Stax posted, but I’m a sucker for requests. I found this deck last year when I was first taking into consideration what I was going to start building for Legacy. Frankly, Pod has been an absolute monster in Modern, so seeing someone play something very similar in Legacy really intrigued me. The same interactions that I thought made Pod strong were really apparent in this list. You have a ton of recursion and utility creatures that are really hard to stop because one of them coming into play usually already means the damage is done and you can’t just Force of Will a Birthing Pod activation. While the deck has some notable weaknesses, the idea that something will eventually stick and turn the game in your favor is really appealing. Also, this version plays Brainstorm, what’s not to love about that?

The Engine

Under the hood you can find Recurring Nightmare, Birthing Pod and Green Sun's Zenith along with a metric tonne of creatures that have a significant ETB effect or Persist along with sac outlets. While the deck doesn’t go infinite like Pod can in Modern, it is really meant to be more of a grindfest and you will be spending the majority of your time out-valuing your opponent. The sac outlets are really key in this regard, allowing you to three for one your opponent with alarming consistency.

The Sideboard

I really get a kick out of running the Sadistic Hypnotist out of the sideboard, frankly, it’s my favorite sac outlet in the deck, especially so in grindfest matches. Most of the other cards are in the side to protect you against some of your poorer matchups: Mindbreak Trap (Storm), Golgari Charm (TNN is a pain the ass…. so is Counterbalance), and Swan Song, because counterspells do matter sometimes. I’m also a huge fan of the singleton Notion Thief. There’s just something really satisfying about using it to stuff a Brainstorm. The Jitte is something I have regarded as questionable for a while, while it’s one of the best equipment cards to ever be printed, the lack of Misty makes it kind of odd.

This article is a follow-up to Legacy Weapon Vol. 3 The next article in this series is Legacy Weapon: Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaans

GlistenerAgent says... #1

I think the Jitte is there as a hedge against Elves and Death & Taxes. Those match ups are already likely good, but an extra card doesn't hurt.

What are your thoughts on Innocent Blood in this deck? You Veteran Explorer more consistently! while having a removal spell.

August 25, 2014 9:20 p.m.

I'm a fan of Innocent Blood in general. I think that it could probably see some sideboard play in this sort of deck, but the mainboard is pretty packed and I think the value that you get out of something like Abrupt Decay in the main combined with the fact that you have removal in the form of creatures makes it no go in primary 60. In the sideboard, against something like Delver maybe, turn one explorer, turn two blood, grab another land and take out your one or two drop seems pretty good, but then again, so does blowing Pernicious Deed on 0 or 1.

August 25, 2014 10:16 p.m.

GlistenerAgent says... #3

Yeah, I figured that the maindeck had plenty of removal, and Innocent Blood was something I saw in the BUG Walkers deck that I felt would be a solid fit here as well.

August 25, 2014 10:20 p.m.

It's certainly the right kind of deck for it (one that plays no creatures or wants them to die).

August 25, 2014 10:24 p.m.

Now this is a legacy deck I love, I play a very similar list (I play more basics, and some tweaked numbers but almost identical save two or three cards). For those who aren't familiar with Nic Fit, I must bring attention to the combo that makes this deck amazing for those who aren't famiiar (it's not quite obvious until you take a close look).

Ideal example:

Turn One: Land, Veteran Explorer

Turn Two: Land, Cabal Therapy (if you are unsure of what you are going against, Force of Will is always a safe guess, and you have one land remaining untapped), flashback Cabal Therapy , sacrificing the Veteran Explorer . Fetch 2 basic lands, then rip whatever other goodies you saw out of their hand (3 lands untapped). Cast Deathrite Shaman and a Baleful Strix .

Turn Three: Land (now at 5), activate Deathrite Shaman for a mana, cast Grave Titan and live the dream.

So if nothing gets countered, worst case scenario you got to Rampant Growth twice for untapped lands, drop a deathtouch flyer (who replaces himself) and a pseudo-planeswalker, while ripping the best cards from your opponent's hand - unless you guess correctly on the first Cabal Therapy , then you nailed 2 all on turn 2.

