This combination can be used to generate infinite ETB/LTB triggers when combined with any creature that generates a token when it enters play. If the creature generates more than one token, it will also generate infinite colorless mana and tokens. It may also do other things, depending on the creature(s) involved.
For example, Grave Titan enters play with two token zombies. Sacrifice one zombie and the Titan each, for apiece to Ashnod's Altar. The death of the Titan will trigger Nim Deathmantle, which allows you to pay to bring back the Titan, and stay one zombie ahead.
Many possible creatures can also use Krark-Clan Ironworks to get a similar result.
Some examples of creatures, to give an idea of some possibilities:
- Grave Titan
- Sun Titan - needs to be combined with something like Attended Knight that the Titan can repeatedly return to the battlefield
- Myr Battlesphere - arbitrarily huge attack becomes possible
- Anything with Fabricate, such as Iron League Steed
- Marionette Master - combined with the Master's triggered ability, kill all opponents
- Breya, Etherium Shaper - combined with Breya's activated abilities, kill all opponents, destroy all target-able creatures, and gain infinite life (note: if she is your commander, must allow her to enter the graveyard for this to work)
- Abhorrent Overlord - the tokens have flying
- Geist-Honored Monk - the monk can be made to have arbitrary size
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BudgetBS on
Jhoira, Weatherlight Captian/ Combo Artifacts
5 years ago
There are plenty of other game-winning combos you can put in this deck, for sure.
There's the Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter combo which only costs around $15 right now and can win with the Aetherflux Reservoir , Grapeshot , or Brain Freeze cards you already have in your deck.
For around $15, you could also add the Ashnod's Altar + Nim Deathmantle combo to generate infinite mana. You'd need to add a creature who makes more than 1 token on ETB, like Maverick Thopterist , Myr Battlesphere , and Whirler Rogue , which are possibly solid adds regardless of combo efficacy.
If you're looking for something cheaper, there's always Ghostly Flicker + Naru Meha, Master Wizard and a card with a game-winning ETB like Viashino Pyromancer , Halimar Excavator , or Sunscorched Desert . You can get all of these cards for under $2 total.
Also Dualcaster Mage + Twinflame to make infinite creatures with haste and swing to win, still super cheap. Dualcaster also can be used in place of Naru Meha above.
Lil_Kalki on
Threnody for the Victims of Dementia
5 years ago
your most recent reply is amazingly in-depth and it makes me think which is great considering where we already are with this deck.
If I do add Rings of Brighthearth at this juncture (vs. say, next month or whenever it is that I may have expendable funds), the most notable option I'd like to consider for a cut, right now, seems to be Black Market . Why? Well, of my redundancies you hit the nail on the head re: my priorities when you mention the use of Pact effects. I love them and sometimes feel a great need to stack a couple together (for me it's usually going to be one enchantment alongside Butcher of Malakir for the assurance that I could somewhat easily recur the Butcher). Mana "doublers" like Nirkana Revenant and Caged Sun are vital for making sure I can make the most out of things like Torment of Hailfire or a given Chainer loop. Same with Ritual effects. Banks... well, they can help enable those, but I haven't been able to make the most of Black Market yet, and while I've seen great work come from Revel in Riches , it's mostly from it outright winning the game for me directly afterwards (though there have been a good few times where I just have a ton of treasures to break bank with beyond its alt-wincon trigger). :P
As for max-handsize cards, these can be disposable, but I like the necessary lifegain from Venser's Journal (and to be frank with you, it's a pet card of mine - a gift from an old friend, in foil), and Thought Vessel and Reliquary Tower are indisposable otherwise for being cheap/free, doing their function, and granting mana besides. So if I do get a Rings of Brighthearth , I think it'll be Black Market that falls by the wayside.
