Showdown #26: Season 2 HYPE



1 October 2014


Hello all! It's time for a brand-new season of Showdown, where I pit my current standard deck against those submitted to me by you, the members of TappedOut. Rotation has come and gone and as many of you already know, I have switch to be a member of the Temur Frontier! Surrak has taught me his ferocious ways but I have brought with me a love of ramp and a reactive playstyle. And together we have created a bear-punch of an awesome brew. This is my Temur Control deck:

Enlightenment of the Dragonclaw | Temur Aggro

Standard* Spootyone

SCORE: 207 | 258 COMMENTS | 62727 VIEWS | IN 108 FOLDERS

In it, I use a plethora of burn spells as removal while utilizing the ever-powerful Caryatid-Courser core to ramp me into my win-cons, namely Sarkhan, Stormbreath, and even Crater's Claws. Additionally, I have blue mana to allow for counterspells when necessary and Kiora to help with some utility. I've been very happy with its success in testing thus far and I really like playing with the build -- which is very important. Being in red means I have access to ways to deal with aggro decks using spells like Anger of the Gods, Lightning Strike and Magma Spray. This will be very important we are about to face a deck I've had my eyes on for a while now anticipating its success.

I present to you all Femme_Fatale and her Mardu Aggro deck:

Edge and Scale, Bring Forth the Victory

Standard Femme_Fatale

SCORE: 148 | 202 COMMENTS | 24946 VIEWS | IN 110 FOLDERS

The things I fear from an aggro deck should be pretty obvious. I hope that I don't become overwhelmed by numerous ground forces before I can stabilize. Additionally, Mardu has access to every single one of the best removal spells in standard, meaning that relying on creatures to survive will be tough (sorry courser!). Bloodsoaked Champion is a very big threat just because of how hard it is to get rid of. And post-board Butcher of the Horde and Thoughtseize are going to be tough to deal with as well. I've found in testing that my first games against aggro aren't always the best, but that after sideboarding things become much easier. Hopefully we have a good match here!


Music for your head


Let the games begin!

Game one


Femme wins the flip and is on the play. She keeps an opening hand of 2x caves of kolios, plains, Mana Confluence, Oreskos Swiftclaw, Sightless Brawler, and Mardu Charm. I'm curious to hear the opinion on this hand. I believe it's land-heavy, but there are spells to cast - most of which are creatures. It's not great but I still think it's keepable.

Spooty keeps an opening hand of 2x Shivan Reef, Temple of Abandon, Yavimaya Coast, Sylvan Caryatid, Stoke the Flames, and Lightning Strike. Again, land-heavy. But I do like the spells I'm seeing. Decent keep.

F1: caves of kolios, pass.

S1: Draws Courser of Kruphix. Nice. Temple of abandon tapped, scrying forest to the bottom. Pass.

F2: Draws Launch the Fleet. Plains, Oreskos Swiftclaw, pass.

S2: Draws Sylvan Caryatid...interesting. I play the Yavimaya Coast and then the caryatid. Pass.

F3: Draws Purphoros, God of the Forge. She plays Mana Confluence and then attacks with the swiftclaw. No blocks. This is followed up by a Sightless Brawler. Pass. (s 17/20 f)

S3: Draws Temple of Abandon. Given her boardstate, I think now seems reasonable to play some burn. I destroy the Oreskos Swiftclaw with a Lightning Strike and then play a Shivan Reef to help cast a second Sylvan Caryatid. Pass.

F4: Draws Goblin Rabblemaster. Ooh spicy. Alright so here she could play the Purphoros to set up a better boardstate to drop the Rabblemaster, or she could just remain aggressive and play the Rabblemaster to give the brawler a chance to attack while the boardstate supports it. It's a tough call. I feel that since the curve thus far hasn't been insanely aggressive, it's better to begin to think about alternate forms of damage (purph) -- especially when there's no mana for a counterspell up. She plays a second caves of Kolios and the God of the forge and passes the turn. (s 17/19 f)

S4: Draws Kiora, the Crashing Wavefoil. Alrighty then. Kiora is typically bad in this sort of matchup but she does do a great job of turning off Purph. I play a Shivan reef and then cast Kiora, using her +1 to place the God into a bubble. Pass. (s 16/19 f)

F5: Draws Oreskos Swiftclaw. Alright, well so much for setting up the boardstate I guess. Best to go ahead and play Rabbles now to get some aggression going. She plays him and go to combat, creating a goblin token and attacking with it and the sightless brawler to Kiora. Both are blocked by a caryatid and one of the caryatids dies. Pass. (s 16/18 f)

