MTG Combo: Aetherflux Reservoir + Bolas's Citadel + Sensei's Divining Top


shock7123 on My Life To Take

1 year ago

Usually, whenever I've seen Oloro played, his main win condition is a combo of some kind. I see you run a couple of the main pieces, but here are the ones to complete them:

Aetherflux Reservoir + Bolas's Citadel + Sensei's Divining Top gives infinite lifegain, lets you draw your entire library, then you can zap your opponents with Aetherflux Reservoir until you win.

Maralen of the Mornsong + Opposition Agent is a soft lockdown combo that turns off player draws, makes them lose life while giving you additional card advantage.

I see that you run the Sanguine Bond + Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose combo in the deck already. If you want a redundant effect for Vito that still works with that combo, Exquisite Blood has the same effect on an enchantment for an increased mana cost.

Decree of Silence + Solemnity makes it so that your opponents can't cast anything without it just being countered infinitely. Sure, if they have ways to cast something from outside their hand, it can still be cast, but that's why I like having some cards like Drannith Magistrate or similar effects in there as well.

Dovescape + Guile is a hilariously broken combo to run as well. Counter everything, get dove tokens equal to the CMC of anything anyone casts.

Azorius also has access to a bunch of hard lock out combos. Knowledge Pool + Lavinia, Azorius Renegade , Knowledge Pool + Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir , Omen Machine + Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir , the list goes on.

Solemnity combos with quite a few cards, since it lets you abuse anything that would usually put counters onto a permanent or player. Force Bubble, Phyrexian Unlife, Decree of Silence, Celestial Convergence, Glacial Chasm, Dark Depths and Nine Lives all come to mind.

Esper is a fun color to play with if you like being the guy to repeatedly and often screw over the table. Oloro allows you to run any shell you really like, gain life even without taking him out of the command zone, and convert his own lifegain into card draw while draining your opponents. If you really want to up the archenemy factor, Sen Triplets is another Esper creature that loves to mess with anyone you're playing with.

MrKillStar on Syr Konrad EDH

3 years ago

Lhurgyof - I would personally keep those cards away from Syr Konrad and use them in deck with K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth , Vilis, Broker of Blood , etc... also from the new set: Profane Transfusion (I know this is few months old comment, so you probably know about it already).

nieds - I see you already got a lot of really good cards, I'll just type some of them that I cut out since they're kinda meh in this kind of deck below. Anyway, you can check my Syr Konrad's deck here: For the Void. Im still switching few cards, explaining why I chose every card in the deck description, etc. I decided to go with mix of reanimator+aristocrats with several infinite combos. So I would welcome any feedback aswell and you might get some inspiration right there! :)

Some cards I would cut and why:

1) Loxodon Warhammer - is good in voltron / attack based decks, but here it looks like a random card that can gives you some life back (which black/other artifacts can do just better than lifelink artifact), but for 6 mana its meh. You could replace it with Shadowspear , which is three times mana cheaper and provides you with another utility ability. Or simply Bontu's Monument as another pseudo mana rock that also gives you a bit of life.
2) Sensei's Divining Top - I know SDT is amazing on its own, but I wouldnt personally bother with it, unless you would go for the Aetherflux Reservoir + Bolas's Citadel + Sensei's Divining Top combo. I would switch it for either Viscera Seer (as another free sac outlet), or my choice for my deck was Shadows of the Past (with any infinite creature generator+sac and Bolas's Citadel, you can just "tutor" and cast whatever you want from top of your deck - think I explained it in my deck's description already or I add it sometime later).
3) Painful Quandary - Again, good card, just doesnt fit that well in my opinion. Goes well with Mindcrank and Archfiend of Despair but thats probably about it. I would rather put it in some discard focused deck. Instead of this, card like Morality Shift would be really cool for sure. Or cards like Forever Young / Gravepurge / Death Denied to proc Syr Konrad's ability and recast them with Bolas's Citadel + another card draw sources. Or you could also stick to enchantments liie Mortuary / Haunted Crossroads (parts of my infinite combos).
4) From planeswalkers I would personally keep only Liliana of the Dark Realms (to help with land drops and deck thining) and Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools (creates more tokens than Lilianas, decent card-draw and punish opponents for letting you -10 him). Other Lilianas are not bad for sure, just either slow or not that fascinating as they seems to be. Karns are just out of place.

