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smiffdemon on
7 years ago
- Elemental Bond and + Zendikar Resurgent. I know you have a lot of big creatures to trigger Elemental Bond, but Zendikar Resurgent will draw you a card on every cast trigger and also double your mana.
You also have a couple of redundant haste triggers in your deck, which isnt a bad thing, but i'd take out Dragonlord Kolaghan and put in Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund if you can afford it.
- Utter End + Anguished Unmaking Sometimes that one less mana is worth it.
Bear Umbra + Hellkite Charger = infinite combat steps.
Atarka, World Render + Xenagos, God of Revels on field plus The Ur-Dragon is an instant commander kill if damage goes through.