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JA14732 on Whats the most embarrassing way …
9 years ago
Gather around kiddos and listen to the story of how I won my playmat (which I subsequently lost a few weeks ago).
I was at a convention in Minneapolis, playing in a small "casual" EDH tournament. I had finished my qualifier round by the skin of my teeth with my Can't Touch This by MC Oloro EDH in a prior build, only managing to assemble Avacyn, Angel of Hope + Nevinyrral's Disk at 4 life and won from there. I moved onto the finals, where I was faced with 2 decks being headed by Scion of the Ur-Dragon, a Zur the Enchanter and a Rafiq of the Many. And I, an 18 year-old guy who had been playing this deck for less than a year, was with the big boys now.
I start with an AWFUL hand, 1 land and some other, irrelevant cards, but I notice the Scion players both smile a bit, glace at each other, and grab the die to roll for first. The guy to the left of me ended up winning the roll (a Scion player), and draws for turn.
"Bayou, Mana Crypt, Sol Ring, Mana Vault, exile Elvish Spirit Guide, Lightning Greaves, Hermit Druid, tap the Druid, turn my library upside down, getting back Narcomoeba and playing an Ornithopter, Dread Return for Necrotic Ooze and"
Zur player says 1 word: "Pact" and plays his Pact of Negation targeting the Dread Return. Scion is pissed, doesn't have counterspell support, and scoops. It's Zur's turn next, he loses on upkeep.
Next Scion player, laughing his ass off, plays a Taiga into Mana Crypt, Sol Ring, Gruul Signet, exiles a Simian Spirit Guide, plays a Hermit Druid, Need for Speed, taps the Taiga, sacs it to give the Druid haste, turns his library upside down, gets 2 creatures, Dread Return and smiles like an idiot at us.
Rafiq: "I didn't want the playmat anyways. Fuck you, have a Pact of Negation." Scion2 scoops. Rafiq loses on upkeep.
I win without having even had an upkeep step.
It was awesome, frustrating, hilarious and embarrassing all at the same exact time. But I did get a cool playmat for a while, so it was completely worth it.