The Modern Magic Box #5



30 June 2014


Welcome to another edition of The Modern Magic Box! Where I the CanadianShinobi take a user submitted deck from the last article and break it down, only to rebuild it with everlasting glory! Wait... hold up! CanadianShinobi? What happened to the Samurai?! Name change folks! And for those of you not versed in Japanese a Shinobi is a ninja, though there are some distinctions between the two, which I will not discuss here, because this is not a history lesson. This. Is. Magic!

Lame references and regenerations aside, let us get down to the reason you have decided to read this. Who and what am I reviewing this week? Well, oddly enough I picked a deck to suit my name change! No, not a ninja deck (sadface) but, close! We, ladies and gentlemen will be reviewing a Dimir deck! Not only is it a Dimir deck, but it is also a Dimir Control deck! Wooooo... Yeah, the Control Nut is finally looking at what he loves best. Control and Dimir. So, give it up to Rocknj06 and his deck:

Weaver of Dreams

Modern* Rocknj06


So, why? Well, I’ve yet to review a Control deck and since it is my preferred playstyle I really wanted to review something that I could improve and feel 200% confident in knowing what I was talking about. As always, I looked for contribution and I decided that it was time to take a look at some more guild coloured decks. Also, U/B does not see a lot of love in Modern (for a lot of reasons) but, it is always a fun combination, because unlike Wizards would have you believe, you do not have to resort to Mill. God I hate Mill and I get angry over the idea every time I think about it. Blue and Black can do a lot of things together, the colours are basically card advantage heaven, but time and again Mill is what is used to represent these colours. I know the story behind Dimir and its origin in the Ravnica set and how Mill came to be the go to thing, but it still annoys me. Okay, so my soapboxing aside, we have a deck to break down!

The meta that I have been given is as follows: Pod, USA Control, Affinity and Soul Sisters.The best part? I have a maximum of $350 to work with. Well, get on with it!

The Breakdown


3xSerum Visions

3xInquisition of Kozilek



3xMana Leak

3xDimir Charm


3xSpell Snare



4xFog Bank



3xJace, Architect of Thought

2xAshiok, Nightmare Weaver


4xWatery Gravefoil



2xDarkslick Shores

4xDrowned Catacomb

3xGhost Quarter

2xCreeping Tar Pit

Blue and Black Control. Look at it and never forget it. Given an unlimited budget I could create something terrifyingly effective. Unfortunately, I have a budget of $350 and I am working with the two most expensive colours in Magic. Now, what this deck aims to do, aside from stall the game until AEtherling and beat your face in, is to disrupt the opponent while maintaining a constant card advatge. Unlike Esper Control or USA Control, however, these decks have no access to lifegain, at least nothing to the extent of White. And that, is a huge detriment. Not only to Rocknj06 but to anyone who decides to play U/B. Life is a resource, no doubt, but with these colours that resource is in short supply. Especially against something like Affinity or Soul Sisters.

The Good: Not to be unnecessarily harsh, but for this deck the good news is in short supply. I love that I do not have to go through a list of counter spells to use. And Rocknj06 has enough removal to deal with anything. I also love the addition of AEtherling. Now, I may be a Modern player and adhere to that Turn 4 Format talk, but it is always nice to see a wincon like AEtherling because it really is an effective card for Control decks. Also, Fog Bank is a nice stalling tactic. It provides you infinite value until your opponent removes it (if they can) and burning a kill spell on a some clouds just seems like it would be annoying.

The Bad: Budget. Again, the budget is a huge issue. Like I said, these are the two most expensive colours in Modern. I really want to suggest Cryptic Command *list* and Snapcaster Mage and Damnation because those cards are essential to a U/B Control deck. But I cannot do that. Because anyone of the cards is going to rip that budget to shreds. Also, there Rocknj06 does not seem to be rockin a sweeper. Control decks MUST have a sweeper, especially if you want to fight it out with Affinity and Soul Sisters. I also am not keen on Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver, at least not with the meta that was given to me. It works for some, but it fails abysmally against stuff like Control and Pod. Oh, and we are going to need some more hand disruption. Yeah... No worries though, I got this.



Everyone and the Uncle Bob hates this deck right now. It is filled with

effective cards that work well within its function. The deck is a Combo deck that can run like

a Midrange deck and still grind well enough against Control. Honestly, this is a Matchup best

decided after Game 1 where the Sideboard will benefit this deck.

USA Control

Anyone who was around to the RTR-ISD standard should know

this deck. Except picture it with man-lands and an upgraded suite of counter and burn spells.

By far this is one of my favourite decks because it can grind anything down and still pull out

that win. It has answers upon its answers. Best option is to use hand disruption and to sideboard

effectively. Praying to the Old Ones might also help.

Soul Sisters This deck relies on aggression and life link to fuel that aggression. One of the big things here is that because of the heavy lifegain this deck brings means it can last a little longer than typical Aggro. The best solution? Kill everything and smack face ASAP.

Affinity Artifacts and very fast. This deck can flood the board by T2 and have you dead or close enough by T3. If you cannot sweep it, or do not have enough stopping power you will never win against this deck. Bring as many sweepers as you can and pray you never get mana screwed.

What to Remove?

3xDimir Charm




3xTectonic Edge


3xSerum Visions

3xAshiok, Nightmare Weaver

What to Add?

This time some of my suggestions have no quantity due to the sheer amount of cards I had to remove. This is a total reconstruction in a lot of ways. Rocknj06 will need to find out what works best, hopefully with community contribution.

3xThink Twice


2xUrborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth (reprint in M15 should fix budget issues)

3xTectonic Edge

1xGrave Titan

Sudden Death

Consume the Meek



Sign in Blood

Geth's Verdict


First and foremost I wanted to amplify the card advantage using Think Twice. Serum Visions is great, but it is more of a tempo card and this is a Control Deck. Next I listed a variety of sweepers because I honestly had no idea how best to go about rebuilding. U/B are my colours, but without the punching power of some of the more expensive cards I needed to get creative. Also, Grave Titan is being slotted in because he provides excellent pressure on T6. Sudden Death is there to deal with USA Control since you cannot counter Sudden Death and it hits those pesky man-lands. The rest is just there for value and to round out the deck.

Other Considerations

Add in White for some more resilience and access to some good removal like Path to Exile.


Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir is a must for USA. Throw in some form of sweeper and drop Hero's Downfall and Countersquall. The rest I leave to the community for their discussion.


Well, here we are again. This is the end of another article. There were some good times here and no one had to die, overall, a success! The thing with budget building against competitive meta games is that it really restricts you. I know I harp on budgets, but I have a bad habit of thinking in the ideal. One of the lessons to take from this deck is that sometimes you need to abandon your ship and rebuild. I am talking about Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver. The deck is framed around that card, but if the deck wants to be effective it needs to focus on a single goal, not multiple. I touched on this before in my review of Ohthenoises deck in my second article. Anyway, I hope this was insightful and useful for all my readers.

Remember! If you would like to be featured on my next article please contribute to the discussion! If you contribute to the discussion I am far more likely to pick your deck. Furthermore, all submissions must be formatted in the large deck style as well with a description of your meta and your budget. Following these instructions will increase your chance of being picked.

Example of a large deck link: [ [deck-large:name] ] (remove the spaces).


This article is a follow-up to The Modern Magic Box #4

MindAblaze says... #1

I see you removed 3 tec edge to add 3 tec edge. That's sneaky.

I like the Grave Titan swap over a AEtherling . The added value you get from it's tokens will go a long way.

Perhaps some number of Duress would help deal with some of the non-creature threats that Inquisition of Kozilek can't get. I like the Thoughtseize recommendation for this, but it all depends on how tight the budget actually is.

Would Erebos, God of the Dead work in the Soul Sisters matchup? It could be brought in against Pod too to keep them within range. The extra card draw could be useful too.

Other than that, I have to agree that it's difficult to play UB on a budget. Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth +Mutilate is cute, but not always the easiest thing to accomplish. It's no Damnation .

Also, I've always thought of Remand as more of a Tempo card. It just temporarily gets rid of their card in exchange for your cantrip. Seeing as this deck will primarily be reactive, would it be better to exchange them for a harder counter?

June 30, 2014 5:17 p.m.

Rocknj06 says... #2

Ooh yes. I do like the suggestions :) I was wondering how well hand disruption would work with the deck.

Also, would the Pack Rat game work well in modern/ this deck? Perhaps get the deck going more in the direction of zombie tokens and the new you build the card? (Forget what it's called).

As time goes on, the budget for the deck will build up so I could eventually add Damnation

So you guys are recommending a one-one split with atheling and the Titan?

June 30, 2014 7:21 p.m.

Rocknj06 says... #3

Another question would be would it be a good idea for Vampire Nighthawk ?

June 30, 2014 7:22 p.m.

Rocknj06 says... #4

But you're right, while I love Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver , this deck evolved from a standard version that will no longer be viable come rotation.

June 30, 2014 7:25 p.m.

Mer, so Phyrexian Arena is a very real card.