S5: Draws Courser of Kruphix. This seems decent. However, the rabblemaster must perish. I +1 Kiora to turn off Purph and then stoke the flames to destroy Goblin Rabblemaster. I then play a tapped Temple of Abandon and scry a Sylvan Caryatid to the bottom. Pass. (s 15/18 f)

F6: Draws Bloodstained Mire. Kiora is becoming a big problem here. Purphoros needs to be able to deal damage and on top of that she can't have her go to ultimate. Femme casts Launch the Fleet targeting the Sightless Brawler and the goblin token, then attacks with both making 2 soldiers. All of these head towards Kiora. I begrudgingly chump block the brawler with my other caryatid and Kiora is dropped to 1 loyalty. Femme then plays another Oreskos Swiftclaw and the Bloodstained Mire before passing the turn. (s 17/15 f)

S6: Draws Lightning Strike. I need to stabilize quickly here. Things are getting out of hand. I cast Courser of Kruphix and reveal another courser from the top. Heh. I +1 Kiora targeting Purph and pass the turn.

F7: Draws Bloodsoaked Champion. She casts Mardu Charm to destroy my courser and then swings with everything. 2 tokens go to Kiora and everything else to me. I have a choice here of striking something to keep Kiora alive or one of the bigger threats to preserve my life total. I fear purphoros' wrath, so I strike one of the 1/1 tokens, leaving Kiora at 1 loyalty and me taking a hefty 7 damage. She follows up with a Bloodsoaked Champion and passes. (s 7/13 f)

S7: Draws Courser of Kruphix. I play a courser and reveal a Chandra, Pyromaster from the top. Agh. I would love that card if it had been here a turn or two earlier. Hmm...Well, I'm basically dead without something more here. I destroy Kiora to draw a card. I draw Chandra and reveal a [temple of mystery]] beneath it. I play the temple, gain a life, and scry Wooded Foothills, keeping it on top. I play it as my second land, gain a life, then activate it to get a forest, which I use to play my second Courser. After shuffling, a Shivan Reef is revealed. Pass. (s 8/13 f)

F8: Draws Chief of the Scale. She plays the chief, dealing 2 damage to me with Purph, then swings with everything. I block the two 3-power attackers and a pump from Purphoros is enough to deal the rest of the needed damage.




Femme_Fatale Wins Game 1!!

Sideboard tech with Spooty:


That felt like a pretty good first game. I know I lost, but I think I played my cards to their fullest potential for the most part. After sideboarding, I'd like to think my chances of winning increase by quite a bit. I have a decent number of ways to deal with aggro decks after sideboarding in the form of Anger of the Gods, Magma Spray and even Sedge Scorpion, though the scorpion is typically meant to be potent against Green midrange decks. I will bring in these eight spells while removing Nissa, Worldwaker, 2 Kiora, the Crashing Wavefoil, Crater's Claws, 3 Dissolve and Negate. The planeswalkers are a bit slow, the claws aren't very good against aggro and the counterspells, while decent, are probably just better to leave out than other cards are.

Sideboard tech with Femme:


Femme's sideboard is a bit of an interesting one as it allows her to switch up her playstyle from aggro to midrange to throw off the opponent and to better her own chances against other decks. As such, a lot of sideboarding will be taking place. 3 Butcher of the Horde will be coming in as huge and powerful finishers, 3 Hero's Downfall will be coming in as extra removal that can also hit walkers, 2 Crackling Doom will be coming in to handle my larger threats or even courser of kruphix, not to mention it hits Sarkhan, and finally 3 Thoughtseize will be coming in since they're potent against control shells. In their wake, 3 Oreskos Swiftclaw, 3 sightless butcher, 3 Launch the Fleet a Mardu Charm and a Spear of Heliod will be leaving.

Game 2


Spooty is on the play and mulligans a hand with two lands but also both copies of Dig Through Time. With no blue mana that almost makes this a mull to 5 immediately and I don't like that too much. The kept hand contains mountain, Shivan Reef, Yavimaya Coast, Wooded Foothills, Courser of Kruphix, and Keranos, God of Storms. This hand isn't fantastic either, but I have to keep at this point.

Femme keeps an opener of Nomad Outpost, Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, Bloodstained Mire, Mana Confluence, Bloodsoaked Champion, Chief of the Edge, and Thoughtseize. Hand seems solid for the most part. I like it.

S1: Wooded Foothills. Pass.

