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Epicurus on
Screw you pillow forts
3 years ago
I'm not the utmost expert on mill decks, though I've seen plenty of them on this site for easy reference.
First off, there are definite infinite combos for the theme, but I don't know them all because I prefer not to use them. However, one that I do know is Arcanis the Omnipotent + Laboratory Maniac + Mind Over Matter . That's more for a self-mill deck, and generally runs Thassa's Oracle with other infinite combos.
Other than that, here's a short list of things I can think of that are missing from your list:
Blue doesn't have much removal, and relies on counterspelling to cover that category. However, in a mill deck, cards like Anchor to the Aether and Forced Retreat can act like creature removal. On a similar subject, Memory Lapse is a good, cheap counter for mill decks, though arguably better in multicolored decks.
Sphinx's Tutelage, Teferi's Tutelage and Psychic Corrosion are really good for mill, especially if you add things like Windfall, Jace's Archivist, Kami of the Crescent Moon, Gadwick, the Wizened, Teferi's Ageless Insight, Folio of Fancies and Prosperity in there, as well as synergizing with cards like Brainstorm, Visions of Beyond, Ponder, etc.
Other cards you may consider would include Maddening Cacophony, Keening Stone, Increasing Confusion and Telemin Performance. Also, High Tide as the best possible choice for ramp in blue, especially if you want to set off an effective Brain Freeze (which I think would be better off in a deck that was specifically designed to cast Storm spells, rather than a straightforward mill deck).
Sorry for the amazingly long and complicated response, haha. Also, I didn't take the time to check how many of my suggestions were already on your list, so I apologize if I did that.