A Commander Compulsion #1

A Commander Compulsion


5 December 2014


Welcome to the first edition of A Commander Compulsion.

Since this is my first article in what i hope will be a continuing series, let me take some time to explain the idea behind the series. in each article I will select a legendary creature at random a build a deck for it. I will explain the cards I looked at in doing so and what decisions I made in making the deck what I did.

Additionally, it is important to understand the perspective from which I am building. I am building for casual multiplayer Commander. I am not building decks with budget in mind. I always build the what the deck should be in my head and then modify for real life applications according to budget restrictions. My meta spans from MTG grinders to true kitchen table casuals and consists of a lot of removal and sweeps and very little counter magic. I always try to build around many situations, but you may see a lean toward the aforementioned meta in my builds. I am a Johnny at heart. I love to win in crazy durdley ways, but realize that this is not for everyone and not realistic in every deck; that said, i will likely build with synergy and combo in mind very often.

Lastly, I would like to assert the idea that Commander is a very personal thing to many people including myself. Building decks that are a reflection of self is very important to a lot of players. I will often add cards that are in there because of my affinity for its particular shenanigans rather than it being the perfect and most efficient card in every situation.

With all that said, let's get this thing started!

The random number generator landed on 330. Which according to http://magiccards.info/ is:

When I begin building a commander deck for a specific commander, I often start by simply examining the creature for what it has to offer and what parts of it might result in build around strategies. Our friend Nefarox, Overlord of Grixis has exalted which may lead to a voltron strategy. This strategy is helped by the fact that he has evasion. His third ability also leans toward a voltron strategy since it only triggers when he attacks alone. Other than that he likes to make people sacrifice creatures which means that death triggers could be a sub-theme, as well as, sacrifice effects for creature removal. Other than that, he (I assume he, maybe it?) is a demon. There is not a ton of demon tribal support, so likely not the direction I would go.

Lone attacking

Searching for exalted like abilities in black and colorless we unfortunately only end up with six cards for a monoblack deck. Many of these cards are not very good. Cathedral of War can easily be accommodated, while Duskmantle Prowler and Knight of Infamy are the only exalted black cards I would even consider playing. But they will likely get the ax by the end. Since a commander damage voltron strategy is viable with his evasion, I do want to have it as at lease a sub theme. Making him unblockable is very important to this strategy even though he has evasion. I like whispersilk cloak for this application as it has the added bonus of some protection. [[Rogue's passage and Shizo, Death's Storehouse seem like auto includes here as well adding to his evasion.

Once he gets through, we get a sweet triggered ability which we could copy with Strionic Resonator (but that might be too cute), but how will we win in a pod of 4 doing 6 commander damage every turn? I think that cards like Hatred or even howl from beyond can help a great deal with this by making him a one hit win. While there are also a ton of equipments and enchantments that buff, I think that [[argentum armor and Lashwrithe are some good options. Argentum Armor also allows us to destroy another permanent when he attacks, so with his third ability we are on our way to value town. In addition, black has a very difficult time killing certain types of permanents (artifacts and enchantments) and argentum armor will help there. As a part of all voltron strategies, protecting him is very important for this w will look at the usual suspects of Swiftfoot Boots, lightning graves and Darksteel Plate. The two former of which add the bonus of haste.

Since Nefarox, Overlord of Grixis wants to attack alone, I would consider enforcing that restriction on other players as well. Silent Arbiter and Crawlspace do a great job of this. If I only keep one it will likely be Crawlspace due to it being harder for some decks to deal with.

Death triggers

I am planning on triggering Nefarox, Overlord of Grixis as often as possible to make my opponents' creature die. Because of this, i think it would be nice to get some extra value. Overseer of the Damned, Harvester of Souls and Grave Betrayal are all great options here, getting a ton of value from creatures dying. None of these will be helpful against token decks however, something I need to consider later. Black Market will also benefit greatly from this and is a fantastic resource in the mid to late game. black market also allows me to play around controlly strategies like [[worms of the earth, which seems like amazing jank that will likely get cut. Blood Artist and Falkenrath Noble are both options for when creatures die a lot as well; however, they are extremely fragile and since their effect is targeted it is not really amazing in multiplayer commander. They may make the cut, but I am really not sure yet. Along the same lines as Grave Betrayal, It That Betrays works very well when we are dealing with forced sacrifice effects like the commander has.



