Showdown 2.0 #2: Mitosis



16 July 2014


Welcome back to another weekly showdown, where I substitute in for Spootyone and challenge your submission against one of my builds, and then provide feedback that the larger tappedout community can see and discuss. This week we have a doubleheader. First up is a showdown between Apoptosis Twisting the Hexbolt and DrLitebur's athreos-says. My deck is a basic hexproof auras deck that I've been tweaking. DrLitebur's submission is a B/W build that punishes you for killing his creatures through Athreos, God of Passage and Xathrid Necromancer. Will The Walking Dead lay waste to the living? Or shall the aura inspired forest creatures turn back the tide of the living dead? Let's find out...

Apoptosis wins the flip and keeps Sacred Foundryfoil, Temple Gardenfoil, 2x Gladecover Scout, Bassara Tower Archer, Gift of Orzhova, and Chained to the Rocks early removal, early one drop and a way to keep the pressure applied. Pretty solid start.

DrLitebur keeps Temple of Silence, swamp, Master of the Feast, Shadowborn Apostle, Mogis's Marauder, Athreos, God of Passage, Whip of Erebos. Nice mix, and Apoptosis deck has no way mainboard to stop Whip of Erebos, a solid opener

A1: plays Temple Gardenfoil (A18/D20), casts Gladecover Scout
D1: draws and plays Temple of Silence, scrys Xathrid Necromancer (keep)

A2: draws Temple Gardenfoil and plays it (A16,D20), attacks with scout (A16/D19), casts Bassara Tower Archer
D2: draws Xathrid Necromancer, plays Temple of Silence, scrys Shadowborn Apostle (bottom), casts Shadowborn Apostle

A3: draw Stomping Groundfoil and plays it untapped (A14/D19), casts Gift of Orzhova onto Bassara Tower Archer and attacks with both, no block (A17/D15)
D3: draws Elixir of Immortality, plays swamp, casts Master of the Feast, attacks with Shadowborn Apostle (A16/D15)

A4: draws Temple Gardenfoil not what I need, Madcap Skills would have been perfect, plays Sacred Foundryfoil tapped, casts Chained to the Rocks to exile the Master of the Feast attacks with both (A19/D11), second main casts Gladecover Scout an overextension, but I feel like I want to apply pressure
D4: draws Shadowborn Apostle, casts Athreos, God of Passage,

A5: draws and casts Godsend that might be game, godend totally screws plans that rely on the graveyard, plays Temple Gardenfoil tapped, attacks with everything, shadowborn trades with a scout (A22/D7)
D5: draws Shadowborn Apostle, casts Elixir of Immortality not sure whether I should drop both shadowborn and know I'll go to 1 life or crack the elixir now, either way looks bad Cracks the elixir (A22/D12)

A6: draws Stomping Groundfoil and plays tapped, equips Godsend onto Bassara Tower Archer and swings with everything (A28/D5)
D6: draws swamp and concedes

Apoptosis wins game 1!

Thoughts on game 1. DrLitebur was just a little too slow in getting the Whip of Erebos out, which could have made things interesting. Missing that land drop T4 and T5 was costly. This is what happens when you only run 20 lands. Probably my biggest suggestion for any deck is making sure your mana base is solid based on your build. Here are some good resources that can help with this:

Sideboard tech for Apoptosis, while that went well, he could certainly have Drown in Sorrow and I know graveyard recursion is important for him through Athreos. So absolutely bring in Deicide, I also want to bring in my surprise package of 4x Prophetic Flamespeaker, and 2x Archangel of Thune. Basically, my thinking is that if all my opponent sees in game 1 is hexproof creatures, then their spot removal is coming out, which means I'll bring in creatures that are much more efficient when loaded up with auras. Two cards come to mind: Loxodon Smiter and Prophetic Flamespeaker. Also I'll bring in the 4th Chained to the Rocks since it's an exile effect and good to prevent graveyard triggers. What comes out? 2x Boros Charmfoil since black and white have powerful sacrifice effects (Devour Flesh/Celestial Flare) over destroy, out comes 4x Witchstalker, it's vanilla comparatively to the Prophetic Flamespeaker in the three drop. I'll also swap out 2x gladecover scouts.