Let me posit one other thing while we are on the subject of Rings, though: I do currently own a Basalt Monolith ; would this be a good inclusion and what should I cut for that? It's probably going to be a mana rock if anything, although so far I'm not sure the deck even needs and/or wants this in here (personally, I'd LOVE to go infinite and get there with a Torment of Hailfire for exorbitant mana, but this deck has gotten by very far without going infinite, save for Zulaport Cutthroat or Blood Artist + Ashnod's Altar + Nim Deathmantle + Wurmcoil Engine or Abhorrent Overlord - that said, if I added Rings of Brighthearth and removed Black Market , are there any infinite combos I'm clearly missing which would be facilitated by the Rings?). Honestly curious - I'm generally pro-combo. haha
Matrixxx999 on
Mushroom Hunting: Slimefoot, the Stowaway
6 years ago
The reason is that Parallel Lives does not do much by it self in this deck and is pretty slow, I cut all the excessive token generators In the deck in order to increase the number of more useful cards like tutors and reanimation for Razaketh, the Foulblooded, so Parallel Lives has no impact in here. And this combo is a bit slow on my opinion, because in vacuum you will need 14 mana to start it - 3 for altar, 4 for Parallel Lives, 3 for Slimefoot and 4 to create a token with Slimefoots ability. Recently I used Ashnod's Altar + Nim Deathmantle + Tukatongue Thallid wich does the same with Slimefoot, but at the moment I'm trying to do even without it.
justinspruiell on
Sedris, the sacrifice EDH(BUDGET ~50$)
7 years ago
Well at first glance (if this were my deck) I would say lower your creature count by about 10.
Raise your land count by 8 and add mana fixing Command Tower Shimmering Grotto the guildgates like Dimir Guildgate and some fetching like Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse. I would also add more ramp especially in black to be able to raise the graveyard Black Market is an easy include. Then there is Manalith and the signets like Dimir Signet. You have two pieces of an infinite mana combo already Ashnod's Altar + Nim Deathmantle you could add Cathodion for colorless mana.
You can take advantage of blue card draw with Rhystic Study and black tutors with Diabolic Tutor Corpse Connoisseur and you can exploit Sidisi, Undead Vizier to herself and recast her giving you a recurable tutors.
Finally I would add a few boardwipes Cyclonic Rift Plague Wind Damnation and Toxic Deluge
I hope this helps and keep me updated on your changes and how it runs.
DVLuca on
Now hear yee, Nahiri
8 years ago
Hey there, I think you have to lower, even if a little, your CMC. So we have look at cards above 4 mana like Storm Herd, a 10 mana sorcery, that can be replaced by White Sun's Zenith that we can reshuffle and cast at instant speed. Ugin, the Spirit Dragon is excelent BUT in a mono white he needs Grand Abolisher that I dont know if you have never played against it bau is an ingredible pain.... Open the Vaults is great but except for Martyr's Bond the enchantment and majority of artifact can be recovered by Sun Titan, and the other part with Buried Ruin and/or Treasure Hunter (but he is a little bleh). Anyone will pay 2 life in EDH for Norn's Annex and attack with some large fattas so, if you want this card, it can be replaced by Ghostly Prison that we can recover with Sun Titan. The lands: 35 is ok but not all-basic, so you need some cheap land like Buried Ruin from before, Emeria, The Sky Ruin and Terrain Generator is of great help, High Market for False Prophet, Kjeldoran Outpost for tokens, Mirrorpool expecialy to evade counters on your mass removal, Mistveil Plains is never bad reshuffle come cards, Scrying Sheets and Snow-Covered Plains in a mono with are very very good but the snowplains cost some money, Westvale Abbey Flip I think in a token theme is fitting realy good, Winding Canyons to save mana in your turn for other spell, Blighted Steppe for the token theme. That's what came to mind for changes for cars more or less alike, to improve the equipment part Brass Squire can be of use with Argentum Armor and Batterskull for the most. A little combo I will add is Ashnod's Altar + Nim Deathmantle , these two or nim alone for recall some creature that died on the moment, and Wurmcoil Engine or Knight-Captain of Eos for infinite colorless mana and token. Tell me what you think.