It is well known that removal is an important part of Commander. There are constant threats to mitigate and board states to clear up. First lets take a look at the sweepers I am thinking about. I am going to shy away from symmetrical sweep effects because I want to reap the rewards of the death triggers I just discussed and I do not plan on much recursion. So cards like Damnation and Nevinyrral's Disk will not be used, except for maybe Decree of Pain because If I have to blow up my board to draw 10+ cards, so be it. I also have a slight love affair with Dread Cacodemon he is a real problem solver. Aside from those, I am considering In Garruk's Wake since it deals with walkers too, Reiver Demon because i like my wraths on a body, and Plague Wind. I think that of the three I would keep In Garruk's Wake first. Previously I mentioned tokens as a possible issue, because of that, I like either Pestilence Demon or pestilence. I will likely go with Pestilence over the demon because it is cheaper and harder to remove, but if I have room I'll use both.

Exile effects

Let's face it though, this is Commander and destroy effects don't always cut it. For exile creature effects I like Ashes to Ashes in some decks, but I do not really have much life gain in this deck and that might be too taxing. Gild is a fine card but it is single use. Silence the Believers is again single use, but takes care of a few targets, so worth considering. Sever the Bloodline is a great add here since it often can cripple a token deck, take out an avacyn, and be cast twice. We also have the king of exile, Karn Liberated; he is an instant add in monoblack for difficult to remove permanents and is repeatable. And then we have a cute single use option that I will add just because I like it, Oubliette. Yeah...who knew that card existed? We do not want a ton of these cards because we want death triggers, but some are necessary.

Sacrifice effects

What's that you say? Hexproof and shoud and indestructible creature and out commander can't get through. Ok, so we need some extra sacrifice effects also. It That Betrays should love that. Chainer's Edict is the only single target edict effect i will consider because I would rather get multiple triggers from the creatures dying. Chainer's Edict is nice though due to its reusability. Sheoldred, Whispering One is a near auto-include in any black deck and certainly in a monoblack build. The sac effect alone is amazing and with an added recursion bonus. Syphon Flesh does an amazing job of triggering all of the death triggers and giving me a group of chump blockers to boot. We have some old standbys in Slum Reaper and Fleshbag Marauder, they are both just flat out amazing here. There are also the symmetrical death/sac effect cards, Grave Pact, Dictate of Erebos, and Butcher of Malakir. I do not find these to be very useful in this build because we are not trying to get our stuff to die. I will keep the butcher only because he is a multitasker. phyrexian oblitorator seems like a nice fit too and could act as your creature attacking alone very effectively. If they block, value; if they burn it out, value; if someone Blasphemous Acts, VALUE. I like it all around. Desecration Demon is another big body (which i need) for cheap that promotes opponents sacrificing creature, I think he makes a lot of sense here. One last card that fits here is Liliana of the Veil. Now she is amazing in heads up MTG, but a bit weaker in multiplayer. She is still amazing because of the repeatable nature of her ability, but the discard is a little still since I have limited recursion. This might stay and might get cut.

Destroying/exiling non-creatures

As mentioned earlier, black has a tough time with getting rid of artifacts and enchantments, so I want to put in a few things to help. Now Gate to Phyrexia is one option that I love because its odd and old and no one sees it coming. If you have artifact decks running rampant, then this might be a good option. I don't think it makes the cut here though. Spine of Ish Sah is amazing for taking out all kinds of nasties and needed in this deck. I think that the newly released Unstable Obelisk also does a great job as a less efficient spine. Steel Hellkite will also help make up some ground in this deficient area of black.

Lands can also be a problem. I do not want to add hard land destruction in here, but getting shut down by a Maze of Ith or Mystifying Maze is almost as fun as dying to Thespian's Stage and Dark Depths. To take care of these I am going with Dust Bowl, Strip Mine, Ghost Quarter, and Wasteland.

Destroying/exiling non-creatures

The last type of removal to consider is graveyard removal. I want to be able to stop strategies that rely of the graveyard heaviliy as a resource. Bojuka Bog is in every deck i build that is allowed to use it. Great utility land. Something like Tormod's Crypt could also be good, but since I am not relying on my graveyard, I think Relic of Progenitus will do nicley.

