The Modern Magic Box #3
12 June 2014
12 June 2014
Hello Tappedout and welcome back to The Modern Magic Box. For any new readers out there this is the article series where I take a deck list that was submitted in the previous article and break it down, only to build it up again with some suggestions that could improve it. At that point I turn it over to you, the community to discuss the changes and to see if there may be other things I have over looked.
So, some of you may be wondering where I have been this past month. The short answer is: unavailable. The long answer is: the internet broke, I’ve been working nearly 50 hours a week and technology hates me because my computer has been revolting. Clearly, this is either an uprising or I have been plagued with extraordinary bad luck of late (I think we will go with bad luck). Anyway, explosions of internet and my near collapse from exhaustion aside we have an article to get to! And this time I have chosen a deck that I try to avoid building. Aggro. And who won the lottery this week? Well, the honour goes to... Lordofevolution and his deck: p>
Mean jund
So, if I normally avoid Aggro, why am I even qualified to talk about an Aggro deck and why did I choose to review this particular deck? Well, that is an excellent question. My answer is twofold, dear Random Internet Person. Firstly, I believe in knowing your enemy. I am almost exclusively, a Control player. Yes, “technically” Combo decks are often my worst match ups, but, in Modern speed is king. Unless you throw every counter and burn spell into a deck with some land and call it UWR Control. Secondly, the deck I had originally wanted to review had been removed from the site when I sat down to start writing this article last week. Anyway, enough rambling on to the main event!
The Breakdown
Like all Aggro decks, the goal is simple. Beat your opponent in the face as fast as possible. Honestly, there is not a lot more to say on it than that. It has a good compliment of creatures, some tidy removal and a wee bit of burn to eke out the win when the need calls for it.
The Good: The deck has a tight focus and enough creatures. It possesses the punch necessary to win, and with cards like Hellrider topping the curve it fits nice and snug into the mindset of Modern, which is a T4 format. The land base is also fit nicely to the deck and nothing seems to have been neglected in terms of Mana. Also, I like the discard element, since it gives you options against everyone.
The Bad: The deck may fit into the T4 mindset, however this deck is slow. Cards like Hero of Oxid Ridge and Birds of Paradise just have no place in an Aggro deck like this. Furthermore, Manamorphose is just... odd. I think I understand the purpose of it in the deck, but there are better cards that do a lot more. The burn suite is too small, with only three Lightning Bolt there is not enough potential to end the game quickly. Furthermore, to return to Birds of Paradise, it does nothing for this deck. Ramp? Meh. Mana fixing, sure, but the established mana base is rounded enough so that mana fixing is not a high priority. As for Hero of Oxid Ridge, I would rather have more early punch, since Hellrider is a perfect finisher for this deck.
What to Remove?
What to Add?
3xBump in the Night or 3xSkullcrack
The remodel of this deck is straight forward. One of the nice things about aggro is that all you need to do is find efficient cards at a low cost, and Modern is full of those. My suggestion should enable this deck to run on a smoother curve and be much more aggressive. I removed the chaff of the deck and added in cards that will be more efficient in the overall workings of this deck. The cantrip of Manamorphose was utterly wasted in this deck, at least in my opinion. Instead I opted for Burning-Tree Emissary because it allows either a some burn or another body after it hits the board. Bump in the Night is low costed and if you do manage to get that 6 mana, at least you have something to do after you are in topdeck mode. Or, you can use Skullcrack which has its own benefit.Sideboard
I think I will leave the sideboard to Community discussion on this one. The use of Vexing Shusher and Abrupt Decay are rather nice, but the sideboard is wide open. I would probably implement at least two Thoughtseize though, in case of Combo matchups. Oh, and some Rakdos Charm would be a good inclusion too.
Well, so ends another article of the Modern Magic Box. I hope my input serves you well at FNM Lordofevolution. This deck was fairly solid, however it is critical to remember that Aggro decks in Modern need to be incredibly fast if they want to stay in the game. Topping the curve with too many high drop cards can hurt you more than it helps, especially since early damage is so necessary. Cantrips are nice, but Aggro needs constant pressure. I am happy to have reviewed this deck since it has revived my perspective on my eternal foe and made me seriously consider how to play a faster game. You may have noticed that I change the style of the article; I would like to know what you think. And I would like to apologize for such a delayed article, I promise consistent articles henceforth (barring life problems). I want this series to have success, and like in Magic consistency is key.