F1: Draws Crackling Doom. Urborg, Bloodsoaked Champion, pass.

S2: Draws Wooded Foothills. I play a Yavimaya Coast and pass the turn.

F2: Draws Bloodsoaked Champion. Beautiful. She plays Thoughtseize and discards my Keranos, then attacks with the first champion. Afterwards, she plays Mana Confluence and another Bloodsoaked Champion. Pass. (s 18/18 f)

S3: Draws Lightning Strike. Agh. So I can play Courser of Kruphix here for possibly no value (assuming it gets killed) or I can strike one of the champions just to have it come back. I don't like this very much. Playing the courser seems to be the smarter choice here but she didn't remove it with the Thoughtseize so I can only assume she has an answer for it. I play Shivan Reef and pass the turn. This is already sorta rough, but I'll try to push through it.

F3: Draws Goblin Rabblemaster. Not bad at all. She plays a Bloodstained Mire and cracks it for a mountain, then casts Goblin Rabblemaster. Before combat, I lightning strike the Goblin Rabblemaster. She attacks with both bloodsoaked champions and then passes the turn. (s 13/17 f)

S4: Draws Sedge Scorpion. I'm learning that I take quite a lot of damage from my lands. I knew this already, but as I go to do these next plays I feel like things can be reworked a little bit to help facilitate things in the future. Anywho, I crack the foothills to get a forest, then play Courser of Kruphix. This reveals a Sylvan Caryatid from the top. I then play another foothills, crack it for another forest, and play Sedge Scorpion. Shuffling reveals Temple of Abandon. Pass. (s 13/17 f)

F4: Draws Butcher of the Horde. She casts Crackling Doom and I sacrifice my courser and take 2. She attacks with both champions and I block one with a scorpion. This is followed up with a Nomad Outpost tapped and passing the turn. (s 10/16 f)

S5: Draws Temple of Abandon. I play it and scry a Shivan Reef to the bottom. Pass.

F5: Draws Ruthless Ripper. Alright time to get aggressive. She plays Butcher of the Horde and sacrifices the bloodsoaked champion to give it haste. She attacks for 5 and passes.

S6: Draws Stormbreath Dragon. I play a mountain and then the dragon. Pass.

F6: Draws Chief of the Scale. Hmm...Is trading the butcher for a dragon smart here? Doing so and then playing both champions again seems valid. She attacks with the butcher and I block with my stormbreath dragon. After combat, she uses raid to bring both Bloodsoaked Champions back onto the battlefield. Pass.

S7: Draws Anger of the Gods. Well, that was possibly the best draw thus far. I cast it to exile both Champions. Pass.

F7: Draws Spear of Heliod. She brings both Chief of the Edge and Chief of the Scale to the battlefield. Pass. (s 5/15 f)

S8: Draws Temple of Abandon. That will unfortunately do it for me. I concede.




Femme_Fatale Wins the Match!!





Wow that...sucked honestly. This is isn't quite how I wanted to start off the season and to finally show off my new deck, but as always it's important to remember losing can teach a player a lot about their own deck/playstyle. So, let's begin.

First off, I've been trying to find a balance with my lands. Although I'm a control deck, I prefer to have my lands come in untapped so that I can cast my spells in time. That said, I agree with what a lot of people have been saying in that I take too much damage from them. I plan on testing with much less painlands before the next Showdown to see if the prevention of life loss is worth the speed loss. I want to try out the new lifelands as well, so this seems like a perfect time to do so.

Next, I feel the need to mention the fact that I don't think this was a good representation of what my deck can do. I've been doing a lot of playtesting (goldfish, against other decks, and against other people) and I typically have enough aggro hate to live past even the scariest starts. Perhaps I need a third Anger of the Gods like I used to have. Or perhaps I should have sideboarded differently as to not have the Dig Through Times in the deck post-board. It's hard to say at this point.

All that said, I really like Femme's deck. Chief of the Edge and Scale are quite interesting cards, but I think it goes without saying that the real threats were Goblin Rabblemaster and Bloodsoaked Champion in those matches. While I have answers present in my deck specifically for them on purpose, they still demand a response or things get nasty quickly. And I also like how her deck can change its structure post-board to fit the niche that it best accompanies for any given match.

Mardu Charm seems great as a Courser of Kruphix killer, if nothing else. Being a three color deck with access to Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth seems very nice as I found in this match. I sure wish I could make use of it...Crackling Doom also seems really powerful and I wouldn't be surprised if it began to see more play. Ultimately, I think that Sightless Brawler and/or Oreskos Swiftclaw could be replaced by something better, but it's hard to say that when I was just killed by them.