Other tech

So far I have a pretty grindy control shell put together. A couple of other cards will round this out. Currently the only card draw mentioned is from Harvester of Souls and decree of pain. A bit more draw power would be good though. I am going to use Phyrexian Arena and Bloodgift Demon. Baleful Force might work too, but you lose a lot of life with that guy, so I would just as soon leave it out. In addition to card draw we might also need tutors to find the right pieces. Demonic Tutor is certainly going in. I am not a fan of many other tutors available, but I am considering Increasing Ambition only because of the flashback for extra use. I will likely end up with Diabolic Tutor as well. You never can have enough tutors. I am also adding a pseudo Propaganda in black that people never really play even in esper with Ghostly Prison and Propaganda, Koskun Falls. I think this card will help with limiting the crack backs that I might have to deal with throughout the games.

Now most controlly decks have the benefit of blue in them for some counter magic backup. I would be remiss to leave out the fact that black has two amazing Counterspells, Withering Boon and Dash Hopes. But seriously, they are both horrible. I love both of them because, design space! but they are bad. Don't play these.

Other than that, I am adding some common commander stuff like Sol Ring for ramp, Sensei's Divining Top for filtering draws, Jet Medallion for ramp, Cabal Coffers for ramp, some mana rocks for more ramp, Artisan of Kozilek and Volrath's Stronghold for a touch of recursion, and Arcane Lighthouse for exactly what it does.

Alright, well that about does it. Lets take a look at the final deck.

A Commander Compulsion #1

Commander / EDH* squire1


Well, that's all for the first article in the series. Please feel free to leave comments regarding things that you wish I had covered better or more in depth in the article. Let me know what you would like this to look like for future articles so that I can continue to evolve.

The next article in this series is A Commander Compulsion #2

Spootyone says... #1

I haven't had the time yet to do more than skim this article, but from what I've seen thus far I think this could be a great series for both new and learned-players alike (myself included). Well done!

December 5, 2014 2:17 p.m.

cklise says... #2

December 5, 2014 4:36 p.m.

sadiuh says... #3

Cool article keep them up :D

December 5, 2014 5:52 p.m.

swkelly89 says... #4

amazing piece

December 5, 2014 7:32 p.m.

JexInfinite says... #5

This seems like a really great series. I enjoyed reading it, and your explanations for card choices. Hopefully the future articles will become as popular as Spootyone's Showdown.

December 6, 2014 8:58 a.m.

twospires says... #6

Nice article. What if, instead of generating a random commander, people could make requests for commanders to see in the future. The random thing is kind of a neat little idea, but when the random generator ends up on someone like Tobias Andrion, it can get a little boring. If, on the other hand, you looked at requests, you'd be able to make sure that people are actually interested in the commander you're writing about. Just a thought.

December 6, 2014 10:25 a.m.

JRaynor says... #7

Props for a great new series! I look forward to your next articles!

December 6, 2014 12:19 p.m.

TelleoStar says... #8

Looks like a fun new series. Any idea how frequently you'll be posting these?

December 6, 2014 3:22 p.m.

squire1 says... #9

Thanks for all of the positive feedback everyone. To answer your questions:

@cklise - It That Betrays + Killing Wave is super cute. I absolutely love it. I looked at Killing Wave but decided not to use it because it's symmetrical, but I did not take that synergy into account. It would be a good add, probable over Worms of the Earth

@twospires - Yeah this is a concern that a lot of people have expressed with some of the vanilla commanders. To be honest I am not terribly concerned. There are 564 legendary creatures and they will not come up often. If/when they do, the deckbuilding will have to get creative. I could have worse problems. The next commander is already selected and it is a spicy meatball.

@ TelleoStar - I am not sure what frequency would be best. Maybe once a week. Maybe once every two weeks.

December 6, 2014 4:21 p.m.

TelleoStar says... #10

squire1 : if my advice matters at all, I'd go with once every two weeks, at least to start. Since you're building a new deck from scratch, it gives you time to find good cards if you've got an odd commander, and time to get around any unplanned IRL stuff, plus it'll give you the down time to not get burned out quickly. :)

December 6, 2014 5:03 p.m.

TelleoStar says... #11

Also, I really reeeeeeeally want to build this deck. If I wasn't already building a sacrifice based deck with Savra, Queen of the Golgari I totally would. I even already have Nefarox... :(

December 6, 2014 7:57 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #12

Extraordinarily solid article! I look forward to more.

December 6, 2014 8:53 p.m.

miracleHat says... #13

Really solid article. Well written, great analysis and synthesis of Nefarox and the deck. Keep up the good work!