Sideboard tech for DrLitebur, unfortunately his sideboard doesn't give me a lot to work with as it's loaded with targeted removal that just doesn't help. Even Thoughtseize or Duress could have been useful in removing auras or creatures. Since my deck is balanced between the two, being able to see my hand is not only valuable information, but also a way to completely deplete me of one resource or the other. Looking at the sideboard, there is no Drown in Sorrow and a lot of targeted removal that is worthless in this matchup, bringing in 2x Revoke Existence and swapping out 2x Hero's Downfall is the only choice based on what he saw in game one and he would have no idea that there are any creatures that would be targetable... If it were you would you bring in targeted removal knowing that it could very well be a dead card in your hand?

Onto game 2...

DrLitebur mulls a one land hand and keeps 2x Temple of Silence, swamp, Elixir of Immortality, Master of the Feast and Whip of Erebos decent opener

Apoptosis keeps a nut draw of Temple of Plenty, Sacred Foundryfoil, Voice of Resurgence 3x Ethereal Armor, and Madcap Skills this is one of those hands where you have to do you best not to smile as you look at your opponent across the table.

D1: plays Temple of Silence, scry's Sin Collector (bottom) this is bad in this matchup and in general is better as a sideboard card, you can see how Thoughtseize or even Duress would have been at attacking my hand.

A1: draws Godsend, plays Temple of Plenty, scrys Unflinching Couragefoil (keep) yes I need a 3rd land, but I want that for the trample and lifelink more, I'm sure that a land will be in there.

D2: draws Shadowborn Apostle plays Temple of Silence, scrys swamp (keep), casts Shadowborn Apostle
A2: draws Unflinching Couragefoil, plays Sacred Foundryfoil (A18/D20), casts Voice of Resurgence

D3: draws and plays swamp, casts Master of the Feast
A3: draws a 2nd Unflinching Couragefoil that's irony folks casts 2x Ethereal Armor and attacks with a 6/6 first striking elemental. The Shadowborn Apostle explodes and the elemental drinks deeply.

D4: Apoptosis draws Prophetic Flamespeaker, DrLitebur draws swamp really??? 20 lands in the whole deck and I have 5 of them???, Did I mention irony? Casts Whip of Erebos and attacks (A13/D25) the whip will help a lot
A4: draws Gladecover Scout what was I saying about that third land?? Ugh. Need it to race, maybe the lesson here is to never count your chickens before they hatch, that is if chickens were mana sources and hatching was tapping. Anyway... you get the idea. Note to self: when you need to draw a third land to advance from early to mid game, you damn better not get greedy when you scry and send those nonlands to the bottom, casts Ethereal Armor onto Voice of Resurgence, casts Gladecover Scout and attacks with voice (A13/D14)

D5: Apoptosis draws Gladecover Scout thank you Master of the Feast for helping me dig, hoorah for card advantage!, DrLitebur draws Mogis's Marauder and casts it and Elixir of Immortality, plays swamp attacks with everything (A6/D21)
A5: draws Stomping Groundfoil there it is folks and plays untapped (A4/D21), casts Unflinching Couragefoil onto voice and attacks (A20/D5) lifelink on a 16/16 hexproof with trample spells death if you don't have an answer

D6: Apoptosis draws Eidolon of Countless Battles, DrLitebur draws and plays swamp
A6: draws and plays Mana Confluence, casts Eidolon of Countless Battles onto voice (A19/D5) and attacks with a 26/26 voice that has first strike, trample, and lifelink for the game.

Apoptosis wins the game and matchup!