Going back to how I think my deck could be improved, I wonder if moving the Kioras to the sideboard and having Magma Spray main board is a good call right now. The only reason I haven't yet was because of the fact that spray can't hit players, but I think it's safe to say that the chances I use it will far outnumber the chances I don't, and the difference could mean living to tell the tale. Kiora is one of my favorite planeswalkers out there and I think she sits quite favorably in the format, but I do notice her being painfully "dead" in certain matchups like this, whereas a MB Magma Spray being "dead" would be much less painful.

Lastly, I'm wondering if it's better to split up the copies of Dig Through Time between the main and side board. As powerful a card as it is, it's not very good against these aggro and tempo decks, and as we just saw in game 2, getting both in an opening hand basically forces a mulligan in the wrong matchup. I'll have to move things around and test things further. Hopefully I can bring more of a challenge to the table next time.


If you'd like to be the next contender in Showdown, please leave your decks linked into the comments below! Be sure to use the "deck-large" option so I don't miss them! Apoptosis will be back next week to continue on with the decks he wishes to face. Hope you all enjoyed the match! See you all again in two weeks! :)


Important Info


There are two things I want to talk about in this section today. The first thing is the ongoing competition I have going to determine what my Username is going to look like. I have only had 1 valid submission thus far so I really encourage others to take part in this. Remember, the winner will receive 5 free feature tokens from yours truly! The rules for entry can be found at the bottom of this article, here. Please join in!

Next up, I wanted to quickly address donations again. I really like the sort of "reward" system a lot of sites like Patreon have in place. I looked into doing Patreon for this, but I didn't think people would enjoy the fact that you're expected to pay a certain amount per article. If you would actually like me to go through Patreon I can, but I'd need to know so. Instead, we can still go through pay pal, but I have created my own reward system for us both to enjoy! Here we go:


  • $5.00 = You will receive a personal thank you and mention in the next article I release!

  • $10.00 = I will do an in-depth analysis of the deck of your choice, giving my advice and opinions in detail (Note: this will need to be limited to Standard and EDH for the time being as I grow my skills and knowledge in other formats). Additionally, you will receive the mention in the next article!

  • $25.00 = In addition to the deck analysis, I will run a 5-game playtesting match between your chosen deck and any other of your choice, be it your own, a pillar of the format, or even one of my own creations! Afterwards, I will provide you with a detailed synopsis of how things went, and give my opinions and suggestions about the chosen deck. This will be in addition to the notation in the next article.

  • $50.00 = If you are generous enough to donate 50 or more dollars, you and I will set up a meeting via Skype, Google Hangouts, etc. to discuss archetypes, cards, formats, or anything even remotely MTG-related. Afterwards, we will meet up on Cockatrice to have our very own Speedbrew where you can challenge me to anything you'd like! (This will be purely for fun -- not an actual episode of Speedbrewers). Due to time restraints, I'll have to keep this portion to ~ 2 hours long. In addition to all this, you will still receive the 5-game playtesting match of your choice, in-depth deck analysis, and mention in the next article I send out!


Until next time, may you never get mana-screwed. And as always, thanks for reading!


Feeling generous? Wanna help out? It's easy! Donating even a small amount really helps make these happen, and I will always be appreciative of it.

Keep up with all the showdown action and more!

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @Spootyone

For more articles by me, check out!

This article is a follow-up to Showdown #25: Lightning Crashes The next article in this series is Showdown #27: Scorch on the Rocks

sujrondc says... #1

Very excited for season 2 and the decks that Khans will bring us. As for my submission, here's a different take on temur.

Digging for Krakens Playtest

Standard* sujrondc


October 1, 2014 11:07 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #2

Would love to see this match up

Lifted Research Group [Post Rotation] Playtest

Standard* APPLE01DOJ


October 1, 2014 11:20 p.m.

Casino647 says... #3

Here's mine:

Anafenza's Fatties Playtest

Standard* Casino647

SCORE: 14 | 14 COMMENTS | 2895 VIEWS

October 1, 2014 11:29 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #4

I would love you to test against this:

No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die! Playtest

Standard* Ohthenoises


However since it's yet another Mardu deck I doubt you want to repeat a clan. So since I have been working on this:

MY GAINS! Playtest

Standard* Ohthenoises


and I'm willing to throw myself under the bus in the name of science!

October 1, 2014 11:35 p.m.

