Showdown #18: We're Back Baby!!



11 June 2014


Hello all and welcome back to another edition of Showdown, where I pit my current standard build against those sent in by you: the members of TappedOut. It's been a while, hasn't it? I want to sincerely apologize for that. The past month and a half have been taken up mostly by me attempting to be responsible and getting one of those "job" things people keep talking about. If you're curious, you can find out more details about where I've been and the state of my articles here. If you've been a long-time follower of my series, I hope you continue to follow and enjoy what I have to put out.

Let's recap, shall we? (I mean, hell, even I need to...)

When we last were together, JOU had pretty much just been released. Cards were still finding their homes, the metagame was shifting, Patrick Chapin hadn't won the Pro Tour, and I was playing with a ridiculous "tribal centaurs" deck featuring almost no centaurs. We faced off against Tabu34 and his tribal Minotaur deck, which (much to everyone's surprise) we ended up beating. I still think that was a fluke but hey...what're you gonna do?

After that, I revealed my next standard build. This build is a tribute to my once-high-scoring Conclave Counter-Cutter | G/W Midrange, and is one I had been fine-tuning for quite some time. This is the deck that I shall be using in my Showdown articles (hopefully) until rotation occurs. Here it is for those that may have missed it:

The Conclave's Revenge | GW Midrange

Standard* Spootyone


(A comprehensive deck tech can be found here)

So, it's been freaking forever but I finally have the first of many soon to come battles between this brew so dear to my heart and soul. But who is my competitor, you ask? They're cold. They're precipitation.....ey... uhh... Snowstorm!! (not the deck). Here's his build chosen for the match:

Let all feel joy in pain

Standard Blizzicane


What drew me to this build was just how explosive and unforgiving it can be to the unprepared player. I have had nothing but problems with extreme Rakdos aggro for months now, and I end up losing to it fairly consistently. The difference this time? Well, I have MB answers to it just for this reasoning. I want to see if these MB answers are worth the slots or if they matter not to the matchup. I've made you all wait long enough -- Let's get to the action!

Game 1

I won the flip and chose to be on the play. I kept an alright hand of plains, 2x forest, Sylvan Caryatid, Loxodon Smiter, Banishing Light and Garruk, Caller of Beasts. Garruk isn't amazing in this match but I think the caryatid and smiter can hold him off a bit as long as he doesn't have a complete curve out.

Snowstorm keeps an opener of swamp, Blood Cryptfoil, 2x Madcap Skills, Spike Jester, Xathrid Necromancer, and Mogis's Marauder. Wish we had a one-drop but what can you do?

S1: Forest, pass.

O: Draws swamp, plays Blood Cryptfoil tapped. pass.

S2: Draws Banishing Light. A little slow, but it can still really get the job done. Plains, Sylvan Caryatid, pass.

O2: Draws mountain. Snowstorm plays the mountain, casts a Spike Jester and swings in for 3 unblocked. Pass. (s 17/20 o)

S3: Draws Ajani, Mentor of Heroes. I love this card but this isn't the matchup for it. Since I have two banishing lights, I can afford to use one here. And Spike Jester is a worthy thing to remove in my opinion. I decide to play out my forest and cast Banishing Light, exiling the jester. Pass.

O3: Draws swamp. Alright, now he's a little flooded. He basically needs to draw zero more lands the rest of the game. He plays out a swamp and casts out a Xathrid Necromancer. Pass.

**S4: Draws Polukranos, World Eater. Well, there's big poluk. A single land could help me out tremendously in the next turn. And the necromancer is an even better target for Banishing Light. Because we have no real pressure on us yet, I'll go for it. I choose to play the other Banishing Light, exiling the necromancer. Pass. **

O4: Draws swamp. Ughhh.... He plays the swamp and plays out the Mogis's Marauder, giving itself haste and intimidate and attacking for an entire 2. Pass. (s 15/20 o)

**S5: Draws forest. There's the land I wanted! I play out the forest and then cast Polukranos and pass. **

O5: Draws Blood Cryptfoil. This is a bit nonsense. He plays the crypt tapped. Madcap Skills is really awkward right now due to the opposing polukranos, since I can use the monstrous as a means of generating a 2-for-1 or worse. And yet, it's our only possible play. He chooses to put a single madcap skills on the marauder and attack with it. Honestly, I can easily take the trade here, and I double-block. Polukranos and the marauder both die. Pass.

