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Monomanamaniac on SirChris39
4 years ago
If you decide to build a Jhoira, weatherlight captain edh deck you just need a few simple ingredients: a lot of Mana rocks (20-30 preferably 2 cost or less), cost reducers for artifacts (there are quite a few but I'd recommend 4-7 of them), and win conditions ( 4-6 cards like Thassa's Oracle and Aetherflux Reservoir (( I personally do not recommend pinger effects like Psychosis Crawler or Reckless Fireweaver because you might run out of cards before they get the job done))).
My favorite combos are Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter for infinite Mana and Mystic Forge + Sensei's Divining Top for infinite card draw. The last suggestion I'd give is to steer away from red cards, my versions only have 2 red pips in the whole deck and one of those is jhoira herself and I find the imbalance actually helps the deck greatly as i only have to get 1 card in play that makes red Mana. Urza, Lord High Artificer is especially good here because if you get infinite Mana you instantly win with him. Also Forsaken Monument is really good in this deck as well because suddenly all your colorless rocks become sol rings, and your colorless lands become ancient tombs without the drawbacks. Basalt Monolith + Forsaken Monument is also an infinite Mana combo
One of the other big advantages in my opinion is the cards that double card draw or have similar effects to Jhoira. If every artifact you're playing draws you 12 cards you're going to plow through your whole deck in no time.
Lastly there's a lot of people who build Jhoira with a lot of mass bounce all your artifacts to your hand, but honestly I dislike the strat because it returns all of your costreducers back to hand too. I'd suggest running controllable ones like Chain of Vapor, Displacement Wave, and Paradoxical Outcome so you have a choice on which ones you're bouncing.
For a great starting point i would suggest looking at my physical list
Jhoira tinkers with tiny trinkets
Commander / EDH
Monomanamaniac on Isochron scepter and dramatic reversal …
4 years ago
DarthKazar if you like that, then look into Forsaken Monument, it speeds up colorless ramp and Basalt Monolith + Forsaken Monument is also an infinite mana combo