Excellent Article Spooty!!! I have been brewing up this deck for a while. It is a powerhouse against control and agro decks most of the time, and probably needs some work in the midrange matchup, but I would love to see how our decks play out!!!

The Sixth Clan Playtest

Standard* CommanderOfBolas


October 2, 2014 12:10 a.m.

Nigeltastic says... #6

A) Good write-up, you da best.
B) I love your donation options and benefits. I think that's a great way to do this, and is a nice balance between donations and services that people are "purchasing".
C) If you want to go to the opposite side of the match-up spectrum, I have a creature-less control deck. All cards are there for non-budgetary reasons (even the Despise instead of Thoughtseize ), and the sideboard's rip roaring to go.

Naga Sleeperhold Playtest

Standard* Nigeltastic

SCORE: 15 | 27 COMMENTS | 1415 VIEWS

October 2, 2014 12:15 a.m.

-Fulcrum says... #7

Before I submit my decks, I have a question. I may have read this wrong, but wouldn't your Stormbreath Dragon be able to block one of the chiefs after it killed the butcher? I don't know if it would have changed anything in the long run, but it looked like a misplay to me. It sounds like you killed the dragon despite its pro-white. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Abzan Endures Playtest

Standard Fulcrum

SCORE: 29 | 10 COMMENTS | 8569 VIEWS

This is pretty much my primary deck for this standard season, but I have an alternative if you don't want to face one of what seems like hundreds of Abzan midrange decks.

Broken Bones Playtest

Standard Fulcrum


October 2, 2014 12:23 a.m.

Blizzicane says... #8

I noticed a error " She attacks with the butcher and I block with my stormbreath dragon" Stormbreath Dragon has protection from white and that happens to be the first demon to have white in it so I don't blame you. :3

But anyways, awesome season 2 start Spooty! :3

October 2, 2014 1:48 a.m.

Blizzicane says... #9

Bah I need to stop leaving my posts un-posted as I was beaten to it. XP

October 2, 2014 1:49 a.m.

PartyGoat says... #10

Elspeth Controll Playtest

Standard* PartyGoat


October 2, 2014 2:06 a.m.

Frayace says... #11

The turtle carries on Playtest

Standard* Frayace


October 2, 2014 2:14 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #12

Interesting matches, I feel that they don't demonstrate the power of your deck though. My playtest matches with yours were much more ... well basically one couldn't tell which deck would win due to the constant change in who has the superior board state.

I first want to mention that your sideboarding game 2 was very close to mine. However I normally remove all Spear of Heliod s as it's strength is mainly in buffing my plethora of 2 drops which are normally removed game 2 and 3. On the other hand, people may argue that the destroy ability is relevant in the lesser creature build of midrange. I also remove one Ruthless Ripper and only one Launch the Fleet . Ruthless Ripper no longer has much relevancy in the removal heavy midrange, while Launch the Fleet is a superior win condition when paired with Purphoros, God of the Forge . I can see however, siding out all of the fleets when I see a game like game 1 with Kiora, the Crashing Wave .

I also want to mention that my mana base is clearly demonstrated in the games. No lands were drawn beyond the first 4 I hand in my hand in game 2 and only one was drawn in game 1, and that really strengthened my game against Spootyone in presenting a constant board state.

Finally, about the current on the copping block cards. These are Ruthless Ripper , Oreskos Swiftclaw and Sightless Brawler . They are relatively weak cards, HOWEVER, there are NO cards in the current standard that I would be better off with. Trust me on this in that I've playtested over and over again for consistency and potency.

Oh, Stormbreath Dragon wouldn't get killed by Butcher of the Horde . Protection from white yo. In that regard I would not have attacked and instead have played Chief of the Scale and Ruthless Ripper face down.

You would have used Anger of the Gods to kill both of them and stayed in defensive with the dragon.

I would have drawn and played Spear of Heliod wishing that I kept Ruthless Ripper for a double play this turn instead of having to wait another turn for Chief of the Edge . I would have passed as no benefit in attacking without additional creatures to sacrifice.

You would draw Temple of Abandon and pass.

I would draw something, not too sure what it would be, but basically I can swing without any worry of you killing my Butcher of the Horde thanks to Spear of Heliod , and then bring both Bloodsoaked Champion s to the field. You still block the butcher with your dragon.

You would have drawn something (this would determine whether or not you would win or lose the game next turn) and, if nothing good was drawn, you would have done nothing with Stormbreath Dragon .

I would draw something, once again, no idea what this something is. However I play Chief of the Edge and swing with everything, guaranteeing a kill no matter what happens.

