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thegigibeast on
Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]
8 years ago
The best Scion of the Ur-Dragon deck, in fact, does not really uses him. It is an Hermit Druid combo deck, with Necrotic Ooze and the like. You can look at Epochalyptik 0% basic deck, even if it is not the same general, it will give you a great idea, and it is a great primer.
The main difference with Scion is that you have the opportunity to run some backup combos using dragons, like Moltensteel Dragon + Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon or Atarka, World Render + Moltensteel Dragon .
If you want to build a tribal Scion deck, the best idea would be to go into the reanimator route, since you can fill the grave with dragons then try to mass reanimate them and crush your opponents. Even if it is not a tier 1 deck, it is still really great.
For the colors, how I usually consider them in my 5c decks, white brings support amd exile removal, blue brings control couterspell and mainly draw, black brings removal and tutor and reanimation, red brings artifact removal amnd chaos (it also brings many cards for the HD combo if you go that route), and green brings ramp, creature tutor and mana fixing, mainly, as well as many other things, couls not list them all ;)
Hope I helped!!!