The State of Standard #4



30 January 2014


Hello once again and welcome to the fourth edition of The State of Standard! With Born of the Gods spoilers starting to be revealed, this article will focus on the newest spoilers and their effects on the standard metagame! Let's get started!

Born of the Gods Spoilers

Now, I'm not going to do every single card, but most of the interesting ones will be reviewed.

The gods:


  • Ehhhhhhh. She just got spoiled, so I'm still processing this card. Man, she's just too slow. Yes, ripping lands out of your library and putting them onto the field is a great effect. But at 3WG, I just don't see any spot for her in a devoted midrange deck. I mean, I guess she could be used for her nice P/T, but I just don't see it. Her over Arbor Colossus? Nah. Her ability won't even be that useful at that stage of the game. I see her more as a nice EDH card, but that's about it. Rating: 4/10.


  • Ephara is possibly my favorite god spoiled thus far, but I don't see much competitive play in her. I could see her maybe finding a home in Mono-Blue Devotion splash white, as a sort of Bident of Thassa like effect, providing value for every creature MUD drops. That's honestly about it, her ability can only be exploited by playing lots of creatures, but she's in colors that simply don't play creatures! I wouldn't predict too much out of her. Rating: 5/10.


  • Again, I just don't see it. Paying 2BR for a ten turn clock and a possible fatty? Eh. Can you honestly envision a rakdos/RDW deciding to play this guy? Decks like that that are designed to be fast and explosive, and Mogis simply isn't that. I can see him MAYBE seeing a tad of play, but why not just play Desecration Demon? Rating: 5/10


  • Possibly the best of the bunch, Xenagos makes an impact the first turn he hits the board, which is extremely handy. The only problem with him is his cost, and that five mana may just put him out of the minds of most midrange players. The devotion is definitely not a for sure thing, and if he isn't a creature, he's basically a Giant Growth every turn. The haste is a nice bonus, and he can be quite powerful in the right build. Rating: 6/10 (I'm still skeptical).


  • Now THIS card takes the cake for possibly the best card of the set so far. 1WW for a 3/4 is nothing to sneeze at (in fact, it's nearly as good as Loxodon Smiter!), and then you have his abilities. Every time he attacks, you get a weenie. Every time he BLOCKS, you get a weenie. Heck, it seems like every time this guy does anything your spawning tokens! And after all that, the tokens come into play attacking or blocking with VIGILANCE! Gah! Very similar to Hero of Bladehold, and maybe almost as good! This is a for sure in for any white weenie deck, easily. Finally we get a good mythic. This card is great, and you can count on him being in play for awhile with that big butt of his. Rating: 9/10

Hero of Iroas

  • Hero of Iroas is on of the more interesting and better cards from the set so far, I think. Considering just before rotation Bant Auras was a huge contender in the competitive standard scene, and with all the auras being released, I think this card COULD give rise to a Aura focused deck again. Ethereal Armor, Unflinching Couragefoil and others could make this deck a possibility. One thing that makes him even better is that Bestow cards as well will cost less. Not sure how big a factor that will be in the end because Bestow cards usually cost so much anyway. I like this card, and I can see it maybe seeing competitive play. Rating: 7/10.

Thassa's Rebuff

  • This is another very interesting card, and a good one at that. Sure, it's probably never going to be a Mana Leak, but it can get pretty darn close in the right deck. Is the right deck MUD? I think it could be. Turn one drop Cloudfin Raptor, Thassa's is countering for X=1 on turn two. Turn two, drop Frostburn Weird. So now on turn three Thassa's is countering for X=3. So in that situation, wouldn't you simply want a Dissolve? Thassa's needs until turn three at least before X= anything that might actually counter something. And on turn three you can have a Dissolve ready that will counter the spell no matter what! So as I'm writing this, I have changed my mind. No, I think Gainsay will continue to be the counterspell of choice for MUD. I do still think this is a decent card, so: Rating: 6/10.

