Tap Basalt Monolith to add 6 to your mana pool (doubled from 3 thanks to Mana Reflection). Pay 3 to untap. You are left with 3 in your mana pool. Rinse and repeat.
Latest Decks
beninator on The Gitrekt Monster
8 years ago
your #12 combo is listed as Mana Reflection + Unstable Obelisk , shouldn't it be Basalt Monolith + Mana Reflection ?
Lost_Ascendant on A Spark Awakens
9 years ago
All good suggestions,
- Vampiric Tutor is expensive but deserves a spot.
- I am very familar with the Basalt Monolith + Rings of Brighthearth infinite combo. Basalt Monolith + Mana Reflection gives the same. The question is, what do I do with just colorless mana?
- Necropotence you nailed it, the 3 black, but it is ungodly good... especially with Solitary Confinement ....
- Aura of Silence I agree and was debating
- Mirari's Wake Yep, no idea how it got left in the binder
- Mana Vault yes, Mana Crypt no-$$$
- Lotus Cobra and Eternal Witness are great but my meta likes to melt little creatures, potentially E-wit
- Contagion Engine is mana intensive but I will test it out again with more rocks.