MTG Combo: Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit + Murderous Redcap


koizintec9 on Alesha EDH

4 years ago

I'm not sure if you're already aware of this, but Ankle Shanker doesn't work with Alesha's ability because he already comes tapped and attacking, while his trigger happens during it's attack declaration. Ignition Team is one I really like in my Alesha deck, he usually enters as a very big beater and when reanimated with Alesha can be deadly. Altar of Dementia , Spawning Pit , Ashnod's Altar . Alesha really smiles at death, so having those sac outlets will be the best way to get the most value out of recurring creatures with your commander. Plus it's an essential enabler if you wish to combo off with Karmic Guide + Reveillark or Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit + Murderous Redcap .

MultiverseSentinel on Alesha Budget WIP

4 years ago

A cheap removal spell in this deck would be a Bone Splinters this of course depends on your meta.

Falkenrath Noble is another good card that also punishes other players who try to set up their sac engine and moves you toward your goal of winning.

I know it is a little pricier at $2ish but a Swords to Plowshares will be invaluable at keeping you alive.

I like Kambal, Consul of Allocation I didn't even know about that card. It doesn't synergize as much with the deck (except for it being a two power card) but it is a nice deterrent.

I dislike Ankle Shanker in this deck because his deathtouch/first strike ability don't trigger when you bring him onto the battlefield from the graveyard tapped and attacking. Which is a HUGE bummer.

I want to get the Archetype of Finality for my deck as well that is pure value in Alesha.

Overall I like it, you have all of the essentials in here. The biggest thing that I notice though is that you don't seem to have that many sacrifice outlets for this deck to get your infinite Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit + Murderous Redcap combo off. I'd recommend Ashnod's Altar and Phyrexian Altar but those are pricey af and I can only recommend if you REALLY like this deck. But there are plenty of cheap ones that I run!

Bloodflow Connoisseur

Bloodthrone Vampire

Cartel Aristocrat

Dark Privilege

All of the above are under a dollar in price and able to get that sac engine up and running for you.

Anyway I know this was a lot but I hope that it helps you have a good deck here. Enjoy it!

TheFanatic on 2Powerful | Alesha Combo

7 years ago

@cloudsol There is a pretty big suite of wincons here, actually.

The most common way I win games is with the classic Karmic Guide + Reveillark combo that you'll see in most white graveyard decks. I can explain the combo more if you don't know how it works, but you can find a lot of information on it on the web.

There's also the Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit + Murderous Redcap + any sacrifice outlet combo for infinite damage.

Perhaps my favorite combo in the deck is Leonin Relic-Warder + Animate Dead (or any other reanimation enchantment) + any sacrifice outlet. You cast Animate Dead on a Relic-Warder in the graveyard. When the Relic-Warder comes back, you target the Animate Dead with its trigger. The Animate Dead gets exiled, and its trigger goes on the stack to sacrifice Relic-Warder. In response to the trigger, you can sacrifice the Relic-Warder to something like Goblin Bombardment for damage or Altar of Dementia for mill. Then the Animate Dead comes back, and you can do it all again ad infinitum. There's a similar combo with Sun Titan and Animate Dead effects that you can find online.

I used to run Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker combos in the deck, but I cut them for the time being because they are harder to do with Alesha, since the creature you reanimate comes in tapped. It's still a good strategy, but I feel that I have enough combos right now.

PlattBonnay on

8 years ago

Daedalus19876 - I really need to get better at putting descriptions on decks before advertising them. Currently the only combo is Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit + Murderous Redcap and a free sac outlet (see: Viscera Seer/Goblin Bombardment/Dimir House Guard), but I'm going to add Reveillark as soon as I can get my hands on a copy for the combo with Karmic Guide. What I have currently listed in the main isnt my ideal list, but instead it is an exact representation of what is sitting in my deck box, so certain cards (like Entomb) that should 100% be in the deck are simply not listed in it because I dont have spare copies yet. So to answer your question, this deck wants to play a little bit of disruption, slow my opponents down, and eventually either combo off or just kill them with combat damage if they arent doing anything.