MTG Combo: Archive Trap + Ghost Quarter

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sadcowboy on This ain't ur ordinary mill deck!

8 years ago
  1. Right, Archive Trap + Ghost Quarter is brutal.

  2. You also have 66 cards, I would recommend going down to 60 for extra consistency. I would get rid of all of the one-ofs you have for starters and Sol Ring isn't actually legal in modern unfortunately :/

  3. Millstone is pretty mean. If you want to go full on jerk mill combo, Grindstone + Painter's Servant .

  4. If you want to get the most out of Hedron Crab, try adding some fetchlands. Even Evolving Wilds would work.

  5. Glimpse the Unthinkable and Breaking and Entering are both awesome.

  6. Shriekhorn, while unassuming, is repeatable mill for one mana.

sadcowboy on This ain't ur ordinary mill deck!

8 years ago
  1. Right, Archive Trap + Ghost Quarter is brutal.

  2. You also have 66 cards, I would recommend going down to 60 for extra consistency. I would get rid of all of the one-ofs you have for starters and Sol Ring isn't actually legal in modern unfortunately :/

  3. Millstone is pretty mean. If you want to go full on jerk mill combo, Grindstone + Painter's Servant .

  4. If you want to get the most out of Hedron Crab, try adding some fetchlands. Even Evolving Wilds would work.

  5. Glimpse the Unthinkable and Breaking and Entering are both awesome.

  6. Shriekhorn, while unassuming, is repeatable mill for one mana.

Mandalorian on

8 years ago

Bust + Goblin Dark-Dwellers = Armageddon

Archive Trap + Ghost Quarter to trick them into searching for a card

Yuri200X on To End All Things

8 years ago


I have some comments about this deck. First, there is currently an UB Mill Modern deck that has been able to achieve some results, so i think you check that out.

NOW, what do we have here..?... There's something odd about this strategy: it's too divided. It's divided between aggro and mill.

A mill deck is best described as an aggro deck. BUT it's not a conventional aggro, it is a SORCERY AGGRO deck that is similar to BURN in the aspect of casting sorceryes and instants in order to kill your opponent. The difference is that it is targeting your opponent's library instead of their life points. The Mana Source

So, what i think you should first do is decide whether you wish to kill by aggro or whether you wish to kill by milling.

Independently of what you want, there are some upgrades I recommend you to make in order to enhance the performance of this deck. I will proceed to name the BAD cards in this deck and why.

  • Mind Grind It is a SUPER SLOW card. You wil need to pay 12 mana to do what Glimpse does for 2 or what Mind Funeral does for 3;

  • Night's Whisper If you increase the amount of mill cards in the deck, it is possible you will never need to draw cards with this;

  • Traumatize During a game, if you glimpse and mind funeral your opponent and then traumatize him, you will be paying 5 mana for a mill of about... 15 cards. That's innefective. PLUS Traumatize will NEVER empty the opponent's library. Because it takes half of what's left, and not a fixed amount;

  • Perplex you should be most likely targeting face, not cards in hand. Plus, 3-cost counters are terrible in modern unless it's cryptic command;

  • Jace, Memory Adept this card is waaaay too slow;

  • Memory Erosion too slow;

  • Sphinx Tutelage it's an uncertain card. good against some decks and terrible against others.. but also slow.

In order to increase the efficiency of mill in this deck you should play:

These are the cards used by the top mill players in the globe.

Also, about the decision of milling or going aggro.... I suggest mill. Aggro is always the secondary plan in a mill deck because if you build your mill deck right, you should play around 6 spells to end your opponent's deck. Check other modern mill decks, it helps a lot. Study them and see if you can get something useful from them.

About sideboarding, there are some neat cards that go well with mill:

vincilios on Mill is the only win condition I need o/

8 years ago

Thanks for comment. But I have 2 problems about this suggestion:

Expensive cards and I mostly play multiplayer games.

I know that in competitive 1x1 games Archive Trap + Ghost Quarter is absurdly powerful.

Hedron Crab works nicely, but think with me, I'll need fetch lands (that also is expensive) and I'll have 4 creatures in my deck and mostly decks have 8 removals (in multiplayer is a bunch of removals for creatures).

I really wish it were easier improve my deck =/

And again thanks for comment.

badbadbad on Mill is the only win condition I need o/

8 years ago

Why no Archive Trap + Ghost Quarter ? That's a sure 13 mill.

The thing with mill is, the longer you take to mill the opponent, the higher the chances he can draw something useful (like a counter, key piece, etc). Your goal is to use as cheap spells as possible, so that by turn 3-4, you've gone past half his deck.

There are also a few cards that look advantageous for the opponent, but will actually speed up the process.

Some examples include:

  • Standstill (If he draws, that's semi-milling for 3), if we draw, that's another round of spells
  • Burning Inquiry Draw three, and Discard 3? That's basically a mill 3 for only one mana

Now, you need dual lands to play the U/B Mill cards, and Burning Inquiry

If all goes well (not much counters or mill hate cards), you can remove at least half of his deck by turn 3-4. Luck draws make you win by turn 3 even.

Hedron Crab combined with fetches, allows you to mill for 6 without practically spending on anything.

Here's my version of Mills: The Legacy of Abbie Mills

Imp_Storm on Black/Blue Mill

8 years ago

Check out these combos that would fit your brew:

Archive Trap + Ghost Quarter

Duskmantle Guildmage + Mindcrank + Phenax, God of Deception could also sub Phenax for Geth's Verdict

TheSurgeon on

9 years ago

I had an epiphany today.

You have the core of the mill with the following cards

I believe anything after this is redundant. I run a similar deck stuffed with things like Archive Trap + Ghost Quarter , Sphinx's Tutelage, Jace's Erasure, and it doesn't work. It needs to pace itself.

Run control, counters, and perhaps some graveyard hate. Extirpate and Void Snare are recommended as Leyline of Sanctity, and Wheel of Sun and Moon will be an automatic losecon for you.

Thought I'd share for some support and thought food.