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ilovemydoghisnameistuna on
4 years ago
You don't have any infinites in here (or if you do, they are EXTREMELY far out), but if you want to you can add some of the more combo-tastic cards in these colors: Ashnod's Altar + Grave Titan + Nim Deathmantle , for example. Only if you think you need them, but Korvold is famous for a being a really grindy, attritiony win.
beenzo on
8 years ago
Thanks Profet93,
I had not seen the Ashnod's Altar + Grave Titan + Nim Deathmantle combo until you mentioned it, see if i can get it to happen next game.
Multi-Gary or even a Closet Gary has been a reliable win, but i always feel dirty doing it.
jacobshoemaker51 on
Grimgrin, Combo-Swarm-Swine
8 years ago
Another combo is Ashnod's Altar + Grave Titan + Nim Deathmantle for infinite zombie tokens. Saw you had all the pieces, but wasn't listed in your combos.
ImmortalCancer on
RitesoftheUnholy- Mikaeus Infinite
8 years ago
I've had a mike combo deck for quite awhile starting with the Mikaeus, Extreme Sub $20 Budget EDH after i acquired him in a trade.
Personally i would drop Sifter of Skulls for Pawn of Ulamog the card is almost strictly better for mike because when Pawn of Ulamog dies you also get a token mind you it's a 0/1 instead of a 1/1 but serves the same purpose. Also for Recursion Diabolic Servitude works really well as you can resolve the undying trigger before the exile trigger and get Diabolic Servitude back to your hand. Also Nim Deathmantle is crazy good with mike as Ashnod's Altar + Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Nim Deathmantle + any creature = infinite dies and ETB effects. Another great recursion card is Strands of Night.
While this does look like a great start you have 3 very exploitable weaknesses
Weakness #1: You have literally 1 answer to enchantment's and artifact's if Spine of Ish Sah has already been used or get's countered or even if the have a way to recur Leyline of the Void or Rest in Peace you lose.
Solution: Run card's like All Is Dust,Perilous Vault,Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre,and Scour from Existence
Weakness #2: Complete Dependency on Mikaeus, the Unhallowed, if anyone has played against your deck more than once they will quickly realize that all they have to do is keep Mikaeus, the Unhallowed off the board and you more than likely can no longer kill them.
Solution: Consider other win cons like Ashnod's Altar + Grave Titan + Nim Deathmantle for infinte dies/etb/token/colorless mana.
Weakness #3: Too many creatures are only good with Mikaeus, the Unhallowed as a sac outlet or sac engine. if Mikaeus, the Unhallowed is unusable due to cards like Nevermore or Declaration of Naught. Creatures like Chainbreaker or Devouring Swarm are literally useless. The only way you may be able to win after that is by recurring Gray Merchant of Asphodel over and over with Phyrexian Reclamation.
Solution run infinite sac's like Carnifex Demon and Cinderhaze Wretch for added utility.
Looks pretty solid in terms of creature hate, recursion, ramp, card draw, and tutors though.
Here is my own Mikaeus, the Unhallowed deck if you would like any idea's. Although I still haven't started/finished the description listing all of the combos and what not yet, But i will soon.
Hope i was helpful and may your hands be full and your mana plenty. =D