Remember! If you would like to be featured on my next article please contribute to the discussion! If you contribute to the discussion I am far more likely to pick your deck. Furthermore, all submissions must be formatted in the large deck style as well with a description of your meta and your budget. Following these instructions will increase your chance of being picked.
Example of a large deck link: [ [deck-large:name] ] (remove the spaces).
I do like the Hero of Oxid Ridge , it's got a very powerful, overlooked effect that wins games. Not conventional, but awesome :D Also, here's my deck, it's looking pretty good as of now!
Angry Birds? Nah. Angry Bears. (GW Hatebears) Playtest
SCORE: 19 | 24 COMMENTS | 1809 VIEWSJune 13, 2014 12:58 a.m.
Nice article. One thing though, Legion Loyalist ? In modern? I mean, I see why it's so popular (SO MANY ABILITIES), but at its core, it is just a glorified Eager Cadet .
June 13, 2014 1:57 a.m.
Lordofevolution says... #5
Well I wish I knew what to say I'm really glad I could be a part of your (hopefully) growing amount of followers. I'll have to spend a large amount of time thinking on the changes that'll have to be done on the deck. I'm also happy I could help you look differently about Aggro decks that you could use while playing.
June 13, 2014 2:58 a.m.
aeonstoremyliver says... #6
Goblin Guide is the best one drop Aggro creature ever. Definitely side out for Tron, though.
Bloodghast could easily be Scavenging Ooze . Or at least sideboard Scooze. Without fetches, Bloodghast looses luster.
I concur that the removal suite needs to be larger. Often in Aggro, a 20/20/20 split is best. But with the curve topping out at 4CMC, 22 lands is good. So then 14-18 spells and 20-24 creatures would round it out nicely.
The Modern deck I'm taking to FNM tomorrow is:
Only YOU Can Start A Forest Fire (4-1 FNM!) Playtest
SCORE: 8 | 6 COMMENTS | 1217 VIEWSJune 13, 2014 4:38 a.m.
Hello. I've been enjoying your articles! I figured I would throw this out, it's a bit of a janky homebrew but its my first attempt at Modern deckbuild. I'd be honored if you would check it out.
Ashiok, Bolas and Friends! Playtest
SCORE: 3 | 0 COMMENTS | 41 VIEWSJune 13, 2014 5:42 a.m.
CanadianShinobi says... #8
@ Blakkhand to be honest, any good one drop could be thrown in that spot. Legion Loyalist was just a good card that popped into my head.
@ Lordofevolution glad to have been of assistance. Overall it's a solid deck, but as mentioned I attempted to make it more aggressive so that it could close faster. Aggro decks always run the risk of stalling past turn 4.
June 13, 2014 3:57 p.m.
Fair enough. I was just thinking it might be better to have something a little bit more all-around good, like Kird Ape for instance.
June 13, 2014 4:02 p.m.
I'd like to talk about the Jund deck. Manamorphose looks awkward as well as Birds of Paradise for late game. Perhaps some more discard(Thoughtseize ) and removal(Abrupt Decay ,Smother etc.). Also Scavenging Ooze looks great for this deck as well as Lotleth Troll . Together they dont combine too well, but they are good options. Also, take a look at my Modern deck, if you will. Thanks!
Mono Blue Humans and many other combos Playtest
SCORE: 2 | 3 COMMENTS | 72 VIEWSJune 13, 2014 5:01 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #11
Seeing the Bloodghast , I'm immediately drawn to some sort of Dredgevine strategy with Vengevine , Stinkweed Imp , Lotleth Troll and the like. That deck can have VERY fast starts, often landfalling multiple Bloodghast s and getting multiple Vengevine s into play attacking by the fourth turn of the game. Lordofevolution should consider this option, as it is very good against controlling strategies. Watch out,CanadianSamurai!
If Lordofevolution is instead looking for a much more pure aggro strategy, Vexing Devil and Kird Ape would be good ways to accelerate the game plan. Cutting slow four-drops would make the game plan much more fluid and able to function off of only 3 or less lands, which is all you really want in your aggro deck anyway. Rancor could also be a good consideration for even faster beats. I hope this helps!
I've been tuning this deck for a while, and figured having more people look at it could only be beneficial!
Spreading the Sickness Playtest
SCORE: 48 | 2 COMMENTS | 5886 VIEWSJune 13, 2014 9:54 p.m.
I'd say if you play Burning-Tree Emissary you need to play all 4. also legion loyalist? Experiment One would be a lot better
June 14, 2014 4:28 p.m.
CanadianShinobi says... #14
thispersonisagenius spyroswiz tj70 aeonstoremyliver DMR dberg101 killroy726 please read the last paragraph carefully and take note that I ask for you to provide a budget and a breakdown of your metagame. Without this information I will simply make suggestions based on the best cards within Modern with no regard for budgets.
dberg101 please also note that part of this article requests that you contribute to discussion, simply posting your deck is no guarantee and I strongly disapprove of this. I ask for discussion to prevent such behaviour because I desire a series in which discussion plays a central role and wish to avoid people simply throwing decks up in the comment section. While, meke did not provide a deck (which is completely fine) he did provide a suggestion I myself had not considered, and I greatly approve of this.
killroy726 please use the large deck format. You can find an example in the final paragraph, it's why I always have that last bit, to help people out.
Sorry if this seems like policing, to some extent, I'm not trying to be overbearing, but there are certain things I would like to see. Even just providing a budget is helpful.
June 15, 2014 9:46 a.m.
Ah, sorry about that CanadianSamurai. I suppose I will accept that as a moment to withdraw my entry. I'm still not sure what modern deck I want to build, so I'll just continue reading these from the shadows and put one together!
June 15, 2014 9:57 a.m.
CanadianShinobi says... #16
@ tj70 it isn't a requirement. Honestly I would be happy with a rough budget. You're starting out which means you probably won't be dropping $400+ on a play set of Tarmogoyf (just an example). I don't want people withdrawing entries just because they didn't provide a budget or meta for me to work with, this isn't what the articles are about. The suggestion is there just to help me with breaking down the decks and rebuilding. Honestly, my process of picking is ultimately 50/50 between: who contributed to the discussion and what do I feel like looking at? I don't want to come of controlling, I figured I would post a reminder, perhaps it came off the wrong way. My apologies.
June 15, 2014 10:07 a.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #17
My mistake, CanadianSamurai. I am looking for a budget within $1000 (pretty wide range there), and I am preparing for a Modern Grand Prix, so there aren't any specific decks I'm looking to beat other than the most popular decks in Modern. Thanks for your consideration!
June 15, 2014 10:49 a.m.
aeonstoremyliver says... #18
Ah, whoops! I can't afford to drop a whole lot of cash on fetches, which I'd like, but I suppose I have a budget of $50-100 to work with.
As far as my meta goes, there's Affinity, G/R Tron, American Control, G/W Hexproof/Boggles, Melira Pod, 8 Rack, B/W Tokens, Jund, Mill, and a slew of Aggro decks. Hope that helps, and again my bad!
June 15, 2014 2:20 p.m.
I have to say, outside a Goblin tribal deck, I dislike Legion Loyalist for Modern. It's great in Standard, but it doesn't have the punch that an aggro deck needs. Sure the haste is great, because it's 1 more turn of damage, but at that rate you might as well play something with 2 power and no haste on turn 1, which also doesn't die as easily to anything in the format. My personal choice is Rakdos Cackler but there are a lot of other good choices.
Here are my two decks for the next article:
Spirited Away Playtest
SCORE: 0 | 0 COMMENTS | 405 VIEWSIntangible Victory Playtest
SCORE: 0 | 0 COMMENTS | 280 VIEWSJune 15, 2014 5:18 p.m.
CanadianShinobi says... #20
@ Khaotica I do not review Legacy decks, as I am strictly focused on the Modern format. Secondly, I only accept one entry per person, again this is to cut down on people simply throwing decks at me. An excellent contribution though, Again, Modern has many options when it comes to effectively costed cards for Aggro decks. My personal preference to Legion Loyalist is that it puts pressure consistently through the game. But, there are plenty of other options.
June 15, 2014 5:42 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #21
I just remembered a really cool-sounding card for a Jund aggro deck, and thought I'd post it here. Bloodhall Ooze grows pretty big as the game goes on, and if they can't kill it you get a bigger guy than Wild Nacatl pretty easily.
June 15, 2014 7:07 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #22
I wouldn't make the sideboard 4-ofs and 3-ofs. What can happen is you get flooded with spells you only need once. Abrupt Decay can definitely stay as a 4x, since it hits almost everything in Modern. Probably the same with Vexing Shusher , because Remand , Cursecatcher , and Mana Leak suck. But I think you may only need 2x Rakdos Charm and Torpor Orb . Maybe add a couple Sowing Salt (murders Tron), Grafdigger's Cage (shuts down Pod and Reanimation, at the cost of your Bloodghast and Strangleroot Geist ), or Ancient Grudge (hoses Tron and Affinity). Just my thoughts.
Here's my submission:
Tempered Steel- Charles Rochester Young Playtest
SCORE: 7 | 7 COMMENTS | 813 VIEWSAnother aggro deck, yay!
Budget: Don't have one because Affinity. I'm planning on acquiring the pieces slowly and making it my main competitive Modern build.
Meta: ...I don't really play competitive FMNs. So no idea about the meta.
June 15, 2014 7:55 p.m.
I'm in agreement with aeonstoremyliver, I definitely think Goblin Guide deserves a spot depending on the budget.
I also would consider adding at least 2 Scavenging Ooze to the mainboard it helps fight against living end, and goroyo's vengeance reanimator.
Also adding abrupt decay would help to remove both creatures and pesky noncreature permanents, again depending on the budget
June 15, 2014 10:14 p.m.
Hey, sorry about the double deck post, was having issues with linking to them and just realized neither of those decks are my own decks - I mislinked.
Here's my single, actual submission if you don't mind:
Intangible Victory Playtest
SCORE: 1 | 0 COMMENTS | 6 VIEWSJune 16, 2014 2:46 a.m.
smash10101 says... #26
No Scavenging Ooze or Tarmogoyf ? I feel like the 2 drop spot in a green aggro deck really needs at least one of these guys. With all the fetches and early cantripping/Thoughtseize ing, goyf can easily be a 3/4 or 4/5 on turn 2, and scooze can get big early as well as shutdown graveyard based decks and opposing goyfs.
Anyways, here's my submission, a combo deck:
Shredded Eggs Playtest
SCORE: 3 | 0 COMMENTS | 496 VIEWSJune 17, 2014 5:01 a.m.
I think Goblin Guide could have been good or even Goblin Wardriver . Perhaps not the latter due to mana difficulties - but battlecry is quite powerful. I think that Hero of Oxid Ridge can play an important part but that toughness, combined with that high cmc is asking for trouble. I think Skullcrack is really essential as well for those pesky finks.
Anyway, here is my submission:
Garruk's Overwhelming Odds Playtest
This deck is brand new and shiny, and represents my first foray into proper modern (apart from a few goblins decks!). Given that it's my first slightly powerful, high budget-ish deck I would really appreciate any help. My budget is around $450. My local meta is full of twin, pod, hatebears, and also a lot of Quirion Dryad / Delver of Secrets Flip tempo decks. The aim of the deck is to do Rock but without Lili, D.Conf, Goyf etc. It's ambitious!
June 17, 2014 5:37 a.m.
HorrorAvengers says... #28
If you could take a look at my Zombie Pox deck I'd greatly appretiate it
The deck was born when I saw a small article on Smallpox control in modern, and I absolutely loved it. However, I didn't like any of the decklists I saw. The deck jsut seemed too fragile, needing to have pox to get ahead, or being just to fragile after it resolves. So I elected to drop all the fragile creatures and replaced them with recursable zombies, most notable Mutavault , Gravecrawler , and Haakon, Stromgald Scourge . Adding Haakan allowed me to add one of my favorite combos in Haakan + Nameless Inversion . I also added Bloodghast for a creature that could fulfill any part of Smallpox it needed to. In all my black decks I like having a good discard card, and while at first I used Thoughtseize and it worked well it, dropping it for Raven's Crime accelerated this deck to bullshit levels, despite it sometimes clashing with Bloodghast . But that's okay, becasue it's a choice I'm happy to make.
My biggest questions are 1. Should i use Damnation in the mainboard? If so, what should be dropped. And 2. Should I be running more removal, besides the 4 Dismember , or should that, the pox's, and inversion be enough?
This deck is one I basically threw together and have been upgrading ever since, and I've had no modern experience before this other that watching pro tours, so input would be appreciated.
June 17, 2014 1:02 p.m.
CanadianShinobi says... #29
To everyone suggestion Goblin Guide please realize that Goblin Guide is already in the decklist.
Dylan says... #1
Mommy, I have a Splinter Twin Playtest
Unknown dberg101
SCORE: 0 | 0 COMMENTS | 4 VIEWSJune 12, 2014 9:41 p.m.