Thoughts on the matchup, boom goes the dynamite. Hard to win when your deck won't interact with your opponent's board and you can't race. But keep in mind that game 2 was closer then it looked, if Apoptosis didn't draw a land T5 DrLitebur wins game 2 and knows that spot removal could help. But that Master of the Feast is not good when it's letting your opponent draw cards like crazy. I would prefer Desecration Demon, a few more land, 2x Drown in Sorrow and switch up the main, removing guys like Sin Collector over more efficient creatures that have even a greater impact on the board state like Pack Rat. Also I hate Shadowborn Apostle, yes you may be able to cheat in a demon but most of the time it's an inefficient creature that serves as a chump blocker. Also, like I previously mentioned Thoughtseize and Duress in the sideboard can be key. They work amazingly well with Pack Rat as you can always use them to spawn rats if you don't need to attack your opponent's hand.

Onto Round two as promised: for your reading pleasure a double header! It's Apoptosis's Twisting the Hexbolt against Schuesseled's Artificer's Dictate. Schuesseled's deck is a combo deck to make animated artifacts that are very difficult to deal with while controlling the board and burning your face. It reminds me of a deck for multi-player I made 15 years ago that included: Armageddon Clock, Animate Artifact, and spiritlink. That's right folks, I made a deck around that combo, it was awesome! (remember that spot removal was more of a premium back then and counter magic could protect your board more easily). Anyway, onto the match.

Schuesseled wins the toss and keeps 3x Shock, Steam Ventsfoil, Izzet Guildgate, Ornithopter, and Dissolve Ok, not very familiar with the deck and what it wants to do, but this seems like a fast start for a hand.
Apoptosis draws Temple of Plenty, Temple of Silence, 2x Gladecover Scout, Ethereal Armor, Bassara Tower Archer, and Madcap Skillsthis is what you call a "nut draw". Especially, if you?re a squirrel.

S1: plays Izzet Guildgate, casts ornithoper
A1: draws Godsend, plays Temple of Plenty, scrys Temple Gardenfoil (keep)

S2: draws Shivan Reef, plays stem vents tapped
A2: draws Temple Gardenfoil, plays Temple of Silence, scrys Madcap Skills (keep), casts Gladecover Scout, EOT Schuesseled Shocks Apoptosis (S20/A18) now that Schuesseled knows Apoptosis is playing hexproof, Schuesseled has to race!

S3: draws Lightning Strike, plays Shivan Reef
A3: draws Madcap Skills and casts it, but runs into Dissolve, Schuesseled scrys Dissipate (keep) counter magic isn't great against this matchup, but works OK if you can keep the big boy pants off of creatures. Apoptosis plays Temple Gardenfoil untapped (S20/A16), casts Ethereal Armor and attacks (S18/A16).

S4: draws Dissipate
A4: draws Madcap Skills, casts Gladecover Scout (sticks), casts Madcap Skills, which runs into Dissipate, Apoptosis attacks with the scout (S16/A16)

S5: draws and plays Izzet Guildgate
A5: draws Witchstalker, casts Madcap Skills onto 2nd Gladecover Scout and attacks with both, the ornithoper blocks the one with Ethereal Armor and dies (S12/A16), as Schuesseled, I could keep throwing damage EOT but don't know whether I can win any race, Dictate of the Twin Gods is a solution, but am still a land short. I think that as Schuesseled, I use my resources to try to keep it close and hope for the right cards to surface EOT Schuesseled casts Shock and Lightning Strike at Apoptosis (S12/A11)

S6: draws Darksteel Citadel and plays it
A6: draws Temple of Plenty and plays it, scrys Boros Charmfoil (keep), attacks with everything (S5/A11), casts Godsend, Schuesseled Shocks Apoptosis at EOT (S5/A9)

S7: draws Shivan Reef and is dead on the board.

Apoptosis wins game 1!

