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Lilbrudder on
Thrasios 4 color HD prototype
8 years ago
The problem with Recruiter of the Guard is that while it can get HD and other key creatures its 3cc and does nothing else. I tend to dislike 3 mana tutors unless they do something special. With access to green tutors recruiter just doesn't cut it. For instance Eldritch Evolution can put HD into play as early as turn 2. Chord of Calling can put him into play on my opponents endstep and rarely costs as much as recruiter+HD. Muddle the Mixture grabs HD and both halves of Aphetto Alchemist + Mesmeric Orb /Grim Monolith + Power Artifact and serves as a counterspell on turn 3 for Dread Return.
Bloodghast is very intriguing. If I have a spare land in hand it is essentially a 3rd free creature. I always loved its interaction with Skullclamp and fetchlands too so maybe it could serve as enough of a draw engine to warrant a spot ourside the combo.
One issue I am having is Blue Sun's Zenith and Candelabra of Tawnos. Yes they free me from dependence on lab man, but I truly hate both cards outside the combo. Any thoughts on a different win with infinite colorless and draw?
Lilbrudder on
A Journey of Self Exploration
8 years ago
Im not sure what your thoughts are on infinite combos, but Sidisi has several good ways to mill her entire deck and produce infinite zombies since you run Ulamog.
Aphetto Alchemist + Mesmeric Orb
Cephalid Illusionist + Lightning Greaves and 1 other creature
Food Chain + Eternal Scourge for infinite mana to cast and exile sidisi until you have infinite zombies. Then Dread Return Craterhoof Behemoth for gg. This is the best combo for sidisi by far because it lets you cast any creature for free and it doesn't require sidisi to be in play first to produce infinite zombies.
As for singles Mirror-Mad Phantasm, Hedron Crab, and Hermit Druid are all great self mill options.
Lilbrudder on
Mill Everyone All the Time
8 years ago
If you go the lab maniac route there are at least 5 good ways to self mill or exile your whole deck with sidisi.
Lightning Greaves + Cephalid Illusionist and 1 creature
Aphetto Alchemist + Mesmeric Orb
Food Chain + Eternal Scourge : After you produce infinite mana just cast and exile sidisi until your whole deck is milled.
Tainted Pact or Demonic Consultation
Dread Return is amazing with sidisi as is Eternal Witness Sidisi, Undead Visier
Lilbrudder on TheRedGoat
8 years ago
To elaborate on my earlier response I think Mirror-Mad Phantasm, Aphetto Alchemist + Mesmeric Orb and Cephalid Illusionist + Lightning Greaves would form a strong core of a casual sidisi mill deck.
Lilbrudder on
Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]
8 years ago
I am a bit confused. If a general can check all the boxes for tier 1 why is it not tier 1? I understand if you doubt my claims, but to the best of my knowledge noone has built Sidisi in this way before. I'll admit Tasigur is better for a traditional control build and his end game is stronger, but Sidisi has many advantages over him as well. Moreover getting rid of every permanent on the board but your own is gg.
MagicalHacker: There is more than 1 infinite combo with Sidisi. She can also use Ghostly Flicker with mana untap cards (ex. Peregrine Drake) and recursion cards (ex. Eternal Witness). Both combos have multiple redundant parts that fit perfectly within the theme of the deck and are useful in all phases of the game. I am tinkering with also potentially adding Aphetto Alchemist + Mesmeric Orb for a 3rd way to mill into Dread Return for victory but I honestly doubt a 3rd combo is necessary since the combos I have outlined are so easy to assemble and resilient due to redundancy.