Modern Tiered List Weekly Update for 6/26/17
Features Meta
26 June 2017
26 June 2017
Hey all, Zac Pinales here with this week's Modern Tiered List Update. Avi is out on vacation, so I’ll be handling the updates and write ups for the next two months.
There was a good bit of movement this week. HOO BOY, look at the top dog gaining another one and a half percent above the rest the metashare. And likewise, right below Death’s Shadow Grixis, Eldrazi Tron also gained more than a percent of share as well. With that, some decks had to take a dive. While Death’s Shadow Jund continues to migrate to the Grixis overlords, GWx-Based Company decks still falling from their initial hype. Storm on the other hand tanked super hard to tier two, as the amount of hate towards the deck is finally catching up to it.
Moving to the rest of Tier Two and below, most of what happened was welcoming storm to its ranks. Humans are at the bottom of tier 2 now, and UW control continues to fluctuate up and down in share. Fun thing I noticed in tier 3, BW Eldrazi now has several more results than Bant Eldrazi. So uh, take that as you may. :]
And with that, here's the rest of the spreadsheet:
That's all for this week. Let's see how the format changes, whether it goes for better or for worse. 'Til next time!
kineticstasis says... #2
colton815 TheAlexGnan Not the author, but I've been following this list since they started publishing it on MainPhaseMTG: My understanding is that the tier cutoff may vary week-to-week, but the Tier 1/2 cutoff is about 3.5%, between Tier 2/3 is about 1.5%, and between Tier 3 and Untiered is about 0.5%. You can find more information on the Tiered List Info tab of the spreadsheet
June 28, 2017 10:24 p.m.
so what exactly is the advantage of grixis deaths shadow over jund colors? personally, i'd feel much safer running green over blue, and having access to Abrupt Decay and Ancient Grudge considering the fact that Abrupt Decay is simply amazing and Affinity isn't going anywhere anytime soon without a card being banned.
June 29, 2017 11:13 a.m.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #4
Grixis can support Tasigur, the Golden Fang and Gurmag Angler and is more consistent with cantrips. Everything in jund dies to Fatal Push, where grixis has Stubborn Denial.
Abrupt decay costs too much mana right now and doesn't hit anything meaningful. Grixis handles affinity with Kolaghan's Command
colton815 says... #1
so what exactly determines the "cut off" point between tiers? is it the percentage value? or are there only allowed to be X amount of decks within a tier?
June 28, 2017 10:14 a.m.