MTG Combo: Armageddon + Avacyn, Angel of Hope

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DiscoPanda1803 on

6 years ago

Thanks for the tip FenrisBurgess. I've already got my eye on those cards, but I'm on a budget. These are additions that I left for the future. I had not thought about the combo Armageddon + Avacyn, Angel of Hope , it's a great way to lose friendships.

RazortoothMtg on Need some EDH artifacts expertise …

8 years ago

I don't use Darksteel Reactor or Lux Cannon, as I think their both too slow without some charge counter gimmick. Memory Jar basically says you get some extra cards, mill opponents for 7 apiece, so I guess it fine. It doesn't work with getting threats out of their hand though.

Bust + Soul of New Phyrexia . Haha. Wow. Basically red's version of Armageddon + Avacyn, Angel of Hope . I personally use Darksteel Forge + Mycosynth Lattice + Nevinyrral's Disk , but that's because I have more artifact synergies. I think the first combo is more synergistic with your general and each card will be better on it's own anyway in that deck. I'd add Bust anyway, and the soul seems good. Just hold up 5 mana and when you're opponent wraths, well, yah.