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TheVectornaut on
Never enter the spider web
8 years ago
I've always wanted to try making a deck like this. Let's see if I can help. I'd start by recognizing that regular spiders aren't actually that powerful, so unless they are cheap and efficient or provide high impact and synergy, they should probably be cut for others that do. Sporecap Spider and Hitchclaw Recluse, for example don't have as much presence as Deadly Recluse or Sentinel Spider even if you take Assault Formation (a neat inclusion by the way) into account. I think the cards that will work best towards winning the game are those that maximize spider number like Spider Spawning and Ishkanah, Grafwidow, so I'd increase the numbers of those cards. To get maximum synergy out of both cards, you want to build around getting cards in the graveyard. One great inclusion is Nyx Weaver since it fills the grave and adds a spider to the board. Other potential options are Satyr Wayfinder to find the right lands, Splinterfright and Grim Flayer as beaters, and Treasured Find to get back whatever you need. There's plenty of other options in Golgari if you want to go that route. Some other cards that could probably be removed are Tower Defense since it is too dependent on Assault Formation to be good and Ring of Kalonia since it wouldn't be that strong even if all your creatures were green. If you need an artifact to activate delirium, you could try artifacts that work with tribal like Adaptive Automaton and Obelisk of Urd. Also working towards delirium, you might want some fetchlands, even if they're just Evolving Wilds to get land in the graveyard. I'd probably cut Oran-Rief, the Vastwood for them since it really isn't contributing that much here. A final thing I might consider would be dropping the Arachnus Spinner + Arachnus Web combo. With so many tokens and defensive creatures, mediocre creature removal doesn't seem as necessary. Adding ways to deal with artifacts, enchantments, and other threats would probably be a good call. At the very least, cards like Bramblecrush for example should be sideboarded just in case. I just wanted to say, really good call on Descendants' Path. That's inspiring me to try my hand at a spider deck again, only in legacy instead so I can mess with Arachnogenesis.