Pattern Recognition #327 - Kambarawl Gameplay
Features Opinion Pattern Recognition
13 June 2024
13 June 2024
Hello Everyone! My name is berryjon, and I welcome you all to Pattern Recognition, TappedOut.Net's longest running article series. Also the only one. I am a well deserved Old Fogey having started the game back in 1996. My experience in both Magic and Gaming is quite extensive, and I use this series to try and bring some of that to you. I dabble in deck construction, mechanics design, Magic's story and characters, as well as more abstract concepts. Or whatever happens to catch my fancy that week. Please, feel free to talk about each week's subject in the comments section at the bottom of the page, from corrections to suggested improvements or your own anecdotes. I won't bite. :) Now, on with the show!
edit: I have been informed by FemmeFatale that adbockers can prevent you from watching the video from this site. You may have to go to Youtube itself to watch it. Sorry, there is nothing I can do about that on my end.
And so, after you have watched the video, here is my summary...
I got kicked in, hard.
In general, I find this deck has an uphill battle against Ratadrabik as while they are a token maker, they are better able to control when and where they make their tokens. I can and have pulled out wins here, but it requires better luck and less misplays than I put out.
Putting Jadar into the deck should have been an easy choice, but I was also making an effort to stay away from cards that are rotating out in a couple months. I will have to take a couple out, but hopefully Bloomburrow will provide replacements.
Another problem I find here is that my opponents deck had a lot of removal, and knew how to handle my deck.
I lost, and there is no shame in that. I got outplayed by someone who knew what they were doing.
Honestly, that Get Lost should have been thrown down on my opponent's Jadar, but because the Maps are made as part of the resolution of the spell and not as a consequence of the creature dying, it was a misplay. At least the two maps helped my Gnome Soldier from Thousand Moons Smithy Flip get big. And that changed my opponent's calculus a bit.
I like the Spellbook Binder, and it's staying.
But seriously, what killed me that game was the lack of a second source of . Mana fixing will be paramount on the next iteration. That and the combo of Lisela, Forgotten Archangel and the Rat. At that point, i would have needed Farewell to deal with that. Mass Destruction isn't cutting it any more. Mass Exile is needed!
Moving on.
Urg, Spawn of Turg
Wow, did I get outvalued in mana, and from there this was little I could do. I died.
Well, I was winning right up until they cast Breach the Multiverse, and took my Ojer Taq, Deepest Foundation]] which I had to use removal on. but I wasn't winning after that point.
Kodama of the East Tree? What is this? Hate on Berryjon day?
Pardon me, I'm going to be in the corner weeping.
I like this deck! I really do! I just have an epic bad run with it, even when the engine was going! But I can't blame the players. Or the game. Sometimes the RNG just hates me.
But lessons learned, things to be refined, and I'll be ready next week for the Full Commander treatment! Be there!
Until then, please consider donating to my Pattern Recognition Patreon. Yeah, I have a job (now), but more income is always better, and I can use it to buy cards! I still have plans to do a audio Pattern Recognition at some point, or perhaps a Twitch stream. And you can bribe your way to the front of the line to have your questions, comments and observations answered!