Sideboard tech for Schuesseled: After seeing game 1 I realize that this is a bad matchup for Schuesseled, but hopefully the sideboard can help, in comes 2x Anger of the Gods, 4x Negate to prevent dudes from putting on the pants, and 2x Peak Eruption. My goal is to keep the pants off of Apoptosis dudes, use anger as a wrath, and blow up mountains to grind out the game. So I'm not going to race, I'm going to work the control angle. Now what comes out? 4x Shock is easy, I don't think 3x Dictate of Kruphix is good here either as we saw what happened in the last matchup when Apoptosis gets card advantage, even refilling his hand is dangerous as it overcomes the big limitation of his deck: if you can deplete either his creatures or his auras, you win. Lastly, I'll remove 1x Lightning Strike. This leaves me with the big combos, scry power to dig, and lots of counter magic.

Sideboard tech for Apoptosis. I didn't see much of the combos or really what Schuesseled's deck wanted to do, but I can imagine that Ensoul Artifact is the key pretty easily, even so I don't think I need to make specific changes just for it. Thinking about Boros Charmfoil too, it's not amazing in this matchup (it's really for verdict), but anger is a thing to take seriously. Skylasher is ok, since it can't be countered, but burn is worrisome. So after thinking about it, take to the air! In: 2x Archangel of Thune, 2x Skylasher, 4x Prophetic Flamespeaker, 1x Boros Charmfoil. Out: 4x Witchstalker, 1x Chained to the Rocks there were not a lot of targets, 2x Gladecover Scout, 2x Bassara Tower Archer? I guess.

Onto game 2.

Schuesseled on play draws Izzet Guildgate, island, Steam Ventsfoil, Negate, Magma Jet, Skullcrack, Shrapnel Blast not great, but ok. I'm not sure about Shrapnel Blast, but I left it in because of the potential alpha strike with it after Dictate of the Twin Gods and Ensoul Artifact. I wish this deck had Boros Reckoner. My thought is, if you run Dictate of the Twin Gods and any burn, get Boros Reckoner in there somehow.
Apoptosis draws 2x Sacred Foundryfoil, Temple Gardenfoil, Prophetic Flamespeaker, Ethereal Armor, Gift of Orzhova, and Chained to the Rocks not fast, but could be lethal. We will see? onto the match!

S1: plays guildgate
A1: draws Stomping Groundfoil and plays Sacred Foundryfoil

S2: draws Magma Jet, plays island
A2: draws Gift of Orzhova, plays Sacred Foundryfoil tapped, EOT Schuesseled casts Magma Jet at Apoptosis (S20/A18) and scrys Skullcrack and Ensoul Artifact, sends Skullcrack to the bottom and keeps a key piece of the combo on top.

S3: draws Ensoul Artifact and plays Steam Ventsfoil untapped (S18/A18) showing counterspell capability
A3: draws Stomping Groundfoil at this point with only one creature in hand and my opponent showing counter magic, I would normally be nervous to cast it, but this deck lives and dies on risk, plays Stomping Groundfoil (S18/A16), casts Prophetic Flamespeaker. EOT Schuesseled casts Magma Jet (S18/A14) scrys Dissipate and Izzet Guildgate this is a bad spot, I need an answer to that flamespeaker and these guys are not it. As Schuesseled I think I just realized that using those Magma Jet to scry was not good and that I have two options: 1. Chuck them both to the bottom and pray for a Lightning Strike or 2. Keep the Dissipate knowing that I can buy a turn with Negate, I think I want to dig. Both to the bottom

S4: draws Negate, not having that land drop will hurt.
A4: draws Archangel of Thune, casts Ethereal Armor, but runs into Negate, plays Temple Gardenfoil untapped (S18/A12), casts Gift of Orzhova and attacks (S14/A16), exiles Stomping Groundfoil.

S5: draws Shrapnel Blast no help, seeing the board I wish that I had sided them out and kept in the shocks, but we're not dead yet!
A5: draws Bassara Tower Archer, attacks (S10/A20), exiles Temple of Plenty. Plays Stomping Groundfoil untapped (S10/A18), casts Archangel of Thune

S6: draws and plays Shivan Reefok, now it looks very bad, one turn to find an answer
A6: draws Gift of Orzhova, casts Bassara Tower Archer, casts Gift of Orzhova, which gets stopped by Negate. Attacks with both, in response to combat, Schuesseled casts Skullcrack (S10/A15), both hit (S3/A15)

S7: draws Ensoul Artifact and concedes.

Apoptosis wins game 2 and the match. Thoughts: one can question whether as Schuesseled I should have cast the two Magma Jet early in the match, as if I had held onto them, I would have been able to kill either the Archangel of Thune or Prophetic Flamespeaker. At the time, I was working under the assumption that Apoptosis was only playing hexproof creatures, there was no evidence to the contrary in game 1 and as a combo deck I felt that it was important for Schuesseled to dig for that combination, counter magic, or Anger of the Gods when there was no threat of auras resolving - at least more than holding back. In hindsight that was the wrong play. Another mistake in hindsight was the choice of leaving Shrapnel Blast in the main, if they had been Shock or Lightning Strike the game could have gone the other way. But I had to assume that Apoptosis was going to keep up hexproof creatures, which means I needed a way to close the game out and Shrapnel Blast and Ensoul Artifact after resolving Dictate of the Twin Gods would allow an alpha strike. In hindsite, not enough targets in the main = dead spells in hand and I apologize to Schuesseled if I played his deck poorly. Regardless, I think I want a bit more creature presence, I already mentioned Boros Reckoner, which is amazing with Dictate of the Twin Gods and any burn (e.g. Lightning Strike reckoner for 6, then reckoner sends 12 to your opponent). Also, 4x Chandra's Phoenix comes to mind, with this much burn it's a resilient and sustainable source of pressure. Alternatively, I would also like 1-2x Chandra, Pyromaster in the main to help dig. I would also think about Jace, Architect of Thought a lot, as he can really dig for the combos too (if you think control first, burn second).

As Apoptosis, the deck did fairly well, but the sideboard surprise only works if I win game 1. Winning game 1 puts me in a strong position to surprise my opponent and close the game out in 2. If I lose game 1, then after game 2 my opponent knows my trick and will sideboard accordingly. Of course, Apoptosis can then sideboard back the hexproof creatures, leaving the opponent to second guess whether they are potentially putting dead cards back in their hand. There are ways around this that do not involve spot removal, which was discussed earlier in the article. As for what that sideboard 4x creature surprise in the three drop should be I've been debating Prophetic Flamespeaker versus Loxodon Smiter. The profit is potentially more explosive with all of the auras and helps sustain the deck and Prophetic Flamespeaker, but the loxodon is more resilient and works well against blue control and black hand disruption, arguably two common powerhouses in the format (and the example of how black can dismantle my deck.

So that wraps up this weeks doubleheader showdo- but wait? what's that? One more? Nono, there isn't time this week and you've read enough! But look for another possible doubleheader in two weeks. I'm strongly considering APPLE01DOJ's 50 #'s of Grade A Beef -R.I.P.-. I think this matchup will really favor APPLE01DOJ: Thoughtseize can cripple my hand and Abrupt Decay can effectively hurt my board and neutralize my removal (i.e. Chained to the Rocks), and he has really efficient beaters. Until then, may your draws be plentiful and you never be manascrewed.


This article is a follow-up to Showdown 2.0 #1: Cytokinesis The next article in this series is Showdown 2.0 #3: Controlled Burn

Spootyone says... #1

Awesome matchups! gives seal of approval It's a big help to be able to do these every other week :)


Next week I'll be continuing with my:

The Conclave's Revenge | GW Midrange Playtest

Standard* Spootyone

SCORE: 45 | 31 COMMENTS | 4001 VIEWS

Keep this in mind when submitting! I'll be going over M15 cards I'm looking forward to playing and speaking about the following article, which will include a deck revamp.

Give Apoptosis some love!

July 16, 2014 6:09 p.m.

