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DuTogira on
The Minefield: A Modern Artifact Recycler (T3 Win)
9 years ago
Ok so I did a double take on this one, because I actually own a copy of this card but still never considered it. In this deck, Viridian Longbow replicates the Auriok Salvagers
Pyrite Spellbomb
effect. I only need to run one, but given that it could replace the Salvagers wincon, I would get rid of the whole salvagers wincon to increase the deck's performance. The bow also gives me a way to tap Pili-Pala without entering combat, which is nice. Admittedly, it requires that I pay for an obnoxiously large equip cost, so it probably won't be all that useful, but on the other hand equipping it to Pili-Pala even without GA grants our flying friend what is basically a ": Deal 1 damage" ability, so it isn't all that bad even outside of combo.
The bow would probably replace Pyrite Spellbomb. It would then free up some slots in my deck, with Auriok Salvagers getting replaced with Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas, and then the other three spellbombs getting replaced with some mixture of Spellskites, Thoughtseizes, Path to Exiles, Welding Jars, Pithing Needles, Hangarback Walkers, Chalice of the Voids, and Engineered Explosives. The replacements would likely be meta dependent.
I also realized that Grand Architect
Staff of Domination
Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas
generates , which the staff can use to win the game... but it's a clunky secondary wincon and thus not worth building around in any way. Set-up would involve T3 staff, T4 tez animating staff, T5 architect turning the creature-staff blue. Tapp staff for
untap it via staff for
spit rinse repeat. The upside of this combo is that Tezzeret does not have to be anything other than a 4 mana Ensoul Artifact for this combo to work though, so... think positive! Right?
The point of this list is to make use of the old Bomberman win-con, so I will not be making any aspect of this change. Prior to testing, I'm also not even sure that aforementioned changes would improve the deck.