MTG Combo: Archaeomancer + Ghostly Flicker + Palinchron

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Matrixxx999 on Zegana's Decree

8 years ago

Megalomania on Apocalypse Project

9 years ago

Believe it or not, I still get mana screwed every now and then so i'm not sure if I can afford to remove a land.

Good point about Crucibile. I don't get to use it that much but in theory, it helps me get to 5 to 7 lands which is important in the Palinchron/Peregrine Drake-based combos in the deck. It also allows me to keep lands in my hand so I can pitch them to Insidious Dreams. It is worth considering though.

I feel Altar of the Brood to be an unecessary redundancy since I already have Oona for my infinite mana combos, and my storm combo also allows me to setup the Peregrine Drake/Archaeomancer + Ghostly Flicker + Palinchron combo.