Bile Blight

  • This is a very interesting card, and it could be very good. I'm still not sure if it will kick out great kill spells like Hero's Downfall and the such, but still a strong card. If tokens was a thing, this card would be bonkers. But guess what, tokens aren't really anything, so Blight will be at its best probably against white weenie. It does well versus Xathrid Necromancer, Master of Wavesfoil, and Pack Rat in certain scenarios. The fact that it can take out Master may catapult it into some decks, but time will tell. A powerful card, just not sure it has a place. Rating: 7/10.

Challenge Results

Time for the results of our last challenge, if any of you remember what it was, haha. Last time I asked players to send in decks based around cards that saw a lot of play during Innistrad/Ravnica, but barely see play now. I will pick two winners, and then those decks will face off to see who gets the feature token. The first winner isssss.....

six sided enchantments

Standard Ultimaodin


I feel like Ultimaodin's deck fit this contest perfectly, taking an old archetype and trying it out in the current standard. Not only that, but it also plays some old staples, so this deck meets all the requirements.

What will it be up against? Let's see:


Commander / EDH* tripleyAJM


Yup, Jund Midrange is back for more! gnarlicide's deck does a great job of bringing back a deck we never see anymore in a metagame full of mono colored strategies. I really like how this deck looks, and it does a great job of mirroring the old jund!

Now, who will get that token? Let's get the game underway!

Jund = J

Enchantments = E

E wins the roll and keeps an opener of 2x Voice of Resurgence, 1x Primeval Bounty, 1x Gladecover Scout, 1x Sphere of Safety, 1x Selesnya Guildgate, 1x Plains.

J keeps an opening hand of 1x Thoughtseize, 2x Scavenging Ooze, 1x Abrupt Decay, 1x Reaper of the Wilds, 1x Swamp, 1x Temple of Abandon.

E8 draws Temple Gardenfoil and concedes after seeing he would be sitting at one life after J's next turn.

  • 1 Yes yes, I KNOW I should have been scrying with the Reaper when creatures died. I did do it, I was just to lazy to write it with all the Reaper triggers and such

Well, there you have it! New Jund triumphs over new Auras, although Auras barely drew any of its top cards. Unflinching Couragefoil didn't even make an appearance. Congrats to gnarlicide, you have won yourself a feature token! I'll gift it to you soon!

Next time around we will have more card previews! This is going to be a shortened article mainly because I want it to get out there quickly! I want to hear some discussions in the comment section about spoilers! What do you guys think of the newest cards? Did I get my it right with my previews? Discuss!

For a challenge I want to see some brainstorming for decks centered around BNG cards, and maybe your deck will appear in my next article! I'm not sure how I'm going to do it, as in I'm not sure if I'll do another versus between two winners this week, or if I'll just do a kind of MTG Workshop thingy. We will just have to see, but the main thing I want is deck ideas! Hope you all liked the article!

P.S. Since this is my first one of these that isn't in the forums, here's the links to the previous articles:

The State of Standard #1

The State of Standard #2

The State of Standard #3

The next article in this series is The State of Standard #5

Jrjersey01 says... #1

Hi buffy. I think these card evaluations are spot on. I'd also like to say that I love these articles/features are great! Anyways, please keep them coming!

January 30, 2014 7:38 p.m.

Matsi883 says... #2

buffy: Great article. I'm building Prime Speaker Bant with Karametra, God of Harvests . You can go so many different ways...

On an unrelated note, your tags at the bottom need work. The way they need to go is < a href="WEBSITE LINK" >Text that is linked here< /a >. The original way you had it was an unclosed tags with no text, so I (as an article admin) closed the tag, and I'll change it so it has link text. What text do you want to be linked?

January 30, 2014 7:40 p.m.

-Fulcrum says... #3

What better BNG card to brainstorm than Chromanticore ?

Chromanticore is Awesome Playtest

Standard thePESSIMIST


Of course if you're looking for serious competitive cards/decks, this is not it. At least it's fun to play.

January 30, 2014 7:41 p.m.

