MTG Combo: Avenger of Zendikar + Craterhoof Behemoth

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Forkbeard on Chulane, Teller of Tales: The NeverEnding Story

4 years ago

Thank you SporeFrog11! I haven't run the token doubling enchantment cards in here before, but I have run token generators in here previously, Hornet Queen & Thragtusk included. Although they can generate excellent value, over time I tuned this deck to be more of a creature based control toolbox vs. a 'go wide' strategy. The only token go wide combo I've kept is Avenger of Zendikar + Craterhoof Behemoth , just in case a game simply needs to end.

Don't get me wrong, those are great ideas and I do enjoy the strat (I have Rhys the Redeemed & Krenko, Mob Boss to scratch that itch), I'm just going for something different here.

BlackShads on Yisan The Pied Piper

6 years ago

Avenger of Zendikar + Craterhoof Behemoth

Classic green game ending combo.

Followed by some ramp, Avenger of Zendikar can also end games on its own.

You don't need so many big creatures, just tutor for the same ones to end every game. Maybe some Eldrazi Titans like Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger or Emrakul, the Promised End; they can be game winning in the right situation.

Song of the Dryads is a very powerful green removal spell.

Warstorm Surge when a big baddie enters, bolt some equal to it's power.

Greater Good is a powerful Sac outlet, which most EDH decks should include at least one of to protect themselves from enchantments like Imprisoned in the Moon, though I saw you had Krosan Grip already.

Other than that, just do some research on powerful artifacts.All EDH decks should have a Sol Ring.Check out Akroma's Memorial and Eldrazi Monument.Finally, grab Lightning Greaves, it's a better Swiftfoot Boots (no cost to equip). Maybe include both?

Good luck!

chaosumbreon87 on Green ability ramp

7 years ago

cant run wild zendikon. Wrong color identity. I would suggest some swords (SoFI, SotA, SoFF, SoLaS) if a more budget alternative is requested: Early Harvest and Rude Awakening. Some more win conditions might help you also, triumph of the hordes, Avenger of Zendikar + Craterhoof Behemoth , kamahl, or helix pinnacle for example. Seedborn Muse and Winding Canyons can give you more interaction. Beast Within and Krosan Grip are often better for interacting. Other than that, I can say that more draw power might be needed to refill hand.

iLikeDirt on Degenerate Combos

8 years ago

There's a whole host of combos and interactions if money isn't an issue. Could always just play 5-color Hermit Druid combo with Dread Return, Angel of Glory's Rise, Azami, Lady of Scrolls and Laboratory Maniac.

You also have access to some Doomsday wincons a la Laboratory Maniac piles in U/B/x or Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Triskelion piles in decks without the blue.

There's also just a million two card creature combos that can be assembled via Tooth and Nail entwined:

Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Triskelion

Avenger of Zendikar + Craterhoof Behemoth

Avenger of Zendikar + Purphoros, God of the Forge

Deadeye Navigator + Palinchron

Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Zealous Conscripts

Among others, these are just what's off the top of my head.

smthomas on Meren, Necromancer

8 years ago

It looks like you're headed in the right direction with this deck. Some cards that I would personally recommend (that don't cost too much) are:Fertilid -- It can ramp 2 basic lands and sac itself for 2G2C Avenger of Zendikar tokens for mana or field wipes once you have altars/pacts outStrionic Resonator - pay 2C and tap to double Meren's second triggered ability, bringing back 2 creatures at the end stepMindslicer + Sidisi, Undead Vizier - Make everyone discard their hands and you get to tutor a cardSavra, Queen of the Golgari - Just has general all-around synergy with what Meren should be doingMitotic Slime - a great token generator that can survive board wipes, or give Meren 7 Exp with a sac outlet activeBuried Alive - a great tutor for any deck where recursion is a main themeHornet Queen - helps you keep enemy fliers from whittling down your life totalUrborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth - fixes your mana and sets up hijinx with Cabal Coffers if you choose to invest $30 for the combo

As well as general ramp cards to set you up for success early game, including Cultivate, Kodama's Reach, Expedition Map, Sylvan Scrying, Rampant Growth.

Once you have some mana at your disposal, you may want a doubler or two to take advantage of it. Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger and Crypt Ghast can do the trick, but so can Liliana of the Dark Realms.

As user Stonewaul mentioned, you look like you could use a win condition to help your deck finish the game before your opponent does. There are two routes you could go here: one would be with infinite combos (of which Golgari has many), and the old-fashioned Black burn route.

For infinite combos, check out Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Woodfall Primus and any other sacrifice outlet or Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Triskelion . You could also go a little meaner and try Necrotic Ooze + Phyrexian Devourer + Triskelion , but this one isn't very interactive, and people will certainly hate you for doing it.

If you want to go the traditional route of killing people with creatures, try Avenger of Zendikar + Craterhoof Behemoth (props if you get there using your Birthing Pod).

There is also the burn route -- check out Kokusho, the Evening Star and Gray Merchant of Asphodel for multiplayer games.

Some cards that I would recommend removing include Havoc Demon and Golgari Thug as they seem like they hurt you more than help. If you are looking for selective wrath or wrath-like effects, try Attrition, In Garruk's Wake, and Gaze of Granite.

Good luck and try not to become too op! (My playgroup hates playing against my Meren deck because it is ridiculously efficient once it gets going) Meren can hold her own against the best of commander decks.

Omeros on Alurin' Meren

8 years ago

Haven't been awed with the performance of Avenger of Zendikar + Craterhoof Behemoth in the deck lately. I know this is practically heresy for any single or dual color deck with green mana, and I also know I could include Tooth and Nail for the pair, but they've always ended up at odds with what the rest of the deck wants to do. Also, one will often end up in my graveyard from Hermit Druid or discard plays by opponents and they hurt to reanimate while bringing them in with Meren gives everyone a full round of the table to beat me down to size.

Going to try replacing them with Terastodon and Woodland Bellower. Bellower seems a little weak when most of my low CMC creatures are black but he gives me a way to grab up Eternal Witness, Reclamation Sage, or even Skullwinder. My most controlling plays have tended to involve repeated ETB from Merciless Executioner in a single turn, so Witness-on-a-Big-Stick isn't too bad.

Testing several other cards that I'll bring up later - Mikaeus may make a return!