TheRedGoat on
Purphoros, Forger of Goblins [[Primer]]
8 years ago
Okay, so I realize you have a ton of goblin-centric synergies in addition to your Purphoros plays, so I'm about to unload a bunch of stuff that works as infinite ETB effects and just let you look over them. I've never piloted a Purph/goblin deck even so I'm not about to know where to cut unless you drop all aggro for full combo plays (which I again state I wouldn't know if that is better or even what you're wanting). Anyway. The list of possibilities as follows:
Ashnod's Altar + Nim Deathmantle and any creature that creates one or more creatures when it enters or dies.Suggested options not already in your build include Pia Nalaar (for her low cost), Tuktuk the Explorer (same reason), or alternatively Su-Chi. Some of these can work with token creation on death due to the triggers going on the stack at once. By sacking the creature for mana 2 mana, you then stack the triggers to get the token that you can also sac for mana in response to the mantle trigger, thus having 4 mana to revive the first creature.
Mana Echoes does have an infinite loop with Goblin Warren and Phyrexian Altar (yes I get you aren't using it but Skirk Prospector will do the same thing). The Echoes will generate the colorless mana you need, and then one of the three can be sacked for R, and then use it all to sack the other 2 goblins for 3 new tokens. This is a "closed loop" because it doesn't generate extra tokens, but you do get infinite colorless mana in addition to the ETB triggers.
Given the right mana rocks/mana ramp Paradox Engine and Ancestral Statue can create an infinite loop of spell casting for storm triggers or also creature etb. The same is true for Cloudstone Curio and Cryptic Gateway with any or your creatures that make mass tokens ETB. Maybe something could be done with Akki Rockspeaker too if you had cost reduction?
Mana Echoes also can make Krenko, Mob Boss or even Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker go infinite when used with Umbral Mantle and/or Sword of the Paruns (and the right board state).
I can also mention that you are not about to find anything close to enchantment hate in mono-red except through Apocalypse, so I really wouldn't bother changing it out unless you'd want something like Descent of the Dragons in for even more tokens.
Burn at the Stake does happen to have several options for replacement if you'd prefer instant speed effects over easy-ish mass damage.
Lastly, would you say you're ever in need of more combat supportive effects like what Hellrider and Hero of Oxid Ridge or even Bloodmark Mentor and Goblin Wardriver?
Also, sorry for the wall-o-text.
Triton on
Get MaziREKT
8 years ago
PookandPie thanks for all the suggestions! I'll definitely implement them into the deck. So going from the top down,
I actually added in Primus relatively recently, but I'll add in the Trow for more persist creatures.
I do have Ashnod's Altar and Nim Deathmantle on hand currently, but they are being used in another deck. I could most likely buy/trade for them later on, and if not probably just add them in haha.
Been meaning to put in Dimir House Guard actually, but probably forgot to haha. He's definitely very versatile in this deck, so I'll add him in.
As you might've known already, I did have Hornet Queen in the deck at one point, but that was when I was focusing on just the stax, so she could warrant a space with the Ashnod's Altar + Nim Deathmantle combo. Also have Avenger of Zendikar in another deck too, but I can probably just order that along with others when I get the chance.
Nissa I have no hard feelings about cutting, since she is mediocre in this deck. Same goes with Reaper and Anowon.
As for sac outlets, Altar of Dementia actually seems pretty spicy in here, but as you stated, Vampiric Rites is rather mana-intensive.
Also, is Avatar of the Resolute an upgrade from Armorcraft Judge? I'd happily make the swap from Deathreap Ritual, however.
I probably missed a few, but I will implement a majority if not all of the suggestions. Thanks once again!
simmo309 on
Meren EDH
8 years ago
AddsAncient Tomb, Craterhoof Behemoth, Wurmcoil Engine works with Ashnod's Altar + Nim Deathmantle ,Caustic Caterpillar, Abrupt Decay
Drops Gray Merchant of Asphodel, Thief of Blood
ReplacementsLife/Death over Ever After, Nature's Lore over Skyshroud Claim
Lower the curve and increase mana accelerants for more explosive games