Behgz says... #4

Great article, I hope to see more of this caliber on the homepage in the future.

January 30, 2014 7:45 p.m.

raithe000 says... #5

Great article! what is you opinion on Phenax, God of Deception ? The cycle must be complete!

January 30, 2014 7:49 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #6

Hey buffy did you ever see that Simic flash list?

My friend and I were thinking, what if you added Advent of the Wurm and Selesnya Charm to it? That would be pretty neat. Now add Ephara, God of the Polis . You play a creature on your turn, ok on their upkeep you draw. Then you play a creature with flash on their turn, on your turn you draw 2.

I can see Bant flash coming around and kicking face.

January 30, 2014 8:01 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #7

January 30, 2014 8:02 p.m.

Great article, buffy! Well composed, and I couldn't agree more with your opinions on the new BNG cards. As someone asked above, I would like to hear your thoughts on Phenax, God of Deception as well... It's not like I'm going to use him in a deck or anything o.o

And, that deck seems like it would be a lot of fun, Ohthenoises. Are you going to pilot a deck like that on T/O? I'd really like to see where it goes and how it works.

January 30, 2014 9:11 p.m.

Mindcrank says... #9

no mention of Satyr Firedancer ?

January 30, 2014 9:45 p.m.

Wabbbit says... #10

To those with questions as to "why didn't you talk about this card" is that I actually WROTE this article several weeks ago when these were all the spoilers out so far! Be sure to look for the next one where I talk about all of the interesting cards from the whole set!

@Ohthenoises: that seems like an awesome deck, definitely another use for Ephara.

@Matsi883: Huh! Weird, that's how I always linked things before...

January 30, 2014 10:41 p.m.

Wabbbit says... #11

I have gifted you your token, gnarlicide.

January 30, 2014 10:57 p.m.

dymk says... #12

Great article. Brimaz, King of Oreskos is certainly the card that I am most excited about for this release.

January 30, 2014 11:42 p.m.

I can't beleive what was said about Bile Blight ok yea its uncommon one of those 4 usd uncommons in 2 weeks I'm betting. Ok lets talk about this card and its effect on devotion decks the very strongest showing results. At the heart of each one we have a 3 cmc double color hybrid either 2/3 or 3/3 and we have to of course have our hybrid 2 costs also 4x of each, so we get six devotion finally and bile blight wipes all your dup's and bye bye devotion. Devotion decks don't work without their creatures and maybe the worst one to face just got this gem. Yea play R/W devotion vs MBD now that bile blight is around. This card shuts down devotion cold turns out green maybe better than red and blue now or the popularity of Glaring Spotlight is about to shoot the moon. Not sure what deck would play the Infest scry one right off hand but it can really set back and pretty much crush the early devotion game as well. The problem is Boros Charm can't even save the day vs these -2/-2 and -3/-3 effects. My best answer for R/W is to side 3 Legion's Initiative and exile till next combat step. I think thats as good as it gets. For blue its slow down and save 2 mana for thassa's rebuff. If your playing MBD you just gotta worry about the mirror but hey heavy foot no brakes no worries. Yea MBD made out like New York City's on vacation and MBD is the only robber in town.

January 31, 2014 1:19 a.m.

gnarlicide says... #14

buffy, thanks man. Lol, I was getting worried about my deck dropping to 10 so quickly, then I realized... I play that deck just like that! Hahaha. I am an idiot in the morning.

January 31, 2014 7:37 a.m.

I actually had a similar deck to what Ohthenoises described that I ran right after Theros came out. It was a bit clunky with Guildgates, but still did fairly well in tournaments. BNG brought the other 2 Scry lands Bant needed so it may be worth a second look; I also added in a couple Fated Intervention to the list: Hanratty's Favorite Superhero

January 31, 2014 9:04 a.m.

