MTG Combo: Arcanis the Omnipotent + Mind Over Matter


Epicurus on K & T Shootin For Second

4 years ago

Two combos to suggest:

Isochron Scepter + Silence + Teferi, Time Raveler

Arcanis the Omnipotent + Mind Over Matter + either Laboratory Maniac or Jace, Wielder of Mysteries

With the Leveler in there, among many other things, the cards in that second combo I just stated all seem relevant.

And finally, because it's wicked fun if you can manage to pull it off, Donate + Illusions of Grandeur .

Ok, that's all I got.

Poly_raptor on Kydele and Shidiqi

5 years ago

WarSpaniel there is no infinite mana with Kydele... I didn’t realise I’d said there was. She can make tons of mana with the Arcanis the Omnipotent + Mind Over Matter

Tap Arcanis to draw 3 discard 1 to mind over matter to untap Arcanis and repeat. Each time you tap Arcanis you put 3 mana into Kydele, you could use mind over matter to untap Kydele too so you can tap again to generate more mana. The eldrazi titans let you shuffle your graveyard back into your deck meaning you don’t have to mill out either.

Shinwizzles on Derevi, Empyrial Tactician EDH: Stax Stackin'!

7 years ago

Thanks for the ideas, lordjavoreos999. You're right, combos can be helpful, but I didn't want this deck to focus on them, or be too full of them. I wanted to focus on hating people out of the game and drawing it out painfully instead of a combo win. I have the Arcanis the Omnipotent + Mind Over Matter combo in a Memnarch deck that I play, and it works quite well at drawing most of the deck in one turn. I'll try it out in this deck, and I'll toss in Laboratory Maniac too in order to make it a win condition.

As for speed, the deck actually holds up pretty well. There are only a few cards in the deck that happen to be super expensive. Cards like Nature's Will and Derevi, Empyrial Tactician's ability allow me to untap my lands after combat, even with something like Stasis, Rising Waters Hokori, Dust Drinker, etc. out. That's usually enough to cast anything I need, since there are only 14 cards in the deck that cost more than 4 mana.

Thanks for commenting, I appreciate the ideas to think about!

Binglecheese on Peer through time remix

8 years ago

So since I'm looking back on cards and learning how your deck and Jan's deck interact. there are even more horrible things to do to people. Insane cards for blue in commander Arcanis the Omnipotent + Mind Over Matter and some form of eldrazi you discard is an infinite mill combo as you draw your entire library, when you have say 5 cards remaining you discard an eldrazi. it hits the grave and you get to shuffle cards discarded back into your library and rinse and repeat.

the ruling is if you would draw a card with no cards in your library you lose the game. so if you use Temple Bell then everyone draws and you can discard an eldrazi at will. so you mill through till you hit anything you want then you can draw your entire library. Keep a Brainstorm and a Temporal Mastery then put the mastery on top of your library. stack it so you would draw that first on your next turn. Bam you have rigged the game.

Then horrid cards like Bribery and Commandeer need to be in because that is a horrible thing to do to someone.

Just some cool things I've found that would be great in your deck. about to check Jan's combos and write them out so it makes the games faster.