MTG Combo: Axebane Guardian + Freed from the Real


dieuraskel on The Axebane Combo (Now With 33% More Walls!)

5 years ago

@Chasmolinker I used to have Wall of Frost in this, but I took it out to add Assault Formation. While I was testing it out, I found that the deck was have issues getting a card to finish once Axebane Guardian + Freed from the Real was online, and I personally preferred Fog Bank more since it could catch Flyers.

Snake_Oil on Arcade Mode [Arcades Defenderball]

6 years ago


Hit players hard with walls? Unblockable aggro? Seems a bit simplistic but it's what Arcades, the Strategist does.

Was thinking of the old Axebane Guardian + Freed from the Real combo with something like Helix Pinnacle? Combo with Defender support seems a good idea, otherwise it's a hybrid of aggro/light control thanks to the cantrips.

denijsx90 on Defender Infinity budget

8 years ago

Hi there. I too have a defender deck. Mine is focused on mill though. Its got a really fun, unusual strategy. And it also uses the Axebane Guardian + Freed from the Real combo.

Check it out some time. Labyrinth of dementia

I suppose I'm just not 100% clear on the win condition here.. is it Assault Formation? Increasing Confusion?

Try Archers' Parapet that'll give you a wall and a win condition

TheSurgeon on

8 years ago

You could take out the red mana base in this deck, either totally or just leave in 4 mountains and the guildgates.

Why: Axebane Guardian produces any color of mana. Since you aren't throwing out any burn spells (to win) until turn 4-5 ish, why not simply use the Axebane's mana to do so this eliminates the potential turn 2 mana color screw in the deck. You'll almost always start with 2 forests this way.

Another option for improvement: Axebane Guardian + Freed from the Real with another defender on the board = infinite chromatic mana. Of course this opens the deck up.for ALL KINDS OF WINCONS.

So to not change the simplicity and charm of this deck, you take out the Vent Sentinels for 4x Freed from the Real, and splash U in the land base instead of red. This will allow you to do 3 things:
1. You can still cast your burn spells to win.
2. Make them uncounterable by either easily paying the 5+ mana for Banefire or playing out your hand before casting Demonfire.
3. Throw in some more U protection/counter spells in a sideboard (Dispel, Mizzium Skin, Turn Aside) should the deck comes up against another burn or control deck.

I have a hydra deck that runs this combo and is silly-effective: Hydra Daycare

Other cards you might want to consider:
2-4x Red Sun's Zenith- these get recycled as you use them. Increasing their draw probability as you thin out your library. These can become creature removal if necessary.

2x Devil's Play- 1 word: Flashback

I would sub these in for one or two walls (perhaps the Jaddi Offshoot)), and one each of the Banefire and Demonfire.

Sorry, I'm not trying to reinvent your deck, but I see what you are doing and think its pretty cool! I'm just trying to make it a bit easier, safer, and more reliable.