-Fulcrum says... #16

My first disagreement with you is with Mogis, God of Slaughter . He wasn't meant for an aggro or RDW strategy, he was designed for a control list. Can you imagine how powerful UWx control would be if they were dealing an additional 2 damage every turn in addition to everything else they do? And for a control deck, keeping the board clear so that Mogis will deal the damage shouldn't be too hard. After all, RB has some of the strongest removal in the format. Here is a deck I designed that I hope will utilize Mogis to his full potential.

My second disagreement concerns Xenagos, God of Revels . Even though you did give him some credit, I believe he is much stronger than you imagine. He is basically Kessig Wolf Run with a body. He doesn't provide the trample, but there are so many RG spells that provide trample already that it's not too problematic anyway. I believe he will bring Jund Midrange back to the top. My example:

Revelry and Dragonflame Playtest

Standard thePESSIMIST


I do agree with you on the rest of the cards mentioned though.

As for my article, it's about learning the Modern format.

January 31, 2014 12:37 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #17

You know, I'm not sold on Xenagos, God of Revels , but then the fact that I play MBD might color that opinion.

You have a fatty out, it gets +X/+X and goes to swing, I cast Hero's Downfall , whoops. You pick a BTE, I'll eat 4 all day when I can come back with a Gary for more.

I know this is a bit of "dies to Doom Blade " here, and yes, he does synergize with himself really well, but it feels too much like "all your eggs in one basket" for me to fall in love with him. There is literally more removal in standard than one deck can hold, I have never seen this much removal.

Personally I think the list of top three gods should be, in no particular order, Ephara, God of the Polis , Mogis, God of Slaughter , and Phenax, God of Deception because they easily slot into already powerful archetypes an provide card advantage rather than combat advantages.

January 31, 2014 2:02 p.m.

Wabbbit says... #18

@gnarlicide: haha, glad I played it right! And your welcome!

January 31, 2014 3:29 p.m.

Sagi007 says... #19

January 31, 2014 4:26 p.m.

omnipotato says... #20

Wow Hero of Iroas rated higher than Xenagos, God of Revels . Xenagos already has a deck that can easily play him on turn 3 (and possibly have him turned on by then too), I can't believe you're talking about how he's overcosted.

T1: Elvish Mystic

T2: Elvish Mystic, Burning-Tree Emissary , Sylvan Caryatid /Voyaging Satyr

T3: Xenagos as a creature. For even more shenanigans, Xenagos, The Reveler into Xenagos, God of Revels .

He's a 8/10 for me at least, and best of the allied-color gods by a long way. Ephara and Mogis can be good, but require you to basically build a deck around them. Karametra and Phenax aren't going to see any competitive play.

January 31, 2014 4:46 p.m.

Wabbbit says... #21

@omnipotato: yeah, I'm starting to come around. I agree that he's the best out of all the allied-color gods.

January 31, 2014 4:55 p.m.

Wabbbit says... #22

Thanks for the feedback guys! I think you all just gave me a new idea for my next article. Next time around I'll probably re-preview the cards that people challenged me on, and if you swayed me, I'll change my review!

January 31, 2014 4:57 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #23


Phenax, God of Deception AND Mogis, God of Slaughter can both slot into MBD depending on the owner's color preference. Both additions do some amazing things inside the MBD shell.

Ephara, God of the Polis does require being built around a little bit but Selesnya aggro and Simic flash can both easily support her to a nasty effect.

All of the above decks are current players in the standard meta. The only thing I don't like about Xenagos, God of Revels is that his ability is too easy to answer in this current meta, all of the other gods provide card advantage that is much harder to answer, Xenagos provides combat advantage which can be answered too easily for my tastes.

An example: You have Polukranos, World Eater in play, you cast Xenagos, God of Revels , you move to attack phase and Xenagos triggers (at this point you have to select a target), in response I cast Bile Blight (targeting the thing that you are attempting to make bigger) giving Polukranos -3/-3, Xenagos' trigger resolves and gives you +2/+2. You now have a 4/4.

Again, I'm usually the last person to cry "dies to doom blade" but in this standard meta there is SO MUCH kill magic. I could literally build a 60 card standard deck with nothing but kill spells and land.