DrLitebur says... #2

I will admit, my deck is designed to work more with my stuff that to work against my foe's. I will admit, against a hexproof deck like yours, my sideboard needs some work. As for as to why I have Master of the Feast instead of Desecration Demon in the deck there are two reasons: the first is I can afford them (or could at the time, back when the DD's were 10 a pop, and the MotF were 3). Second, the MotF is rotation-proof right now, whereas DD goes out in a few months.

But you are right, I need to do some work in the deck. I honestly do not have mana troubles when I play the deck in table-top form. I have been thinking about dropping the Lord of the Void for another Swamp with the mana curve.

July 16, 2014 6:32 p.m.

SpaderAce says... #3

I humbly submit: Handy Manny

July 16, 2014 6:48 p.m.

SpaderAce says... #4

Handy Manny Playtest

Standard* SpaderAce


July 16, 2014 6:49 p.m.

SpammyV says... #5

I have a question, either something's gone right over my head or you didn't write the right land, but in Match 2 Game 1, how did you cast that first Madcap Skills when you only had a Temple of Plenty and a Temple of Silence?

July 16, 2014 7:01 p.m.

GlistenerAgent says... #6

Here's another valuable piece that I abide by when I build manabases:

Frank Analysis: How Many Colored Mana Sources Do You Need to Consistently Cast Your Spells?

I enjoyed the interesting decks you played in this article, as well as the commentary and thought processes provided. Great work!

July 16, 2014 7:53 p.m.

Casino647 says... #7

I submit (again):

When you Least Expect it | Standard Naya Zoo Playtest

Standard* Casino647



My life(gain) is Junky Playtest

Standard* Casino647


July 16, 2014 8:18 p.m.

golffore297 says... #8

Two janky decks:

Bees? BEES! Playtest

Standard* golffore297


And for something a little better:

Morphing Esper Playtest

Standard* golffore297


July 16, 2014 8:44 p.m.

I think you should use this Seal of Approval @Spootyone

alt text

Also, I submit my deck:

Attack of the Killer Hot Dogs!

July 16, 2014 8:49 p.m.

Apoptosis says... #10

SpammyV great catch. That's a brainfart, my deck doesn't run Temple of Silence , it was a Temple of Abandon . I don't know why my brain substituted silence in place of abandon, but I was pretty tired at the time. Good catch.

July 16, 2014 9:06 p.m.

tooTimid says... #11

Great articles as always!

A Lord, A Lady, and some Knights | W/u Tokens Playtest

Standard* RedSoxFanKy


is my submission for the next one.


July 16, 2014 9:10 p.m.

Nigeltastic says... #12

I like the flavor and consistency of having two authors. Good job all! I submit my humble constellation combo creation,

Who says we can't play in the graveyard? Playtest

Standard* Nigeltastic


be careful playing it, it can be tricky. Also play everything out because you can do surprising amounts of damage out of nowhere, and don't forget that pharika makes enchantment snakes!

July 16, 2014 9:11 p.m.

Scytec says... #13

I would like to submit my deck

Liliana's Lobotomy Playtest

Standard Scytec

SCORE: 25 | 38 COMMENTS | 2697 VIEWS

for the next competition. I love these, and I think I have a decent chance against the Conclave. :p Lifebane Zombie for the win!! That and a boat load of intimidate.

July 17, 2014 2:17 a.m.

RussischerZar says... #14

I just wanted to say that Prophetic Flamespeaker has double strike and therefore will exile 2 cards when dealing combat damage to a player.

July 17, 2014 5:52 a.m.

Apoptosis says... #15

RussischerZar, great point! This is actually the first time I ever actually used him and forgot that technically he can deal damage twice, which makes him even better. Thanks!

July 17, 2014 8:42 a.m.

Lord007 says... #16

Great article, I know you don't like doing the same thing twice, but I think that my Athreos, God of Passage build is a lot different than the one in this article, I'd be very appreciative if you could give it a go

W/B Aggro Playtest

Standard Lord007


July 17, 2014 9:20 a.m.

jubale says... #17

How does this challenge work? Who chooses the competitors? How do they play out the match? Who writes the commentary?

