2016 November 10 by berryjon
What's on every creature, and you tend to ignore until it becomes the most important thing in the world? Find out when Berryjon talks about perhaps the most pervasive concept in Magic.
2016 November 03 by berryjon
In this issue,
berryjon finishes answering the question about Card Draw by breaking it down by colors and discussing the pros and cons of each.
2016 October 27 by berryjon
This week's issue of Pattern Recognition is the first half of a response to the first request - what exactly is Card Draw?
2016 October 20 by berryjon
There is a problem with a certain Planewalker, and it's not their fault. Pattern Recognition #5 takes a look at a larger issue and how one 'Walker is the perfect exemplar of it.
2016 October 13 by berryjon
This issue brings to the table a series of creatures that all do the same thing, from Fourth Edition to Kaladesh, and very often in between. Assuming they stick around long enough for you to see them.
2016 October 09 by berryjon
Pattern Recognition #3 - in this issue, berryjon talks about Combat Tricks that appears on creature cards, and why most of them have failed.
2016 September 29 by berryjon
You know what annoys players more than anything else? Not getting the result they want. Which is something that White is very, very good at doing.
2016 September 22 by berryjon
In this inaugural chapter of Pattern Recognition,
berryjon looks at one of the first true cycles in the game.
How to regain your spark.
ABadMagicPlayer100 has published the pilot episodes of Time to Duel. Now it's time to see where the series is going.
Join Christian "Spootyone" Kingsbury and Eric "NYEHHH" Knappe as they discuss Eldritch moon prereleasing, drafting, and more!
Warning: This episode may contain bad Skeletor impersonations.
A new set, a new summer season, and some fresh ideas for modern
2016 July 11 by zandl
Get the lowdown on the cards
zandl thinks you'll find in some curious places.
2016 July 08 by zandl
Remember that time we were all excited for it and then forgot it existed within 3 months?
Join Christian "Spootyone" Kingsbury and Eric "whoops we didn't see the beta email" Knappe as they discuss some of the newly spoiled EDM cards and thennnn.......ETERNAL!!
Guess who found out they got access a month after they did?!
2016 June 13 by zandl
A passionate gamer's honest plea to Wizards of the Coast and Stainless Games.
Deckcycled lately? One of these decks may look familiar.
2016 June 08 by zandl
Deckcycled lately? One of these decks may look familiar.
2016 June 06 by zandl
zandl gives you the advice and knowledge you need to transition from the kitchen table to a Top 8.