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TMBRLZ on If a Goblin Burps in the Forest, Does It Kill You?
8 years ago
I've only been jamming it on here. I may try it on Xmage late tonight or tomorrow night. Or proxy it out and test it out at the shop when I work the next couple of weeks.
I will say in all my goldfishing here though that Recross the Paths is generally the most useless card in the deck. Maybe I should try utilizing it on more of a priority than our lower cmc options and see how it runs, but I don't really appreciate it in my hand currently.
And I'll tell you what my friends at the shop told me when advising me on my sideboard for my Izzet Painful? combo deck. As a deck who's main (and really only method) of winning is to do this one specific thing, your sideboard needs to be less about responding to other decks and more about protecting your own. You want to make a sideboard that deals with their sideboard against you. You want to be able to protect your Goblin Charbelcher and get around cards that limit your ramp. The most relevant thing I can think of at the moment would be Aven Mindcensor + Leonin Arbiter .
Considering your deck is nearly strictly Green it would be hard to make a balanced sideboard.
I feel like you definitely want Pyroclasm. You simply want to have a turn 2 response to a flooded Elves and/or Affinity board.
Also consider putting in a white source in the deck. Say something like Sacred Foundry so you can have two shots at mountains for Goblin Charbelcher should you draw the other. This allows you to comfortably have a red source in play too and it can be fetched by Safewright Quest.
With this white source you can run cards like Kataki, War's Wage or Stony Silence in the sideboard to devastate Affinity and Eggs should you ever run across that mess. The white also allows you to equip yourself with non-green enchantment removal if needed to turn off things that might slow your deck down (or maybe even Silence your opponent). Also access to Path to Exile.
You also have cards like Vandalblast to consider. The reality is your biggest threats are going to be cards that hate Goblin Charbelcher, which is enchantments and artifacts.
Your a hard deck to protect honestly, because there's only so much you can manage to protect with without . And my thoughts are pretty scattered as a result.