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MurficWPN on
Koma, Cosmos Serpent - Clones
1 year ago
I play the deck fairly regularly and I think I've only put together both Abundance + Sylvan Library
twice, but both are quite good on their own in the deck.
Abundance really shines when you're drawing 4+ cards per turn rotation.
Noxious Revival is in the deck for recursion with the option of messing with your opponents just as you mentioned.
Blustersquall was a later addition to the deck. I found that I was often winning off the back of a well timed Cryptic Command with the mode 'Tap all creatures your opponents control' so I wanted other ways to duplicate the effect.
I think Opposition would be a great include for the deck but would lead to a more controlling style of play. If you look at the Sideboard section I have it included in what I think would make a stronger deck, you'd just need to cut a few of the higher CMC creatures and some of my less synergistic includes.
PrismMTG on
The Island Awakened [[Primer]]
2 years ago
Alright @Profet93, I'm home and ready to take a deeper dive into this.
Abundance + Sylvan Library is something I will have to test out, Abundance is always a card I keep coming back to when I'm building in green. I'll see about testing it out, my group of friends is fine with proxies so I can have a chat with them about it.
If I include Yavimaya Hollow as well as making half my forests snow covered, that brings me to 10 land cards with different names. I'm not sure I can be consistent enough with Field of the Dead for it to be worth including. Though in the future, if I slot in more land cards it is definitely worth considering.
My other explanation wasn't exactly to the point lol, so I'm gonna try to clear this up. The reason my playgroup is fine with Triumph of the Hordes is because they understand that when that card comes out, it is with the intention to end the game this turn, no waiting around, either respond or lose. Finale of Devastation doesn't have that same power in this deck simply because there isn't anything I can go and find that has the same presence or intent that Triumph of the Hordes does.
Skullclamp is definitely something I considered, though not towards my one drops. Most of them are very reliable ramp/landfall shenanigans, Llanowar Elves being the only exception, using Skullclamp on the one drops doesn't seem like the correct play to me. Using it on the elemental tokens however, I am heavily considering, as we have already discussed how good of a sac option they make for cards like Greater Good.
Burgeoning is an interesting case because sometimes it feels kind of useless, but it has also had it's moments where it becomes one of the most powerful cards in my deck. It's a risky card, but there will always be risky cards. The real reason I'm not really considering taking it out however is because my LGS only had one copy and I will honestly feel bad if I tossed $20 at a card that high in demand just to swap it out a week later.
I haven't had a chance to playtest with Greater Good yet, but I have high hopes for it, as it is significantly more reliable than Jaheira's Respite
Those are my thoughts, though unfortunately I haven't been able to back any of them up with testing yet. Interested to see what you think of my logic behind certain choices.