December 7, 2014 10:16 p.m.

dbpunk says... #14

What about including artifacts like Isochron Scepter for reuse of low cost kill spells or low cost tutor spells or Howling Mine for draw? Just wondering.

December 7, 2014 10:26 p.m.

Shadowfang says... #15

I think your idea is a great one, something that I wish I would have considered myself. I may do this yet but as of right now my only real suggestion is spending a little more time in editing, I'm not a big stickler for spelling and grammar but it goes a longer way then you would think. If your interested in having some help with your articles message me, I would love to have a part in it. Good luck my friend

December 8, 2014 3:41 a.m.

squire1 says... #16

@dbpunk - I do not think that Isochron Scepter has quite enough targets in this deck. I think it would be dead in hand more often than not. i wouldn't want to add too many of the low cost tutor just for the scepter. Scepter is usually the target of tutoring not the engine for it. Howling Mine is really never on my radar because of the symmetry, but it could work. I would rather Phyrexian Arena though.

@Shadowfang - Thank you for the offer. At this time I do not find myself in need of assistance, but I will let you know. So far as editing, I know. I do try but even when I have written content as a consultant the editor (a good friend of mine) hated me for the garbage self-edits I did. I will try, but this is not my strength.

December 8, 2014 9:10 a.m.

DarkHero says... #17

Really all you need to do with him is throw him in a mono black shell with stuff that pumps him up, swing for commander dmg. Mono black mana doublers so casting him is no issue. Like you said, Lashwrithe would be his staple. Along with Nightmare Lash. Could even run an artifact/equipment sub-theme and throw in Cranial Plating. Now that sounds scary.

December 8, 2014 11:05 a.m.

DarkHero says... #18

And as a side note, your eventually going to run into a legendary creature that has no business being a commander, which might mean taking requests instead of the random search.

December 8, 2014 11:06 a.m.

dbpunk says... #19

The thing is although there are legendary creatures that aren't really commander viable, you wouldnt build the deck as if the general is important. If you build a good enough deck in edh, then you can even use the vanilla commanders easily.

December 8, 2014 11:44 a.m.

dbpunk says... #20

But I think like a special article about a legendary creature in upcoming sets to introduce it to edh and help out people who think it'd work.

December 8, 2014 11:48 a.m.

yeaGO says... #21

whoa, hey stranger

December 8, 2014 3:57 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #22

Nefarox! Respect. Guy in my playgroup runs a Nef demon tribal and it's actually really badass. Anyway, great writeup, great idea for a series. Very cool.

December 8, 2014 6:33 p.m.

Bellock86 says... #23

Really enjoyed this squire1 . Something you could do since "let us suggest things" seems to be a common thing is use the random number generator and pick 3 creatures (throwing out crappy vanillas of course) and putting the selections at the end of the article for people to vote on who you build for next.

Purely for crowd pleasing purposes but could be fun.

Again. Great write up.

December 9, 2014 4:19 p.m.

TheHroth says... #24

I really hope you do more of these!

December 10, 2014 11:55 p.m.

Awesomeman360 says... #25

Hi, Im kind of new to magic as in i know how to play and set up combos and stuff but i am unable to know what a card does just by looking at it. I have to read the text and everyone i play with hates me lol. just kidding :)

This article gave me a lot of good insight as to what i should do to prepare against certain decks and strategies. However, i have noticed that your deck seems to revolve around a few cards that have a few cards that exile a bunch, but cost a lot. While reading your article i was thinking to myself "How is he going to pay for all of these?".

So, my questions to you are as follows:Could you go a little more in depth as to how i am going to cover the cost of "high priced" creatures and; seeing as your deck revolves around a few of them how are you going to get them into play before using up most of your lower priced cards?also, why not have more in you deck if you need a bigger chance of pulling them? Deck size set aside would it pay off having a bigger deck while having a bigger chance of pulling those cards?

Sorry for such a long comment but thanks a lot for reading it i really appreciate it!!!

December 21, 2014 1:44 p.m.

squire1 says... #26

@Awesomeman360- thanks for the feedback. I think that context is important in answering your question. This deck is built for playing a variant of mtg, commander. If you are familiar With this variant and I misunderstood your comments I apologize. The format requires 100 unique cards other than basic lands so increasing deck size or card amount are not really options. It is also typically a multiplayer casual format in which each player starts with 40 life. So a deck curve can often be way higher mean than a standard competitive deck. I hope that clarifies your questions.

December 21, 2014 8:49 p.m.

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