**S6: Draws Mana Confluence. Not bad, not bad. I play out the land and cast Ajani, Mentor of Heroes. I use his first +1 ability to put 3 counters on my caryatid and pass. (s 14/20 o) **

O6: Draws Ultimate Price. This game is going nowhere. He concedes.

Spooty "wins" Game 1!

That was super dumb. I feel like my deck curved out and drew very well, and that was good to see, but the opposing deck flooded out terribly and couldn't even get a foothold. I will likely play an additional game at the end.

**Sideboard tech with Spooty: Most of my aggro-hate is mainboard, but there are still some adjustments to be made. Archangel of Thune will always come in in place of Nessian Game Warden against aggro. Elspeth and Garruk are both super slow and they can be replaced by better, cheaper cards like Scavenging Ooze, Celestial Flare, and I'll be bringing in a single Deicide on the off-chance I can hit a Madcap Skills and save myself from the trauma that can bring. **

Sideboard tech with Snowstorm: From the sideboard, we get access to Lifebane Zombie and Thoughtseize, which are really good in this matchup. In place of these 4 cards, I'll be removing the playset of Rakdos Shred-Freak. I think the card is really good in this deck, but being a 2/1 is a bit lackluster against a deck full of Fleecemane Lion, Sylvan Caryatid, Nyx-Fleece Ram and Polukranos, World Eater.

Game 2

Snowstorm has to mulligan his opener of 6 cool cards and....mountain. Boooo...The six card hand isn't the greatest either. Being on the play, I don't know if we can afford to go down another card. I'm going to be risky and keep the hand of swamp, Tormented Hero, Spike Jester, Lightning Strike, Mogis's Marauder and exava, rokdos blood witch. c'monnnn luck!

**I receive an opening hand of Temple Gardenfoil, Temple of Plenty, Fleecemane Lion, Nyx-Fleece Ram, Courser of Kruphix, Loxodon Smiter and Banishing Light. BEAUTiful hand for me. Total keep. **

O1: Swamp, Tormented Hero, pass.

**S1: Draws Banishing Light. I play my scryland and see Archangel of Thune on the top. While I really don't want to bottom this card, I need land, so I do. Pass. **

O2: Draws Rakdos Cackler. He has one more turn to get going, here. He attacks for 2 and then plays and unleashes the cackler. Pass. (s 18/20 o)

**S2: Draws Polukranos, World Eater. I shock myself with my temple garden and play out my Fleecemane Lion. I could go with the ram, but this plays around Doom Blade and Ultimate Price a little better. And if they want to Lightning Strike him...well, that saves me 3 life. Pass. (s 16/20 o) **

O3: Draws Madcap Skills. Didn't get there. /rage. Well, he has nothing he can do. Pass. (I'm sorry Snowstorm :( )

**S3: Draws Temple Gardenfoil. I choose to play out the ram, and have the temple come in tapped before passing the turn. **

O4: Draws Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch. Game 1 -- all lands, Game 2 - no lands. I really feel bad about this absurdity. Pass.

**S4: Gains one life from ram and draws Celestial Flare. I play out the Courser of Kruphix and see Loxodon Smiter on the top. We can afford to start attacking. I swing in with the lion for 3 damage and pass. (s 17/17 o) **

O5: Draws swamp. Wow, the only land he could draw that does nothing. He plays the swamp and passes the turn.

**S5: Draws Loxodon Smiter and sees Polukranos, World Eater on the top. This game is quickly closing. I use Banishing Light to exile the Tormented Hero and then swing for 5 with the lion and courser before passing. (s 18/12 o) **

O6: Draws Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch. concedes.

Spooty feels really lame!

That was kind of garbage. No, actually, that was complete garbage. We're playing more games.

Game 3

Snowstorm keeps an opening hand of swamp, Rakdos Cackler, Tormented Hero, 2x Madcap Skills, Lightning Strike and Lifebane Zombie. I know, I know. Same sort of hand. I want to see if this hand can ever work. SCIENCE.

**I choose to keep an opening hand of 2x forest, plains, Temple of Plenty, Elvish Mystic, Sylvan Caryatid and Polukranos, World Eater. We have some good early-game ramp and hopefully we draw into more fuel. **

O1: Swamp, Tormented Hero, pass.