So in other words, you botched game 2. You may have won that game and may have won game 3. Whoever knows huh? But what's nice about the playtester is that you can force draw those cards and put them in the relevant state to try again. Lets see what happens when we can determine what the draw may be ... remember, any creature and any removal spell would have let him survive another turn.

So while doing the sideboard I noticed something. You had removed 8 cards and put in 7. Did you make any changes to the deck after this match? The number of cards you stated that you removed make 8, but the number of cards in your current sideboard that would have been put in are 7. So I kept a Nissa, Worldwaker because of the permanent land to creature thing.

SO! Going from turn F6 in game two ... here is what changed.

F6: Draws Chief of the Scale . Can't swing against a protection from white, so I play Chief of the Scale and Ruthless Ripper face down in hopes I can do some serious shenanigans with it. Ends turn.

S7: Draws Anger of the Gods and uses it to exile both Chief of the Scale and Ruthless Ripper . No point in swinging against 16 life that would have ended in game loss. Ends turn.

F8: Draws Spear of Heliod and plays it. Wishing I kept Ruthless Ripper in hand I pass as no point in swinging with no creatures to sac for lifegain.

S8: Temple of Abandon tapped. Scry Temple of Mystery to the bottom. Passes as can't swing without dying next turn.

F8: Draws Mana Confluence I play it and swing so I can get both Bloodsoaked Champion s to my field. You block it without worry.

S9: drumroll Draws Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker !! Complete game changer, plays it with its -3 on Butcher of the Horde . And passes, as attacking would end in a game loss.

F9: Draws Chief of the Edge , plays both Chief of the Edge s while taking 1 from a Mana Confluence . I swing with both Bloodsoaked Champion s. You can't block both and you die horribly.

So this is what happened, in the end there wasn't any game change, but there was that possibility that there could have been. I love how my mana base plays out here, another Mana Confluence so I can play 2 Chief of the Edge s the next turn which won me the game. This is why I spend hours on my mana base just tweaking it, as it makes for near perfect matches. Oh, your next card would have been another Anger of the Gods , I guess that's just the luck of the draw eh? ;P

October 2, 2014 2:31 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #13

Read the above post Fulcrum and Blizzicane :3

October 2, 2014 2:34 a.m.

Tonberry333 says... #14

Here is mine!
First time here so go easy.

Jeskai Burn Playtest

Standard* Tonberry333


October 2, 2014 3:14 a.m.

Blizzicane says... #15

Nice! now I finally got the "what would happen if" out of my head with that post. :D

If I remember correctly Femme_Fatale you were to play at some PTQ later this month with this deck. So when you do showcase to the world the NEW TIER 1 DECK IN STANDARD AND LET YOUR DECK BE NETDECKED LIKE NO OTHER BEFORE IT. I will be rooting for you all the way. >:3

October 2, 2014 3:23 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #16

I just realized that that PTQ was actually a sealed deck event. I was so bummed out that now someone elses mardu aggro deck-list would be netdecked first and not mine. Well, at least it lets me study for my midterms.

October 2, 2014 3:31 a.m.

Dalektable says... #17

Great article! I was actually hoping you would play out this match spooty, and I agree your deck underperformed a bit as I've playtested extensively with your deck and it's great.Also, great showing Femme_Fatale!

Now, if you feel like playing against one of the tier one decks already established in this format...

I actually had designed this list (short of Seeker of the Way ) a week before the SCG NJ Open, so I was a bit disappointed yet excited to see it make such good results. On one hand, I pretty much accurately built one deck to become a tier one deck. Pretty cool. But on the other hand, I just wish I had been the one to bring the deck to the light of day lol. Good luck if you play this match up, it won't be an easy one for either party.

October 2, 2014 7:34 a.m.

Scytec says... #18

I'm taking an interesting turn of events in this new meta. I've decided to run Dimir over one of the clans. Easier mana base, and cheaper haha. Its based around my delightful black fliers, a little control and lots of destruction. :p

The Demon Who Stole Your Heart Playtest

Standard* Scytec


October 2, 2014 10:15 a.m.

Tonberry333 says... #19

Would also like to put this one forward as im not sure which runs better.

Jeskai Controlled Burn Alt Playtest

Unknown* Tonberry333


October 2, 2014 12:54 p.m.

TheFanatic says... #20

I was bummed when I read the Stormbreath Dragon pro-white misplay, but Femme_Fatale's redo satisfied me. Thanks for another great article!