Cards I would put in for sure:

1) Tortured Existence - even on its own, it triggers Syr Konrad's ability twice and only for everytime! As you might already know, I use it with Phyrexian Altar and Desecrated Tomb to make infinite etb/die/sac triggers.
2) Bog Witch - discarding (creature) cards to trigger Syr Konrad's ability; is basically Dark Ritual on a stick which you could use to Reanimate / Animate Dead / Victimize right after. Also is 1/1, so another target for your Skullclamp .
3) Doom Whisperer - big good stuff with ability to filter your deck and put creatures directly from your library into the graveyard.
4) Haunted Crossroads - even on its own, its great way to get your creatures back (on top of library for Bolas's Citadel), next to Phyrexian Reclamation .
5) Emergence Zone - simply to give your spells Flash when you would need them, really nice utility land (similar is Winding Canyons but only for creatures, so eh).
6) Malakir Rebirth  Flip - cheap way to "protect" your creature, triggering Syr Konrad's ability or another land if needed.
7) Tainted Strike - absolute game winning beast card with Syr Konrad and either any creature/sac generator, boardwipe with 10+ creatures on board, or discard/mill cards.
8) Diabolic Intent - you got plenty of token generators, so this is just mana-cheap tutor.
9) Feed the Swarm - more ways to deal with enchantments and creatures.

I hope some of this will help and you like some of those cards! :)

Daedalus19876 on The High Arcana: Circu Citadel cEDH

4 years ago

FaiberJC: Hmm. Well, the primary combos are laid out in the deck description, but I can re-list them here ;) Aetherflux Reservoir + Bolas's Citadel + Sensei's Divining Top , Demonic Consultation + Thassa's Oracle , Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter , Notion Thief + Windfall .

Regarding your group's rules about creature type... It's certainly possible for this list (you only lose Thing in the Ice  Flip, which isn't that important anyway, and which I'd replace with Dark Confidant). But the kind of meta where those rules exist is not one where this deck would be polite to play. I feel like I need to clarify, this is a deck that tries to win as quickly and brutally as possible, often on turns 1-3. Tribal synergies are not the goal here.

The deck will certainly have a lot more trouble if you try to build it without any of the powerful mana rocks. I'd cut Ad Nauseam if you don't have any of those cards, and add many more 2-mana rocks to compensate.

Beartribul on Yawgmoth's revenge

5 years ago
We have to combos: Butcher Ghoul + Genesis Chamber + Yawgmoth, Thran Physician draws as many cards as you have life. you can make this by any two undying creatures or with one undying creature and one combo enabler. those + Yawgmoths first ability draws you cards, kills your dudes and makes you lose as much life as you want. The plan is to draw to Blood Artist , Zulaport Cutthroat or Deathgreeter . Now you can draw cards without killing yourself. Then you draw cardsk, play your fast mana and with that play Putrid Imp that lets you discard cards and most importantly Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre that suffles you graveyard. Then you either win by drawing cards with Blood Artist or Zulaport Cutthroat on the table until your opposition dies or you exile their decks with Bitter Ordeal .
Backup combo is Aetherflux Reservoir + Bolas's Citadel + Sensei's Divining Top that you tutor with Insidious Dreams . Just play Insidious Dreams discard three cards, tutor combo on top of your library in order that Bolas's Citadel is on top. Then you just draw and play the citadel and with that cast reservoir and top and then draw and cast top from the top of your library until you have enough life to kill your opponents with reservoirs ability.