**S1: Draws Nyx-Fleece Ram. Beautiful! I play out the forest and Elvish Mystic and pass. **

O2: Draws mountain. SEE IT DOES WORK SOMETIMES. He plays out the mountain and places Madcap Skills onto his Tormented Hero, draining me for 1 life. then he swings for an additional 5 unblockable. Pass. (s 14/21 o)

**S2: Draws Archangel of Thune. That will be helpful if we make it that far. I am in a weird situation right now where I have to choose between playing out my Sylvan Caryatid or my Nyx-Fleece Ram. The former sets me up really well if the opponent does not have removal and is a lot riskier. The second is safer, but also leaves me vulnerable to loss by removal. I think mana is the way to go, simply because it will give us more options next turn when things will be a lot more dire. I play the Sylvan Caryatid out and then put out my scryland to find a plains of top. Not needed. It's gone. Pass. **

O3: Draws Thoughtseize. Very interesting. Well, first things first. He attacks for another 5 unblockable with the hero. He then plays out an unleashed Rakdos Cackler and a Thoughtseize, which takes the Archangel of Thune from my hand. Sadness... Pass. (s 9/19 o)

**S3: Draws Courser of Kruphix. Alright. I have to try to stabilize now and hope he doesn't have a ton of removal...or a Mogis's Marauder. I choose to play out the courser, revealing Temple Gardenfoil from the top. I'm not going to be shocking myself right now. I play a plains from my hand, gain a life, and then play out the ram before passing. (s 10/19 o) **

O4: Draws Mogis's Marauder. That would be really amazing if he had the land to play it. I think the best course of action now is to hope to win by the marauder. He places the second Madcap Skills on the cackler and passes the turn.

**S4: Draws Temple Gardenfoil and reveals Deicide the top. Oh, hello there friend. I play out the forest, gain a life, and then play out my Polukranos. We're dead to a marauder, but let's hope he doesn't have it. **

O5: Draws Tormented Hero. Nope. The opposing Polukranos once again throws a huge wrench into his plans. He needed to win before his guys could be killed and allow for a 2-for-1. And on my next turn, I can actually create a 4-for-1 with the monstrous ability. I guess he might as well attack to get some use out of the cards before they die. He swings with both creatures. I choose to block the cackler with the ram and the Polukranos, and the hero with the caryatid and the mystic (That's alright because I don't need the mana and I'd rather have the courser here). All of his creatures die, Polukranos dies, and my mana dorks die. He then plays out another Tormented Hero and passes the turn.

**S5: Draws Deicide and gains one life from the ram. Loxodon Smiter is revealed from the top. I play the temple garden tapped, gain a life, attack with the courser for 2 damage, and then hold up mana for Deicide. Pass. (s 14/17 o) **

O6: Draws rackdos cackler. I don't really understand the mana issues with this deck. 22 lands is absolutely reasonable if not ideal for the curve and the playstyle of the deck. I guess he's just getting incredibly unlucky today. :/ He attacks with the tormented hero. I know that he might have Lightning Strike to finish off my ram. I want to keep my ram. And so I don't block. He follows this up by playing another Rakdos Cackler and passing. (s 12/17 o)

**S6: Draws Loxodon Smiter gains a ram-life, and reveals forest from the top. I play the forest and gain another life and reveal Elvish Mystic from the top. At this point, we're completely alright, so I choose to attack for 2 with the courser and play out the smiter before passing. (s 14/15 o) **

O7: Draws swamp. FREAKING FINALLY. He plays the land. It's really just too late, though. He plays out the Lifebane Zombie for no value and passes the turn. At this point he can only hope to win with a lucky Mogis's Marauder attack.

**S7: Gains a life, Draws Elvish Mystic, and reveals Ajani, Mentor of Heroes from the top. That should help me next turn for sure. We can afford to continue attacking. I attack with the smiter for 4 damage and then follow that up with the Elvish Mystic I drew. Pass. (s 15/11 o) **

O8: Draws Blood Cryptfoil. It enters play tapped. He attacks for 3 with the zombie and passes the turn. (s 12/11 o)

**S8: Gains a life, draws Ajani, Mentor of Heroes, and reveals Courser of Kruphix from the top. I play out Ajani, use his +1 to put 3 counters on my courser, and then attack for 9 with the courser and smiter. Pass. EoT Snowstorm hits me with a Lightning Strike. (s 10/2 o) **

Draws mountain. He can only get me to 1 and he cannot survive to win this game. He concedes.

