MTG Combo: Archaeomancer + Time Warp

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LeviTheGiant on Azami or Super Happy Combo Fun Time

7 years ago

Octrate That is a very good way to do some very broken things like drawing cards off wizards or simply producing infinite colorless mana. The only real issue I have is with Isochron Scepter itself.

My gripe with the card is that it is very narrow on its usage and usually a big target for removal/bounce, which inevitably leads to the end of the combo pretty quickly as the instant is exiled with no way to bring back in blue's color wheel as of yet. Used to be able to use Cunning Wish, but that was a very long time ago before the wishes were changed thanks to degeneracy.

When I talk about Isochron Scepter being narrow, it is a deck by deck basis. If I was a more controlling Azami deck, that was much better to proactively protect the combo versus reactive recursion of the combo, then I would gladly test out the incredible synergy provided by Dramatic reversal + Isochron Scepter .

Notice how my decklist only runs 4 counterspells (Memory Lapse, Pact of Negation, Forbid, Arcane Denial) while the more controlling builds of Azami will run 3-4 times as many counterspells as I run PLUS creatures that counter spells themselves. This is because some of my combos I can recur at a later point in the game or instantly with certain cards. An example would be: Counter my Stroke of Genius? Okay, I'll just Snapcaster Mage or Pull from the Deep or Archaeomancer it back. Or if I get really desperate, I'll Merchant Scroll for a Mystical Tutor and put Blue Sun's Zenith on top. Most often than not, I'll move onto another combo with something like grabbing Enter the Infinite (usually with Omniscience in play because 12 mana spells are rough to pay) and have a Laboratory Maniac in play, because then my hand will have most of those counterspells and/or ways to get them back to protect that precious maniac.

Another thing to note is that cards like Meditate are a dead giveaway to a combo deck. When I cast Meditate it is almost always because I do not expect the other players to ever get the benefit of me skipping a turn. Vendilion Clique is rather odd in this list to look at as it seems more like a traditional control card, but I don't play it as such. Usually I use it to see if someone has a counterspell that I need to get rid of before I goldfish, use it on myself and bottom a piece of a combo that I don't want to be forced to discard, or a card that needs placed back in my library (I've even done it once to bottom a 1cmc artifact so Tezzeret the Seeker could put into play while I got to draw an extra card).

However, for someone new that wanted to build this deck but didn't want to fork out $75 on Grim Monolith + Power Artifact , then it would be a good idea to test it and make some other minor tweaks to get more blue mana producing mana rocks in the list. Infinite colorless is nice, but even one blue mana producing rock could mean the difference between fizzling out or getting that lethal Blue Sun's Zenith or Stroke of Genius.

I personally prefer the latter only because I've been making people draw 9001 cards since 2007. Why 9001? Because "ITS OVER 9000!"

I also thank you for a very simple question that allowed me to expand further on my play style, the deck, and a possible new way to enjoy Isochron Scepter. In my wall of text I also realized that I'm a bit of a fool for not putting in Riptide Laboratory to go infinite turns with Archaeomancer + Time Warp (or Scrivener if some would like). I have yet to take infinite turns with that combo in another deck I have, Brago, King Eternal, but that is more of a stax type deck.

Winther on Blinking Contest

8 years ago

It's always difficult suggesting cuts for people who's been playing their deck for a while and knows it's ins and outs. The one thing I can see, is that your average CMC is a bit high. Maybe cutting some of the high end cards would smoothen the curve? Anyhow, here's my thoughts

I assume Angel of Serenity is in here to exile things, right? Unless you got some way of cheating her in that Im not seeing, Parallax Wave does the same, with more targets and with a lower CMC. Obviously, you lose the ability to blink in things from the grave back, but Brago decks has so many outs that I dont think that'll stop you

I'd say the card that properly contributes the least to your current shenanigans is Bribery. You do write that you've won games based on it but it's awfully slow. For instance, whereas Archaeomancer + Time Warp just straight up wins the game, Archaeomancer + Bribery is more of a "win-more-cluncky"-kinda deal, which in my humble opinion can be cut :)

Blade Splicer seems a tiny bit misfit IMO. Whilst having a great CMC, seems to do very little for control. I assume this is a control based deck, right? Whereas Knight-Captain of Eos does a lot to merit his inclusion, the Splicer seems a little too vanilla and I'd personally prefer having a cheap counterspell or a spot removal instead

Do you really need Stonehorn Dignitary? One of the most amazing things about Brago is his ability to bring your stuff back untapped - i.e. your things end up with a kinda pseudo vigilance thingy. It seems to me, that this deck wouldn't have much trouble simply blocking / removing any real threats that come our way. In my experience, Brago's biggest weakness is combo decks going off and we seldom lose to straight up creatures attacking. It's a cool card for sure. Just seems unnecessary to me

My five cent, anyhow :) Lemme know what you think!

GolgariJunkman on

8 years ago

Birds of Paradise is kicked out now for some other ETB Trigger-Creatures. just for now i keep the Caller of the Claw in there, but i added Ephara, God of the Polis & Prime Speaker Zegana for extra Cards each turn.

Eerie Interlude Brago, King Eternal & Lightning Greaves is on the List for Friday. So i change it @ the weekend :-)

Yeah, i know. The Fetchis are a good choice, but it take a little time for me to get all of them. Also i need Breeding Pool & Temple Garden for sure.

Medomai the Ageless ?? Hmm... for extra turn do i have Archaeomancer + Time Warp in there.