This whole post brought to you by the letters I.M.O. which stand for in my opinion.

January 31, 2014 5:40 p.m.

I honestly think Xenagos, God of Revels will be pretty good. GR can ramp it out t4 or even t3, and now you HAVE to leave mana open for the Doom Blade for the rest of the game if you're MBD (since that deck has no answers for Gods unless you're Ohthenoises and running Liliana of the Dark Realms ). You have to worry about every topdeck for the remainder of the game hitting you in the face for double its power, and even combo-ing with Blood for a quick kill. So no, it doesn't provide card advantage, but it increases the quality of your cards, which can be just as good.

On top of that, he fits into a deck that arguably has the easiest time providing 7 Devotion to make him a creature.

January 31, 2014 6:10 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #25

I'm not saying he is bad, far from it. He will be played, and he will be played well, I just feel that he doesn't provide as much advantage when compared against each other god and their prospective slots.

January 31, 2014 6:14 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #26

Gild is being printed. The "no answers to gods" is true (aside from Gild ) which is why part of the reason I splashed U initially was Curse of the Swine .

Some MBD decks were running Quag Sickness or Death's Approach as answers to gods pre-BNG. I think Gild will be the go-to afterwards.

January 31, 2014 6:18 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #27

(Unless the W version takes over and runs Revoke Existence )

January 31, 2014 6:19 p.m.

It'll be interesting to see how much play Gild gets. I remember seeing a thread on the forums here recently in which almost everyone was bashing it and saying it is unplayable, to which I thought "Great! Don't have an answer for my Gods!" But ya splashing other colors in the MBD shell opens up a lot of better answers (Unravel the Aether for Golgari).

January 31, 2014 6:22 p.m.

omnipotato says... #29

Ohthenoises, The whole reason MBD is so good is because the mana is great. If you introduce a new color into it, it will be extremely clunky and inconsistent, and more difficult to justify 4 Mutavaults maindeck.

G/R Monsters is already good against MBD because it has so much redundancy. Yes, you can Thoughtseize Xenagos away. But you still have to contend with Domri, planeswalker Xenagos, and Polukranos. You can Doom Blade the Polukranos that Xenagos just boosted. But next turn, you have an 8/8 Dragon coming your way and no way to deal with it. Planeswalker Xenagos and God Xenagos are absolutely mental together. A hasty 4/4 every turn for free.

January 31, 2014 6:27 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #30

Exactly, MBD is actually the most flexible deck for splashes and honestly I switch between W and U every so often.

W=Debt to the Deathless (powered by Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx ), Blood Baron of Vizkopa , Obzedat, Ghost Council , and add Revoke Existence to that.

R=Rakdos's Return (powered by Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx ), Dreadbore , Slaughter Games , and add Mogis, God of Slaughter to that.

G=Putrefy , Reaper of the Wilds , and add Unravel the Aether to that. (As you mentioned.)

U=AEtherling , Cyclonic Rift (powered by Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx ), and add Phenax, God of Deception to that.

January 31, 2014 6:27 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #31

omnipotato I haven't been watching any of the pro lists too carefully lately but we have at least 2 G/R monsters net deckers who know how to play the deck extremely well. I have not lost to them with my MBD yet.

I have no experience with the good matchup you are talking about but that DOESN'T make you wrong. (Just that I haven't seen it.) We have a few MBD decks at my shop and they fare about the same as I do v.s. G/R so who knows if it's skill level or something you are doing that the guys at my shop aren't (sideboards perhaps). /shrug, who knows?

January 31, 2014 6:33 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #32

Also, diluting the landbase doesn't really hurt you much when you are already running Temple of Silence (using the net deck as a yard stick here), all it would require for a splash is to add the appropriate shocklands unless you are splashing for more than just those few, easy to splash, things.

For example, I run Temple of Deceit and Watery Grave , it doesn't hurt me much to do so so I can deal with it. (I need to get more of those temples though, only have 2x atm....)