Spooty wins the match


Alright, we have a bit to discuss about this match. The elephant in the room was the abundance of mana problems that were witnessed when piloting Snowstorm's deck. I mentioned during Game 2 that it seemed incredibly unreasonable to be having as many problems as I was having, and I stand by that logic. 22 lands is a perfectly reasonable number of lands for this deck. Could this be helped? Yes. With a curve topping out at four with Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch instead of the more traditional 3 cmc that most aggro decks stick to, it's possible that the lands might need to be bumped up one or two to compensate. However, this could easily lead to flooding out when one needs to be hyper-aggressive (such as in Game 1). My best advice would be to simply remove the witch. I think that both Gnarled Scarhide and especially Herald of Torment provide great alternatives to the build and can help to keep the curve low enough to be supported by 22 lands.

What else happened? Well...I kept a one-lander twice. Is this wrong? Well, to be honest, I'm not entirely sure. Aggro decks are typically not my forte. This might have been clear after seeing how I played the opposing decks the past couple articles. And because of this I feel that my own judgment calls may have not been the greatest and I may have accidentally cost Snowstorm a game or even a match due to those potential errors. As I use to note during the intros of my articles, I'm not a MTG pro yet. I want to be, but I have a long way to go. And one of the biggest mountains to overcome for me is to learn how to correctly pilot more aggressive decks when I need to as opposed to my normal preference of midrange builds.

Now, how did my deck perform? Well, I won but that's not the biggest point to take from this. I think that with all the issues with mana that it was actually quite difficult to take too much from this match except for what transgressed during Game 3. Right from the get-go, I was in severe danger. Being at 14 life before even playing a second land is not a position anyone wants to be in. And yet...I pulled it out. Sylvan Caryatid, Nyx-Fleece Ram, Courser of Kruphix...these creatures are pure all-stars against aggro. And I think that with PTJOU having come and gone we can easily see that Caryatid and Courser are key players in the upcoming standard format post-rotation. The RAM is something that I've loved since the beginning, but have grown to wonder about its placement in the deck.

Since this match, there have been a few changes to the deck. Archangel of Thune is now MB over Nessian Game Warden, who really doesn't shine very much unless against control. I've also decreased the number of RAMS and put one in the sideboard. Selesnya Charm was also added's still really good. Having that instant-speed trample is absolutely key against decks with Elspeth, and can win games out of nowhere as well. This doesn't even include the fact that it's a great way to deal with Obzedat and other threats as well. I'm going to miss Selesnya Charm come Khans of Tarkir :(

I want to thank Snowstorm for his great submission. There were many times in playtesting that I was quite shocked by how devastatingly explosive it can be. If you would like a chance to be the next competitor to face The Conclave's Revenge, all you have to do is submit your build below! I look forward to checking it out :D

Til next time, may you never be mana-screwed. And as always, thanks for reading!


Keep up with all the showdown action and more!

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @Spootyone

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This article is a follow-up to Showdown #17: Mooove over Centaurs The next article in this series is Showdown #19: Some New Tactics

GoldGhost012 says... #1

Uh, I hate to tell you Spooty, but doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is defined as insanity, not science. Slightly different, but only slightly!

Insert deck here:

How To Kick Ass With Codex Shredder 101 Playtest

Standard* GoldGhost012

SCORE: 107 | 13 COMMENTS | 10747 VIEWS

June 11, 2014 1:05 a.m.

Spootyone says... #2

GoldGhost012: Lolol. Good point. Though it did teach me a valuable lesson!

...learn how to aggro...

June 11, 2014 1:16 a.m.

-Fulcrum says... #3

@GoldGhost012: The only difference between Science and Insanity is proof that one is right.

@Spootyone: Even though I do follow you on LegitMTG, I gotta say I've missed the Showdown Articles.

June 11, 2014 1:40 a.m.

Blizzicane says... #4

OMG I was not expecting to get pick from a thread so long ago. :O You have no idea how many times I have flooded out with that deck despite have 22 lands which may be 1 land lower than it should be. I have no idea what wrong with it its like its cursed or something and for some reason when ever I don't get mana flooded my opponents get mana screwed when I play it. :S I was in the process of turning into Mono-black aggro so it could rotate out much nicer than if I kept it Rakdos and I found red no longer necessary. In my testing I found the new version of it to work much better as my old deck has not won once against it (and its no longer cursed! for now...) . I should probably add it to tappedout already. XP

Anyways thanks for using my deck in the article! :3

June 11, 2014 4:02 a.m.

Kizmetto says... #5

Man! SO unlucky!!

