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Austin_Smith_of_Cards on
Traitor of Men - Sedris Graveyard Combo EDH
8 years ago
There's no reason why not to play Animate Dead; it's such a cheap and effective card, useful for several stupid combos Animate Dead + Kederekt Leviathan being my favorite. Plus since you're reanimating huge creatures, the -1/-0 is negligible.
Nim Deathmantle is a sweet card, but doesn't interact with unearth very well at all. Since my primary methods for negating unearth's downside involve ending the turn with Sundial of the Infinite and various blink effects, the Deathmantle won't trigger very often and kind of weighs down my mana available with that expensive alternate equip cost. This is also not a Zombie tribal decklist, so I don't get any benefits that way.
Day's Undoing is completely counterintuitive to this deck; it shuffles my graveyard into my library. Ideally, I want as many creatures in my graveyard as possible for reanimation, and I can fish out instants and sorceries back with things like Izzet Chronarch and Archaeomancer.
Time Stop is just too expensive at 6 mana. It only does one thing, and I can get that thing done in a much cheaper fashion with other cards (Conjurer's Closet, Displace, Deadeye Navigator, Sundial of the Infinite).
That being said, thanks for checking out my decklist!