June 30, 2014 9:19 p.m.

boon1313 says... #6

I would also suggest throwing in another Creeping Tar Pit in my opinion. Or make it Esper and throw in Celestial Colonnade . My friend runs an Esper control with Squadron Hawks and some sword or manlands swinging in to clock down the opponent. Mankands are brutally efficient, especially the two I listed above. If you go Esper make sure to throw in at least one Stony Silence on side against Affinity. And maybe a Wheel of Sun and Moon against Pod. And maybe Slaughter Pact could help if you end up tapped out. But your call.

@CanadianShinobi: I very much enjoy reading your articles, they're very interesting and have given me a lot to think about when making decks of my own. Keep up the good work, I would love to read more.

I'd also like to submit my deck:

Saffi's Ordeal Playtest

Modern boon1313


Meta consists of Affinity, Goryo's Vengeance, Rack, and a lot of homebrews. But I would also like it to withstand the rest of the meta as well if I can. For the budget, around $100 more dollars can be added to what it's at now. Thanks!

June 30, 2014 10:34 p.m.

boon1313 says... #7

Edit: Squadron Hawk s, I meant the card not a deck, sorry!

June 30, 2014 10:35 p.m.

@ boon1313 I'm glad that my articles have been useful to you. My primary goal is to help strengthen deck building within Modern. Despite my complaints about budget, there are many Modern decks that can compete within confined budgets, except certain colours like Blue often have higher price tags for super efficient cards.

July 1, 2014 2:33 a.m.

tomkear says... #9

I can't particularly contribute to the discussion since I am just getting started with modern, and i tend to steer away from control.

Anyway here is my decklist:

Bant Exalted Playtest

Modern* tomkear


I can't really describe my meta, since I am only starting and modern is only starting to phase in at my LGS. This would be my first deck for the Modern format. Budget wise, I'd starting with 180-220, which is equivalent to $250-300. (price varying on location)

July 1, 2014 9:16 a.m.

nighthawk101 says... #10

I am worth eight goats (Modern) Playtest

Modern williamgp99


July 1, 2014 10:01 a.m.

8.8 says... #11

Unfortunatly I don't know much about blue black control, but budget allowing snapcaster and damnation would sweeten the deck I also like phyrexian arena for card advantage

everything but the kitchen sink Playtest

Modern 8.8


meta: splinter twin, izzet tempo, valakut , tron Kiki pod, and black white tokens budget wise 200$

July 2, 2014 7:34 p.m.

boon1313 says... #12

Actually, replace my entry with:

Death and Taxes Build? Playtest

Modern boon1313


I am sorry for any difficulties, but I changed my mind on the deck I am running at my event. Meta is the same and I guess the budget as well. Thanks, and sorry again for any inconveniences.

July 2, 2014 7:42 p.m.

Skimm3r says... #13

Deffinitaly have 3 or 4 Shadow of Doubt in the mainboard. It deals with fetchlands and pod notably, and would also make Path to Exile InterestIng If you splash white. Besides... it cantrips if you can't use it effectively.

July 3, 2014 4:03 p.m.

scottemery says... #14

I play a U/B control build and find it well placed in the current meta-game. But that is generally as a resultof the 4x Damnation , which, as you say,are essentialto U/B control decks. You also hinted on the matter of lifegain, the issue is real, and for that reason my endgame beater is Batterskull . The card is imense. The deck also needs a reliable source of card draw, as suggested Phyrexian Arena is very good here, even bob fits the criteria. Also the U/B filter land is great here, considering the double colours of some cards. I'd appreciate if you ooked at Bloom Tender Combo MARK II - BUG - if you dare haha.

July 7, 2014 5:41 a.m.

BlueSlime says... #15

I'd like to submit this guy

Tibalt is not as useless as you think. Playtest

Modern* BlueSlime


Meta consists of Death and Taxes, TempoTwin, Zoo, U/B Faeries, Affinity, Ad Nauseum, Eggs, Storm, U/W Tron, U Tron, W/B Tokens, and Soul Sisters. Budget? Endless.

July 7, 2014 2:12 p.m.

Unlife says... #16

I'll submit this deck. I unfortunately cannot offer much advice on the deck, though I will second the idea for Vampire Nighthawk

Lightning Infect Playtest

Modern Unlife


meta is a mix of everything, mainly USA control, red burn, affinity, splinter, soul sistersbudget of about $100-$150

July 21, 2014 4:09 p.m.

UrbanAnathema says... #17

Hey there Shinobi.

I'll submit


Modern UrbanAnathema

SCORE: 391 | 14 COMMENTS | 52790 VIEWS

Would love to hear what you thought.

June 11, 2015 11:10 a.m.

UrbanAnathema says... #18

Almost forgot CanadianShinobi!

The budget is open. Local meta currently consists of Maya Aggro, Soul SIsters, Red Deck Wins, Twin, and Bloom Titan.

June 11, 2015 11:29 a.m.

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