Modern Tiered List Weekly Update for 6/12/17
12 June 2017
12 June 2017
Hey guys, Avi here for the first Tiered List update hosted by the folks at TappedOut! I am extremely excited to continue the weekly updates from TappedOut and to continue bringing valuable content to the Modern Community along with my fellow former MainPhaseMTG writers.
That being said, if you happened to notice that the links to the previous Tiered List updates no longer function, well, that's because the previous updates were deleted against our will by our former employer. Either way, we have taken all the updates themselves and posted them to TappedOut, then changed all the previous reddit posts to the new link. This way, if you ever want to go back and check how the meta looked in previous weeks, you'll be able to, just like with any other previous tiered list provider such as ModernNexus.
On to the data. There was supposed to be an in-depth analysis this week, but literally the only notable change was our Grixis Shadow overlords extending their lead over the rest of the format. Other things that happened more quietly (AKA without being significant enough to get a trending up or down tag) were Humans and Esper Control jumping up into Tier 3 and Affinity reclaiming the #2 spot from Burn. It appears that the meta has reached a point of stability where nothing too drastic is happening each week. When a larger shake-up does occur, deeper analysis will be given.
So here's the data:
EverythingIsK says... #3
@kedrar_pa Each of the deck archetypes can be found on It is where we pull our data from. This is complete with the average price of the decks as well.
As for your other suggestion, that's what TappedOut.Net is for :P
@demonicgrizzly Yeah... Jund has been overshadowed by other variations of the deck (heh). But with proper adaptation, it can find itself back at least in T2.
June 12, 2017 7:36 p.m.
miracleHat says... #4
Don't worry about jund, that virus of a deck will always return in some fashion.
June 12, 2017 8:42 p.m.
Eeeeeeeeeeeehhhhh I dont think Dan is gonna be an athlete
June 12, 2017 9:22 p.m.
demonicgrizzly says... #6
I think jund needs to be more aggro than it already is. I am wokrkng on a collected company jund list that is mostly green but is showing signs of promising results.
June 12, 2017 9:24 p.m.
Sorry to hear about What happened? You always had great content up. There loss. Great work on all these tier lists! Thank you for continuing to make these!
I'm rooting for goryo's vengeance decks to move up the list! Love me some Grishoalbrand.
June 12, 2017 10:57 p.m.
EverythingIsK says... #8
@pers0na We were promised compensation, yet never saw any for months. We will not work and give content to a website that is trying to make a profit off of it. At least here we're doing is more for the community than anything else.
And I too am rooting for Grisshoalbrand, I love that deck to shreds.
June 13, 2017 12:25 a.m.
Ashockfan and EverythingIsK,
Welcome to T/O! Sorry it didn't work out elsewhere (with actual $ for your work), but we're super-pleased to have you here!
At the risk of asking a stupid question, could you explain why your percentages are so different than mtgtop8's? For example, as I type this, mtgtop8 is showing Death's Shadow at 19% for the last two weeks, while your UBx plus GBx Shadow numbers from that period are ~13.4 ...
June 13, 2017 7:03 a.m. Edited.
... and similarly, MTGgoldfish is showing UBx Shadow at 9.32 / Death's Shadow at 3.70 vs. your 8.09 / 3.70.
Is it different data sets? Different time frames? Some of both?
Thanks in advance, and again, welcome!
June 13, 2017 7:15 a.m.
death an taxes. all variants, that i find hard to categorize as eldrazi and taxes/mono white/BW-taxes/UW/GW taxes are all a thing. (Dont say rw is legit you know it isnt yet)
June 13, 2017 10:55 a.m.
Thanks for the warm welcome! So, the reason the numbers are different are a little bit of a combination of all the factors mentioned:
1) Different Time Frame: I go through the new results each week and add them to the previous data, and decks are counted for 4 weeks. This means that MTGtop8's "last 2 weeks" is going to be much more volatile, which you can see by Shadow being at 19% (!!) there.
2) Different Dataset: this is true but to a lesser extent. Goldfish gets 99% of all the results we are counting, and MTGTop8 misses some randomly. However, when important results become public with decklists and for whatever reason Goldfish doesn't add them (for example the GP Copenhagen and Kobe Trial Winners), I do. This shifts around the numbers a little more once again.
3) Perhaps the most important thing I do differently is the weights put on different levels of results. While Goldfish simply chucks all the "grixis shadow" results together, adds up all the numbers and creates a percentage of that, I make the important differentiation between a GP Top8 and a MTGO 5-0. Exact details on what tournaments are classified as which weight level can be found on the Tiered List Info tab, but the short gist of it is Huge tournis like GPs and Opens are 3 star events and given 3 points per result, Smaller but still important events like Modern classics or MODO challenges are 2 star results and given 2 points per result, and everything else smaller like your average 5-0 is 1 star with 1 point per result.
Hope that helps :)
June 13, 2017 11:22 a.m.
im a little confused why UBx Shadow and GBx Shadow are 2 different decks, because from what i've seen, that 3rd color is almost always red. so wouldn't it be more accurate to group those 2 together as just BRx Shadow?
June 14, 2017 10:10 p.m.
colton815 because ubx and gbx decks have different cores with basically Death's Shadow and Street Wraith in common. ubs runs more tempo, controll and tasigur. green hits face with goyf and ooze and is abit more aggressive. UBX also sometimes splashes white for Lingering Souls it may seem the same but theyr really different eventhouh both tend to have red.
red is just a splash for the core 2 colors really.
June 14, 2017 10:52 p.m.
I hope this is OK for this thread.
Alright, here's the modern deck I'm playing right now. Its a super fun creature based burn deck that has won me some packs.
Modern: AggRojo (Now with more burn)
Any suggestions are more than welcome.
June 15, 2017 12:06 a.m.
theknowitaII says... #20
Oh how Delver has fallen to untiered. Temur and Grixis Delver are still really good, but just extremely uncommon. Hopefully we see more in the future =)
June 15, 2017 11:14 a.m.
Very happy to see Humans has made it to tier 3! If anybody knows off hand, what colors have been seeing play in the human decks? Has it mainly been 4c or 5c human CoCo lists that have been putting up the results?
June 16, 2017 1:03 p.m.
kedrar_pa says... #1
I know I'll be following this. I love the untiered decks. So many are so close to being so good.
Any way to get an excel column with average price per deck and a link to an example of said deck?
Maybe in the future we can submit our janky brews and get some suggestions from the community.
June 12, 2017 6:23 p.m.