If you're interested in playing against a bit of a homebrew, I've got just the thing for you:

Dredge in Standard? Yes, Please. Playtest

Standard* TheFanatic

SCORE: 73 | 29 COMMENTS | 6865 VIEWS

October 2, 2014 8:55 p.m.

-MisterJ- says... #21

OMG I almost died when I read the misplay with the dragon. Thank you so much Femme_Fatale for going back and wrapping up that mystery of a "what if" for us viewers.

I think both decks are fantastic and I absolutely love her aggro Mardu though I have no interest in playing aggro. It was a tough call for me when it came back down to it and building a new deck and this is making me think twice about what I spent all my time and money building (which was Temur instead).

October 2, 2014 11:04 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #22

I recently did an update to the deck. My problem with the aggro version was that it frequently had no stability or resiliency if there weren't enough creatures or if the board state was equal. I added 6 cards to the main board to change that, and made the sideboard almost entirely midrange focused.

October 2, 2014 11:08 p.m.

-MisterJ- says... #23

Resolute Deprivation Playtest

Standard* -MisterJ-


I would love to have this deck tested against as I'm really on the fence over whether this is a better build than my Temur build. I tend to think this can hold off and defend itself better in the long run and potentially actually do some heavy beat down.

October 2, 2014 11:28 p.m.

Spootyone says... #24

Be back later for more responses, but if any of you live near "your hobby place" in martinsbirg VA ill be there for fnm tomorrow evening!

October 2, 2014 11:44 p.m.

Khaotica says... #25

Here's my deck for the next matchup:

Control! With all the aggressive colours! Hell yea.

For the Horde! Playtest

Standard* Khaotica

SCORE: 11 | 14 COMMENTS | 1405 VIEWS

Great article again Spooty :) I'm too tired atm to leave a more detailed response, but good job :D

October 3, 2014 12:13 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #26

Wait, Spootyone, why did you play two lands on game 1 S7? You do realize you don't get to play more lands with Courser of Kruphix right?

October 3, 2014 12:20 a.m.

-MisterJ- says... #27


Turn 7 he did the minus on Kiora, the Crashing Wave that allows the player to play 2 lands that turn

October 3, 2014 12:24 a.m.

Wolfninja says... #28

My Temur deck:

The Fatty Frontier (Temur Midrange) Playtest

Standard* Wolfninja


has been doing pretty well for me so far and I would love to see how it fares against your deck.

In addition to the Stormbreath Dragon misplay, you also missed some life loss triggers from Mana Confluence on game two BTW.

October 3, 2014 12:29 a.m.

Spootyone says... #29

Femme_Fatale: Yeah, like already mentioned I had used Kiora's minus 1.

Wolfninja: An Urborg was on the field, so confluence was able to be tapped for black with no repercussion. Or, alternatively, if you're referring to the fact that I didn't mention the life loss, I just chose not to. It's a lot more work to do so and really doesn't benefit the reader too much when they're going through the match.

October 3, 2014 1:51 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #30

I had so not considered the fact that you used Kiora's minus one that turn. In fact I completely forgot about her on that turn every single time I read through the game status. Sorry about that.

October 3, 2014 2:02 a.m.

Wolfninja says... #31

Spootyone Woops, for some reason I was thinking Mana Confluence was whenever you tap it (mixed it up with City of Brass ), my bad.

October 3, 2014 2:14 a.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #32

Personally I prefer more tap lands than pain lands in control shells, because they generally pack more removal and disruption to slow the amount of damage they take.

A good article, though it's too bad about your deck's woes.

A Lone Abzan Mage Walks Into a Bar... Playtest

Standard* GoldGhost012

SCORE: 18 | 13 COMMENTS | 2988 VIEWS

October 3, 2014 11:24 a.m.

Kcin says... #33

how about this for a showdown matchup?

"And Just Like That... They Were Gone" Playtest

Modern* Kcin

SCORE: 69 | 56 COMMENTS | 4819 VIEWS

Mono-Blue Illusions aggro, modern, budget, AND IT WINS!

October 4, 2014 11 p.m.

Apoptosis says... #34

Great article Spootyone, glad to see that Femme_Fatale addressed the pro white stormbreath error (it's so easy to do when you're trying to pilot both decks to their best without using foreknowledge to warp the play).

Femme_Fatale how about Spirit of the Labyrinth ? Same mana cost, same power, with some upside.

Also, I will not have an article next week, perhaps even one beyond either. October is extremely busy for me and honestly I do not have time to solidify a build, run the matches, etc and balance the other stuff outside if magic. But by November things should be good.