January 31, 2014 6:36 p.m.

omnipotato says... #33

No deck has a truly good matchup against MBD (maybe Azorius control can win more than 50% of the time if it's tuned correctly). G/R is probably the best of the aggro decks against it. MBD annihilates mono red, G/W, and usually MUD too.

January 31, 2014 6:37 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #34

Fair point, usually I have a harder time with RDW (As in the non-slow MRD style RDW) but Bile Blight and Drown in Sorrow (Why wasn't sorrow on your list buffy?) should fix that.

January 31, 2014 6:39 p.m.

omnipotato says... #35

Yeah Bile Blight and Drown in Sorrow will make RDW and MUD way worse.

January 31, 2014 6:41 p.m.

@omnipotato: Really? I've never played MUD or MBD in a tournament but have witnessed quite a few matches between the two and it seems like MUD usually comes out on top thanks to Thassa, God of the Sea .

January 31, 2014 6:41 p.m.

But yes Drown in Sorrow and Bile Blight might change that.

January 31, 2014 6:42 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #38

If you can keep MUD's creature count (the only way they build devotion) low, and keep them from hitting you too much with Bident of Thassa out Thassa, God of the Sea doesn't really do all that much aside from sit there and look pretty.

January 31, 2014 7:25 p.m.

That's definitely how you want to play it, but it seems easier said than done since MUD has twice as many creatures as MBD's removal, if not more, and can add to Devotion with Bident of Thassa and Jace, Architect of Thought . Plus you always want to have a kill spell in your back pocket for Master of Waves . Idk like I said I've never played either in a tourny but from a spectator's point of view it seems like MUD has a slight upper hand in that matchup as long as they get a few 2- or 3-Devotion cards.

January 31, 2014 7:43 p.m.

Dalektable says... #40

Great article, I look forward to seeing more in the future.

January 31, 2014 8:48 p.m.

Matsi883 says... #41

Now, I will submit:

The Prophet of Zegana and Karametra's Bant Playtest

Standard Matsi883


February 1, 2014 7:41 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #42

I went ahead and brewed up a basic frame for what I think would be a good use for Ephara: I Bant believe it's not better!

February 1, 2014 7:51 a.m.

rkreutz says... #43

Hey, I'd like to toss mine into the ring:

Gods of Selesnya Playtest

Standard* rkreutz


I too tried to put Karametra, God of Harvests in it, but it just doesn't work... So I went G/W mid with a focus on the Eliodons and Heroes. If anyone wants to suggest some help with this I'd appreciate it! Come on, 252 views and no help?!

February 1, 2014 9 a.m.

Ultimaodin says... #44

buffy - Ouch, not drawing a land until turn 7. It's intriguing seeing somebody else run your deck.

I'm curious as to why you swung with both Voices on turn 6. With another Bounty, Sphere of Safety and Nylea (also an Enchantment) it would have been better to keep them back as blockers (your opponent can't feed an ooze if it dies in battle), same for turn 7 (throwing voice into a Reaper seems like suicide to me). Unfamiliarity with the deck I suppose, a lot of people are use to Selesnya being aggro and you were possibly a bit overwhelmed with the Thoughtseize and duress. Especially with Ooze's on the enemy field (you want them to feed later rather than sooner).

I really ought to stop building decks that can't be piloted without knowing the deck card for card and knowing all the interactions. It does seem you were in a bit of a rush though so I can see why the opening hand would lead you wanting to play it aggro. You definitely made the right call to pacify the reaper though.

Anyway some more decks, although I should talk about the interactions and how to play a little more as again these decks have specific ways of being piloted:

Wolves of the Wild Lands Playtest

Standard Ultimaodin


Fight Night Magic Playtest

Standard* Ultimaodin


Still toying with a helicopter hydras deck, hopefully I'll get that designed, still testing the bulk load of cards I got from the pre-release.

Also, Brimaz is strictly better than Hero of Bladehold . He cost 1 white less and the tokens he puts onto the field when attacking have vigilance, which if they go unblocked means they can block again as well. Plus he himself has Vigilance. Never underestimate the power behind Vigilance. The only drawback is he's Legendary, which won't bother EDH players.

