T/O Standard Series: 5-Color and Orzhov (Singleton)

TappedOut Standard Series


22 February 2019


TappedOut Standard Series Twitch Stream

5-Color and Orzhov Singleton

Zach jumps into the intense world of Standard Singleton on Arena! Decks can't contain more than a single copy of any given (non-basic) card, so each game feels different and fresh. Journey with Zach to 5-0's and free Ghaltas with a greedy five-color deck, then experience the raw power of the second-best unbanned Standard box-topper in the Orzhov list.

For more Standard content or if you’re really into Commander, check out our previous videos at the TappedOut.net YouTube page!

Don’t forget to follow the TappedOutNet Twitch page to be notified when we go live!

The decklists from the above video can be seen here:
Singleton Rainbow (Link to video in description)
Singleton Orzhov (Link to video in description)

 photo heart.jpgzandl

This article is a follow-up to T/O Standard Series: Simic Turbodurdle The next article in this series is T/O Standard Series: Orzhov Control

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