October 5, 2014 9:26 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #35

Not a warrior Apoptosis, and also there isn't that much draw in standard. There is however a tonne of filter, so preventing them from searching their library would be MUCH more beneficial.

October 5, 2014 1:53 p.m.

adventfaith says... #36

Still tweaking this deck around to make it versatile, testing out all sorts of combinations of burn/control/counter spells. So, i wanna try to get it as much play-testing as it can get :P

October 5, 2014 1:59 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #37

Standard only Kcin.

Can I have a 2nd showdown perhaps? ouo

What's a Girl to Do ... Playtest

Standard* Femme_Fatale

SCORE: 21 | 10 COMMENTS | 1612 VIEWS

October 5, 2014 2:02 p.m.

Kcin says... #38

@Femme_Fatale I didn't realize that, Let me check my standard decks for a suitable replacement....

How about this one then?

"Eater of Yo' Face" Playtest

Standard* Kcin


G/B semi-dredge/ self-mill, Midrange deck, graveyard shenanigans basically....

October 5, 2014 2:34 p.m.

Spootyone says... #39

Oops, my bad Apoptosis. Forgot you mentioned that to me. In that case there might be a week off of showdowns this Wednesday. I would normally try to get another done but I'm working two jobs this week. Guaranteed Showdown the following week though, people!

October 5, 2014 3:26 p.m.

nighthawk101 says... #40

Sorry Spooty, but I'm pretty happy with Femme's win: I really want a Warrior aggro deck to be effective in Standard, and this is evidence that it might.

A fool and his Wealth are soon parted. Playtest

Standard williamgp99


Here's my Villainous Wealth ramp deck, which has been a blast to play with so far.

October 5, 2014 4:30 p.m.

Donated 25 box. Keep up the work man.

October 6, 2014 2:12 a.m.

Nigeltastic says... #42

Spootyone -- will you be at VA SCG States on the 12th?

October 6, 2014 3:01 a.m.

By the way I really need help with my Tariel EDH so check it out. Tariels shot straight through your heart

October 6, 2014 6:12 a.m.

allthingsMTG says... #44

lol, I feel stupid. how do you do the deck slug big?

sultai is love, sultai is life(standard)

October 6, 2014 8:20 p.m.

nighthawk101 says... #45

@allthingsMTG: do [ [deck-large:slug] ] instead of [ [deck:slug] ].

October 6, 2014 8:30 p.m.

Spootyone says... #46

benjamin_is_nuts: Yes!! You rock man. I'll get to your deck as soon as I can. I'm going to be very busy this week. Bear with me, but I'll help you out soon.

Nigeltastic: I sure wish I was. I need to start going places in order to have any potential of meeting up with people. Are you going?

allthingsMTG: Like this:

[ [ deck - large : slug here ] ], but without spaces. It'll give you this:

sultai is love, sultai is life(standard) Playtest

Standard* allthingsMTG


October 6, 2014 8:33 p.m.

allthingsMTG says... #47

sultai is love, sultai is life(standard) Playtest

Standard* allthingsMTG


like dis?

October 6, 2014 8:34 p.m.

Spootyone says... #48

Like dat.

October 6, 2014 8:35 p.m.

Nigeltastic says... #49

I am indeed! Hopefully I'll be coming home with a big shiny medal lol

October 6, 2014 8:54 p.m.

Spootyone says... #50

Nigeltastic: I wish you the best of luck! Feel free to let me know how things go for you!

October 6, 2014 9:03 p.m.

doriboncore says... #51

Here is my submission.

Mardu Horde Black/Red/White Deck Playtest

Standard doriboncore


October 7, 2014 2:15 p.m.

doriboncore says... #52

And here is my other go to standard deck. Its a little older, but still valid post rotation.

Minotaur Stampede Black/Red Deck Playtest

Standard doriboncore


October 7, 2014 2:35 p.m.

SoPringles says... #53


  • Game 2

  • Turn 6

I was under the impression that Stormbreath Dragon had protection from Butcher of the Horde seeing as it is a white creature, so then why would they trade in combat?

Please correct me if I am wrong.

All in all I love the series, keep 'em comin'

October 8, 2014 12:11 a.m.

SuppaFlySnipa says... #54 i tested it and it seemed like a fun matchup

October 8, 2014 12:25 a.m.

Scorprix says... #55

I REALLY want to see Land Destruction vs. 3-Color Control all of a sudden. : )

Standard Land Destruction [Competitive] Playtest

Standard Scorprix


October 11, 2014 6:52 p.m.

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