Oreskos' Legion {JOU}

June 11, 2014 5:57 a.m.

Schuesseled says... #6

Wow, what a giant misplay:

"O4: Draws Mogis's Marauder . That would be really amazing if he had the land to play it. I think the best course of action now is to hope to win by the marauder. He places the second Madcap Skills on the cackler and passes the turn."

Just what. Opponent has a tapped elf, caratyd, untapped courser and ram, has a polukranos in hand which you saw with thoughtseize, why would you not attack.

You have four possibilites, 1) attacking then drawing land, 2) attacking and not drawing land, 3) not attacking not drawing land, 4) not attacking, drawing land.

Opponent is on ten life, will drop to 5 if you attack as one creature can't be blocked, and will lose his courser of kruphix (as that is the better target to kill). Both possibilities 1 and 4 would win the game, 2 probably wouldn't 3 definetly wouldn't. Considering this, there is absolutely no reason let your opponent play polukranos with his life intact.

I would like to sumbit my deck for testing, but you have to have balls to run it as it makes snow's deck look placid.

Revel In The Power Of A Jund Blitzkrieg Playtest

Standard Schuesseled

SCORE: 87 | 42 COMMENTS | 16686 VIEWS


June 11, 2014 7:58 a.m.

tooTimid says... #7

Probably could have worded that slightly better Schuesseled. Constructive criticism is great, but starting off with "Wow what a giant misplay:" feels like the wrong angle to approach it from.

Any who another solid article Spootyone! That was a tough decision and it really all just came down to the top of the deck. The mana problems were intense.

I hope the showdown series continues and would like to humbly submit my own deck

Quia non Mortui | Golgari Combo Playtest

Standard* RedSoxFanKy



June 11, 2014 10:17 a.m.

Sloanan says... #8

Hiya Spootyone! Welcome back!

I enjoyed the match, but there were definitely some misplays scattered throughout, even with the opening hands. Taking one land in an opening hand should never be done (unless you're playing some sort of crazy modern build that can work it), because the exact same thing that happened to Snowstorm 's deck tends to happen when you do (EVERY TIME. It's as if the MTG gods see the misplay and decide to punish you even more). Even aggro decks need at least two to get going (otherwise you're casting one 1-drop a turn instead of one on T1 and 2 on T2 and so on). From what Snow was pulling, I get the vibe that it could've punched its way into more victories if it had better opening hands.

Still, interesting fight. Mana screwing happens to the best of us. Shame it happened for the article.

Anyway, if you're looking for some Grixis control pain for your next fight, try mine:

Black Stars Rise Playtest

Standard Sloanan


June 11, 2014 10:51 a.m.

Dalektable says... #9

Another nice article as always, though it sucked how unlucky those mana problems were! I humbly submit...

Do you wanna build a fort? Playtest

Standard* Dalektable

SCORE: 23 | 22 COMMENTS | 2679 VIEWS

Feel like writing up a lengthy match? ;)

June 11, 2014 10:56 a.m.

Schuesseled says... #10

@RedSoxFanKy It was a glaring misplay, sugar coating it accomplishes nothing. I did go through why it was, and what should have been done in my post. I love reading through these playtests/showdowns, don't get me wrong, but these misplays can't happen because it skews the result.

June 11, 2014 10:59 a.m.

Hey Spootyone, glad to have you back! here is my deck that I would like to submit

Gods of Grixis (First at FNM) Playtest

Standard CommanderOfBolas

SCORE: 14 | 11 COMMENTS | 1849 VIEWS

June 11, 2014 11:26 a.m.

My Red/Black devotion deck (Rakdos's Reckoner) would be an interesting candidate for your next article. I think midrange vs. midrange matchups are the most interesting.

And Spootyone, I have a strange question... Why do you always say you "play out" a card as opposed to just "playing" a card? Example: you would say "T1: I play out a Forest then play out an Elvish Mystic ", where as every magic player I've ever met would say "T1: I play a Forest and then play an Elvish Mystic ". I normally never bring stuff like this up but you are the only person that I've ever heard say that and I find it a bit distracting when I read your articles, lol.

June 11, 2014 12:53 p.m.

zandl says... #13

This deck has been my baby for the past few weeks. What's even better is that I'm finally going back to Green.

Zandl's RUG Midrange-y Control Playtest

Standard zandl


June 11, 2014 1:52 p.m.