February 2, 2014 7:17 a.m.

kanofudo says... #45

I have quite a bit to say after reading all of this.

I agree with all of the people suggesting Mogis, God of Slaughter in a control deck. The ability to make them take 2 every turn is sickening. Especially depending on if you splash a 3rd color or not. Blue splash gives jace and cards, white splash gives elspeth, and wipes. All upside.

You're all talking about killing the thing Xenagos, God of Revels is buffing. What if it's a Reaper of the Wilds with hexproof mana open. Xenagos into the jund deck that got played at the end of the article, and watch the sparks fly.

@buffy you say Thassa's Rebuff is better as Dissolve . playing MUD on your turn you go, Judge's Familiar , swing all (if feasible), pass with 2 open to HARDCOUNTER anything you don't like. you'll have at least 2 devotion. it's your opponent's turn 3. they won't have the mana to pay for the rebuff. You're really underestimating the silliness of this card.

@Ohthenoises any control deck does well against GR devotion. because they poop their deck onto the field. if you kill the initial push, they don't have any card advantage to recover. MBD is still one of the most terrifying decks in the meta, but imo GR is kinda bad right now.

TL;DR I'm opinionated :P Giant IMO post

February 2, 2014 12:05 p.m.

Wabbbit says... #46

@kanofudo: So what exactly are you trying to say? On what turn are you countering for two? Turn two? It's not possible to counter for two on turn two with Thassa's, because you will have to play something that turn, using all your mana. Like I said in my review of it, your countering for X=1 on turn two at best (a strictly worse Stymied Hopes ) and on turn three X=3 at best, and by then you could simply cast Dissolve . Forgive me if I'm interpreting your post incorrectly. I DO see the value of it, though, which is what I said in my review.

@Ultimaodin: yeah, it wasn't pretty. Sorry if I played your deck incorrectly, I tried to put up a good showing with it.

February 2, 2014 12:58 p.m.

vishnarg says... #47

Brimaz, King of Oreskos is better than Loxodon Smiter and Hero of Bladehold in most cases.

February 2, 2014 1:48 p.m.

Concerning Thassa's Rebuff , I think the value of a counterspell in MUD doesn't occur until midgame (since early turns should be spent on creatures), in which case the lower CMC than Dissolve makes a huge difference because it means you have a better chance of playing something else on your turn. Dissolve was in many competitive MUD lists to start, but now is virtually non-existent because 3 mana was too much to hold onto. Time will tell if Thassa's Rebuff can avoid the same fate, but I can almost guarantee that some competitive lists will have it as a 1- or 2-of right after BNG is released.

February 2, 2014 3:07 p.m.

Wabbbit says... #49

@ChrisHansonBiomancin: I would agree with you. I also never said that MUD SHOULD run Dissolve , I just said that it seems to be Dissolve is the better counterspell in most cases, even when playing MUD. I do see your point on how Rebuff can be better in later stages, but I'm still uncertain as to whether it will make a large showing in MUD lists.

February 2, 2014 8:29 p.m.

Wabbbit says... #50

And on that same note, the later you wait to cast rebuff, the more mana your opponent has to pay the toll.

February 2, 2014 8:30 p.m.

Ultimaodin says... #51

@buffy - no worries, the deck is very unusual. Plus, 2 land for a number of turns while the opponent hit land after land doesn't help. Turn 1 thoughtseize also made a hefty impact because that second opening Voice would have made a significant difference. :)

February 2, 2014 11:19 p.m.

TheMonkey137 says... #52

BNG decks? Got one. I built it after seeing this article. Mono white a contender?

The Fallen's Ballad Playtest

Standard TheMonkey137


February 4, 2014 6:11 p.m.

TheMonkey137 says... #53

ignore the blue section of the color wheel please. T/O is being weird. O.o

February 4, 2014 6:12 p.m.

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