The insane power of this combination is rather deceptive at first - after all, your opponents may get lands from Veteran Explorer as well. Certainly, this must be a bad card right? Well, factor the following:

-Most decks in legacy are greedy as hell with mana. Most decks run about 2-4 basics, often less in decks like Delver and Shardless BUG, so often your opponent will gain very little from it, and if they do and the game goes long, they likely won't gain from it a second time like you will.

-The lands come in untapped, so you get to use them first. This breaks the symmetry in your favor.

-When playing blue decks, this combo presents a conundrum with Force of Will and Daze . Typically, unless I'm playing a combo deck or I know they have a Batterskull they pulled off a Stoneforge Mystic , I will always name Force of Will with the first cast. If they counter it, I can still recast it with Flashback, and no matter how you cut it, they are losing at least 2 cards from their hand/a card and a land drop, and the cards they're losing are the ones I was probably going to name anyway.

-Most legacy decks curve out at 3. If an opponent can find basic lands, they will quickly burn out their hand if they choose to dump everything, potentially setting up a game-ending Pernicious Deed . Also, your deck runs a much higher curve than is typical of legacy, and being able to ramp this way allows higher costed cards like Grave Titan and Thragtusk to be playable. Because of this, you can establish a threatening board presence playing fewer cards from your hand at a time, allowing you to keep up card advantage.

Another combo worth pointing out is Eternal Witness + Recurring Nightmare . Best game ever with this deck, was living the dream and landing the Eternal Witness + Recurring Nightmare + Thragtusk loop against Death and Taxes (he just couldn't find that Swords to Plowshares , and was much less amused by this than I was).

It's a fun deck and very unique, and lots of room to alter to your own preference. If you're interested, try it out, you won't be disappointed.

August 26, 2014 1:35 a.m.

julianjmoss says... #6

WOO HOO! I requested this article as i play a lot of nic fit. this person is a genius. I like innocent blood with veteran explorer and it does really well in the shells that play blue. The deck has a maverick kind of feel to it because of the 4 green sun zenith and there are a wonderful array of cards to get. dryad arbor, and gaddock teeg are good creatures that arent in this list and so is thrun the last troll. the deck has also gotten some new cards in recent sets like kessig wolf run, abrupt decay, liliana of the veil and deathrite shaman. Ancient grudge is also a good sideboard card that was released.

Finally, if you play primeval titan or just in general, there are some extra lands not reflected in this deck that are great such as volraths stronghold, and wasteland which is a great one of.

August 26, 2014 1:45 a.m.

julianjmoss says... #7

also all the decks in the format that play basics are decks that you tend to have a pretty good matchup against besides UR delver.

August 26, 2014 1:47 a.m.

When using Cabal Therapy , specifically in this deck, it's important to know which cards you can't afford your opponent to have. Amazingly, the answer isn't always FoW or Daze .

Anyway, I like to keep it short. This isn't a primer.

August 26, 2014 7:08 a.m.

Jay says... #9

Good read. If I was gonna play legacy, I'd play nic fit.

August 26, 2014 10:22 p.m.

jasonhuebner says... #10

WOO HOO! I requested this article as i play a lot of nic fit. this person is a genius. I like innocent blood with veteran explorer and it does really well in the shells that play blue. The deck has a maverick kind of feel to it because of the 4 green sun zenith and there are a wonderful array of cards to get. dryad arbor, and gaddock teeg are good creatures that arent in this list and so is thrun the last troll. the deck has also gotten some new cards in recent sets like kessig wolf run, abrupt decay, liliana of the veil and deathrite shaman. Ancient grudge is also a good sideboard card that was released.

Finally, if you play primeval titan or just in general, there are some extra lands not reflected in this deck that are great such as volraths stronghold, and wasteland which is a great one of.

August 30, 2014 7:40 p.m.

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