Spootyone says... #14

Schuesseled: I will admit that I thought at first that your comment was a little bit harsh, but after taking the time to look back at the game and take in what you said, you're very right. Attacking at that point wouldn't have made Snowstorm's deck lose any more than it ended up doing due to me not attacking and killing the courser could have really put a lot more pressure on the opponent (me). Knowing that there was a Polukranos about to hit the field definitely would have meant to try to win before it can kill his field, and that is now obvious to me.

Please understand, though, that Snowstorm's deck was REALLY out of my element. I have never been an adept aggro player and typically prefer to stick to control or midrange strategies as they better fit my mindset/playstyle. In addition to this, I had not really played standard for a good 2 weeks to a month and was a little out of practice AND had just gone through the other two games where I felt that Mogis's Marauder was my only real way of winning once the aggro-hate had hit the field. And when you add onto that the fact that I had to also focus to my own gameplay and keep track of everything in writing at the same time...well, I hope you can begin to see where misplays can happen for me.

I kept a one-lander twice. And you know what? That was stupid of me. But again I plead ignorance to aggro decks as I don't know what a "keepable" hand should really look like when you have a deck focusing on one and two-drops. And the last thing I wanted was to mull to 5 with three lands and say to my audience "oh this one's a KEEPER." Again, it was not the best of matches for my piloting of the opponent's deck, but I am still learning. I haven't even been playing this game for 2 years now and even though I think of myself as a moderately good player I'm still nowhere near the caliber that many of the greatest players are at -- not even close. I want to be, but it takes time and lots of mistakes to get there, and this match was one of them.

I never want to finish a Showdown and have my audience feel as though I wronged them or the opponent by making dumb mistakes or misplays or "cheating" or anything of the sort. I really do want things to be fair. Keep in mind that these serve as a means of testing for my own builds as well, and I don't get anything out of them if I don't play correctly. In other words, I'm sorry and I will be looking to improve my gameplay in the future.

June 11, 2014 5:15 p.m.

Spootyone says... #15

thePESSIMIST: Well then you'll be happy to hear that I plan on bringing them back with a passion! :D

Snowstorm: I would like to personally apologize to you if you feel as though I did your build injustice. Hopefully from the above response you can see where my head was at and judge me only thereafter if you feel I need to be judged. I think that mono-black aggro is a much better approach....after ameks keeping one-landers SOOO much more viable of a strategy :P

Kizmetto: Part luck/Part strategy...okay mostly bad luck :P

RedSoxFanKy: I shall be looking into it!

Sloanan: Thanks! glad to be back! And I know right? I really should just stop keeping them I think. I don't even play modern sooo...yeah haha. I see where you're coming from. Thanks for explaining the situation to me instead of just yelling!

Dalektable: I feel like once rotation hits there will be much more lengthier articles to write haha.

CommanderOfBolas: Good to see you too!

Gorgosaurusrex: Lolol is that so? I don't even know why I do. I guess it sounds like it makes more sense to me when I write it that way but if it's bothersome to people I can try to switch my mental lexicon around xD

zandl: Gotta love green, man! I'll give it a look.

June 11, 2014 5:22 p.m.

Schuesseled says... #16

I'm glad it's now obvious to you Spootyone. I just wanted to point it out, I apologise if I appeared unduly harsh, that was not my intent.

When playing an aggro deck, sometimes you need to take a step back and think "What do I need to do right now to bring my opponents life down." and worry less about what moves you may make during later turns. (Because you are less likely to win then), there are of course times when it is not wise to attack, so really it all comes down to instincts and experience.

If you don't have the experience you will of course just have to go with your gut, this can lead to misplays but that's not really avoidable. And I do appreciate that you are trying to play two decks and write an article all at the same time. Keep it up.

June 11, 2014 5:25 p.m.

Spootyone says... #17

Schuesseled: I appreciate the help and the explanation and I'm glad you've been enjoying things thus far!

June 11, 2014 5:35 p.m.

Great article as always, here's my submission.

Under Cover of Darkness Playtest

Standard* InconspicuousPotato

SCORE: 11 | 24 COMMENTS | 1136 VIEWS

June 11, 2014 7 p.m.

Spootyone: Don't both changing how you write, as obviously it doesn't bother anyone else. I'm probably just going crazy. Keep up the great articles! (and test my midrange deck next, Rakdos's Reckoner!)

June 11, 2014 7:05 p.m.

