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leon_bulminot on
8 years ago
Two recommendations. One: Tezzeret the Seeker . Four untappable permanents (lands can be done as well) each time with him. Also, drop Contagion Engine ideas and go with Contagion Clasp for a two drop proliferate OR Viral Drake which will give you a 1/4 flyer, infect abilities, and provided you have any available blue mana, the ability to proliferate for same cost as Viral Drake.
Also, since you have the Urza's set, a Gilded Lotus or two wouldn't hurt as that's 3 mana you have to use as you need. Another trick I personally use in my superfriends commander deck is Prototype Portal, with Parallel Lives and Doubling Season. Which then allows for you to use artifact lands, and the token doublers, allows you to drop four lands a turn, just with Doubling Season + Parallel Lives out. Prototype Portal makes token copies of artifacts. That also means you could swap in the Myr's that tap for mana.
If I were you, I'd drop Karn entirely. Great for removal but so far, you'd get way more utility out of something like Elspeth Tirel, which dumps out tokens (Doubling Season connection) or can give you life OR can wipe the field of everything but tokens, which from what I can tell, is your win factor.
Also, Ajani Steadfast + Doubling Season are a nice little combo. You dump 2 loyalty counters on every planeswalker and 2 +1/+1 onto all your creatures. Plus if you can ult him his second turn out, you only take 1 damage a turn. Very doable with a deck like this. I have been able to first turn ult Ugin, Nicol Bolas, Elspeth Knight Errant, Tamiyo and Vraska with Doubling Season, Contagion Clasp and Ajani Steadfast out. Granted, commander is different but mana flow will be key.
Which brings me to my final recommendation. Animist's Awakening. I also would recommend some Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx in here because let's face it, tapping two and Shrine, to get oh say...6 mana: totally worth it. And if you stack it, you get even more. Add in a Thespian's Stage and you have the ability to mimick your land paying out the highest amount.
Just some thoughts for ramp. Also, Explore might be something worthwhile. Gives you some draw and you can play a second land. And a better card than Sylvan Scrying IMO, is Farseek. You still get to play a land that turn and dump one onto the field. Same cost and the following turn, instead of playing the land you just pulled, you already have two down now and can play a third one.
Just some thoughts.