LabManiacs September Stream



2 October 2017


Hello and welcome back to the Lab Maniacs! Our videos today are the VODs from our September Patreon Stream!

Block One

The first block features LabManiac_Dan and LabManiac_cobblepott joined by Lilbrudder (of brewing fame), and MillionLittleE (our Glissa player from the previous stream)! They are on Shimmer Zur, Demon Tyrant Sidisi, Combo Locust God, and Stax Glissa, respectively.

Shimmer Zur is an efficient and consistent combo deck that uses normal Doomsday lines that Zur has historically employed, but supplements them with a storm package utilizing Shimmer Myr, giving all your artifacts Flash. This allows the Zur player to put Necropotence into play, “draw” 30+ cards, and be able to use most of them before discarding and losing most forever.

Demon Tyrant Sidisi is a prime example of Lilbrudder’s current deckbuilding focus, which is Layered Combo. This idea revolves around using multiple combos with redundant pieces, allowing no single loss of resource to disrupt your myriad of combo routes. This particular list utilizies the newly printed Razaketh, the Foulblooded alongside Food Chain and Flash Hulk enablers to win the game as consistently as possible.

Combo Locust God is something that cobblepott has been and is still refining in the depths of his brewing dungeons. Little is known about this list besides what is revealed on stream, but I can only surmise that it is a combo deck focused around using The Locust God as an infinite mana outlet and maybe playing some spicy cards.

Stax Glissa is a deck that MillionLittleE has been refining and improving for a while now. It dedicates a lot of resources towards slowing down the table and grinding value off of Glissa’s trigger. His primary win conditions are Mikaeus, the Unhallowed recurring a Triskelion, Rings Monolith combo or Krark-Clan Ironworksfoil and recursive artifacts to provide infinite mana to win with Walking Ballistafoil.

In this pod, Glissa is heavily favored in the longest of long games. The other three are all likely evenly weighted across the first several turns of the game, with Sidisi and Zur having a bit more staying potential into the mid to mid-late game.

Block Two

The second block of this stream features LabManaic_Sigi, LabManiac_Luke, LabManiac_Dan, and LabManiac_Cameron. They are on Paradox Scepter Storm Thrasios/Vial Smasher, HE-MAN Thrasios/Tymna, Doomtide Thrasios/Tymna, Seasons Past Tasigur, respectively, with Cameron switching to Apostle Cannon Thrasios/Tymna in the second game.

Paradox Scepter is one of Brudder’s Brews from a while back. It's BUGr storm, featuring Paradox Engine and Dramatic Scepter as the primary mana sources instead of the oft used High Tide engine that Jeleva and Kess use. This deck Top 16ed the Winter 2017 cEDH Tournament in the hands of BarbeChenue, and is a mainstay of the meta at this point.

HE-MAN Thrasios/Tymna is a work in progress joint brew going on between Luke, Sigi, and Brudder! The name is an acronym that stands for Humility Effective Midrange Ad Nauseam, which effectively sums up the gameplan. It is a midrange deck running Ad Nauseam that seeks to abuse one of the most powerful hate pieces in Humility. This deck is still being fine tuned, so expect to see it change plenty before you all see it again!

Doomtide is a deck that Dan has played many times on LabManiacs before. It seeks to use the Bomberman Combo or Dramatic Scepter to win the game with Thrasios, Triton Hero as a mana outlet. More midrange than decks like Paradox Scepter, it still has quite a bit of speed. It has also recently gone through some updates, which the decklist will reflect!

Seasons Past Tasigur is also a mainstay of the channel at this point. Pioneered by Cameron, this control deck seeks to abuse Tasigur, the Golden Fang, alongside the rest of the tables unwillingness to lose, to accrue advantage over the long game, eventually winning with some random jank.

Apostle Cannon is the other deck Cameron brings to the table today. This ball of spice uses the Shadowborn Apostle engine to fuel a Razaketh, the Foulblooded and eventually go infinite to win with Aetherflux Reservoir.

For these pods, if games go forever, Cameron probably wins. If they don’t, it’s a messy melee between the other three. Gotta watch to find out!

One note before I let you watch in peace: Cameron is taking a well deserved vacation, so there will not be a video going up next week. Ok! Now we’re done.

Please enjoy the LabManiacs September Stream!

Block One

Block Two

This article is a follow-up to LabManiacs Live Brew: High Tide Kess The next article in this series is LabManiacs Season 2 Ep 6

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