DrLitebur says... #20

I understand your hesitation in playing against and playing with an aggro deck, simply because I know how daunting it can be to run them, simply because they are all grrr attack and kill all the time. That is why I play a little more...cerebral decks, like this one I submit for your perusal...

Disciple of Victory Playtest

Standard DrLitebur


June 11, 2014 7:06 p.m.

supercow says... #21

Did you guys play in person or on MTGO?

June 11, 2014 9:37 p.m.

Caes says... #22

Hey, I'd love to see how your deck fares against my current standard deck:

Daring Perplexing Currency Playtest

Standard* Caes

SCORE: 65 | 24 COMMENTS | 4748 VIEWS

June 11, 2014 10:47 p.m.

Blizzicane says... #23

supercow No. Spooty pilots both decks and attempts to make decisions as fair as possible while piloting them.

Anyways here is the new version I bet it will beat you this time Spooty. >:3

Wrapped in Black Playtest

Standard Snowstorm


June 11, 2014 10:58 p.m.

Rocknj06 says... #24

I'd like to see how my deck would playout against yours. I'm currently working on

In the Name of Heliod, I Banish Thee! Playtest

Standard Rocknj06


It may be a mono white devotion, but it isn't your typical race to beat face. I figured if your going to use devotion, you might as well win in style, so while I have it listed as aggro, it runs more like a mid-range/aggro deck.

June 12, 2014 1:30 a.m.

Bellock86 says... #25

Hey Spootyone long time no read. Missed these articles. But glad to hear your real life has been going good. As before I have a janky homebrew that I would love to see you go up against.

Bellock's Witch's Brew Playtest

Standard Bellock86

SCORE: 10 | 53 COMMENTS | 1538 VIEWS

Very comboish but can either wreck everything or just gets stomped. It's kind of a toss up and requires careful decision making.

As always I enjoyed the article. Don't worry about the misplays. That's what practice and testing is for.


June 12, 2014 1:34 a.m.

smash10101 says... #26

yay! Showdown is back! If you want to play a fun aggro deck, check out

Heroes of the Legion Playtest

Standard* smash10101


Don't worry, I keep 1-landers all the time with it, and it can't kill you till turn 3.

PS: You have a few tags that are messed up (1 exava and at least 1 snowstorm). And if you're going to put asides into the write up, I'd appreciate it if you had you always in bold and your opponent always in not bold, that's the whole point of the bolding system.

PPS: Ram seems redonk with archangel, just saying.

June 12, 2014 4:21 a.m.

Khaotica says... #27

Hey Spooty, sucks that the article wasn't ideal. But I like the new deck a lot, it's quite awesome.

Here's my deck for the next Showdown:

Slaughter Games: The Movie Playtest

Standard Khaotica

SCORE: 10 | 22 COMMENTS | 2556 VIEWS

Glad you're back Spooty :)

June 12, 2014 11:16 p.m.

Countertop says... #28

I've missed your posts :P, they're always something fun to read during the slower hours of school (i'm a bad student)

Orzhov Enchantment Voltron Playtest

Standard Countertop


This is the deck that I've been using recently, and I think its pretty entertaining...

Welcome Back!

June 15, 2014 9:11 p.m.

Nigeltastic says... #29

Hooray, Spootyone articles are coming back! Good article, despite the unfortunate draws.

I have a submission for you that if you choose to play I would advise taking a bit of time to practice with. It is a combo deck and it can have tricky choices/interactions and sometimes surprising results. Also I'm lazy and haven't written a good description for it yet, but essentially you dump things into the 'yard as hard as possible and then you kill people with Strength from the Fallen .

Who says we can't play in the graveyard? Playtest

Standard* Nigeltastic


June 16, 2014 7:39 p.m.

kengiczar says... #30

I like your articles, they have helped me to familiarize myself with standard and come in very handy when building. This submission was created as a very cheap R/G monsters deck (that still has some toys) that can disrupt other mid-range decks.

Earth's End

I'm not sure how to tag it propperly but that's it.

June 17, 2014 12:28 a.m.

@kengiczar add deck-large: before the deck name. It looks like [ [deck-large: deck-slug] ] which turns into the big thing if you remove the spaces.

June 17, 2014 9:22 p.m.

kengiczar says... #32

Ah here we go.

Earth's End Playtest

Standard kengiczar


June 17, 2014 11:07 p.m.

4649matt says... #33

Would be interesting to have a match!

Enchantment.Orz Playtest

Standard 4649matt


June 19, 2014 9:51 a.m.

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