MTG Combo: Avacyn, Angel of Hope + Platinum Angel

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dragonsandgoblins85 on The U.S. Senate

8 years ago

+1 Upvote! This deck is awesomely insane, insane crazy! I like how its built around a card that causes nobody to win. That's funny... but not funny to those playing against you. Lol. It reminds me of the Avacyn, Angel of Hope + Platinum Angel combo. When i played Commander in Multiplayer that Combo kicked my keester. Nobody could win but the girl playing had a ball watching us all quiver when she finally casted it. I was PO'd because i thought i could counter it but it was only a Psychic Rebuttal....... darn. d&g85

Raging_Squiggle on A commander for a typical …

9 years ago

It's not bad at all. Prismatic Omen and Chromatic Lantern are always must-haves. As long as you have a rather decent amount of lands that can tap for multiple colors, you're good. And ramping is rather good here as well. will help you with setting up good mana bases based on your commander's colors.

Let's see... Combos... -Brainstorms and Ponders- These will all automatically assume Marath, Will of the Wild is in play: