Simply put, the kicked Rite of Replication gives you enough copies of Biovisionary to win you the game when the required turn zone comes around.
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TheRedGoat on Im trying to build a …
8 years ago
Well, first and foremost you have to figure out whether you want to use any white cards. In advance I can tell you this would purely be for pillow fort or wrath effects, of which both exist within all other colors, just maybe not in so simple a manner.
Secondly, you'll need to understand that Sidisi is not a token commander. She's a self mill. To think of it like this, if you had both Nekusar and Sidisi on the field, and you attack with Sidisi every turn, then every turn you're digging 5 cards deep into your library (though 3 are in the grave).
Only reanimator and combo players want to put themselves in such a scenario, thus I suggest going a sort of chaotic mix of both. Play cards from each color that blockade your opponent from interfering with you via attacks or spells, and then using a mixture of self mill, grave recursion, and extra draws, you just dig for combo wins like decking out with Laboratory Maniac or getting Biovisionary + Rite of Replication to go off in one turn.
I would recommend going an enchantment synergy if you decide to use white and be a five color deck, but if you go for "Yidris colors", then I suggest taking some form of the partner commanders over Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder himself.
Btw, a backup plan/"front" for the deck would be using cards like Hedron Crab to mill others out and be using them to mill others once in a while to see what they have to hit with cards like Grave Upheaval. And this would likely be true even if you were 5 colors.
RazortoothMtg on Building Simic Thrasios!
8 years ago
I think a good place to start is sort of a control shell with a few infinite mana combos, which let you draw the deck with Thrasios, then you add some instant win combo that lets you win on the spot. In my Experiment Kraj EDH deck, I run a bunch of infinite mana combos, which then let me draw the deck with Azure Mage or Blue Sun's Zenith, then win with Biovisionary + Rite of Replication . I think you could do something similiar here, except of course you replace Azure Mage with Thrasios, Triton Hero. Also, what are you thinking about for the partner? Kydele, Chosen of Kruphix would be my pick, so you can stay U/G and also have 2 combo pieces in the command zone, because Kydele + Sword of the Paruns or similiar untap card creates infinite mana.