July 17, 2014 11:40 a.m.

Spootyone says... #18

jubale: Welcome to the series!

I'm Spootyone, and I've been writing these articles for a little under a year now. It started out with me just wanting to test out my unique brews against decks that I felt were challenges to me. I decided soon after beginning these write-ups to create an article series out of them, which you see here.

While the decks I use have changed here and there, the process and end product is still the same as it originated. Each week, I check out the previous entries located in the comments of the article and choose whichever one piques my interest. Sometimes I like going for a specific archetype that is strong in the meta. Other times I test out new and excited brews that I feel are worth checking out. And sometimes I'm just looking to provide some entertainment and I'll choose a fun, janky deck. I typically avoid decks that are limited by price unless they are specifically considered budget decks for the sake of being budget. And since the majority of my knowledge lies in standard, I currently am only accepting standard decks.

When it comes time for a write-up, I am the sole controller of both decks. I do whatever I can to not use information against another player and play both decks as though it were a normal best-of-3 match (sideboarding included). I'm fine with losing or winning as the biggest reason why I do this is to gain information about how to make my deck stronger.

After things are done, I like to give a brief recap and do my best to provide tips and suggestions to the deck I battled against, as well as address any and all misplays I feel I may have done while testing. I haven't been playing forever, but I do have what I like to consider a decent knowledge of the game and how to run decks. That said, there are times where I go through moments of learning after reading comments about misplays I didn't notice.

Up until recently, I've been doing this on my own, but Apoptosis has happily been filling in for me every other week for a couple weeks now. Life has been busy so I needed someone to help me stay on track. Above is an example of one of his articles. When he creates content, he does everything I would normally do (choosing decks, battling, and write-up), but I am the one who does the final editing and uploading.

I'm always glad to have more people to share my content with and I encourage you to stick around and submit! While you may not get chosen this week, you're likely to eventually get chosen if you end up continuing to submit every article. If you'd like to see my latest personal article, you can find that here. Right now I'm using the following build that I've been fine-tuning for a while now:

The Conclave's Revenge | GW Midrange Playtest

Standard* Spootyone

SCORE: 46 | 32 COMMENTS | 4172 VIEWS

I hope you continue to enjoy and tune in! :)

July 17, 2014 5:21 p.m.

jubale says... #19

Thanks Spootyone! I bet I could take down the conclave with The Up-Tempo Song! Yisan the bard and Kruphix's prophet make sweet Chords (of calling) together.

July 17, 2014 6:25 p.m.

Blizzicane says... #20

Interesting match up! :)

Wrapped in Black Playtest

Standard Snowstorm


I will just put this here :3

July 18, 2014 2:14 a.m.

awphutt says... #21

July 18, 2014 4:31 a.m.

Apoptosis says... #22

I basically do the same thing that Spootyone does in picking decks and my motivation is the same, I was doing this privately anyway, spootyone asked for help, and I thought it would be useful to the community. I try to play both decks blind to what's in the other deck, am tweaking my own build week to week, and look to see how my play/ each deck could be better. My choice in decks to play against so far has been pretty random, with the exception that I tend to avoid budget builds and also control builds (I love control and play it a lot, but there it's harder to play blind -but that's not a game breaker). Basically, if the deck is interestingly looking and you've posted a deck, I'll consider it.

July 18, 2014 8:17 a.m.

SpaderAce says... #23

Thanks for letting us know, Apoptosis. I posted mine up there

July 18, 2014 3:15 p.m.

Khaotica says... #24

Awesome article Apoptosis! I appreciated the extra effort going into the analyses :) Great job.

Here are my decks for the next article:

Slaughter Games: The Movie Playtest

Standard* Khaotica


The Rock Built in a Hard Place Playtest

Standard* Khaotica


July 19, 2014 4:42 a.m.

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