MTG Combo: Assemble the Legion + Storm Herd

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kevzta on Narset, Combo Master

9 years ago


I think i youre deck can go with out Omniscience because youre going comboing off of another turns if able with narset right and youre deck doesnt really have draw engine except for your extra upkeepkeeps where you draw just one and Rhystic Study where it doesnt really get enough use because you combo off to infinite turns where no opponents can cast a spell <--- plus your build is control as well where you have winter orb, rising water with overburden.

if you really want to be mean i would suggest changing those two and get Price of Glory and Leyline of Anticipation

Price of Glory speaks for itself

Leyline of Anticipation you can enchant narset during combat phase rather than waiting for your combat phase to be over to cast your enchantments <-- how i know i have a narset deck as well lol check it out if you want (shameless promotion for myself lol)

last, be very very careful with overburden because you have Assemble the Legion + Storm Herd if youre opponent has a chance to boardwipe, you sir is back to zero mana.

alrighty then good luck and have fun with your deck.